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26783 No. 26783 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Do you have a sex doll, or have you thought about getting one?
Or maybe a non-sexual, but still life~sized doll?

Does cuddling with them or just having them around help dispel loneliness?
Is it more satisfying to have "sex" with the doll than just masturbating with your hands?

I always thought they're really creepy, but now there are some anime-inspired ones that basically look like oversized figurines.

The only thing holding me back from buying one right now is that I imagine it must be a lot of work to clean them.
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>> No. 29869 [Edit]
It's pretty heavy, mine is about 50lbs. Manageable, but heavy. Very cumbersome though, with the large size and weird shape. I'm sure it'll be easier for others though, as I'm rather short and not especially strong.
>> No. 29880 [Edit]
I feel like getting an onahip or using an onahole would still be the best way to masturbate. Dolls are nice, but as you said they seems far to unwieldy to clean properly. From what I've read you typically gotta lug it to a shower or bath and try and clean it out and then put the aquarium pump in to dry it out, which can pose problems in itself.
A removeable insert, where you can put your own onaholes in would probably be the best solution in my opinion, but they aren't offered by every company.
A doll does seem to be probably the one thing better than a daki when it comes to cuddling though, and the closest you can get to a "replacement" for a sleeping partner. I'd really like to get a doll one day and I think I would primarily use her for cuddling and having something to hold onto while sleeping that isn't a pillow that is more "human shaped" and of a human weight.
Anyways, it seems like you have gotten a good doll, and hopefully you don't encounter any issues with her. What brand did you get? Going based off the face, it seems to be an aotume doll.
>I got the foot bolts so she can stand up, but I sort of regret it. I don't expect to have her standing anytime soon.
Honestly I think getting the foot bolts is always a good idea if you have plans on her ever standing up, because otherwise the material around her feet will get shredded by the skeleton and pretty much ruin her soles. Having soft feet is only useful if you never plan on standing her up and using her solely for sex on a bed or something or purely for a sleeping aid on a bed. Otherwise you will need to pick her up and carry her around and lie her down on her back or stomach if you don't have the foot bolts, since the feet will become damaged very quickly otherwise. At least from the research I have done.
>> No. 29882 [Edit]
Wrote a reply yesterday and managed to lose it before sending...
>Dolls are nice, but as you said they seems far to unwieldy to clean properly.
It's not that bad. I imagine a lot of the cleaning can be mitigated with careful use, but I gave her a bath both times. The aquarium pump drying is pretty easy once you have everything on hand. Actually fucking the doll is a bit awkward and strenuous, probably due to the stiff joints. There's options for a looser skeleton, but that comes at the cost of posing. At any rate, an onahole/onahip would definitely be a better option if you're just looking to masturbate. With the doll, it feels like a different thing entirely, or it does to me.
>A removeable insert, where you can put your own onaholes in would probably be the best solution in my opinion
Yeah probably. Honestly, I wasn't expecting to have doll sex more than once. I thought it'd be a novelty and then I'd just have a massive doll. Thus the effort of cleaning was not a major concern.
>A doll does seem to be probably the one thing better than a daki when it comes to cuddling though
Yes, it is quite nice to hold. Soft and yet has form. A very very pleasing to hold form. Not sure if I'd sleep with it though, as that would seem like a good way to accidentally damage it or something. Besides, my daki is of a character I have much stronger feelings for, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.
>What brand did you get? Going based off the face, it seems to be an aotume doll.
Indeed, an aotume. I heard some bad things, but I'm quite pleased with mine.
>foot bolts
I suppose you're right. I did notice one foot is already slightly damaged as it is. I'm not terribly bothered by it either way.
>> No. 30158 [Edit]
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I got mine a couple months ago (around the time as the previous anon here). Showed up a lot sooner than I expected once it was ready. Meant to post sooner but stuff happens.
I kept over thinking every aspect of the doll leading up to getting it, but once I actually got her out the box I stopped caring about a lot of that stuff. This might sound like a load of bullshit, but I haven't done 'that' with it, and I'm not even entirely sure if I even want to. My sex drive is nearly non-existent, and clean up seems like it would be a pain anyway. My main interest with these was always to have a dress up doll first and foremost, stuff like hugs and lap pillows second to that.
I went with silicone for mine. It's heavy sure and doesn't 'feel' as nice like they say, but I read it has better durability and doesn't get stained as easily.
They're certainly heavy, but not impossible to move. At first I felt like I was going to destroy my back moving it around but I quickly started getting a lot more used to it, either by learning how to better hold and carry it or by getting stronger, maybe both?

