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File 168896839817.jpg - (895.73KB , 1536x2048 , F0kKqnHaAAEB7D_.jpg )
21865 No. 21865 [Edit]
I don't think we have a thread for simply posting images. Was thinking it could focus on new stuff we come across, but older favorites are fine too!
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>> No. 21866 [Edit]
File 16889724645.png - (1.90MB , 1000x1000 , __yasaka_kanako_touhou_drawn_by_shi_o_musubi__1b5c.png )
I recently found this artist that draws Kanako. The outfits and art style are a bit different from the norm, but still nice.
>> No. 21867 [Edit]
File 168901333551.jpg - (130.86KB , 1056x1400 , 1559738244668.jpg )
Not much new art these days.
>> No. 21924 [Edit]
File 170329047732.jpg - (254.67KB , 1448x2048 , GBwodWNbQAA-AVR.jpg )
>> No. 21925 [Edit]
File 170329812869.jpg - (958.52KB , 2734x4096 , GBmbds_bEAANghU.jpg )
Merry Christmas!!
>> No. 21926 [Edit]
Can't have enough Santa hats.
>> No. 21965 [Edit]
File 171165923666.png - (954.89KB , 1160x813 , KitazatoBocchi.png )
Somebody drew Bocchi dressed as my waifu.

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