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26783 No. 26783 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Do you have a sex doll, or have you thought about getting one?
Or maybe a non-sexual, but still life~sized doll?

Does cuddling with them or just having them around help dispel loneliness?
Is it more satisfying to have "sex" with the doll than just masturbating with your hands?

I always thought they're really creepy, but now there are some anime-inspired ones that basically look like oversized figurines.

The only thing holding me back from buying one right now is that I imagine it must be a lot of work to clean them.
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>> No. 29866 [Edit]
I didn't even think of it... I probably could. It's not a big issue though. The only issue I've had with it is that it made some rather unpleasant sounds on the bathtub. I might be able to find some sort of hard rubber caps for them too.
As for actual destruction though, I knocked a glass on the bathroom floor with her leg. Completely forgot about it until now. An issue for tomorrow's me.
>> No. 29867 [Edit]
She looks beautiful. I hope you two will have comforting times together.

>and had the added satisfaction
I suspect since it's a more immersive experience there's also an emotional component in addition to purely physical. The need to clean is really annoying though, I'd sort of just want to cuddle instead of having to wash things out. I wonder if anyone has experimented with some sort of disposable inserts.
>> No. 29868 [Edit]
>disposable inserts.
These dolls actually come with an option to have 'that' area with a cavity designed for inserts.

Congrats anon! I was told mine should arrive in January. It's not too heavy is it?
>> No. 29869 [Edit]
It's pretty heavy, mine is about 50lbs. Manageable, but heavy. Very cumbersome though, with the large size and weird shape. I'm sure it'll be easier for others though, as I'm rather short and not especially strong.

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23463 No. 23463 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Is this the only anime/weeb community left that hasn't been over run by children?
Every time I find a new one to join it's the same thing, retarded teenagers who wont shut up about school or spoiled rich kids and their college crap. It's all "dur hur I'm gonna be a doctor I'm gonna be a laywer" fuck you. I feel so fucking old lately and this shit doesn't help one bit. It's just so ackward being in these servers/channels with kids that are half my age. Not that it's uncommon here either. Where the fuck are all the 30+ weebs? Do they just kill themselves when they hit 30 or do they turn into normal fags and quit the internet? What the fuck man.
266 posts and 47 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 29851 [Edit]
A computer game addiction would also be better than dwelling on your poor mental state with a paint job of buddhist bullshit.
>> No. 29852 [Edit]
what the hell are you on about
>> No. 29862 [Edit]
Moping aroundsad is worse than being distracted by something.
>> No. 29864 [Edit]
It's not something I'm in control of, stop projecting your personality on my void.

Post edited on 21st Dec 2024, 8:33am

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29691 No. 29691 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I feel absolutely worthless, and among other things the problem is, that I'm
just stupid. I knew this from my early childhood and this feeling was consistent
through all of my life. I just happen to be always the slowest in class, the
slowest to understand things, the one that comes up with the objectively worst
solutions, the worst in absolute anything, that requires some thinking. It's a
clear pattern, that no matter what I do, I'm just inferior or lesser in terms of
my cognitive ability (not that I would be better in anything else, but this isn't
the purpose of this post).

You need to understand that this frustration does not stem from a single sitation
or moment, where I just happened to be worse, but that this is a problem through
all my life. From elementary school into adulthood this a common theme.

There have been many gaslighting attempts by people, who I know in real life,
like psychiatrist for example, to make me believe, that this inferiority complex
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>> No. 29740 [Edit]
I can't help but imagine OP as a cute little baka.
>> No. 29741 [Edit]
You will be very upset when you learn he's probably not. The most beautiful thing about imageboards is that you can let your imagination do its thing and forget for a moment that... nevermind
>> No. 29743 [Edit]
Physically of course not, but emotionally why not? In that way (and perhaps only that way) do the people who choose to use anime girls as their profile picture resemble their avatars; it only starts to feel weird when they try to lean into it and actually try to act as a girl.
>> No. 29861 [Edit]
this, I look back at the drive I had as a teen even if it was just for anime and vidya and wonder what id have accomplished if I was pushed to pursue useful things

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28525 No. 28525 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I'm sad about certain things and I think it merits its own thread.

-I was looking for an imageboard to vent and remembered this place.
I find sad is how many posts, especially long ones, never get a reply. I might read them and think about them but they won't know. ¨If a tree falls in a forest...¨ you know the rest. it's sad! That's why I made this thread instead of replying to an existing one. Messages getting ignored feel worse if you can tell others ignored it on purpose, sometimes you realize you made a bad post after clicking submit...

