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File 14885080992.jpg - (146.74KB , 1280x720 , Long Riders! - 04 [720p]_mkv_snapshot_14_55_[2017_.jpg )
6035 No. 6035 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Get out your Zony cameras, it's time for some parody products and businesses! Post em if you got em!
46 posts and 38 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 7416 [Edit]
It's got that Chinese knockoff smell to it.
>> No. 7417 [Edit]
Inside winklesoft internet browser.
>> No. 7431 [Edit]
File 173127699840.png - (83.27KB , 279x268 , tamazon.png )
Episode 3 from Yuyushiki
>> No. 7445 [Edit]
File 173734486280.png - (2.18MB , 1920x1080 , 3VqZNs5Y9h6VbXH4enuarP.png )

File 154165167923.png - (542.73KB , 630x900 , 85ac6897aba80481b123e8a8146e9275.png )
6776 No. 6776 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Post some stuff that really speaks to you, calls out to you, that makes you stop to think or simply admire it.
47 posts and 46 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 7394 [Edit]
File 17161530792.jpg - (103.08KB , 1024x1024 , FtDQDCuaIAEZztL.jpg )
Great artist.
>> No. 7424 [Edit]
File 172405307975.jpg - (100.42KB , 700x700 , __yuno_hidamari_sketch_drawn_by_nakajima_lsd_o_ddd.jpg )
>> No. 7428 [Edit]
File 172855734894.png - (137.00KB , 465x996 , life sucks drop out.png )
>> No. 7430 [Edit]
File 172948686296.jpg - (23.63KB , 462x480 , 1604622529734.jpg )

File 158153492091.png - (146.64KB , 1836x962 , 8.png )
7032 No. 7032 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
I don't know how interested others are, but I love seeing and recording stuff people write, especially about other boards. They always age in a funny way.
131 posts and 70 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 7441 [Edit]
I appreciate the kind words, but again I feel like I don't deserve it. I don't do nearly as much for the site and community as I could (but should have some more free time now that I'm going back to being a NEET again). I've had help along the way from people who I feel don't get enough credit. Most of the bans or deleted garbage you see is probably thanks to them.

I do have to say though, I'll never understand admins/owners who beg for money and keep their sites hostage in the process. TC is a home for me as much as it is for anyone else, probably more so. With the increasingly condensed dumbed down corporatized and sanitized landfill that the internet is turning into, floating in a sea of brainrot, It's feels like I'm stranded on an island and it gives me some peace of mind knowing I'm not alone in being alone.
Even when I was flat broke I didn't have much trouble paying for this. Then I see stuff like >>7439 with "$4 needed by the 9th to keep the boards running." What the fug is this? Who can't pay $4 for their own site?
You know the only reason I haven't already paid off our servers for decades in advanced (so the site can go on without me) is because people keep recommending we change servers, which is something I try to keep in mind.

>the /so/ anime girl for your thoughts thread.
If you mean the post cute anime girls thread, yeah a few times...
If you ever want to talk, I'm chronically on our IRC channel (I have no life) chatting with others about pretty much anything and everything. At the risk of sounding narcissistic, I've also made a number of posts here and have taken to making blog like posts on twitter It's kinda the only large social platform I've used, and even then it can feel like a chore which is why I'm
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
>> No. 7442 [Edit]
I personally prefer preserving the mystery of it. I feel like if I learned too much about you I probably wouldn't like you (it's not an indictment of you, there's just very few people I would imagine myself getting along with.)
>> No. 7443 [Edit]
File 173251228487.png - (859.74KB , 1680x857 , channel4bbs.png )
All boards on Channel4 BBS just show this picture. Does this mean it's kill now? Well, I don't know. Posting this for archival purposes.
>> No. 7444 [Edit]
It looks like it's just the links in the sidebar that were changed. Access to the boards still appears to be available via their actual URLs.

File 134716334740.jpg - (131.67KB , 632x900 , preview6f297b6469da055f7116127be3c19a74.jpg )
5315 No. 5315 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Happy 9th of September, Tohno-chan. I hope all of you guys have an ice day.
53 posts and 49 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 7398 [Edit]
File 172021571948.png - (226.29KB , 488x694 , 1716985333316852.png )
>> No. 7399 [Edit]
File 172021573871.jpg - (253.51KB , 690x787 , f244bc5a28b33c29e01a5347a8a7fc23875aaf11cc1165cee3.jpg )
>> No. 7400 [Edit]
File 17202157731.png - (956.02KB , 850x850 , 132873993978.png )
>> No. 7427 [Edit]
File 172654489027.jpg - (21.50KB , 600x432 , 129501291541.jpg )

File 172023097393.png - (21.21KB , 397x529 , born to danmaku.png )
7407 No. 7407 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
i have a few to start off the thread, but feel free to contribute. preferably otaku themed ones.
>> No. 7408 [Edit]
File 172023101315.png - (29.27KB , 300x350 , i am a trash man.png )
>> No. 7409 [Edit]
File 172023111182.png - (286.58KB , 483x611 , born to smile.png )
>> No. 7412 [Edit]
File 172027159934.jpg - (94.10KB , 876x1000 , born to feel.jpg )
>> No. 7418 [Edit]
File 172076641444.jpg - (34.89KB , 515x595 , born2sleep.jpg )

