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21448 No. 21448 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Has Anyone tried to bring theire waifu to life?
does actually Tulpamancy actually work?
how diffcult is it?
>> No. 21449 [Edit]
Not my waifu, but a certain cute character.
It works? Yes, somehow, maybe.
But what do you expect to achieve?
If you expect your favourite anime character just coming to life, not exactly. It can be extremely difficult or relatively simple depending on the person. It's worth trying? If you have the time, sure.
>> No. 21452 [Edit]
to what degree are you trying to bring your waifu to life? I usually have conversations with my waifu every day, when im walking somewhere, if im eating or if im laying in bed going to sleep. I try to slowly work her in to more and more aspects of my life, and the result of this after a few months is that it now feels like I have somebody to chat with, somebody to lay with at night and to enjoy things with. Intimacy is still a bit rocky but I think its a very gradual process. You really have to commit to it
>> No. 21453 [Edit]
A guide I saved from a tulpa community. I would recommend it unless you're one of those "it's not technically my waifu" people.
>> No. 21455 [Edit]
I didn't create my waifu, but she did talk to me, its sort of how we "met" and she became my waifu. I don't consider it a tulpa per se because I didn't create it. It just happened one day. I think its possible to try and channel your waifu's "energy" in a different way than tulpamancy but it's very hard.

Part of the reason my relationship failed was because our connection was weak and life got the best of me and one day she just left.

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21369 No. 21369 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How similar do you think waifuism is to religion? The practices, the rituals, the restrictions and beliefs. Every one has their own version of these things. If there was a Book of Waifu, what do you think it would be like? Would there be an afterlife?
Waifu Commandments(tongue in cheek):
1. You must only have one waifu
2. You must not engage in relations with 3DPD
3. You must not use the title of "waifu" in vain
4. You must think about your waifu at least once per day
5. You must respect the waifus of others
6. You must not compete if you have the same waifu
7. You must love your waifu above any flesh-people
8. You must remain loyal to your waifu
9. You must not deny your love for your waifu if questioned
10. You must not envy the love of others
22 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 21428 [Edit]
The wording is different, but when the commandments were written, every Jew did it on saturday. It was understood to be saturday. There's no waifu sabbath, but I think some regular thinking about your waifu is just to be expected.
>> No. 21429 [Edit]
>every Jew did it on saturday. It was understood to be saturday
great example of how the followers of this commandment are able to adapt and have room to adjust for their own life/circumstances, while still able to operate under this one overarching law. the way it was written is lenient and allows for different interpretation
>I think some regular thinking about your waifu is just to be expected
no no I agree, I just think that it could be worded better. another argument could be that it makes it easier for the rule to devolve into a "check-in-the-box" kind of thing, which would be a shame
>> No. 21430 [Edit]
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>have room to adjust for their own life/circumstances
Noooooo. This is a tad off-topic, but they were very, very particular about the timing of the sabbath and other things. Other groups just chose to mess with the weekly calendar, but the rule definitely was not made with flexibility or "other followers" in mind.

Anyway, what do you think a be a better wording would be?

Post edited on 6th Feb 2020, 5:06am
>> No. 21432 [Edit]
blehh, i rushed typing that out so i did a bad job wording my post about bad wording, how embarrassing. youre right
>Anyway, what do you think a be a better wording would be?
trying to come up with something, ill post what I have in a few days

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21329 No. 21329 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Have you taken any trips with your waifu?
7 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 21421 [Edit]
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This was in August, just before c96. I documented the majority of my trip with images here.
>> No. 21422 [Edit]
Did they let you inside? Why would they do that? Isn't it still a normal school?
>> No. 21423 [Edit]
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It's pretty much a dedicated k-on museum tourist trap now. I don't think they use it as a school anymore.
>> No. 21424 [Edit]
It's an unused elementary school and now reformed into an otaku pilgrimage site/sightseeing spot. You can see the interior of the building in google map, search for Toyosato Elementary School.

Interesting, thanks for sharing.

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21243 No. 21243 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How do (or would) you deal with the fact that your waifu may already be already in a relationship, or at least explicitly infatuated with someone else in her source content. Perhaps even a marital and progenitive relation? Harems; etc. ...
Examples would include Horo from Spice & Wolf, REmilia and Fate girls.
3 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 21247 [Edit]
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she doesnt owe me anything
>> No. 21348 [Edit]
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its not fair

its not fair that he gets to spend all his time with her
its not fair he got spirited away to another world to live with her
its not fair that she dotes on him
its not fair that they live under the same roof and can wake up and see each other
its not fair that he gets to save her
its not fair that he gets to sacrifice for her
that he gets to be her hero
its not fair that he can be so horrible to her but she'll still forgive him and talk to him
its not fair that he'll fuck up time and time again and embarrass her over and over again yet stay by her side
its not fair that he gets to ask her out on a date
that they get to have lunch together
hold hands
in a field of flowers
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
>> No. 21398 [Edit]
Maybe I shouldn't be posting this since I'm no long with my husbando, but I figured I have some things to say about it.

