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File 172924289298.png - (5.20KB , 192x192 , portrait_909_0_scourge.png )
22007 No. 22007 [Edit]

Obscure waifus are largely protected from degenerates, thus there isn't any porn and your relationship with them feels more intimate.


But there won't be much, if any, fan art. You can change this by becoming a commission artist or drawing expert.


Popular Waifus

You probably won't need to commission artists because there will be a ton of art, but

People will constantly make fun of her and draw dirty pictures of her.
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>> No. 22008 [Edit]
>People will constantly make fun of her and draw dirty pictures of her.
they will lots of porn and other shit my bad
>> No. 22009 [Edit]
File 172924304271.png - (287.16KB , 964x947 , tumblr_inline_p5ihmd23JG1sn2shr_1280.png )
in general a semi-obscure waifu is the best i have one she has lots of fan-art on pixiv and twitter but no nsfw

a popular one means that you will get lots of art but alot of fucked up shit

a obsucre one is safer but little to none fan-art this is fixable if you know to draw and commision or beg artists to draw her
>> No. 22010 [Edit]
this is not say that your waifu is bad or that my waifu is better

you cant really pick a waifu it just happens you find a special character that feels special and you fall in love no matter
>> No. 22011 [Edit]
yes there is a small chance that someone will make nsfw but it unlikely
>> No. 22012 [Edit]
or that it already exists
>> No. 22013 [Edit]
I don't think you can really choose or change your waifu. Falling in love with your waifu is the same mechanism as falling in love with anyone else. You just observe somebody and over the course of time, you start liking everything that girl does and that even in the little things she does and slowly it develops into love. It's not like a choose from a catalogue of girls and then decide for one.

That being said, I think a good point in favor of popular and semi-popular/semi-obscure girls, would be that they usually have more merchandise, which might be good if you want a Daki or something like that.
>> No. 22015 [Edit]
>> No. 22016 [Edit]
the op stated this
>> No. 22017 [Edit]
File 172930261217.jpg - (633.07KB , 1300x988 , 70723357_p0.jpg )
>Obscure waifus are largely protected from degenerates, thus there isn't any porn and your relationship with them feels more intimate.

While I agree that the popularity of a character does increase; the amount of vitriolic content created around him/her. What is more important is the legitimacy of the said content. I tend to categorise most of it; and probably just all of it; as just stupid and worthless. Not really even of offence; as none of it is really an expression of her actual characteristics; and could just as likely fall under the realm of poor cosplay. Though this ironically as a protection against the nastier displays; it is also part of what I think; tends to be a larger problem with having a more popular waifu.

I guess this isn't really a disagreement but rather; more popular character portrayals are more flanderised or outright mischaracterized.

Though suppose a benefit to having a more popular waifu; would be in the case; that there could be smaller groups that show respect to the character. Whereas; if you don't like how your obscure waifu is portrayed you it may be tough luck.
>> No. 22018 [Edit]
File 172932501015.png - (67.90KB , 438x492 , dc6rery-16849179-15c3-41ff-9b95-5e67046f076e.png )
OP here
you can obvious have a intimate relationship with her even if she is popular
i think the word special/close might be more fitting

>Though suppose a benefit to having a more popular waifu; would be in the case; that there could be smaller groups that show respect to the character. Whereas; if you don't like how your obscure waifu is portrayed you it may be tough luck.
i rather have this that have her be popular mostly because i am insecure and deeply hurt the thought of people drawing NSFW stuff me deeply
>> No. 22019 [Edit]
my bad
>i rather have this that have her be popular mostly because i am insecure and it deeply hurt me the thought of people drawing NSFW stuff
>> No. 22020 [Edit]
obvious there is a chance someone will go to some NSFW 4chan board and beg someone to draw porn of her but thankful in most cases that shit will be ignored

also there is also a chance of some japanese cunt drawing NSFW shit on pixiv/twitter
>> No. 22021 [Edit]
Lukyon was almost perfect she was obscure had lots of fan-art and no NSFW stuff of her unit that shitshow with the creator that pretty ruined her for me i dont think i can fix it anymore i tried...

it really hard to find the one it just happens the closest for me was Ruby from FPE she like Lukyon had a unique design and came from a intersting media piece but unlike lukyon she is too popular which ruins her for me.I am deeply afraid that i will never find someone like Lukyon again these few months with her were my happiest in my entire life...
>> No. 22022 [Edit]
i dont want a lukyon rip-off or lukyon 2 she obvious needs to be diffrent and something that appeals to me but it hard you really can never pick or find waifu it just... happens
>> No. 22023 [Edit]
Lamers why can't you separate your existence from media? I have a popular character as waifu and I don't interact with the community at all. Don't even save art these days. It's all entirely in my head. Depending on the community is inconceivable for me. Intimacy must be above this shitty reality.

Post edited on 19th Oct 2024, 4:33am
>> No. 22024 [Edit]
OP, please learn to condense whatever you want to say into a single post. This is not a chatroom.
>> No. 22025 [Edit]

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