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File 147327609087.png - (58.62KB , 150x292 , github.png )
19971 No. 19971 [Edit]
Do you ever write about your waifu? If so, what do you write?
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>> No. 19972 [Edit]
Come to think of it, I wrote a visual novel in Ren'Py a few years ago which indirectly involved her. It wasn't very good, though, and I never actually posted it anywhere.
>> No. 19973 [Edit]
File 147338632969.png - (19.56KB , 993x713 , tumblr_od3n2qv7m21ucz42go3_1280.png )
A few years ago I wrote a bunch of short things about Midousuji. They're mostly terrible in my eyes by now. I'm writing a "normal-length" fanfic right now that will be better than all of them in every conceivable way, but some of my ideas from back then were good enough that I'd be willing to rewrite them instead of pretending they don't exist.
>> No. 19976 [Edit]
I keep a notebook of thoughts I get when I think of her.
>> No. 19977 [Edit]
File 147387852810.jpg - (32.17KB , 400x400 , 2732263i.jpg )
I regularly journal about my waifu, her source content & my relationship with her. It's a bit obsessive
>> No. 20084 [Edit]
I don't write, but I make a lot of music dedicated to her. It helps me sort out my feelings and work through some of the contradictions we experience loving a 2D character. I've been doing it for years and ever since I've started, I feel like my feelings have deepened considerably. I love her now more than ever.
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