In retrospect, I did fuck up royally by not waiting a bit longer. see what happened is I bought the largest model the company made at the time that also uses anime style heads, which is still unfortunately too small for even XS size clothing. After many many years of wanting one, planing and thinking and shopping around, I just went for it thinking I was never going to find 'exactly' what I was looking for. It wasn't until a few weeks after this doll showed up, that the site added a larger doll with proportions that would accommodate adult size clothing. So my dreams of using one of these dolls for cosplay will have to wait until if/when I buy a proper sized doll. Via some trial and error I did figure out the sizes for this one. Options feel a bit limited with a lot of cloths looking very similar in this size, but it works. The proportions do make some cloths look weird however. A body of this height should not have a chest of it's size, so everything looks stretched out around the chest. To be fair, I have heard women often face this problem.
I do have to say that these don't really work that great as dress up dolls. Most clothing materials seem to catch on the skin, m
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28525 No. 28525 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I'm sad about certain things and I think it merits its own thread.

-I was looking for an imageboard to vent and remembered this place.
I find sad is how many posts, especially long ones, never get a reply. I might read them and think about them but they won't know. ¨If a tree falls in a forest...¨ you know the rest. it's sad! That's why I made this thread instead of replying to an existing one. Messages getting ignored feel worse if you can tell others ignored it on purpose, sometimes you realize you made a bad post after clicking submit...

-Maybe that's why I've been getting into internet arguments lately. dumb, I know. Maybe I feel lonely and need conflict, my head gets hot and I have to calm down. I had grown out of this years ago. After writing this I'm going to take it easy again, sorry.

-I'm esl as you can tell and I'll never be good at English, a lot of gen z and zillenials like me learnt the language using the internet but never truly studied it. Reading, listening, writing and speaking are different skills and you only learn 2 of them like this. It's really common but I don't see many people mention it.

-I'm a hikki and that might end soon. No, I don't have a job and nothing has happened yet, but I can feel it. Something will happen soon and I'm going to have to abandon this lifestyle and get a job. Some zen masters were able to predict their death and wrote scrolls days before dying. It's a similar feeling. (I know how this reads but I'm not a schizo)
I don't regret anything, my life isn't good and I'm sure it's going to be worse when I get a job so I'm trying to enjoy my time instead of wallowing in self pity like many neets do. Not that I don't get those feelings but I try to ignore them and be happy.

what I wanted to ask is
What do you think of the fleeting nature of imageboards?

