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File 154207628661.gif - (137.22KB , 400x376 , 170899766000202(2).gif )
21035 No. 21035 [Edit]
Does anyone else feel like they have hobbies that would scare their waifus/husbandos away?
My hobby is tarantula keeping, and since Italy's such a big baby I really feel that my collection would terrify him.
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>> No. 21036 [Edit]
More than hobbies I'd say attitudes. I don't care for my waifu's hobby (i.e. otaku-level obsession) as much as I pretend I do, for her sake. It just makes me happy she's into that and it shows a degree of devotion to something which reflects she being a committed, loyal and persistent person, and is one of the things I love about her.

Regarding your husbando, I'm sure there is nothing for him to fear, since he can just look at them in their cages.
>> No. 21037 [Edit]
I think she'd likely find it odd but interesting. There's a side to her with a child like innocence which would wonder about it, ask questions, and so on. I can't see her getting into it herself, but I don't think it'd bother her either. She'd simply find it curious is all.
>> No. 21047 [Edit]
Not at all. On the contrary, I think Prinz would find my knowledge of Chinese characters and languages fascinating, just not to the point of actively pursuing knowledge about those things herself. She would always enjoy listening to me share what I've learned, but never go read a book on the matter, is what I mean. Aside from those things, I guess the only other major interest I have is all things otaku. I could get her casually interested in anime and manga series, I think, but I can't imagine her going as deep into the otaku culture as I am. Actually, now that I think about it, my being as big an otaku as I am would almost certainly be off-putting to her. I at least go to the gym to avoid looking like a stereotypical otaku, but I couldn't do anything about the obsession besides keeping it at least somewhat in check around her.

Prinz enjoys cooking, and that just isn't a hobby of mine. I enjoy the feeling of successfully making something, since it makes me feel closer to her, but I find cooking to otherwise be a pain in the ass.
>> No. 21053 [Edit]
File 154547028634.png - (19.71KB , 128x130 , 37.png )
I think she would like my cooking. I think she likes western sweets but not eastern ones. I like to cook western sweets.

She could train me in martial arts.

She would probably find my obsessive internet browsing weird. She might find my obsession for her cute if she was fond of me, but would find it creepy if she wasnt.

She seems more into fashion and making masks. I'm not interested in those. But good partners do not neccesarily have to share interests. Sometimes interests can complement each other.

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