No Subject Some of us Thought it might be nice to have a thread to kind of list off who is who's waifu. The concept is simple really,... |
Ex-waifus Have you ever had any past waifus? Waifus you broke up with before you eventually met "the one"? How did they differ ... |
waifu survey thing. Found a five year old .psd today containing a version of this I filled out. Disabling the layers reviled the unedited original ... |
No Subject ITT: Random /mai/-related posts... Share your daily waifu experience. I'll start: Since I've become so politically in... |
Age gaps How do you feel about the idea of your waifu staying the same age while you grow older? Do you like to imagine her as aging alo... |
No Subject To those who have a waifu who is canonically dead, how do you feel about it? Is it necrophilia? To everyone else, how would you... |
No Subject I know applying religious concepts to waifuism is dumb and misses the point solely because having a waifu is no different than ... |
A question for my fellow Waifufags Is waifuing a girl that comes from a franchise that edgy as shit and full of things like mass murder and genocide and being a p... |
Obscure Waifus vs Popular Waifus Pros and Cons Pros Obscure waifus are largely protected from degenerates, thus there isn't any porn and your relationship with them feel... |
to you know any famous waifuists? I think most people know about the Miku guy, but what about Kuroirozuki? I am not sure if he is one, but he clearly loves Marie... |
Nagisa Furukawa celebrates her birthday today. She turned 40 today. Happy birthday, Nagisa! |
No Subject how do you feel about shipping? |
No Subject favorite waifu frm a dating sim? i feel like its easier to fall in love with a girl in a game like this, even if shes not reall... |
Marisa Marisa Kirisame is my waifu! <3 |
No Subject Does anyone feel like that it is almost impossible to move from your former waifu no matter what, like there will never be a gi... |
Some worries, a shameful confession and other questions Half a year ago I fell in love with a girl from a visual novel and to this day I still love her more than anything else. Since ... |
Waifu Rape and Mistreatment I am just a simple man who likes to be loved, and truly so there is not a love like that of a waifu. Her soft caresses and gest... |
No Subject If you were given the chance to meet with your waifu and she didn't know about your feelings for her, what would you say t... |
No Subject just pet my wife AMA... |
No Subject I know this might be a bit off-topic, but do you have trouble looking the same way at your waifu after seeing a porn image of h... |
No Subject look at my wife playing the guitar. she is so talented |
No Subject What are some good drama/romance movies to watch with your waifu? This can be Western and actual actor stuff (if that's ok... |
Waifu art I don't think we have a thread for simply posting images. Was thinking it could focus on new stuff we come across, but old... |
Confession thread This thread is for people who want to confess any wrongdoing they might have committed towards their beloved one. Be it neglect... |
No Subject how do you feel about your waifu not having alot of fan art? |
Valentine's day Happy Valentine's day, TC! And, of course, happy Valentine's day, Kagami! |
Love day Love day is coming up and you know what that means right? Spending time with your waifu! How will you be spending time with you... |
Rem. No Subject This is a case of pure, refined Waifu autism. It's not enough to have some bitch cosplay and fuck him. It has to be immort... |
No Subject Happy birthday, Nagisa! You turned 39 today. Time passes, but you remain as beautiful and pure as the autumn sky.... |
12/22/22 Just wishing Minagi another happy birthday. No idea if she'd even like this type of cake, but here's hoping. |
No Subject What clothes would you like to see your waifu wear? I would like to see mine in a summer dress and wide brim hat. Also pastel k... |
Old waifuists ? First thanks a lot to tohno for keeping the IB alive, reading the threads here its a bliss as a new waifuist, but it does make ... |
No Subject We need a thread for creative things you do specifically of/for your waifu; I feel this is more /mai/ than /cr/. Here's a ... |
Valentines day How do you celebrate Valentine's day with your waifu? |
Miscellaneous waifu photos. How about a thread for waifu related photos you've taken? Here's an old photo of mine on an old TV. |
No Subject Do you guys own merchandise of your waifu? I myself dont. There isnt much of her to begin with, but i always get asked by peopl... |
No Subject has anyone had a falling down with their waifu? did you overcome it? what caused it? |
I need your help /mai/ I constantly hear voices in my head telling me to face challenges that I perceive to be challenging. The majority of these acti... |
Purityfag here need your help how can someone be certain than a waifu is a virgin? despite the creater never denying or confirming? PS sorry for bad english ... |
Waifu Fantasies What are some cute little fantasies that you have about your waifu? I want to get a ridiculously big hoodie with a zipper, and ... |
Dinner with Waifu Have you shared a meal with your waifu recently? |
No Subject I've been wondering a few things about waifu voices, and how you imagine them. If she has more than one canon voice actor,... |