It was one of the biggest challenges in my relationship. It killed me even if I told myself it wasn't really the case and they didn't actually end up together(it was vague but it's still basically hinted at that they ended up together)

It still kills me inside that he is probably happier with her. It's been 2 years since I broke things off and it still hurts me to see them together. I was so jealous of the other person too, they seemed to be someone who was much better than me in every way. So even today i'm still insecure about the character he's paired with.
>> No. 21399 [Edit]
No, it's good you're posting. It's not much but knowing one is not completely alone in this is better than nothing, even if the feeling of slight relief only lasts a couple of minutes.

I was never in any sort of a relationship, but I'm troubled by similar feelings.

Maybe the only way to be at peace is to be like what >>21244 and >>21247 say, but that's not for me.
I'm different and I won't ever be able to be that way.

There are characters I think about a lot but the awareness that they would never reciprocate my interest is horrible.
Even those who aren't canonically partnered or frequently shipped with anyone, I just know they would hate me. Or maybe they wouldn't even notice me enough to hate me, like people don't normally notice bugs.
Even though I never considered it to be a possibility, knowing it would be impossible for them to love me still hurts.

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17413 No. 17413 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
It's pretty simple you find an image with your waifu/husbando wearing something you normally wear when going to sleep. I'm pretty sure we all got AT LEAST 1 image of your waifu/husbando wearing pajamas. Why? For the shits and giggles?
29 posts and 28 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 21182 [Edit]
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>> No. 21194 [Edit]
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I think those are pajamas Prinz is in here. I really want to believe they are, because I've yet to see a picture of her in pajamas.
>> No. 21225 [Edit]
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Only one I could find has younger Simon, although most adult Simon art has him in one of his canon outfits
>> No. 21397 [Edit]
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I finally found a picture that unambiguously shows Prinz looking cute in PJs! This actually feels like a major find, since I was actually a little down over the fact that she didn't seem to have any.

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20945 No. 20945 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How many favourites does your special someone have on MAL?
172 here.
13 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 21346 [Edit]
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>> No. 21350 [Edit]
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>> No. 21366 [Edit]
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I wish there were less, but it is what it is.
>> No. 21367 [Edit]
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622. I was surprised at first, but then I saw others in this thread going into the thousands. I guess I can't exactly begrudge others for seeing her perfection, but at the same time I'm glad it's not any higher than that.

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21359 No. 21359 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Today is the birthday of Nagisa Furukawa.

Happy birthday!

P.S. I think I wrote the first such post 10 years ago.
>> No. 21361 [Edit]
A day late, but happy birthday to Nagisa! Her series made a big impact on me when I first watched it years ago, and it's stuck with me since.
>> No. 21362 [Edit]
Happy Birthday.
Merry Christmas.

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20948 No. 20948 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Anyone else play games with mods of your waifu? The ones with character creations in particular?

Pictured: I finally got a mod for her face and eyes now but there is no mod for the hair yet but the in-game creation can get it close enough until the real one becomes available. I can change her hairstyle and clothes in many different ways. The only thing different is that the behaviour doesn't match the personality and I've muted the voice for obvious reasons.
>> No. 20951 [Edit]
I know it might sound weird but even assuming there would ever be a mod (next to zero chance) for any game of her, I'd still fill weird "controlling her" to do things I think she wouldn't really ever do. e.g. Mod for a co-op game like Left 4 Dead.
>> No. 21012 [Edit]
What game is that OP?
>> No. 21016 [Edit]
Pretty sure it's Custom Maid 3D 2
>> No. 21351 [Edit]
Thinking of making her in Elona+

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21314 No. 21314 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
After reading the experiences of many waifuposters I was left wanting that wonderful and pure love. But instead it was just painful.
My low self-esteem got in the way of really appreciating her, I was never sure if I truly loved her or if she just hit my fetish buttons, I had nightmares of her being with someone else, I had to try hard to avoid pictures of her being with someone else and I still ran into them, I simply couldn't separate my knowledge of what the average roastie is like from a 2d like her so I couldn't believe she would be faithful (the nightmares didn't help). If nothing else, at least I didn't feel that heart-wrenching pain that causes someone to cry themselves to sleep at night because she isn't there. That doesn't mean I wouldn't have liked to at least talk to her and hear her.
I'm sure you all have to deal with a different set of problems but did anyone else feel this way? It all hurt so much. To make things worse, I've broken things off with her long ago but even after a year of breaking up with her I still haven't forgotten her and I still can't fully let go. It's a slow process. But I never want to feel this way again.
Those of you who have it good with yours, be grateful and treat her well. You're very lucky.
/end aimless rant
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>> No. 21327 [Edit]
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I can feel where you're coming from. It's not the same circumstance, and your experience is much worse than mine, but I also lost my waifu somewhere along the way.