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>> No. 30155 [Edit]
>Ask yourself where you'll be a year from now, or five, if you just decide to shut yourself inside a tiny apartment without introducing any fresh air into your life, not even in the form of online friends
I know exactly where I will be - nowhere. There is no hope in this world. Everything is so deeply buried under layers of lies that I can't be bothered.
>> No. 30156 [Edit]
>where you'll be a year from now, or five, if you just decide to shut yourself inside a tiny apartment
Probably still in that tiny apartment.
>> No. 30157 [Edit]
It's not so bad compared to alternatives. Realistically though, you have to earn your bread somehow. It is unpleasant to live in such a world, but I guess you really get used to anything. The only true victory is to overcome the death anxiety. I look forward to the day.
>> No. 30160 [Edit]
Hmm...Now that you say it, I actually cringed at my post that I apparently made here in January? Really thought I had written it in December. That said, I guess for imageboards I'm pretty used to them. I always felt a little more comfortable sharing on them while feeling a little less alone while also adding to said problem. I think it's because while venting here, most people have gone through similar struggles. On social media, if you post something negative maybe more than once, they see it as a problem. Like recently, I was venting on another site, only to realize my post was seen but skipped over. I didn't mean for it to come off as a vent, but the post was complaining about fanbases and I ended up putting my own experience as a chronically sick dumbass. I feel my mentality will never fit it with normal forums.
>I guess the obvious advice is: if you have people you can trust, reach out, If you don't, look for them, if you can't, look for online friends. It may sound delusional but I'm sure they want the best for us and wouldn't want us to die, so we have to do our best.
I have like....1 and a half. But calling them friends is a stretch. They so happen to be familiar with my personal situation somewhat and are aware of it. Venting to them would absolutely sadly fuck things up. I find myself having to delete messages often. I really wonder if I should just make a Discord. But getting involved in someone else's circle seems really scary to me. I wish I could stop caring about the better lives of others...

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23463 No. 23463 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Is this the only anime/weeb community left that hasn't been over run by children?
Every time I find a new one to join it's the same thing, retarded teenagers who wont shut up about school or spoiled rich kids and their college crap. It's all "dur hur I'm gonna be a doctor I'm gonna be a laywer" fuck you. I feel so fucking old lately and this shit doesn't help one bit. It's just so ackward being in these servers/channels with kids that are half my age. Not that it's uncommon here either. Where the fuck are all the 30+ weebs? Do they just kill themselves when they hit 30 or do they turn into normal fags and quit the internet? What the fuck man.
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>> No. 30145 [Edit]
Acknowledge it, of course.
If it feels weird, it's only because you were evidently taught that repressing your own negative feelings is normal and consequence-free
>> No. 30147 [Edit]
>Acknowledge it, of course.
And then? It doesn't make it any less bearable, nor does it magically bestow powers to be nice on you. If anything, after acknowledging pain instead of being an asshole you become a self conscious dedicated asshole with an excuse always at ready.
>> No. 30148 [Edit]
>It doesn't make it any less bearable
You can always kill yourself if it's outright unbearable.
Better than abusing whoever happens to be both nearby and weaker than you, for sure.

>instead of being an asshole you become a self conscious dedicated asshole with an excuse always at ready.
What excuse?
>> No. 30149 [Edit]
yes yes yes

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30050 No. 30050 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How does one obtain this "motivation"? I know obvious sentiments,like the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result each time and there's also the fact that you don't know what you're capable of doing until you actually try it,but how do I get that little voice in the back of my mind telling me that I won't be able to do something to shut the hell up and let me do it? To those who actually get shit done,what the heck do you do to balance everything out? I want to reach goals and i struggle with this. It honestly drives me crazy.What do I do??
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>> No. 30062 [Edit]
I don't know what /late/ is (board on one of those numerous lynxchan IBs)? Also from my point since this is all subjective metaphysics, there is nothing to argue, you are free to believe what you want and OP is free to adopt which ever viewpoint he resonates with best. Some people might indeed find a comfort in accepting such inevitability/immutability and making it part of their world view, but I don't personally see how that makes you better off in the long-run.
>> No. 30063 [Edit]
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>board on one of those numerous lynxchan IBs
And you say you don't know.
>This is a terribly self-defeating piece of "advice"
It wasn't really an advice, but I am a defeated person, so of course my perspective is self-defeating.
>since it allows you to affect the decision process itself at a meta-level to be more "aligned" with your current needs
It does not provide tools, however. It is not enough to recognize the possibility of change. As you said,
>If your mindset includes the belief that your worldview and internal narrative is fixed and unable to change
but it is not my mindset, and I know that - at least to a certain degree - worldview and internal narrative are mutable, mostly by my own example. However, to change your actual behavior and thought model towards perceived good is not the same as recognizing the possibility. Then, see the situation I find myself into. First, I perceive possibility of change. Then, I hit the wall of actually not knowing what kind of a change exactly it should be and how I should choose my further actions, and generally what direction I should choose in life at all. Then, I recognize that I simply don't have any knowledge or skills necessary to bring qualitative change into my life. Then, the only conclusion I can arrive to is that factually, I can not change anything, at least not by myself. Even boiling it down to a simple material goal oriented context, pursuing what OP describes as "I want to reach goals and i struggle with this" is incomprehensible to me, because I neither have any goals, nor do I know any one worth the trouble except seeking some peace of mind which, again, I have no tools to attain. I remember having some vague life goals back in the day, but didn't come to be, not even entirely my fault, just a plot twist of "fate" that put them out of m
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>> No. 30071 [Edit]
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>wrote a long post
>deleted because wasn't really saying anything of substance
Sigh. I don't know your circumstances OP all I know is that whether you have tools and resources at your disposal, or not, and whether you have a grand life goal, or not, all you can really do is try. Try try and try again. Change will come naturally after that (it actually won't because the human brain is kind of a nigger about adapting beyond certain circumstances but let's pretend that doesn't happen for a second) and then the effects may add up on each other. If you don't feel "motivated" to try just remember this is all there is and all there will ever be.