commissioning waifu related items What are you experiences with getting things related to your waifu custom made? Currently I'm in the process of finally ge... |
Fictophilia Thoughts on this? Don't you think this is akin to "cultural appropriation" as this kind of people themselves cal... |
No Subject How do you deal with degenerate porn of your waifu, specially gangrape doujinshi ones? Do you feel bad when you see them? Do yo... |
No Subject How do you feel about your waifu's source material? |
Divination Has anyone here ever devised esoteric methods of communicating with their waifus? I've become fixated on the idea of devel... |
6 year anniversary ama i've been with the same waifu for six years and our anniversary is just around the corner. i'm 27 and i have zero IRL... |
She's better She is simply better |
No Subject When was the last time you saw your waifu in a dream? Does it happen often? It's truly amazing to be able to see her smile... |
Waifuists. Together. Strong. Waifuists. Together. Strong. |
No Subject Today is Nagisa's 37th birthday. Time is going by so fast. |
12/22/21 Just wanted to wish my waifu a happy birthday. She's still the greatest, and I wish I did more for her this year. |
Privacy and You Do you prefer to keep your waifu tendencies in private or share them with others? I used to feel like sharing with anyone and e... |
Waifus in the work force. What kind of job/carrier do you think would suit your waifu? I've come across an artist on pixiv that has drawn my waifu a... |
No Subject Do you connect with your waifu in any vidya? Like mods or a game based on their source? Yuru Camp has a VR game and I love it. ... |
No Subject how's the cosplay of your waifu coming along, anon? since it represents her form and your form being merged together as on... |
No Subject Post ITT when you find a new image of your waifu. For those with a waifu that's popular or gets tons of fanart daily/weekl... |
12/22/2020 Just thought I'd wish Minagi a happy birthday. Wasn't able to draw or do anything special this year but hopefully tha... |
No Subject Today is 24th of December. Happy birthday, Nagisa! |
Rare Internet memorabilia. One of my most beloved of hobbies is scrounging through Google results for hours in hopes of finding just one barely relevant a... |
No Subject How can you justify not beating your waifu to keep her in line? Are you not a man? Besides, beatings make them cuter.(USER WAS ... |
No Subject Are there other characters important enough to you to call them your family or friends? |
I've peaked Hello /mai/, I've been a member for over 10 years and rarely post and haven't been here in years. My loved one has fu... |
No Subject what is youre waifu's favourite things |
No Subject How does one cope after seeing disgusting porn of your waifu? |
No Subject I couldn't see a thread fitting enough to post this in. What do you think of the idea that there exists more than one of a... |
Sexualized representations of you passions There's something I was thinking about the other day, my 3 main passions are gaming, martial arts and science. My waifu is... |
Tulpamancy Has Anyone tried to bring theire waifu to life? does actually Tulpamancy actually work? how diffcult is it? |
The Book of Waifu How similar do you think waifuism is to religion? The practices, the rituals, the restrictions and beliefs. Every one has their... |
Traveling together Have you taken any trips with your waifu? |
Your waifu already has someone else in her life How do (or would) you deal with the fact that your waifu may already be already in a relationship, or at least explicitly infat... |
Waifu PJs scavenger hunt? It's pretty simple you find an image with your waifu/husbando wearing something you normally wear when going to sleep. I... |
No Subject How many favourites does your special someone have on MAL? 172 here. |
No Subject Today is the birthday of Nagisa Furukawa. Happy birthday! P.S. I think I wrote the first such post 10 years ago.... |
No Subject Anyone else play games with mods of your waifu? The ones with character creations in particular? Pictured: I finally got a mod ... |
I think I had a waifu for one point in my life After reading the experiences of many waifuposters I was left wanting that wonderful and pure love. But instead it was just pai... |
Kaname Madoka Worship Thread: A thread dedicated To My Dear Godess, Kaname Madoka. Words cannot describe how much you mean to me. You are more than just an a... |
No Subject Are there any misunderstandings, misinterpretations, fallacies or rude thoughts people have about your waifu that make you angr... |
No Subject How long did it take you to find your waifu? Was it before or after you knew of the concept of a waifu, what a waifu is? And ho... |
valentines day valentines day is right around the corner. Got any plans for you and your waifu? |
So I got a question. Does this still stand as our official symbol? I remember that quite a while ago, /mai/ was discussing what the official symbol for Waifuism should be. Unfortunately, I could... |
No Subject Did any of you tell your parents/friends about your Waifu? How did they react to it? But in a little perspective tell us what k... |
No Subject Do you think there's a difference between being infatuated with and loving your waifu? How can you tell the difference?... |
TSUN-TSUN VR New VR game with support for custom characters with vest combo allows playings to be touched by their waifu in VR. We're g... |
