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3940 No. 3940 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
ITT post manga pages you like.
39 posts and 38 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 4142 [Edit]
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>> No. 4146 [Edit]
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I picked up some of that dialect by watching Ghost Hound, I can read most of that
>> No. 4186 [Edit]
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>> No. 4193 [Edit]
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4161 No. 4161 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I will post my random impressions here. You could post them too.

Since this board is mostly inactive I think nobody is going to care if I post here a bit. It's not like I am going to be around even a week later, because I'm not actually into manga.
20 posts and 19 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 4189 [Edit]
File 173693699098.jpg - (464.29KB , 1052x1137 , Jingai no Yome to Icha Icha suru - Anthology Comic.jpg )
The absolute best pane. Its sheer cuteness is mind boggling.

Post edited on 15th Jan 2025, 2:30am
>> No. 4190 [Edit]
File 173693755916.jpg - (125.93KB , 938x363 , Jingai no Yome to Icha Icha suru - Anthology Comic.jpg )
Forgot there's kakusu so I don't appear too spammy

Fox girl is right, if this continues, the "I'm just not grown enough mentally" excuse will not do anymore~!

Post edited on 15th Jan 2025, 2:42am
>> No. 4191 [Edit]
File 173694105396.jpg - (86.20KB , 489x540 , Jingai no Yome to Icha Icha suru - Anthology Comic.jpg )
This chapter really stands out among all others in its premise. Usually you'd expect some sweet happy ending, but this here down to earth realism feels very peculiar and to the point. I guess trading your life for a brief but significant pleasure isn't that bad considering what's real life about.
>> No. 4192 [Edit]
File 173694266568.jpg - (152.03KB , 291x802 , Jingai no Yome to Icha Icha suru - Anthology Comic.jpg )
Took a few hours to read all 17 chapters. It's written in the last chapter that it was printed in 2017, so I reckon there will not be a continuation most likely, still, it was a nice experience. Mostly fun. Don't want to bother with a manga review to be honest, because this this thing is just a collection of very brief slices of life. Definitely worth a look.

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3766 No. 3766 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
I'm reading the classic manga Buddha since I want to read more anyway. It is honestly so bizarre seeing stuff that supposedly happened with such a cartoonish artstyle, and I know it's already going to be heavily fictionalized just due to the nature of religion and historical figures but still.
109 posts and 58 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 4159 [Edit]
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>[Incidentally he has a series serialized in kiara forward.]
Not anymore. KissYuri ended recently; I finished reading it. But thanks to your post I found out that betock previously also had a oneshot in Forward titled "Shimai wo Sotsugyou Shite Koibito ni Narimashita". KissYuri tended to feel kind of silly with its premise, harem, and battles; but the cute and passionate feel you're talking about is evident in this oneshot.
>> No. 4183 [Edit]
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Can you spot all 10 differences?

By the way, this manga is cute and heartwarming. The girl with the shorter hair is Satou Kanna ("satou" with a different pitch accent means "sugar"), a scary yakuza daughter who secretly likes sweets but refrains from eating them in front of the people around her because she feels it would conflict with the image and expectations that they have of her. The girl with the longer hair is her classmate, Mochizuki Mito (originally Rurisaki Mito in the oneshot) (Mito → miito → meat). This perfect ojou-sama iinchou's secret is that, contrary to what her public image may suggest, she likes to eat copious amounts of meat. Like Kanna, she feels a pressure to hide this fact from the people around her to maintain the image that they have of her. After the two find out each other's secret by chance, they begin to secretly meet with each other outside of class to eat together, with each person ordering what the other wants and then eating what the other ordered once the dishes get to the table. As the two continue to meet, they bond and grow to appreciate each other more.
>> No. 4184 [Edit]
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I could only find 8
>> No. 4185 [Edit]
You forgot the heart in the left reaction bubble not being filled out, but otherwise I can't find more either.

