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20344 No. 20344 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
If we get enough people I can sent an invite refresh every week to keep getting new members.

It would definitely be more interactive for us Serious Waifuist.

Who's in?
5 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 20428 [Edit]
IRC is hilariously unsecure. Not that I really care either way, I'm nowhere near social enough to give a damn about what chatting service you choose to use.
>> No. 20429 [Edit]
The IRC isn't really about waifus.
>> No. 20430 [Edit]
IRC may be unsecure but it's well established. Who knows how many bitcoins Discord mines on your machine in the background?
>> No. 20439 [Edit]
The only concern I have is possibly fragmenting an isolated part of the Internet even further. But then again, TC, both the forums and IRC, seem to be pretty damn resilient.

I'm in.

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20398 No. 20398 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I've been hesitant to say this for a while now, but I'm sad to say I've found myself being drawn to a new waifu lately. I've had a lot of mixed feelings about this and wasn't sure if it was just some passing crush or something. As of today however I'm sure about my feelings and can safely say that I've completely fallen for Lip. She's all I can ever think about lately. She's just so tiny and cute! and the way they're always trying hard to be the best fairy she can fills me with hope and determination! Minagi was cool and all but her anime is old and busted and stuff. Gotta keep with the times you know? So as of today April 1st 2017, Lip is my new waifu for life! or until the season ends and I find someone else that's kawaii, whichever comes first.
Wish us luck together!
6 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 20411 [Edit]
You cheeky bastard.
>> No. 20412 [Edit]
File 149112012840.jpg - (88.23KB , 1280x720 , [Leopard-Raws] Rilu Rilu Fairilu - Yousei no Door .jpg )
You really think I'd spend nearly ten years with my waifu and just drop them like that?
>> No. 20417 [Edit]
April fools, heh
>> No. 20418 [Edit]
even if you obviously weren't serious about leaving Tohno, decade long relationships can fade. You never truly know.

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20039 No. 20039 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
If there were a technological advancement that simulated being with your waifu, such as virtual reality or robotics, would you use it? If so, what kind of technology would you most prefer?

Do you think that any advancements like this are likely in the foreseeable future?
24 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 20334 [Edit]
Unless it lets me smell her panties after shes been reading doujins all day then no
>> No. 20366 [Edit]
Last weekend had a talk with an old acquaintance, who works with computers and shows VR in cons here.
Asked him about integrating VR, and he told me I have to move to Unreal or Unity, and offered help and if I can make something decent we can show it with his crew.
I've been researching both engines, and even if Unity is ok, Unreal could be my man now: It is free until the release (takes 5% then).
And I know what Unreal can do VR Kanojo and Summer Lesson are good examples of what we all want.
So we will be moving to Unreal now and keep you updated.
If it works, I will try to make this affordable and customizable.
I will do my best.
>> No. 20367 [Edit]
Unity sucks, so Unreal is the appropriate choice. Good luck with your endeavour.
>> No. 20368 [Edit]
Glad to hear that.
Thank you so much!

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19683 No. 19683 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How long have you been with your waifu?
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>> No. 20332 [Edit]
>> No. 20335 [Edit]
is this a joke
>> No. 20336 [Edit]
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Fear not for the purge is complete, /mai/-friend. Regular posting can be continued.
>> No. 20340 [Edit]
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Many thanks, my good sir.

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12350 No. 12350 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Have you ever encountered an experience where another character from another series immediately reminded you of your waifu?

I mean, when I was watching Hidamari Sketch, I can't help but to see Marisa in Miyako's character: They're both blonde, hyperactive, intelligent, lazy and somewhat weird. And even TVTropes acknowledges this.
38 posts and 27 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 19163 [Edit]
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Been seeing some pics of this KanColle girl(Arashi is the name, I think) show up on *boorus recently. She must be new or something.
Aside from a few details in hairstyle and clothing she's a carbon copy of how my waifu is usually portrayed, which is weird.

I doubt you're even here anymore, but she's Koakuma from Touhou.
And for posteriority: the girl on the linked post, which has since then 404'd, was Atashi from Jinrui wa, btw.
>> No. 20159 [Edit]
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I'm reminded of her when I see pretty much any girl with short brown hair, or red hair, or especially any with red eyes.
I have to admit that Makoto Niijima from the Persona series bears a striking resemblance to her though.
>> No. 20160 [Edit]
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Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but this guy only imitated the appearance (and the "oni" attribute). It's like he means to insult Yuugi's personality.
>> No. 20323 [Edit]
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I have been all my life trying to find a character like him, to get some insight on the lines of "How the kind of people he is would react in X situation?". But even if I can recognize other kudere characters, those don't feel like him, and feel they lack even approximated characteristics of his personality.

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17758 No. 17758 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
In this thread, we say something nice about the previous poster's waifu.
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>> No. 20283 [Edit]
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Seems like a lad who really tries to make the most of what he's got, despite having gone through something truly awful early on in his life.
>> No. 20292 [Edit]
It would help if you'd tell us your waifu's name or posted a clip from their show or something, because I have no idea who the previous two characters are.
>> No. 20293 [Edit]
>>20283 is Chara from Undertale and is represented in the game by a tiny pixel sprite.
>> No. 20296 [Edit]
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A true and loyal friend through all hardships, and someone who stands firm in their goals and principles, in spite of being misunderstood and even vilified by those around them.