Rem. No Subject What's it like to have a waifu? People say that it will come naturally but I'm worried that I'll be alone becaus... |
No Subject claiming best girl |
No Subject Today is Nagisa's birthday. I first started reading "Clannad" 10 years ago. It is strange and surprising to writ... |
Question for gays. I'm in a bit of a predicament. I can't decide what to do and want a second opinion. I've been in love with my hu... |
No Subject Does anyone else feel like they have hobbies that would scare their waifus/husbandos away? My hobby is tarantula keeping, and s... |
No Subject I've been thinking recently about "waifu sharing", or more specifically, the people who hate it when they find s... |
Negative waifu feelings Anyone else feel kinda petty about their waifu/husbando sometimes? There's this relationship drama in my beloved's sh... |
Your waifu's pokemon team It was suggested this would work better on /mai/, so here it is. Pick out what you think your waifu's pokemon team would l... |
No Subject The power my waifu has in her game (I'm honestly not surprised, they probably did it on purpose) |
Officially Recognized Waifuism Religion Creed ITT I'm going to keep this short, you don't need to know who I am nor who my waifu is. This also isn't a thread abou... |
No Subject Does your waifu have any family? Would you get along with your in-laws? |
Rem. No Subject What's your most favorite part of your waifu/husbando's body? Mine is Garrus' rump/hips. They're so kayoot.... |
No Subject How do we join our loved ones? |
No Subject What word do you feel best represents your waifu? For Minagi it would have to be tranquility. |
No Subject Are there any waifu fags you admire, look up to, or simply like keeping up with them and their relationship with their waifu? W... |
Bismarck is best girl Bismarck is best girl. I get a lot of shit for having a waifu. A lot. But I love her. I don't lewd her. I have no problem ... |
No Subject Has anyone ever thought of having a child with your waifu, and how? I've heard that other people do it but I haven't ... |
Suicide Have you every tried to kill yourself because you thought maybe you might be with her in death. I tried a few years ago could n... |
No Subject ITT: Songs that remind you of your waifu (PART II) This time PLEASE just images and comments plus mp3 files or links, no Youtub... |
No Subject What do you think about the fact that Waifus are a literal business model at this point? I keep seeing games or entire franchsi... |
Youtube embed A possible explanation if you don't feel like you fit in with waifuis Hello. My two year anniversary with my waifu just passed a few days ago. In that time, I always felt I was different than waifu... |
No Subject Someone made a Honey Select mod that makes it possible for you to talk to your girl! |
No Subject Have you ever seen a character that you hope somebody has as their waifu or husbando? |
No Subject The time has come - and I'm a bit late this year. Nappy bithday, Nagisa! |
Her special frame Do you keep a picture of your waifu in a frame? |
No Subject Everywhere I go outside of TC and maybe 8chan it seems like people with waifus aren't exactly real. Whether they ignore th... |
Japanese company recognizes marriage with anime characters, provides famil |
Waifuism and Despair I've given up all hope. I've run out of anything to believe in. My love for her has transformed into a desire to tell... |
Where do the waifu friends go? I wondered today, where do people with waifus that normally post go? They post up until a certain time and then disappear. Do t... |
Waifuism as a coping mechanism Yes, the hot and reactive topic that makes everyone with a waifu angry. I want to ask this question: Why is using a waifu as a ... |
No Subject here is my waifu ive always thought she was amazing |
No Subject Happy Birthday Miku! |
No Subject Is the sniperfag that made this still around? been looking for them but can't find anything... |
No Subject Do you think waifus are healthy? Do you think they can make a lifestyle unhealthy or stabilize it and make it a healthy one? Do... |
creators If you had the chance to meet the person who designed/created your waifu, what would you do? Would you have something you'... |
No Subject What kind of food does your waifu like the most? |
No Subject Colourize you're waifu |
youtube on waifuism Are there any vloggers that discuss waifuism seriously? Why's it always text? I look around YouTube and see nothing but tu... |
Taking offense on her behalf. Have you ever gotten into a verbal fight, or even cut ties with someone very close to you due to them insulting your waifu? Tel... |
Waifu Survey Hello, I am conducting a survey on waifu love. Feel free to only answer the questions you'd like to, but please do partici... |
No Subject How are you guys dealing with the fact that the concept of waifus is far beyond being mainstream by now? Or more, people know i... |
No Subject Has your waifu got different designs to her, or different outfits? With Kagura, there's some art of her, which pre-dates t... |
Monogamy Hello. Noob with no waifu here, testing the waters. I was wondering how on earth do you manage to stay focused on one single gi... |
No Subject For those of us lucky enough to have this sort of information, do you ever go out of your way to do things your waifu likes doi... |
