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File 148985378138.png - (1.52KB , 245x240 , discord png.png )
20344 No. 20344 [Edit]
If we get enough people I can sent an invite refresh every week to keep getting new members.

It would definitely be more interactive for us Serious Waifuist.

Who's in?
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>> No. 20345 [Edit]
File 14898568436.jpg - (96.95KB , 1280x720 , dc6c3c904c03807e7709d0d1046ab7fe_jpeg.jpg )
I'm all for it.
>> No. 20355 [Edit]
protip: start a topic.
>> No. 20380 [Edit]
discord is retarded
>> No. 20425 [Edit]
Wish this place was more active. Only two or three people talk.
>> No. 20426 [Edit]
We already have IRC, why switch?
>> No. 20428 [Edit]
IRC is hilariously unsecure. Not that I really care either way, I'm nowhere near social enough to give a damn about what chatting service you choose to use.
>> No. 20429 [Edit]
The IRC isn't really about waifus.
>> No. 20430 [Edit]
IRC may be unsecure but it's well established. Who knows how many bitcoins Discord mines on your machine in the background?
>> No. 20439 [Edit]
The only concern I have is possibly fragmenting an isolated part of the Internet even further. But then again, TC, both the forums and IRC, seem to be pretty damn resilient.

I'm in.

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