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File 142653907680.jpg - (270.12KB , 1280x1580 , e9f7355ca73b85eda0395516c954b26f.jpg )
17758 No. 17758 [Edit]
In this thread, we say something nice about the previous poster's waifu.
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>> No. 17759 [Edit]
Tomoko is a very sweet and misunderstood person. She's more intelligent and kinder than people around her give her credit for. She's also quite brave-- social anxiety is a bitch. You have a wonderful waifu.
>> No. 17763 [Edit]
File 142656782093.jpg - (217.02KB , 381x888 , karaokesketch.jpg )
Ian is just plain cool.
>> No. 17764 [Edit]
File 142656886814.png - (486.80KB , 500x618 , DDWOGVI.png )
It takes a hell of a strong person to go through what Hanako did and come out as as much of a lovely person as she is.
>> No. 17769 [Edit]
File 142658635043.png - (242.81KB , 525x700 , 26650193_big_p0.png )
Passionate, cute, energetic and fun - there's no danger of boredom with Nui. I bet her romantic side is real sweet, too!

Post edited on 17th Mar 2015, 3:08am
>> No. 17770 [Edit]
File 142661133610.jpg - (157.79KB , 565x800 , 49253787_p9.jpg )
A great fighter, an adorable hairstyle, and a lovely personalty - and so much more! Truly, a wonderful girl.

Post edited on 17th Mar 2015, 9:56am
>> No. 17778 [Edit]
File 142672934590.jpg - (54.14KB , 366x489 , 1c485e2b2f94ed3f821427d943e1048e.jpg )
Your waifu is a good artist and she is very creative!
>> No. 17780 [Edit]
File 142673184099.png - (1.17MB , 920x1130 , 278665e5222ba3f5cc168b93d7a80282c43be0f8.png )
(Finally someone I know!)
She's very cute and funny! She has quite the imagination too.
>> No. 17783 [Edit]
File 142679522972.jpg - (526.52KB , 1280x1728 , 74.jpg )
Mayu has a wonderful fashion sense and a cute voice. She also has very pretty hair.
>> No. 17786 [Edit]
File 142680028024.jpg - (26.97KB , 639x480 , Kanako (57).jpg )
He does everything he can to win and is quite intelligent in a wild and unharnessed way as evidenced by his forward planning for every possible scenario and his unconventional riding techniques. This, combined with his physical capabilities, makes him a formidable opponent.

Post edited on 19th Mar 2015, 3:14pm
>> No. 17829 [Edit]
File 142756285644.jpg - (2.41MB , 2618x4079 , 8794981.jpg )
She has a nice taste in fashion, and is very pretty too!
>> No. 17830 [Edit]
File 142758232748.jpg - (247.98KB , 480x524 , 49519732_p0_master1200.jpg )
>> 17829

She's really cool and seems great to hang around with. Shes definitely a great inspiration.
>> No. 17831 [Edit]
File 142758299673.jpg - (69.55KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka - 06 [72.jpg )
probably the cutest female in her respective game. always loved her design and she was fun to play.

I don't have a waifu so here you can have a picture of my beloved daughteru.
>> No. 17855 [Edit]
File 142817434377.jpg - (565.29KB , 929x1024 , Saber Lily 14.jpg )
soft-spoken but that is one of the cute things about Chino.
>> No. 17857 [Edit]
File 142818618326.png - (910.84KB , 1062x1359 , 1317078625197.png )
Her character is a wonderful combination of sweet and strong.
>> No. 17859 [Edit]
File 142821364020.png - (1.26MB , 1094x1600 , 1397938562127.png )
I didn't know who your waifu was so i did some googling.

She seems very nice and everything that i saw about her says how loyal she is.
She's also very cute and i like her hair bow
>> No. 19473 [Edit]
File 145438119038.jpg - (626.06KB , 900x900 , 87e7c83fc09e76ba29d4302ea68ece1499b6ac5bc21b1eb26d.jpg )
Miia is a very loyal monster girl and has a very loving heart for her darling. She is also the most lady like out of the main of Monster Musume.
>> No. 19475 [Edit]
File 145439654736.jpg - (61.11KB , 540x594 , Suzuha.jpg )
Shinku's got a good head on her shoulders and is particularly cute when she's angry.
>> No. 19496 [Edit]
File 145452355344.jpg - (482.35KB , 1600x1856 , Shattered  Clock.jpg )
Suzuha is a very strong woman, both emotionally and physically. That strength of character has ensured that despite all the suffering she has endured she's still a compassionate, kind person. She's also very attractive and her hairstyle is incredibly cute.
>> No. 19592 [Edit]
File 145547577011.jpg - (783.01KB , 1920x1080 , 1454326831728.jpg )
Kurisu is very smart and acts really adult for her age.She is also pretty damn cute.
>> No. 19736 [Edit]
File 145971687838.jpg - (3.29MB , 2935x3681 , 200.jpg )
previous poster's waifu seems very determined to accomplish her goals.
>> No. 20283 [Edit]
File 14884471037.png - (2.09MB , 2031x2952 , 59977688_p1.png )
Seems like a lad who really tries to make the most of what he's got, despite having gone through something truly awful early on in his life.
>> No. 20292 [Edit]
It would help if you'd tell us your waifu's name or posted a clip from their show or something, because I have no idea who the previous two characters are.
>> No. 20293 [Edit]
>>20283 is Chara from Undertale and is represented in the game by a tiny pixel sprite.
>> No. 20296 [Edit]
File 148869304561.jpg - (257.26KB , 1600x1200 , setumi3.jpg )

A true and loyal friend through all hardships, and someone who stands firm in their goals and principles, in spite of being misunderstood and even vilified by those around them.
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