-Maybe that's why I've been getting into internet arguments lately. dumb, I know. Maybe I feel lonely and need conflict, my head gets hot and I have to calm down. I had grown out of this years ago. After writing this I'm going to take it easy again, sorry.

-I'm esl as you can tell and I'll never be good at English, a lot of gen z and zillenials like me learnt the language using the internet but never truly studied it. Reading, listening, writing and speaking are different skills and you only learn 2 of them like this. It's really common but I don't see many people mention it.

-I'm a hikki and that might end soon. No, I don't have a job and nothing has happened yet, but I can feel it. Something will happen soon and I'm going to have to abandon this lifestyle and get a job. Some zen masters were able to predict their death and wrote scrolls days before dying. It's a similar feeling. (I know how this reads but I'm not a schizo)
I don't regret anything, my life isn't good and I'm sure it's going to be worse when I get a job so I'm trying to enjoy my time instead of wallowing in self pity like many neets do. Not that I don't get those feelings but I try to ignore them and be happy.

what I wanted to ask is
What do you think of the fleeting nature of imageboards?

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>> No. 28914 [Edit]
>I find sad is how many posts, especially long ones, never get a reply. I might read them and think about them but they won't know. ¨If a tree falls in a forest...¨ you know the rest. it's sad! That's why I made this thread instead of replying to an existing one. Messages getting ignored feel worse if you can tell others ignored it on purpose, sometimes you realize you made a bad post after clicking submit...
I don't think that because a post doesn't get replies, it means that it's a bad post or that no one saw it. Maybe someone did see it, but they had nothing meaningful or in depth enough to add to the discussion. Perhaps they were stuck in a lurking rut.
I do think that many of these long posts have an impact despite never getting replies. There have many times where I have read a post, and it has stuck with me for years. Many posts I save to look back on.

>What do you think of the fleeting nature of imageboards?
I like it. It allows me to anonymize myself. I find that no matter what I write, I will always regret it. If I primarily post on imageboards, then every post I write will be whisked away into the wind, which is appealing. Many times, people write things that they regret on social media, and then for some reason or another become unable to access their account. Then, they're left with a permanent trace of the person they no longer are. Even if they didn't use their real name, the trace they leave can be corroborated to build up some sense of identity regardless of what usernames they choose.

>It's just so fucking ridiculous, we're throwing words at each other but there's simply no connection.
Are you sure that there is absolutely no connection? In a sense, I feel like the nature of imageboards allow individuals to experience a certain sort of connection. You are anonymous, but I am also anonymous. We've yieled ourselves to a collective consciousness in which ideas stew, change, shifting with each contribution. We also find ourselves influenced by the ideas, and our ideas influence
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>> No. 28915 [Edit]
perhaps the whole nature of life is fleeting and we are just rambling.
>> No. 29858 [Edit]
OP here again to give an update after a year because I've seen anons here saying they like reading those, but before that, I want to expand on this point
>I'm esl as you can tell and I'll never be good at English...
I wrote this while I was distraught and couldn't sleep late at night. This whole post is embarrassing to read, It's easier for me to post something short and simple because I know I'm likely to be ignored/dismissed or even ridiculed if I make a mistake. It's sad but understandable why people wouldn't want to engage with an ESL (not to mention the cultural barrier). My English level changes depending on the weather but at least I try (I wish I had saved the password to it). There wasn't much content in my native language on the internet when I was younger so I had to ¨learn¨ English to have fun in it. The problem is that I was too cowardly to put myself out there and make international internet friends or be part of a real, non-anonymous community online (including forums). Knowing I wouldn't be accepted for who I am made me stick with anonymity for better or worse; I definitely learned a lot from the tough love anons gave me over the years. I'd like to get a proper international English certificate eventually, the one I have is good enough for me to work as a teacher/tutor here but I'm a fraud, obviously. It's the only skill I have that prevents people from underestimating me after they learn that I'm a neet.

