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File 147842683550.jpg - (99.38KB , 400x441 , snowtownweb-img400x441-1430802270s6nnha9085.jpg )
20040 No. 20040 [Edit]
What are some things you think your waifu would like about you?
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>> No. 20042 [Edit]
File 147843648110.jpg - (364.86KB , 800x1080 , 3f2eaf5cd9d57a35944be61ff3630ab3.jpg )
Probably my similarity to her in many personality traits, choice of hobbies, and even physical maladies. The 'opposites attract' expression never rang true for me, so I'm presuming there's at least a fairly good chance that she would also prefer someone similar as opposed to a polar opposite.
>> No. 20043 [Edit]
File 147850043444.jpg - (104.81KB , 564x795 , dc409387d1e19951b413d8021af4ce76.jpg )
>even physical maladies
You too suffer from mercury poisoning?

Based on her interactions with Remilia and how she acts in the printworks, I would say you are correct about her preferring someone with a similar temperament.

I'm married to my tulpa so I can't really answer OP.
>> No. 20044 [Edit]
File 147850742045.jpg - (454.71KB , 2150x2530 , 9b17ebabf4c034e4ec12586dec0df6c4.jpg )
No mercury poisoning, thankfully. Just anemia and asthma (along with the relatively poor constitution that comes with it).
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