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File 145768366727.jpg - (90.93KB , 576x806 , aec549ed.jpg )
19683 No. 19683 [Edit]
How long have you been with your waifu?
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>> No. 19684 [Edit]
Four and a half years.
>> No. 19685 [Edit]
5 years
>> No. 19686 [Edit]
2 years
>> No. 19687 [Edit]
between 7 and 8 months
>> No. 19688 [Edit]
1 year
>> No. 19690 [Edit]
Still only around 8 months because it took me this long to settle on one for real.
>> No. 19691 [Edit]
3 years
>> No. 19692 [Edit]
In 2 months we will be celebrating the 5 year anniversary of our first meeting.
>> No. 19693 [Edit]
I first met her about 15 years ago, but I've not really spoke to her for a long time.
>> No. 19695 [Edit]
It will be a year in July.
>> No. 19697 [Edit]
It'll be our fourth anniversary next month.
>> No. 19698 [Edit]
Almost 7 years. It doesn't feel like it's been that long... I should do more with my life, probably.
>> No. 19701 [Edit]
We just had our 5th anniversary a couple months ago.
>> No. 19703 [Edit]
4 years in may
>> No. 19720 [Edit]
3 and a quarter years!!
>> No. 19738 [Edit]
I've been with my waifu for a little more than 5 years now.
>> No. 19739 [Edit]
Nine years. Fourteen if you count our initial meeting, but I wasn't in love with her then.
>> No. 20139 [Edit]
15 months.
>> No. 20147 [Edit]
File 148286385467.png - (434.80KB , 687x754 , 1400456126908.png )
Only 3 years.
We met in 2013.
>> No. 20204 [Edit]
File 148432669663.jpg - (79.68KB , 1024x1024 , mami blank.jpg )
Been with Mami for 2 years and some change
3 in March
>> No. 20265 [Edit]
File 14875709822.jpg - (1.79MB , 1667x2200 , 2009-08-06-185342.jpg )
About fourteen years.
>> No. 20266 [Edit]
4 years of this shit
>> No. 20268 [Edit]
about 7-8 years
>> No. 20270 [Edit]
4 years just about!
>> No. 20271 [Edit]
Almost 2 years, 2years May 9th. Looking forward to the day, I couldn't do anything last year so I will buy her flowers and burn incense, and later burning the flowers when they die.
>> No. 20282 [Edit]
File 148844245629.png - (558.62KB , 750x1334 , telemonster2.png )
Today was my one year anniversary. I had a dream about him to start the anniversary off right! It was also my first dream of him ever. A very nice coincidence.
>> No. 20290 [Edit]
5 years in July.
>> No. 20291 [Edit]
File 148859131024.jpg - (368.32KB , 800x1035 , tumblr_oldv53r8FE1v5poz9o1_1280.jpg )
Next month it'll be two years.

For some reason, it feels like it's been three years. Probably because this year has been particularly tough.
>> No. 20294 [Edit]
Almost 7.5 years <3
>> No. 20316 [Edit]
File 148904990388.jpg - (97.81KB , 654x513 , 24.jpg )
Since sometime in late 2007 or possibly early 2008, Hard to say exactly.
>> No. 20320 [Edit]
File 148934374584.png - (212.91KB , 314x438 , 844565.png )
In a thread related to marriage, I said we've been together for 9 years, but I've made some important discovering recently. I've found some old files and such, dating from 12 years ago.
Surely this is not about bragging. I hope everybody here could last this long (and longer) happily. As you can see, as long there is love and lots of patience, you can make it.
>> No. 20331 [Edit]
Oh boy, here we go...
>> No. 20332 [Edit]
>> No. 20335 [Edit]
is this a joke
>> No. 20336 [Edit]
File 148955013498.jpg - (38.90KB , 845x477 , d51f5eb0b4d55275698ee8aac7610dd4_jpeg.jpg )

Fear not for the purge is complete, /mai/-friend. Regular posting can be continued.
>> No. 20340 [Edit]
File 148957625346.jpg - (134.73KB , 1280x720 , 137601988911.jpg )
Many thanks, my good sir.
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