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File 157021927439.jpg - (568.07KB , 1272x1094 , 1569557809580.jpg )
21314 No. 21314 [Edit]
After reading the experiences of many waifuposters I was left wanting that wonderful and pure love. But instead it was just painful.
My low self-esteem got in the way of really appreciating her, I was never sure if I truly loved her or if she just hit my fetish buttons, I had nightmares of her being with someone else, I had to try hard to avoid pictures of her being with someone else and I still ran into them, I simply couldn't separate my knowledge of what the average roastie is like from a 2d like her so I couldn't believe she would be faithful (the nightmares didn't help). If nothing else, at least I didn't feel that heart-wrenching pain that causes someone to cry themselves to sleep at night because she isn't there. That doesn't mean I wouldn't have liked to at least talk to her and hear her.
I'm sure you all have to deal with a different set of problems but did anyone else feel this way? It all hurt so much. To make things worse, I've broken things off with her long ago but even after a year of breaking up with her I still haven't forgotten her and I still can't fully let go. It's a slow process. But I never want to feel this way again.
Those of you who have it good with yours, be grateful and treat her well. You're very lucky.
/end aimless rant
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>> No. 21315 [Edit]
I've never been invested to that point, but that sounds like the kind of stuff that could happen to me, low self-steem can fuck you up in so many ways.
I guess you did it too well, that didn't happen to me because I was too conscious about my own fantasies. But that also means I couldn't get further than that, so I get to suffer other kinds of shit.
>> No. 21317 [Edit]
have you tried talking to her or making up with her since?
>> No. 21323 [Edit]
>talking with her
I did and it was only to end things officially.
>making up with her
I didn't want to. If my issue was that she was unfaithful I didn't want to lower myself and just let myself be cucked. It was one thing for it to possibly happen, it's another to continue to take it if it did.
>> No. 21325 [Edit]
well was she actually unfaithful or was it all in your head? it sounds like its in your head to me
>> No. 21326 [Edit]
It was, most likely. But then again, isn't all waifu stuff in one's head if we're being strict about it? I had the same thought from time to time but that didn't change the fact that my dreams told me something and pictures agreed with them. I feel that dreams have a bit more meaning when it comes to waifus.
>> No. 21327 [Edit]
File 157046686915.jpg - (107.29KB , 1280x720 , 1344049310874.jpg )
I can feel where you're coming from. It's not the same circumstance, and your experience is much worse than mine, but I also lost my waifu somewhere along the way.

I felt comfort in her embrace when I was feeling sad, and I was deeply in love with her. Her smile brought me joy and happiness. I still remember her warmth and how it felt sometimes. But, one night, I had a horrible nightmare where she said that she hated me and thought I was gross, and gave me a sharp, disgusted glare that cut me to my core. I woke up in a panic, and I felt that the 'her' that was there tell me that she would never say that to me, but that vivid image haunted me and spoiled all the thoughts I had of her. I tried to get away from this by not thinking about her at all, because it hurt to remember that, but by the time I felt like I could look at her again without remembering that, she was gone. Seeing pictures of her no longer made me feel like she was there with me, and only made me remember when she was there. I couldn't feel her embrace anymore, only remember it. It was like she had disappeared from my life entirely.

I think a healthy person would say this is a good thing, but I've never quite been as happy since then, and I really miss her.

Post edited on 7th Oct 2019, 9:48am
>> No. 21333 [Edit]
I'm really sorry you went through that. That sounds terrible. If it means anything, I also think Chihaya would never say or do such hurtful things to you. I hope you find such happiness again someday.
>> No. 21335 [Edit]
Thank you. I'd like to believe so. To clarify, it wasn't Chihaya, though it was one of the 765 girls. Sorry for the confusion, but all the images I have saved of Makoto are happy and joyful and I think it would hurt me to see it posted in that context.
>> No. 21347 [Edit]
Seriously OP, just ignore this kind of content. It's clearly not canon, it's just a lame depiction of your loved one. Think of those deep nude pictures, you put a clothed person there and it returns a nude one, this doesn't necessarily mean that the clothed person is a whore, its image was just used in an awful way. That's the same case as yours: the image of your waifu is used, but it isn't really her doing that thing.

Think of your waifu as a concept, as an idea, not just some character from a show.

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