File 147319399944.jpg - (31.61KB , 640x480 , 1263896539657.jpg )
5907 No. 5907 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Desu Desu Desu.
24 posts and 21 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 7404 [Edit]
File 172021845636.jpg - (289.27KB , 773x624 , desu3.jpg )
>> No. 7405 [Edit]
File 172021847247.jpg - (270.90KB , 773x624 , desu4.jpg )
>> No. 7421 [Edit]
File 172383440472.jpg - (92.85KB , 818x632 , 22f2102d35e5ce94d400e5faeab0cea1cfff055c8462c564f9.jpg )
>> No. 7422 [Edit]
File 172383442543.jpg - (884.56KB , 1531x1618 , this is desu argument invalid.jpg )

File 137934416342.jpg - (307.83KB , 1024x768 , 31af62abda797ab7d0b8b2fd74d1abe3.jpg )
4749 No. 4749 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
23 posts and 22 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 7213 [Edit]
File 161318145779.jpg - (27.07KB , 300x215 , 300px-Lain's_navi_layer_03.jpg )
>> No. 7396 [Edit]
File 172021561775.jpg - (98.15KB , 850x850 , 1712943451911455.jpg )
>> No. 7414 [Edit]
File 172057651586.png - (814.83KB , 750x1000 , kg50_10_waifu2x_art_noise2_scale_tta_1.png )
>> No. 7420 [Edit]
File 172276730956.jpg - (74.64KB , 640x360 , haruhi is lurking.jpg )
haruhi is lurking

File 130937914143.jpg - (378.34KB , 800x600 , Game CG 07.jpg )
2412 No. 2412 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
409 posts and 379 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 7376 [Edit]
File 170452126251.jpg - (870.08KB , 1000x920 , 1616896501068.jpg )
>> No. 7377 [Edit]
File 170529127110.jpg - (237.52KB , 1631x2048 , GAwEQy_WgAAL6hR.jpg )
>> No. 7378 [Edit]
File 170529182438.jpg - (99.53KB , 850x1201 , 1687823273595149.jpg )
>> No. 7395 [Edit]
File 171632173459.jpg - (777.53KB , 1440x2560 , GLmRXH5asAAn6s4.jpg )

File 130671562064.jpg - (201.87KB , 900x600 , tamayura.jpg )
6209 No. 6209 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
I know we're a lazy bunch and we don't go out that much but I'd still like to propose you a photography thread as it can be funny like I'm imagining it.

It's simple. Use any device that let's you take photos and report back with something interesting you found. It can be anything. Outside your window, in your room, in your backyard, in your garage or house. It doesn't have to be any kind of professional stuff, although that's okay of course.

Please limit photos to a maximum resolution of 2560x1920 or something around that area for everyone's viewing pleasure. The photos have to be new and not something you took last year. がんばって!
400 posts and 258 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 7119 [Edit]
File 158877760124.jpg - (1.90MB , 2560x1920 , IMG_20200505_174038.jpg )
Been coming to this place for a while now but recently it's been empty since that hotel and the one business next to it have been closed for weeks. Nice having the area to myself.
>> No. 7131 [Edit]
File 160023449241.jpg - (407.26KB , 1000x750 , sunset.jpg )
one of my old /fumo/ pictures
>> No. 7374 [Edit]
File 170447147163.png - (782.99KB , 1222x576 , Shelves.png )
Since you mentioned taking photos of something in your room, I decided to grab my phone and take a picture of one of my shelves from bed.

It's very zoomed in, which explains the resolution.
>> No. 7391 [Edit]
File 171258645032.jpg - (3.66MB , 4080x3060 , 旭丘分校.jpg )
I've finally made the trip there. There is an indescribable wave of emotion as you walk into the grounds and starts to play. Unfortunately the condition of the building itself has deteriorated to the point that visitors are no longer allowed inside.

File 168479315617.png - (3.39MB , 1920x1200 , ColorWall-w8rxo7.png )
7361 No. 7361 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Is anyone else fascinated with this series? It's my favorite.
>> No. 7362 [Edit]
File 168479320713.jpg - (413.18KB , 2408x1607 , ColorWall-13dxpw.jpg )
>> No. 7369 [Edit]
File 170038152723.png - (152.12KB , 600x600 , download20210102181528.png )
My tulpa is based on Ai.
I can't really watch the series anymore, it gives me bad memories from my childhood.

File 169013713014.jpg - (3.45MB , 3024x4032 , innards.jpg )
7363 No. 7363 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Post the inside of your PC.

CPU: Ryzen 5 7600
GPU: RTX A2000 6GB
Motherboard: B650I AORUS Ultra
Case: Meshlicious

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