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4042 No. 4042 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I suppose we ought to have one. Hopefully you'll find a title or two itt to enjoy or at least something to help you pass the time.
11 posts and 9 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 4151 [Edit]
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I've read The Push Man and Other Stories by Yoshihiro Tatsumi. I was feeling like a change of pace and came across this title more or less by accident when looking for alternative, against the grain manga. There's an oppressing atmosphere and pessimism in all the stories in this collections but somehow they manage to be poetic and charming in a way. Many stories have relationships between men and women as their core and how they bring misery and disappointment from both sides of the deal. But then again, it seems like engaging with society at any level, being entering a romantic relationship, employment or simply going out in the streets, invariably results in varying degrees of bitterness, confusion and anger. Despite this, most characters keep the stiff upper lip to the point of looking numb, apathetic or pathologically reticent. Society feels like something made to humiliate and grind the characters' souls to that point.

The artwork is simple but charming and effective. Text is sparse, which I think helps with the pacing and the atmosphere. Silence is a big part of how these stories play out and is an essential part of the characters. It somewhat elevates them beyond the terrible situations they take part in or are responsible for, almost like if these things happen in silence they're less horrifying and crushing. If nothing is said there's less to think about. Yet this book gave me a lot to think about. I definitely recommend it.

You can borrow it for free at
1 hour is enough to read the whole thing but you can keep borrowing it if it takes you longer. All you need is a free account. There are tons of comics and books in there to borrow, so making an account is quite worth it.
>> No. 4152 [Edit]
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Just finished reading A Drifting Life after having a positive experience reading The Push Man and Other Stories by the same author, Tatsumi Yoshihiro. This is a very long book, at almost 900 pages long and it tells the story of the author from 15 to his mid 20s. It’s a quiet and introspective autobiography about the author’s obsession with manga. This is an interesting book on several levels, one of them being his drive and passion for the media. This is something that always feels amazing to me, being a person without a great passion for anything, reading about people that have one great love that serves as the foundation of their very existence in this world. It's so odd and comforting in a way. The author himself is impressed at times at how deep he is into his own manga world bubble and how the world is changing around here without him noticing it.

This is an autobiography and a historical document of the development of manga in Japan in the 50s and 60s. If you’re interested in that at all, you’ll have a great time with it. If you’re not interested in the subject matter, this can become a slog. Like I said, at almost 900 pages, most of it is dedicated to the conflicts between the magazines and the mangaka, trends in artwork and script, important publications, important authors at the time and so on. Fortunately for me I’m interested in the world of comics and manga, so I had a great time with it. It was very interesting to read about manga before the great magazines, how they came to be and what they destroyed to become the hegemonic method of manga publication. There’s a bittersweet tone to the whole thing, and the feeling of longing the author has for the past is very evident. It’s like he’s trying to capture as much as he can from his young years and the events that made those days so important to him. I was very moved in many places during my reading of it. I say longing but there isn’t a sentiment of nostalgia, or a combative stance of ‘the good old days’ vs now. The work has a quiet peace about the whole thing, even in the moments of struggle. Like the previous work I read from this guy, I have to recommend this one.

This is a little more demanding than most manga I found but in a good way. It took me 3 days to finish it but I was going purposely slow with this one. You can read it for free at
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>> No. 4181 [Edit]
File 173171055852.jpg - (468.90KB , 2026x792 , Magical Girl Site - c138 (v16) - p186 - Thank you.jpg )
Dramatic exhale... You bet Kentaro did Madokish ending, I was already in the process of coming up with how I was going to complain about it, but no, turned out it's not a copy paste of Madoka. Instead, the ending turned out to be more or less what you'd expect, so that makes me happy.

My overall impression hasn't changed though, I wrote most of what I had to say in /an/.

It kinda irked me that assholes got acquitted, but then they mostly got what they deserved in the process, so with a bit of teeth grinding I can accept this. Besides, it's better to put on pink glasses and pretend people can change for the better, than to dwell on the ugliness of the world. Magical Girl Site has got enough of unwarranted ugliness, and persisting with it would end up being meaningless.

There are also a lot of things you know already, typical mantra about overcoming hardships, a lot of standard copy paste cues you see all over Japanese media and probably know by hearth, etc etc. But if you don't focus on it too much and look around instead, Magical Girl Site has some interesting things to show you.

All in all, it isn't a bad way to pass time. You may even immerse in the story, like I did. Just don't expect too much.

