No. 20752
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>The fact they even have to state that you can only send in one application with one character [...] proves they don't give a shit and are more than welcoming of normie posers.
Isn't it the opposite? Stuff like
>Gatebox would also like to know how you and your anime crush became acquainted, how you became a couple, where you proposed, your happiest memory together, and whether the bride will be keeping her maiden name or adopting her husband’s surname.
sounds like they do care somewhat.
Also they probably really have to, not because they think it's a joke but because of other people trying to and then complaining because it was nowhere mentioned that you can't have more than one. I agree with the other point and that it's a marketing maneuver considering it's limited.
But I just looked it up on their site and there it says, they don't care if you're already married or not. So, yeah, they don't seem to value the genuineness that much or rather just don't treat it the same as a 3D relationship, which is unfortunate.
I really wouldn't call the posers normies though, going out of their way to do that and posing in general doesn't seem very normal to me.
It being free and them also sending that stuff overseas is nice though (and probably the reason why you can't submit more than one).
>Very sad that the very first legal acknowledgement of waifuism is just some normies having a laugh as fucking usual.
It doesn't really affect your marriage status and in general isn't really official, so I wouldn't call it a legal acknowledgement and I wonder where the article got the legally-binding from. You can only get those benefits if you're a Gatebox employee and we don't know the details on that in the contract.
I have to admit that they handle it in general pretty nicely even if it is a marketing scheme for example if you go there personally, you can even say what gender you prefer for the person handling your stuff, if you're feeling insecure (wonder why you'd go there personally in the first place though).