I did manage to land 2 different part time j*bs working on the weekends in the middle of the year but now I'm back to neeting until next year; I'm planning to go all out by gaining more qualifications and saving/investing money while living a frugal lifestyle wageslaving... My hiki days are over, getting a job felt like waking up from a long dream, I had forgotten what the city looked like and a lot of small things and buildings changed, it felt unreal at first. Even now, as a neet, I'm forcing myself to stay active. Don't want to go into detail or blame my parents for everything like an angsty teenager but I realized they've been sabotaging me and making me dependent on them for years. I had to do something to move forward because my time is running out.
Blogposting makes me feel f
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>> No. 29859 [Edit]
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Ibs absolutely are a sorry excuse for real social interaction or for enlightened meditation. But for me at least they have provided a lot of value, if I'm intensly browsing ibs it likely means that I'm in a very difficult part of my life.
For me simply being seen helps a lot, being seen without consequence. I can say things here and elsewhere on other boards I'd never be able to say to family or my few friends, or in any setting where I have an alias attached that I care about.
But even when the content of my posting isn't so intensely offputting or challenging in a different social setting due to the nature of decorum or my own web of social misgivings, being able to speak freely in places like this on any topic helps. I can bounce an idea or a thought out into the vacous chamber of an imageboard and it will have no consequence on my life unless I choose to integrate a response into my life myself. That's a wonderful thing.
But really, we shouldn't be using these places as a replacement for family or social interaction if social interaction is something that one desires.
All said, thankyou to every anon that has ever replied to me or read any of my posts, good or bad, annoying or lovely, thankyou.

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26953 No. 26953 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I turn 26 today, just a few small steps until I hit the fabled 30.

Can I get some birthday wishes and anime pics in this hiz house?
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>> No. 29810 [Edit]
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I'm sorry I missed this but happy birthday Tohno, my appreciation for you hosting this board rises with each passing year. I've noticed the other lonely guy board I used to use is now full of what I assume is tiktok jargon...
>> No. 29811 [Edit]
Happy birthday. Hoping your hair gets better.

Specifically about the ADHD thing you mentioned, the ADHD brain is delayed in its maturation by 20% - 40%, especially in areas responsible for executive functioning and emotional control. So a person who's 30 would have cognitive abilities and the maturity of a 24 to 18 year old depending on the severity of their ADHD. It's interesting to speculate whether this would play a role in someone's self-conception as a consequence.
>> No. 29812 [Edit]
Happy birthday. Which wizard fraction are you going to join the next year?
>> No. 29846 [Edit]
Thanks, it has improved a bit. Apparently the medication can continue to give improvements for up to two years (then sustain them)... but I'm doubtful I have anything left to improve.

I would have got on them at 25 and lost nothing if it weren't for family gaslighting me against it.

I feel the delayed development might hurt my self pereception a lot, as I have less and less in common with people the more I age. I'm sure everyone here feels 'stuck in the past' though.

Hard to say... I used to lean to lightning or fire but I wouldn't mind white magic to heal some ills. I guess that and time magic.

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26599 No. 26599 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
i do not want to work to afford to live any longer
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>> No. 29836 [Edit]
>seeing any first world person pisses me off
Haha Tohno lives in USA, just poking fun sorry. Anyway Europe is different depending on where you go. It's still much better than third world, as long as you're not an immigrant. If you immigrated... honestly I had more chances to get life in my shithole than I have here. On the other hand at least I'm relatively safe. So honestly if you don't starve, your roof isn't leaking, your neighbors are not criminals, and your job will not cease to exist tomorrow, you actually don't even want to go to Europe. You're simply just not welcome. They'll keep from dying, but that's all.
>> No. 29837 [Edit]
>They'll keep from dying, but that's all.
You, that is. They'll keep you from dying. hopefullytrafficking is real
>> No. 29840 [Edit]
It's more about when they talk about their country or something they do, it just bothers me how sometimes it's unthinkable to me.

>your roof isn't leaking
I never lived in a place where this didn't end up happening. And the roofs in affordable places are mostly made out of asbestos, so if they are broken probably there's some contamination happening as well.

>your neighbors are not criminals
That's not an option anymore for my country, criminal organizations have spread even to the most remote cities. Ironically the safest places are the ones under control of a single group. Well, there are the very expensive walled gardens as well I guess.

Honestly I can't think of a degree of "unwelcome" that would be worse than where I live. If I had even the vague chance of moving I would, it's just that it's truly not possible, I don't have any money to go or skill that would be valuable.
>> No. 29841 [Edit]
Hey but living among criminals is fun you don't even need to bother with suicide since they'll take care! yes I know that feelI genuinely can't imagine how people can bother living when there is nothing ahead except another tyrant to abuse you. This incessant pressure kills from inside. Ugh imagine how *everyone* lived like that back in the day. Life's scam

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29603 No. 29603 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Hello olds, I know you hate the likes of me, but they used to say that knowledge must admit no emotion, so...

