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20758 No. 20758 [Edit]
I'm in a bit of a predicament. I can't decide what to do and want a second opinion.
I've been in love with my husbando for two years. In that time, I either love him from afar, or use (female) surrogate characters to romance him in my place. For one because I don't want to mix 2D and 3D much cause it looks weird, and for two because there's no evidence that he's gay.
But lately I've been rewatching his show and giving that more consideration…
I now understand my husbando is similar to Shinji Ikari. So lonely and desperate for affection that I think sexuality isn't even part of the equation anymore; I think he would be with anyone that was nice to him.
What do I do with that information? He is very vulnerable and I have a lot of power here. I do love him and it does feel a lot better to imagine him holding MY hand instead of one of my surrogate's hands, but I just don't know if it's moral and ethical to make this weak person into a homosexual. I feel like I'm taking advantage of him. I don't think faggotry is healthy.
It feels so right and so wrong. I don't know what to do. I really want the best for him, and I don't know if that means to let him live a straight life or to be with me.

What I'm getting at is, very few characters are actually canon gay. How did you decide to make your husbando gay? How do I rationalize it?

I originally posted this on 8chan /mai/ because it's faster and I'm kind of stressing out and want an answer now, but the first reply was so retarded I'll just have to be patient here instead.

Post edited on 8th Dec 2017, 7:18pm
>> No. 20759 [Edit]
>I just don't know if it's moral and ethical to make this weak person into a homosexual.
>I feel like I'm taking advantage of him.
In a general sense, I think what your conscience is telling you is already the right answer. With that said, there's some leeway or perhaps loophole you can take advantage of, but it would help a lot to know who's your husbando in the first place, because things can be really different from a series to another and from one character to another, specially if they have more than 1 source (i.e. more leeway if the character has been in manga + anime + game, etc.)
>> No. 20760 [Edit]
I don't have a husbando but I think sexual orientation doesn't have much to do with being able to fall in love with someone even if you aren't lonely or desperate.

Also if it did there's the viewpoint that humans are bisexual by default anyways which does have a few facts backing it up.
I also find it hard to believe that you're just born with a sexual orientation since that view doesn't account for changes, I was "normal" in my childhood but now I'm not really interested in any person. Does that mean I was born hetero and I'm now pretending to be disgusted by women (how the human body works in general) or that I was pretending to be interested in girls as a kid?
I can only speak for myself and some shit I've read. I wouldn't know how it works for other people.

>I don't think faggotry is healthy.
>I really want the best for him, and I don't know if that means to let him live a straight life or to be with me.
I don't really see the difference between a homosexual and a heterosexual life except "our" society looking down onto the first but that's the same for "waifuism" in general which they also claim is not healthy.
>> No. 20791 [Edit]
This was great advice, thank you.
>> No. 21040 [Edit]
>> No. 21041 [Edit]
Thanks for clearing it up.
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