>What do I do??
>take a nap
>mindful meditation
>seek to nourish your body with quality food
>change your phones and desktop wallpaper to those of the Tonegawa speech in Kaiji
>do what I did, replay in your head the FarCry speech on insanity each time that voice that says you "won't be able to do it" comes up, tell the fucking faggot voice who is the insane one, him for doing that or you for putting up with it instead of putting both of you to sleep with a glock
Good luck!
>> No. 30140 [Edit]
I appreciate the advice guts,thank you!

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30017 No. 30017 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Fellow loners, would you say your IQ would be higher if you didn't have to struggle with social isolation and lack of physical bonding?

Because I'm fairly sure long-term depression / poverty of stimuli doesn't go easy on a loner's brain
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>> No. 30126 [Edit]
>(Another reason is of course that you can't trust the purity of this stuff since it's all technically unregulated, so I always mentally use an order-of-magnitude safety factor)
This one is very true, I've seen many reports of this happening with Vitamin D3 being as popular as it is. But really I was just desperate to get a good night of sleep so I was trying things randomly, and that worked best.

>(amounts that should be safe when taken long term by almost anyone who is in good health)
I think the important part here is
>in good health
That's the difference. I'm not claiming losers or outcasts are not in good health, but it's very likely a lifetime of isolation slowly damages your body. NAC is a popular supplement that seems to help with a lot of mental issues for example, and it's basically just an antioxidant.

>(e.g. autoimmune disorders) things are a bit more blurred. That's not say you can "meditate your way into good health" if your diet is lacking, but conversely I have seen sufficient evidence that both psychological issues and poor diet can manifest as immune dysregulation, e.g. eczema.
Funny you mention that because in my family many relatives on my mothers side have some sort of autoimmune problem. Grandpa got Guillain Barre after some infection that his coworkers got over without major issues, grandma had some autoimmune thing in her joints, my brother has diagnosed IBS. And they're all pretty fucking mental for as long as I can remember, I think a more accurate word is resentful.

>bitter indignation at having been treated unfairly.
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>> No. 30127 [Edit]
The only problem with understanding medicine is that it takes years of learning and years of practice, otherwise you're just another delusional guy who think he outsmarted doctors. Well I don't doubt you outsmarted half of them just by being diligent, but that means very little usually.
>> No. 30128 [Edit]
> happening with Vitamin D3
I haven't read about adulteration of D3 since from what I understand it's simple enough to synthesize from lanolin. For zinc and other mineral supplements the concern is heavy metal such as lead though.