Also, about how Aya handled things in the end... Ehh... El Psy Congroo! Yeah Kentaro I see what you did there!
>> No. 4182 [Edit]
File 173171209999.jpg - (518.19KB , 2026x1062 , Magical Girl Site - c136 (v16) - p144 - Really hap.jpg )
As a follow up post, I want to expand a bit about "interesting things", because my previous post is kind of very damn vague.

I don't know what it's like to be an experienced Mahou Shoujo reader/watcher, but from my perspective, just remembering how much mental agony I had to put myself through to watch two or three (I dropped it) episodes of Illya, I am sure my overall perception of the genre is forever doomed to be mangled by the looking glass of that agonizing experience. And don't let me get started about my other questionable attempts at Mahou Shoujo like Vivid Red Operation oh my God turn off my memory please. If there were any inexperienced people here, I'd be compelled to say it's a lesson against getting into anything backwards.

So what I liked and appreciated about Magical Girl site isn't the story itself, after what I described in the previous paragraph there is no way I'm ever expecting a story from Mahou Shoujo, but characters and how they were formed by circumstances. Just witnessing all those unfortunate stories, especially that of Aya, made me form a sort of emotional connection with them. I can't really explain it, but some characters just felt so relatable. Some gave off bad impression, but then after watching why they ended up like that, you kind of can't be angry with them anymore, mainly Shioi Rina.

That is to say, if you read/watch this as a Mahou Shoujo and don't get any weird ideas into your head about what it should be (because it shouldn't), you will likely find some of the characters to be appealing and relatable. There will be (sometimes very) offputting characters too!

Also the setting was actually fun. I am sort of used to see the same cliche setting decisions over and over again, but Magical Girl Site actually introduces a unique flavor while preserving that good old traditional mix of supernatural with every day life. I had never thought I would actually end up appreciating this Japanese way of setting up plot inside the usual school and otherwise mundane life. But if done right, it doesn't get old, somehow. Magical Girl Site, IMHO, does it right.

That's it. Cha
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4039 No. 4039 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I am reading this manga called "Itai Oneesan wa Suki desu ka?" about an office lady that's a social outcast. It's a comedy where she has very bad social skills and awkward, I like it. What are other good manga about social outcasts?
9 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 4074 [Edit]
Its good. I also like that the mc is someone who is like that because they actively fucked things up. A lot of the non Fukumoto title's about reject are people who never stood a chance.

It also interesting that she isn't outright rejected by her old family and friends. Her ex-husband and daughter still engage with her in a positive way while implicitly acknowledging things can never go back to the way they were.
>> No. 4087 [Edit]
Finally read Jobless Siblings and outside of a few side characters which are a bit too one note it really is excellent. I enjoy the contrast between the brother and sister where the brother is almost NEET as a life choice whereas the sister seems to legitimately have severe social anxiety.
>> No. 4094 [Edit]
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I've recently read Yugami-kun ni wa Tomodachi ga Inai, and while Yugami is not the typical kind of person you see in these types of manga, I feel like it still qualifies. It's about a female transfer student who sits next to the titular no-friend-haver in class and starts to see why upon interacting with him for more than a few sentences. The manga is hilarious and refreshing, almost entirely due to Yugami being a conscious egoist and causing funny situations with his refusal to consider anything other than self-satisfaction, I really like it and highly recommend it.
>> No. 4160 [Edit]
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Starring cats.

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4092 No. 4092 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
does anyone know a manga with a lot f vomit,blood, and other bodily fluids?
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 4149 [Edit]
goblin slayer
>> No. 4150 [Edit]
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Made in Abyss. It has pee, vomit, blood, shiet and who knows what else. And those are the author fetishes so he recreates himself with it. Seems perfect for your request. And besides all that is a great work.
>> No. 4156 [Edit]
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Elfenlied has some disgusting gore scenes, but they're not nearly as detailed as in the Anime.
>> No. 4158 [Edit]
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I finished Iyagatteru Kimi ga Suki recently and there's a lot of vomit, piss, sometimes (period) blood but mostly vomit.
Hearing people scream when they're being flung around by invisible arms somehow feels more gruesome than just reading it.