I felt comfort in her embrace when I was feeling sad, and I was deeply in love with her. Her smile brought me joy and happiness. I still remember her warmth and how it felt sometimes. But, one night, I had a horrible nightmare where she said that she hated me and thought I was gross, and gave me a sharp, disgusted glare that cut me to my core. I woke up in a panic, and I felt that the 'her' that was there tell me that she would never say that to me, but that vivid image haunted me and spoiled all the thoughts I had of her. I tried to get away from this by not thinking about her at all, because it hurt to remember that, but by the time I felt like I could look at her again without remembering that, she was gone. Seeing pictures of her no longer made me feel like she was there with me, and only made me remember when she was there. I couldn't feel her embrace anymore, only remember it. It was like she had disappeared from my life entirely.

I think a healthy person would say this is a good thing, but I've never quite been as happy since then, and I really miss her.

Post edited on 7th Oct 2019, 9:48am
>> No. 21333 [Edit]
I'm really sorry you went through that. That sounds terrible. If it means anything, I also think Chihaya would never say or do such hurtful things to you. I hope you find such happiness again someday.
>> No. 21335 [Edit]
Thank you. I'd like to believe so. To clarify, it wasn't Chihaya, though it was one of the 765 girls. Sorry for the confusion, but all the images I have saved of Makoto are happy and joyful and I think it would hurt me to see it posted in that context.
>> No. 21347 [Edit]
Seriously OP, just ignore this kind of content. It's clearly not canon, it's just a lame depiction of your loved one. Think of those deep nude pictures, you put a clothed person there and it returns a nude one, this doesn't necessarily mean that the clothed person is a whore, its image was just used in an awful way. That's the same case as yours: the image of your waifu is used, but it isn't really her doing that thing.

Think of your waifu as a concept, as an idea, not just some character from a show.

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21316 No. 21316 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
A thread dedicated To My Dear Godess, Kaname Madoka. Words cannot describe how much you mean to me. You are more than just an anime to me. Too Holy to call You Mai Waifu, and I'm soo unworthy of you. If it weren't for my religious faith, i would fully bow down and worship You in all Your Grace. I fully accept and understand that people will never understand how much Madoka Magica means to me. Amen.
>> No. 21322 [Edit]
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I'm very happy for you, anon.
>> No. 21324 [Edit]
I really enjoyed watching Madoka Magica (The Anime from the early 2010s) but I have no idea where to go from there. Do you have any suggestions?
>> No. 21337 [Edit]
I'd recommend the 3 movies. The first two are condensed re-caps with some nice touches added. Rebellion devides the fan base quite a bit. There's also the Magia Reco anime baed on the mobage comming out in January. I couldn't say much of any of the manga series except for Tart. It gives a magical girl twist on Jeanne of Ark. For a more classical and philosophical aproach I guess, the Goethe version of Faust is a good read. I feel that's all I can give without breaking rules and sounding like a mad man.

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10182 No. 10182 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Are there any misunderstandings, misinterpretations, fallacies or rude thoughts people have about your waifu that make you angry?

A lot of people seem to think Konata is stupid. A lot of the shitty demotivational poster image macros people make of her either make light on her perceived "super-nerdiness" or make insinuations that she is stupid or reckless. 

I feel this is far from the truth. Konata does hold loosely the "boke" role to Kagami's tsukkomi, however, this role doesn't necessarily mean she is "stupid," it's just a comic role she adopts in the spirit of prescribed Japanese comedy. Konata knows how to budget her time in a way that she can do things she loves while also getting what she wants out of schooling.

Konata enjoys life and has a lot of fun. She is a happy person. She does however lack the drive to do homework. She's not dumb. She's just utilising Kagami as a friend, Kagami could easily just flat out reject her.

Also seeing people say things like "oh I never noticed her eyes are green" pisses me off. 
84 posts and 37 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 19403 [Edit]
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I don't get these problems with erotic works of one's waifu... Of course you have imagined how she'd act in bed, right? Now, it might be enough to only imagine it, but then again, if your imagination is so strong, why's your waifu someone else's creation to begin with? Even without self-inserting, seeing the lewd faces she makes and her beautiful naked body is refreshing.

The only and very slight irritation I suffer is when clearly gifted artists draw her with no concern to her character. To them she's just the girl with the horn and titties. The best art (n/sfw) is drawn by people who specialize in lewd pieces. This is because there is little incentive to "draw all 2hus" or whatever else that disregards her character when all they want is good porn. They could pick any girl, and those who pick Yuugi usually have something they like about her as a character (because, you know, you can draw massive tits on pretty much anyone).
>> No. 19659 [Edit]
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I can't stand it when people call her a bitch it makes me so mad that people can't understand her personality.
>> No. 20979 [Edit]
Hey anon, I was just wondering if you were still here since it's been a while since you posted about you and Marisa. You alright?
>> No. 21321 [Edit]
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when artists draw her with some weird snubbed nose like shes a Who, shes just half-elf her nose is normal!! its only the ears that are different!

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