>what kind of specific evidence have you seen
Well it's nothing that would convince some hardcore dualistic skeptic, just more "vibes". And like anything intersecting psychology, there's no way to get rigorous proof of anything besides just observations and noting down curious correlations. You can look at things like the work of John Sarno in showing that back pain (barring any anatomical issues) is almost always psychological, and just more generally the fact that placebos work in the first place. From there you could probably posit some sort of feedback mechanism, where "so long as you feel pain" then the body/mind remains in "attack mode" which over time throws normal immune regulation off balance. It's also shouldn't be too hard to accept the other direction that immune disorders and inflammation would affect the state of mind, so that there's some 2-way binding between these two.

In terms of actual biological mechanism for this linkage, I think the limbic system, digestion, parasympathetic system all probably would play a role, but as far as I know since this hypothesis isn't even accepted by the mainstream there isn't much actual research on isolating causal factors.

>is that the bitterness made them sick which in turn prevented them from properly moving forward in life
Yeah, it sounds very "superstition-y" when phrased in that specific way, but there does seem to be some psychological/psychosomatic component to post-viral illnesses (of which "long covid" is the most notable example), and perhaps also "chronic fatigue" syndrome. Unfortunately psychosomatic illness are treated as if they're "imagined", when in fact under this working model they are very real, it's just that the root cause of
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>> No. 30134 [Edit]
>I can definitely tell i have become dumber, I have little short term memory and im sleepy and low motivation all the time.

Have you tried radical lifestyle changes?
Also, what exactly is causing the apnoea?
Do you have something like a permanent cold?

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29907 No. 29907 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
You know what I can't stand? The excessive use of acronyms, slang, and abbreviations that has become common place across the internet.
I'm tired of feeling like I need to be a cryptographer to just to decrypt the ciphertext these morons spout when trying to have a simple conversation.
When people start typing like this and using u in place of you and w/ and hru wyd ikr wdym and so on, I lose all interest in further interaction with the person.
If they're putting this little effort into how they type, they're likely putting little effort into what they type.
As a rule of thumb I believe if you wouldn't talk to a person like this face to face, you shouldn't talk to them like this over text either.

I'm not oblivious to the fact every generation has their own slang terms, but I feel like this is too far. It's a lot more than just a few words, far more than just calling something rad or saying someone is a square. It's like every other word with some of these people, and I can't take it anymore.

Does anyone else here feel this way?
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>> No. 30084 [Edit]
Here to complain not about acronyms but about emojis and people who send a bunch of them in a row expecting others to know what they mean.

Stop being so relatable.
>> No. 30085 [Edit]
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>Here to complain not about acronyms but about emojis and people who send a bunch of them in a row expecting others to know what they mean.
Advice I received from heavens during a revelation a while back. Just ignore them. If it's critical send an emoji back and pretend you totally understand them.
>> No. 30117 [Edit]
Yeah on certain platforms that's just as obnoxious if not more so than the stuff OP complains about. It's like we're reverting back to hieroglyphics. I find it's often accompanied by seemingly random and out of context meme. These images often don't seem to have any relation at all to anything else being discussed or posted, and I don't really understand why people do it.
My theory is these people have nothing to say but want to say something, they want to be noticed and have their existence acknowledged. They don't care what people are talking about, they just want to be seen and heard. So they post something they find amusing, or maybe the first image they can find, or anything. Why even think twice about it, just post anything you have right?

Sometimes I check in on chats in hopes of having 'some' level of human interaction, only to find nothing but a flood of stupid ugly cat memes and I become a little more disappointed in humanity each time.
>> No. 30119 [Edit]
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>Sometimes I check in on chats in hopes of having 'some' level of human interaction, only to find nothing but a flood of stupid ugly cat memes and I become a little more disappointed in humanity each time.
You can always mail me. You are very unlikely to get any real time human interaction, though.

