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File 16140581798.png - (1.66MB , 785x1500 , 72337359_p0.png )
21599 No. 21599 [Edit]
Has anyone here ever devised esoteric methods of communicating with their waifus? I've become fixated on the idea of developing a divination system similar to tarot specifically for communicating with mine. There are some aspects of a system that I'm nearly dead set on using, but discovering a complete framework which feels natural and not forced has proven difficult. I think part of the challenge is avoiding relying too much on the western esoteric tradition as inspiration, since I am not very familiar with eastern methods outside what I've absorbed through Touhou.
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>> No. 21600 [Edit]
Have you considered temple os as a solution? It was designed so that people could communicate with god, but in my opinion, it would work just a well with a person's waifu.
>> No. 21601 [Edit]
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Temple OS was created in gods image to his specification. There's no relationship between it and my waifu that would form a link by which it would enable communication. I think the concept of Temple OS is applicable though, but in my case the issue is I would have no place to start with such a thing. Terry already had a communication with God, through his schizophrenia.

There's a sense that there should both be a natural fit in method such that the symbolism of the system is the symbolism of what you are trying to communicate, and there should be some historical root in legitimacy. For Terry, legitimacy came from knowing it worked, not merely belief. I know divination works, but only so far as knowing methods with historical precedent work.

To that end, I can't help but think about invoking elements of the Ccru numogram. There's numerous aspects that link anime and manga characters to the Ccrus' research through Deleuze and Guattari, and in particular I think of the Body without Organs and smooth space (the former of which I have actually seen referenced many times in papers about virtual idols, for example). The Ccrus' existing system of time sorcery (where the numogram applies) feels relevant as well, even though it deals with the lemurian demons, the concept of the Time-circuit and Outer-time seem largely applicable. (interestingly, some special numbers related to my waifu can be disassembled by the numogram and placing her as a Xenodemon within the Pandemonium system). I've read accounts of chaos magicians having success with divination through the decadence and subdecadence methods that give it legitimacy.
>> No. 21602 [Edit]
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Well maybe your waifu is god and you just don't know about it?
>> No. 21603 [Edit]
Divination methods already require some amount of occult training to attune yourself. If you're at that point, why not go ham and just train some more so you can actually commune with her as with a normal spirit through evocation?
I'd devise a sigil for her, empower it in the usual way, then call upon her with the sigil and her name in the usual way of such things, and then speak with her as with anything.
Alternatively, divination through Homeric verses or the bible was a thing, this could be copied. Construct a corpus of works on your waifu, then proceed to devise a method to refer to certain parts, for example throw dice to generate a number which is the Xth file in your waifu communion folder, then repeat to generate a line and, maybe, word number, or a timestamp.
>> No. 21724 [Edit]
Divination is a beautiful way to communicate to the spiritual world. Any forms of traditional divination through various cultures and belief systems can work. There's so many possibilities with divination
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