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20933 No. 20933 [Edit]
Has anyone ever thought of having a child with your waifu, and how? I've heard that other people do it but I haven't seen it mentioned on here.
>> No. 20935 [Edit]
I actually haven't. Prinz is more of a divine being with whom I have a very intimate relationship than a wife. I can't say how we would go about rearing a family, though, due to my current volatile situation. It would be nearly impossible.
>> No. 20939 [Edit]
Everything is in my own world for my case, so just a sequel and timeskip does the trick.
>> No. 20942 [Edit]
I have had that thought many times. It's kinda depressing how your one and only will never bear your children. But on a lighter note, I like to talk dirty to her and say things like "I want you to bear my children, I wanna impregnate you" and stuff like that.
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