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25919 No. 25919 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Is there any comforting fantasies or thoughts you have or entertain regularly? I'm sure a life with your waifu is one of them but what about others?
I like to think about being a cute loli and having a cute and caring older sister to grow up and fall in love with. We would climb trees, shoot water guns at each other, play in a pool, read stories before bed, make desserts, cuddle at night and spend practically all of our time together. It helps me fall asleep and makes me feel better when I'm sad.
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>> No. 29506 [Edit]
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I fantasize about reincarnating or going back in time after I die.
My life was a mess, I didn't live my life the way I think is right and I think it's too late to achieve any of the things I wanted to. So I wish I had another chance, I wish I had another life to try.
I fantasize about everything I would have done if I had another life or if I could start this life over. I wish I were born again in this same era, the late 90s to 2010s, as a different person but with the same soul. Or that I could go back to when I was 0 to 7 years old, without keeping any of the memories from the future, but somehow keeping the same spirit that I have now.
It's a very intense desire, I really wish it were possile after I die.
>> No. 29566 [Edit]
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Lately I've been thinking about how nice it would be to have a daughter. I cannot for the life of me imagine my ideal wife. Even in dreams I struggle to come up with a visage of my "perfect-wife". I don't dream about sex or women. For some reason I can imagine a little 'me' though. A little girl. I want to protect her from the evils of this world and show her nothing but kindness and happiness. All the good things life has to offer. I daydream about buying her ice-cream, and painting her nails, and brushing her hair, and dressing her up in lovely clothes. I want to raise a daughter like Escha Malier, a cute and honest girly-girl that is sweet and kind. I want to watch my little girl grow and blossom into a beautiful and independent young lady. I'm a fuck up so I want to teach another soul to avoid the mistakes I have made with my life and put them on the right path. What >>25922 said is very true. Fantasies for the most part is just unattainable ideal futures that you imagine for yourself. It's not reality. Reality can be cruel and uncomfortable. Reality for me is that I'm going to die alone but maybe the consolation of my little world is that it gives me material for a manga I could write. Art can be a substitute for children.
>> No. 29567 [Edit]
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Even if you had the money to afford a surrogate, whatever you imagine raising a kid is like, is a lot better than the reality of it.
>> No. 30118 [Edit]
Sometimes I would like to wonder what it would be like to have a somewhat normal family. To grow up in some old house in a typical town, having average siblings or parents I could interact with often and talk to the way normal people do. Even just mundane things like watching TV together, sharing your day, eating together, going shopping or whatever. Even fighting and getting into augments sometimes. To just live like that for years and years...
It might have been nice to have some stability, some normality. Maybe there's a me in another reality that got to have that life.
Stuff like that can't be changed though, so I also used to have fantasies about having a friend I could play videogames with, hang out in various places with and just chat about whatever. A buddy I can count on.
I'd also sometimes have fantasies about having a 3DPD that could fill the empty void in my life, that could act as a friend as much as a lover, someone that might give meaning to my life, maybe explore the world with, while supporting them however I can and only asking that they just be there in turn.
This was before I got old, too old to start over or find any of what I was looking for. I had to face the fact none of that was ever meant for me. I don't find much comfort in those fantasies anymore, only pain in thinking what could have been. It's like I'm stranded alone on an island and missed my last chance to get off and reintegrate into society.
I don't have much here, and I cling to what I do. I try to fill that hole with hobbies and material goods but those are only distractions. Maybe I wouldn't have ended up as such a mess if I at least had some normal offline human interaction.

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29322 No. 29322 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I think I'm done.
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>> No. 29929 [Edit]
verbal littering
>> No. 29930 [Edit]
this refers to me, not any of you, just in case you're searching something to be angry with
>> No. 30011 [Edit]
It's become sort of worse ever since I ruined my sleep schedule but I think it's because of living in seclusion or something. I don't know. It certainly sucks. I feel too sleepy to do anything of what I have to, but I also don't really feel dejected so I can't even vent like a normal loner or whatever. It feels so frustrating, like basically the only thing I can mentally afford to do right now is staring at my screen and wondering why my conscience hasn't shut down yet.
>> No. 30116 [Edit]
Are you easily impressed? I think it would take a child to break me. It is trivial to unsettle me out of my wits. Just anything minor going awry and I'm done. Even if it's just a game. No wonder I never had a chance to live. I sort of wish I lived in Sparta so they would kill me the day I was born and spare me the trouble. Now I have to suffer AND be afraid of dying. Pathetic

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29603 No. 29603 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Hello olds, I know you hate the likes of me, but they used to say that knowledge must admit no emotion, so...