For the sake of knowledge, do you have any particular techniques to accelerate adaptation to isolation? I still get painful urges to be part of a community, though I am already beyond the alienation stage and feel not even the desire to
actually connect with any of them. I don't hate or even dislike them, I just feel like they're sort of movie characters, I can hear and see them, can even say a few words, but there's a screen between us that doesn't allow any connections. Besides, I find them disgusting in many ways.

All said, I would think it would come to me as natural to not be pained by inability to find company, but it didn't. Why?
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>> No. 29822 [Edit]
That's ridiculous. If they ask for that go somewhere else.
>> No. 29824 [Edit]
I guess there's also places where you can buy a number using btc. Not sure whether they are a honeypot though. I'd imagine most actual criminals stopped using cell phones since proper encryption is so ubiquitous now.
>> No. 29826 [Edit]
Not that anon, but it's probably mandated by the law in his country. My country had the same thing until recently.
>> No. 29827 [Edit]
Proper authorities likely have means to track you even without you supplying any proof of identity. However, I don't think the authorities would be sharing the information with third-party corporations.

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29760 No. 29760 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Do you think it's possible to become so accustomed to being miserable, that things like joy and pleasure become so alien to you it's unbearable, uncomfortable, and practically painful?

Sometimes I find myself being unable to handle it when things go well, like I want something bad to happen just so things can go back to what I'm used to.
It's scary when good things happen, it feels like life is getting my hopes up to set me up for an even bigger fail, like I'm going to have to pay double as compensation. At best, things just won't work out and I'll return to the status quo.
>> No. 29761 [Edit]
Before longposters arrive – it's a normal reaction. You obsess over your failures so much you unlearn the opposite. Unless somebody or some divine happenstance shows how to handle positive things you're going to suffer.
>> No. 29762 [Edit]
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Yes I freak out, it feels like I'm unconciously manipulating myself to crash the bike as soon as I manage to speed up without training wheels so I'm afraid of taking them off at all. Too many failures and too little positive feedback do that I guess, that's maybe also the reason why I've become so lazy.
Like I'm not able to perfect a song in a rythm game, because the further I get without a mistake, the more I'll screw up the easiest parts.
>> No. 29764 [Edit]
>Like I'm not able to perfect a song in a rythm game, because the further I get without a mistake, the more I'll screw up the easiest parts.
I know that feeling all too well. If I have some full combo going and I mess up half way in, rather than be annoyed it's almost like a feeling of relief now that there's not this pressure to be perfect. I guess life isn't really that different is it?
>> No. 29769 [Edit]
A lot of happiness is unearned. Like, just picture you're born into a bad situation. Your entire perception of self and the world is going to be fundamentally altered such that your brain is slowly trained to look for and expect the negative. More than that negative emotion becomes baked into your personality such that to be happy is to be met with a strange disconnect from the self.

Maybe it's just age mellowing me out but once I started accepting that my problems are probably just baked in on a neurological level, that there's minimal I can do about them they lost a lot of power over me. Don't get me wrong; it's no get out of jail free card but it became easier to quit caring.

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20298 No. 20298 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Do you guys ever become extremely depressed several times a day when your memory makes you remember all the retarded, stupid and shameful shit you did back in the days? How do you guys deal or have dealt with this? I have been having these flashbacks of things I did or say many years ago and they have haunted me ever since. I can't deal with them or forget them, so I get this anxiety issue where I just want to dissapear or run away to a place where nobody I know will ever find in order to never have to deal with the things I did in my past ever again.
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>> No. 21018 [Edit]
I do this too & I'm probably going to look back on it in a few years and cry, just like everything else
>> No. 21386 [Edit]
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Over the years I've been doing shit I regret on a daily basis from mistakes to decisions that have caused me and others great harm while most recover from things I've done I do not really recover. I can't be very forgiving with myself for anything I've done whether it was something I said or something I did the past is not something I can change and I never seem to learn my lesson I keep doing shit I regret. Even recently stuff I did will probably haunt me for a long time or the rest of my days. I don't have a real way to cope with feelings of shame, regret, or dread that I'll do something again. I can hold onto something for years usually resentments of people or things that happened. As a result I suffer from depression and I feel I may be developing anxiety now because the future looks very dark for me I feel I'll just keep making mess ups because I don't know how to get what I want without hurting someone in the process.