No Subject For those of you with waifus from old, finished series, how do you feel about the lack of new content? How do you deal with fan... |
No Subject Alright, so this is my first time admitting it, but my husbando is Speedwagon. I thought I was straight until I found myself ho... |
No Subject One day, you'll die. We'll all die. And those of us with not so popular waifus ... our waifus will die with us. Big s... |
Would anybody be down to create a discord server for /mai/ ? If we get enough people I can sent an invite refresh every week to keep getting new members. It would definitely be more intera... |
Times change and so do feelings. I've been hesitant to say this for a while now, but I'm sad to say I've found myself being drawn to a new waifu ... |
No Subject If there were a technological advancement that simulated being with your waifu, such as virtual reality or robotics, would you ... |
No Subject How long have you been with your waifu? |
No Subject Have you ever encountered an experience where another character from another series immediately reminded you of your waifu? I m... |
No Subject In this thread, we say something nice about the previous poster's waifu. |
No Subject What kind of home does your waifu have? Would you like to live there, or would you rather move somewhere else with her? |
No Subject For those of you in love with antagonists, or those who have done outright villainous things (such as murder), how do you deal ... |
No Subject Why is my waifu, Miki Sayaka-chan, the most perfect magical waifu to have ever graced this existence? |
No Subject What are some downsides about your waifu? And what are some things other would consider as a downside but you like about her? A... |
Waifu's Birthday So how exactly do you go about deciding on your waifu's birthday if it wasn't officially released or do you guys just... |
No Subject How many pictures of your waifu do you have? I'm nearing 2000. I separate the folder into official art, fanart, and pics w... |
No Subject Today is Nagisa's 32nd birthday. Time is flowing like a river... |
12-22-16 Today is my waifu's birthday. It's a special day that always gets to me a bit. I really can't stress how much sh... |
Rules on having a waifu What are your thoughts on it? Do you feel as if it keeps out unwanted normals or do you think it is something that can cause co... |
What is "moe"? What is "moe"? What is the "moe feeling" you talk about? Why have you turned an old meme from Azumanga into... |
Rem. Roleplayers What do you think of Tumblr RP blogs of your waifu? Do you like to interact with them or pretend that it's actually your w... |
No Subject Celebrating my second anniversary today. Was actually on the 2nd but I had LSAT and final exams the past few days. Wine isn... |
No Subject I know it's late, but what the hell. Did you find any new images of your waifu this Halloween? |
What we got going on. What are some things you think your waifu would like about you? |
Divine husbandos/waifus and self-improvement For those of you whose husbandos/waifus are higher forms of some sort, what kind of improvement do you think makes them happy? ... |
No Subject Has anyone here been in a situation where he met someone who he could love more than his waifu? If so, how did you cope with th... |
No Subject >>19871 This. Honestly she has gotten me through so much, brought me through a very big crisis recently. I spend about 35... |
No Subject Do you ever write about your waifu? If so, what do you write? |
No Subject Do you have any special ways of making your waifu's presence feel more "real", for lack of a better term? I rece... |
Rem. an apology I dont want to reveal who I am but I want to say something, I am sorry for trolling and basically lying to people here. while w... |
Shared Interests What interests and hobbies do you have in common with your waifu? If you don't have any in common would you try to get int... |
No Subject Do any girls remind you of your waifu? Hishiro and Kanako are quite similar although I suppose Hishiro's cold exterior is ... |
My beliefs on having a waifu Probably going to get in shit for this but I wrote down things about how I look at having a waifu. To be clear, I have no inten... |
Finish the sentence. You know you got it bad for your waifu when... |
Just friends? What if your waifu/husbando just wanted to be friends? How would you feel, what would you say, what would you do? Pic unrelated... |
A Shift In Roles By some weird twist of fate by adoption or other means your waifu is your daughter. How would you handle such a thing? Instead ... |
No Subject Does anyone ever got torn between 2 girls for completly different reasons? This might be a pretty sensitive subject, but I hope... |
No Subject Have you ever thought about marrying your waifu? Specifically, have you ever planned out what your and your waifu's weddin... |
Rem. No Subject Is this board real? Is this a real thing? Using "waifus" as a form of escapism? I mean, I've heard of this sort ... |
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! Recently passed Midnight GMT(+1). Happy Birthday Erica! (Best birthday wishes for her sister, Ursula, as well!) This will be th... |
No Subject Hello guys! I found a new waifu simulator! enjoy |
The term "waifu" Does anyone else dislike it? Considering how many people either think it means "Hot anime girl I masturbate to" or th... |
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