For the sake of knowledge, do you have any particular techniques to accelerate adaptation to isolation? I still get painful urges to be part of a community, though I am already beyond the alienation stage and feel not even the desire to
actually connect with any of them. I don't hate or even dislike them, I just feel like they're sort of movie characters, I can hear and see them, can even say a few words, but there's a screen between us that doesn't allow any connections. Besides, I find them disgusting in many ways.

All said, I would think it would come to me as natural to not be pained by inability to find company, but it didn't. Why?
63 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 30104 [Edit]
It depends on whether I see a post that I can add something to. I don't usually start new lines of discussion (whether as an actual new thread or just post in an existing general thread).
>> No. 30111 [Edit]
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You were fast to delete my post dood, but fair enough.
>> No. 30112 [Edit]
Well The Dude or not we try to avoid 3DPD here, and we do have a board for anime. /so/ meanwhile by nature is going to be a text heavy board. At the risk of coming across as rude, I'd recommend lurking(browsing around) a bit more before posting to get a better feel for things.
>> No. 30113 [Edit]
These days about 1 or 2 "serious" posts per week, maybe less. Those tend to go unnoticed but sometimes on slow boards like tohno someone replies weeks if not months later though, that's nice.

Regular posts, about 2-10 per day. I wouldn't call that kind of interaction fulfilling in any way, not that former is, either. It's funny how the first type of posts is something I force myself to do, while the second is just force of habit at this point.

Same here.

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20298 No. 20298 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Do you guys ever become extremely depressed several times a day when your memory makes you remember all the retarded, stupid and shameful shit you did back in the days? How do you guys deal or have dealt with this? I have been having these flashbacks of things I did or say many years ago and they have haunted me ever since. I can't deal with them or forget them, so I get this anxiety issue where I just want to dissapear or run away to a place where nobody I know will ever find in order to never have to deal with the things I did in my past ever again.
34 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 21386 [Edit]
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Over the years I've been doing shit I regret on a daily basis from mistakes to decisions that have caused me and others great harm while most recover from things I've done I do not really recover. I can't be very forgiving with myself for anything I've done whether it was something I said or something I did the past is not something I can change and I never seem to learn my lesson I keep doing shit I regret. Even recently stuff I did will probably haunt me for a long time or the rest of my days. I don't have a real way to cope with feelings of shame, regret, or dread that I'll do something again. I can hold onto something for years usually resentments of people or things that happened. As a result I suffer from depression and I feel I may be developing anxiety now because the future looks very dark for me I feel I'll just keep making mess ups because I don't know how to get what I want without hurting someone in the process.

>so I get this anxiety issue where I just want to dissapear or run away to a place where nobody I know will ever find in order to never have to deal with the things I did in my past ever again.
I've been wanting to do that OP, I want to move to some desolate isolated place and start over because of all the that is on my mind constantly but I feel even than I'd mess that up to.
>> No. 29755 [Edit]
In 2023 I started getting little "attacks" of cringe over the things I used to do as a kid and for a few years already I've had thoughts or remembered something in which I immediately forget it. So I sort of have the opposite problem.
>> No. 29756 [Edit]
>Do you guys ever become extremely depressed several times a day when your memory makes you remember all the retarded, stupid and shameful shit you did back in the days?
Yes. The memories kick in and cut like a knife driven right in your guts. It causes acute fleeting distress then I suppress the memories somehow. It is very unpleasant.
>> No. 30046 [Edit]
I suddenly felt super useless. Now I need to work around that somehow until it settles. If I can't chase the thought out I might as well get depressed again. The last week or so of feeling neutral is has been almost a blessing.

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29899 No. 29899 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What was your most recent big mistake? Something stupid, bad, or just wrong that you did and regret.

