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20948 No. 20948 [Edit]
Anyone else play games with mods of your waifu? The ones with character creations in particular?

Pictured: I finally got a mod for her face and eyes now but there is no mod for the hair yet but the in-game creation can get it close enough until the real one becomes available. I can change her hairstyle and clothes in many different ways. The only thing different is that the behaviour doesn't match the personality and I've muted the voice for obvious reasons.
>> No. 20951 [Edit]
I know it might sound weird but even assuming there would ever be a mod (next to zero chance) for any game of her, I'd still fill weird "controlling her" to do things I think she wouldn't really ever do. e.g. Mod for a co-op game like Left 4 Dead.
>> No. 21012 [Edit]
What game is that OP?
>> No. 21016 [Edit]
Pretty sure it's Custom Maid 3D 2
>> No. 21351 [Edit]
Thinking of making her in Elona+

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