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4098 No. 4098 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What do you do about manga preservation? In what way do you store your manga? Do you use these manga sleeves/bags? If so, where do you buy them? If your manga have started yellowing have you tried those chemical yellow stain removal techniques?
>> No. 4099 [Edit]
>> No. 4100 [Edit]
But I like physical.
>> No. 4147 [Edit]
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>What do you do about manga preservation?
Nothing, other than not throwing them away.
>In what way do you store your manga?
On my bookshelf.
>Do you use these manga sleeves/bags? If so, where do you buy them?
No, but I do have a few historically important German books from before 1945 that I store in plastic bags that I bought from the local drug store, they cost me something like $1 for a pack of 20.
>If your manga have started yellowing have you tried those chemical yellow stain removal techniques?
No, I think the yellow color adds charm. I don't smoke, so it doesn't get too bad.
>> No. 4154 [Edit]
I used to have a massive collection back in middle school, then I had to sell it all because I needed the money and now I'm kinda strictly digital only. Recently I found myself buying again some of my favorite works in paper format but I don't plan on rebuilding my old bookshelf (I don't even own a bookshelf anymore).

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4153 No. 4153 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
This manga, Mission: Yozakura Family, I ended up reading the volume 1.

Recently, I just interested in reading manga. My friend told me, reading manga will complete the story than the anime itself. So I went to book store and finding some mangas I want to buy.

I bought some mangas. Between those, it has Mission: Yozakura Family. I read the manga in less than a hour. The manga made me laugh in the middle of the pages.

When I saw the back cover (in my region, there's a barcode and on top of the manga's barcode, it shows a text of its manga's audience), it's a Girls Comic (for some reason it's written manga instead of comic).

Well, there's some question(s) you may need to answer,

Do I need always check the manga audience or I just pick my favourite manga without noticing its audience? What differences between boys and girls manga (optional: some addition information from personal experiences)? And if you have seen some similarities with this manga, is there any manga that has Category: Spy, like Mission: Yozakura Family? (except: Spy x Family)

I'm new in manga discussion if y'all curious.

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4148 No. 4148 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
This thread is for discussion of the KSKM manga.
For those unaware, KSKM is a martial arts manga spanning 50 vols and a spin-off sequel called KS Monogatari. The art is superb with special attention being given to muscles and anatomy throughout the series while keep everything as realistic as possible (for the most part). There's some comedy, particularly in the early chapters, although it often relies on stock characters. But the real allure of this manga lies in how it does not rely on winning matches for story progression and character development. I consider that to be the greatest fault of most martial arts manga. In KSKM both the story and the characters grow without the "defeat X guy, now Y guy appears, defeat Y guy" storylines so often seen in these types of manga. That's not to say the manga is without flaws, the ending felt like the author was forced to drop the series and secondary characters are completely forgotten only for us to be "remembered" of their existence many arcs later, and not getting as much screen-time page-time as the others, this is very noticeable as the chapters progress and more characters get added. Also some of these secondary characters are actually more interesting than the MC.
The fights are good. The initial fights are nothing out of the ordinary, just formulaic, but it gets better.
The first chapters are about Kohinata learning Karate and meeting the other characters, they serve as an introductory arc altogether. These focus on comedy and have the most "cliché" linear "defeat X" out of all the arcs. I can recommend this manga to anybody who is looking for a martial marts manga.
The sequel tried to tie some loose ends, and to some extent it did so, but its about two almost unrelated guys, and not as interesting overall.

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4143 No. 4143 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Recommend me a manga that will fuck my psychology.
>> No. 4144 [Edit]
fire punch
>> No. 4145 [Edit]
Sekai Oni

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3816 No. 3816 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
do you guys know any manga with attractive older women with black hair, hoping you guys know of stuff that i havent found yet.

source is rakujitsu no pathos
4 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3873 [Edit]
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昭和不老不死伝説 バンパイア
>> No. 3879 [Edit]
>> No. 4117 [Edit]
Shijou saikyou no deshi kenichi.

Post edited on 1st Apr 2023, 7:59am
>> No. 4121 [Edit]
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Be warned though, lots of gore
But it's worth it to see the female lead

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