How did you fix it or deal with it?
6 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 29906 [Edit]
>How did you achieve such a state?
Whatever do you mean. "I" did not "achieve" anything.
>those are pretty easy to drop
What makes you think that? Did you ever have one and truly believed it?
>I'm referring to the minute day-to-day stuff
These have nothing to do with me. These are impulses intercepted and acted upon by the carrier. I can only look at it and sometimes yell at the top of my lungs in hope it will prevent him from fucking up completely, because whatever pain he feels, I feel it too, and it is even more painful to me because it does not make sense to me and I don't understand its source or nature.
>The only way to avoid it entirely would be to just sit doing nothing
The only way to avoid that would be to take your pills, but I don't care for pills. I don't trust them anyway.
>I think everyone has desires.
Everyone who is a person.
>> No. 29909 [Edit]
>"I" did not "achieve" anything.
Unless you woke up one day suddenly and spontaneously thrust into the egoless state, or were born that way, there was by necessity some precipitating event (or deliberate process). But I honestly can't tell what's going on from your post. Since you mentioned pills (which is not at all what i was referring to, I was referring to systematic meditation to first develop awareness of the underlying cognitive processes which you seem to have already done, then ultimately dissolving those distinctions [non-dual state, samadhi, etc.]) I'm guessing it's something like depersonalization?

I don't know how the two are related, but in all spiritual traditions I'm familiar with, "accidental ego death" (e.g. drug induced, or simply just doing advanced techniques without the right preparation) before you learn to trace the source of and deal with your emotions usually ends up causing more instability. Something for me to read up on I suppose.

(Also the way "I" is always scare-quoted in discussion of introspection and dissection of the mind into its constituent observer always annoyed me. Like the trope of some "guru" saying "this is not a chair, merely a collection of atoms which we refer to as a chair." Some people also take that too far and vow never to use the word "I" or something, and they invariably just substitute another term like "this bodymind" in communication... which is exactly what the first-person pronoun refers to anyway.)
>> No. 29910 [Edit]
>I dislike questions like this, OP.
The question wasn't addressed to you personally. If you don't like it then you shouldn't have posted in this thread. This "nothing can affect me because I have achieved ego death" attitude is pathetic and narcissistic, it's nothing more than a front to hide your insecurities. And it's ultimately false and hypocritical because if you had no sense of self and ego then you wouldn't have posted in this thread in the first place to show us how cool you are for totally not caring about anything, meaning that you wish to be perceived in a certain way.

>>>I think everyone has desires.
>Everyone who is a person.
Wow... so edgy.
>> No. 29911 [Edit]
>nothing can affect me because I have achieved ego death
Not that anon, but there's nothing intrinsically false about this. If one does indeed undergo "genuine" ego death, then he is free from the subjective experience of suffering. It's not nihilism or a "coping strategy": it is the only mode of existence that can offer such release from attachment and associated pain. That's why it's the end goal of most spiritual movements. But "ego death" is an actual state of the psyche that's the culmination of years of expanding the scope of your attention, and not something that can "just" be consciously adopted. And it's certainly not easy to achieve, forget complete nonduality (sahaja samadhi?), I don't think most meditators even experience nirvikalpa samadhi. (Related: I've always been curious at what the correspondence between types of samadhi and the Buddhist jhanas is. There's clearly some correspondence as both describe states of non-duality but it's not clear how they map.) But it's probably not even necessary for most people, just practicing feeling different emotions and parts of the psyche is sufficient to slowly surface deeper pain and chip away at it. And from an 80-20 perspective that's probably "good enough".

> hypocritical
Heh only now did I catch the irony between "I dislike questions like this" and the subsequent post. That's not to invalidate anon's experiences, assuming it's not just role-playing as an enlightened monk he probably does have some different perspective in terms of conscious experience. It'd be interesting to hear more about it, although this thread probably isn't the right place. I don't think it's "ego death" as traditionally defined though, possibly closer to depersonalization or DID or something.

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