>so I get this anxiety issue where I just want to dissapear or run away to a place where nobody I know will ever find in order to never have to deal with the things I did in my past ever again.
I've been wanting to do that OP, I want to move to some desolate isolated place and start over because of all the that is on my mind constantly but I feel even than I'd mess that up to.
>> No. 29755 [Edit]
In 2023 I started getting little "attacks" of cringe over the things I used to do as a kid and for a few years already I've had thoughts or remembered something in which I immediately forget it. So I sort of have the opposite problem.
>> No. 29756 [Edit]
>Do you guys ever become extremely depressed several times a day when your memory makes you remember all the retarded, stupid and shameful shit you did back in the days?
Yes. The memories kick in and cut like a knife driven right in your guts. It causes acute fleeting distress then I suppress the memories somehow. It is very unpleasant.

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24553 No. 24553 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Hello. I am 15 years old, and I saw no specific rules about not being able to post if you are under 18?
Hopefully I am allowed to post.
Now saying that I may frustate some of you (and for good reason), however I will say that I will not post anything outside of this thread, and I will try to be respectful, and here are some things about myself.
-I don't have any friends, in real life or online.
-Almost all of my time outside of school, and not sleeping I have been on this world wide web, (since I was 3, my mom put me on a preschool website and just let me wander)
-Anime wise, I don't actually have that many under my belt, because i'm scared of watching a bad one, but I very much love anime and Japanese content. Some animes that I have liked are, A Place Farther than the Universe, Welcome to the NHK, Non Non Biyori, and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
-I'm unable to speak to anyone besides my family in real life because of how shy I am
-I'm autistic
-I don't have any dreams for the future, or willpower to be able to do anything.
-I don't have/use any social media, or a phone
-I am very much interested in the old internet, being of my age I have only experienced a little of only well, 2007ish internet, and I can not remember much of my experiences around that time besides a handful. I browse archives of old websites, and look at old dead forums a lot, encyclopedia dramatica articles about internet events that have long been forgotten and I very much like these small website communities, where if you don't know where to look you will never find them. I don't very much like most of this 2019 internet, as I feel a lot of it's fun and soul have been taken away.
I like the people on here, and I would like to learn about things from you. I know generally older people are smarter than younger people. I personally would love to tell my 8 year old self a lot of things. If anyone can tell me about there experiences, or just general knowledge, about otaku culture, the old internet, or anything really I will be very grateful.
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>> No. 29596 [Edit]
That mindset is not the standard. It's only standard for the internet addicted and typically people of particular beliefs and leanings. A bunch of boomers writing articles on tiktok trends doesn't slot into how reality works. Pew Research polls show that the priorities of the average person (at least in the USA) has not changed at all in almost 40 years now, even among the gen z adults who responded. Culture has changed but people's wants have not, outside of the previously mentioned chronically online. People have been "quiet quitting" (doing their job to the best of their ability and nothing more) for hundreds if not thousands of years now. Don't listen to this bullshit it's all clickbait and mole hills being turned into mountains.
>> No. 29600 [Edit]
Yeah, sounds about right.
>> No. 29746 [Edit]
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I just found a relevant image on my hard drive (I hope that it's not /tat/ material).
>> No. 29747 [Edit]
Golden. Thank you for posting this.

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29322 No. 29322 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I think I'm done.
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>> No. 29690 [Edit]
I should have not enrolled for another course. Theoretically, Master's degree is useful. Practically, I should have given it up. I'm done for now. I have completely fallen apart. I can't go on. I can't stuff knowledge in my head. Do you believe me? I just can't concentrate on studying anything to the point of feeling nauseous. Maybe you could make me work for a while if you beat me, but I'd just walk out of the window. I should do it regardless though, so I guess I'll wait till I'm expelled and then we'll see. I am completely done for. Even some turbo non verbal autist has more chance of sustaining himself than me. I am done for. There isn't anyone to end it for me, so I have to do even that myself. Ironically, I'll likely just wait till I die, not actually doing anything to assist the death in taking me.
>> No. 29702 [Edit]
In the meantime I'm loosing it real hard
>> No. 29719 [Edit]
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Well then you better tighten it up!
>> No. 29720 [Edit]
I beg to differ. There is nothing I can do. My cognition completely escaped from under my control and now I just watch it all unfold and count the days till I must kill myself.

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