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20273 No. 20273 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What kind of home does your waifu have? Would you like to live there, or would you rather move somewhere else with her?
>> No. 20277 [Edit]
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A western style house that's nice and big. It's nice but since his parents are there I'd rather move to a nice modest flat together while he's in college then eventually buy a nice old style house.
>> No. 20281 [Edit]
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He lives in a tree house in the middle of a forest in an alternate dimension where everything is Halloween themed.
His room is so fucking befitting of his character, he sleeps in a hammock and he literally has a boulder in his room. Like, he lives on an upper level floor of the house, he picked up an 6,000 pound rock and he carried it up to his room. That's his idea of interior decorating. Of course, no boulder would be truly caveman without some mud paintings on it, which he has seen to.

I'd like to move into his house, I really would, but his friends are shit and I'd have to kill them first or kick them out, and I don't think he'd like that. I'd have to convince him to come somewhere else with me.
>> No. 20289 [Edit]
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19672 No. 19672 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
For those of you in love with antagonists, or those who have done outright villainous things (such as murder), how do you deal with this? How do you reconcile your feelings with their actions?

Do their good actions, behaviors or beliefs outweigh (or even negate) their bad ones for you? Or do you accept the good with the bad equally?
Do you try to justify what they've done?
Do you forgive them, or no?
Do you think they have potential to change for the better? Do you try to move on and live a better life together with them, if you have a relationship with that type of communication/interaction?
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>> No. 19674 [Edit]
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She was made out to be an antagonist at first. But she wasn't really bad at heart. Just not too good at social situations, and uncompromisingly obsessive over her lover. When she got rejected she changed for the better.
>> No. 19735 [Edit]
rapes a girl. was confused if he loved her. understand how he felt, wish it went differently. could've changed if he hadn't died.
>> No. 19756 [Edit]
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I don't really care and bothered by it actually, since I myself is quiet villainous in heart.

But I teased Miyo for being coward since she's only backstabbing, playing god with little kids then simply shoot their heads.
>> No. 20278 [Edit]
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>For those of you in love with antagonists, or those who have done outright villainous things (such as murder), how do you deal with this? How do you reconcile your feelings with their actions?
In the narrative pushed by the writer, she is very egregiously framed as an antagonist, and most of the fanbase has bought into this narrative.
I don't believe that she had actually done anything that would even remotely qualify as "villainous", however. Many of the misdeeds that other people accuse her of are completely fabricated, or based in gross misinterpretations of what is known about her in the source material.

>Do their good actions, behaviors or beliefs outweigh (or even negate) their bad ones for you?
Absolutely. I believe her actions always had very good intentions behind them, and that she genuinely wanted to do what was just and right for those she cared about.

>Do you try to justify what they've done?
Previously, I found myself very often in arguments with others about her, and attempting to explain the motivations for her actions, and why I believed that she was right.
Gradually, though, I have come to realize that this is mostly an exercise in futility, considering the fanbase in question. Those that believe she is nothing more than an evil demon will almost invariably not accept any other interpretation of her character, regardless of what explanations and evidence they are provided with.
I don't even feel very much of a need to justify my feelings about her to anyone anymore. She is good and pure, to me, and I say that is all that matters.

>Do you forgive them, or no?
Unlike most others, I don't believe she actually did anything malevolent, so consequently I don't see very much that needs to be forgiven.
The only real mistake I think she made in her life was trusting a certain someone, which ended very tragically for her. I forgive her for this, though, because I think that her fate was not a result of any malicious action on her part, and that she could not have possibly predicted what would happen to her.
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20260 No. 20260 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Why is my waifu, Miki Sayaka-chan, the most perfect magical waifu to have ever graced this existence?
>> No. 20261 [Edit]
Yukari Yakumo is my fucking girlfriend

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12891 No. 12891 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What are some downsides about your waifu? And what are some things other would consider as a downside but you like about her? And to make things even: What are things your waifu would dislike about you?

My waifu is pretty obsessed with her work. Im pretty sure she often would forget about everything (including me) for her work. But i think thats one of the things I really like about her. So this would answer my second question. The only thing i dont really like about her, is the fact that shes very self centered sometimes, so i think some squabblings here and there will happen. In my case it would be my crazy laziness. If it comes to this we are very different and i bet she will dislike this trait about me.

But other than that i think it may be a good thing that we are so different if it comes to work. She would kick me in the ass to do something and i would try to bring her to take things easy here and there and take a break.
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>> No. 20241 [Edit]
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>What are some downsides about your waifu?

Her breasts are a to big.

>And what are some things other would consider as a downside but you like about her?

Can't think of any.

>What are things your waifu would dislike about you?

That I'm a lazy faggot who never achieved anything in life.
>> No. 20246 [Edit]
looks like fucking vault boy
>> No. 20248 [Edit]
no, not him
>> No. 20249 [Edit]
Oh, phew, my bad, I'm defensive.

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15277 No. 15277 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
So how exactly do you go about deciding on your waifu's birthday if it wasn't officially released or do you guys just not celebrate it because it'd feel wrong etc.? Do you just settle with your anniversary and holidays?
It's been eating at me for the longest time.
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>> No. 20138 [Edit]
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I haven't actually decided on one yet.

Her name comes from a Greek word meaning "joy", so I tend to assume that she is of Greek descent, and because of this I have considered that maybe March 25th, Greece's independence day, would be suitable.

Her name was also given to the star previously known as Beta Canum Venaticorum on July 20th, so I have wondered if maybe that date would be more appropriate.
>> No. 20140 [Edit]
I celebrate her game release date a little but not much. It bothers me but I don't feel like I could set a date for her and be happy celebrating it.
>> No. 20151 [Edit]
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Her release date, 30th January 2009, is celebrated as her Birthdays.

But I'm still not sure how old she is.
Official age is 20.
She exists since 2009 that makes her 7 (8 next month).
I met her in 2013 when she was 20, is she 23 now, because it was 3 years ago?
Or is she 27?
>> No. 20196 [Edit]
Ameen is dat you?

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