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33182 No. 33182 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Sort of a hybrid between the book club and "post something new you learned." Post any interesting essays, articles or prose you've stumbled across on the internet.

I'll start:
137 posts and 29 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 43424 [Edit]
My guess as to this difference, is that either in the 90s and 2000s, there was big transition away from C++ in the largest universities, that may not have occurred in smaller institutions. Or, it's just a Rutgers quirk.

I agree that Java is a poor choice, but it's still very much in use within the professional world. More-so than C++ based on the job listings I've seen, which I think I've already wrote. There's really no perfect middle ground in terms of modernness, industry-adoption, performance, learning curve, and paradigm neutrality(you can comfortably write procedural, OOP and functional code).
>> No. 43429 [Edit]
Very interesting interview with Deepseek CEO:

I like their swagger. There's two interesting points of note: their compute restrictions likely force innovation on architecture, whereas western BigCo can just keep buying more nvidia gpus. I likely suspect that there's a geopolitical angle at play though. If China wants to actually become some sort of soft-power, then it makes sense to do what they're doing.
>> No. 43430 [Edit]
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I'm rooting for them. Too bad Japan doesn't seem to be doing anything of note.
>> No. 43431 [Edit]
It seems they're (Softbank) more content to just watch from afar and fund the US

I think the above is an implicit admission of defeat that they're out of clever ideas and are just banking on compute scaling to take them the rest of the way there.

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43385 No. 43385 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Lately I've been thinking on how to not be a "mindless consumer" as an otaku and whether thinking in such terms is helpful. The gist of it is, that I think an otaku is generally speaking a creative person, who does something with the material he has consumed, meanwhile the "mindless consumer" just lets the material he has read or watched sink in and doesn't really do anything with it, except maybe adding +1 show on his MAL. Drawing, making music, cosplay, building miniature models like Gundam/mecha models and so on probably count as a creative endeavor of sorts. However, I don't like this definition of an otaku very much, because if this is only the case for a small portion people, who would call themselves otaku. Most otaku are somewhere inbetween it seems, not not engaged at all, but also not producing stuff on their own. A more useful probably draws the lines between the "mindless consumer" and otaku in their love for the medium. Such consumer probably doesn't really love the thing, and if he does it's only in the same sense an addict loves his drug, an otaku on the hand loves the thing and couldn't imagine a live without it.

Where would you draw the line between the two?
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 43425 [Edit]
I think if you start thinking of it as "material you consume" like its just slop out of a bucket then the ideology underlying mindless consumerism has already seeped into your brain.

I definitely agree tho that otakus should be creating things, and its always been one of my biggest issues with western ""otaku"". Even if they do make things its just a one off print to sell or something, theres always some monetary motivation and its always a small thing like a single drawing to capitalise on popular trends. Maybe westerners are just too unable to conceive of making something because of love and not because of a profit.
>> No. 43426 [Edit]
Well, fansubbing and scanlation communities are sort of that. There's also the Japanese Award for foreign manga, leading me to believe that there are enough people out there creating their stuff. Then you have specific projects like Katawa Shoujo and other fan games and such. It's just more centered around small groups instead of a general otaku culture, and I think it's better that way. Otaku may be an umbrella term, but community activity should be limited to specific interests.
>> No. 43427 [Edit]
>Japanese Award for foreign manga
"Manga" in Japanese refers to comics in general.
>> No. 43428 [Edit]
The prize is specifically for non-Japanese manga, not any comic book.

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39794 No. 39794 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
What are some things that really bug you?
Things that genuinely piss you off?

I thought it would be nice to have a thread to vent about any little annoyance, no mater how big or small.
Any and all complains about the world around you are welcome here!
744 posts and 157 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 43417 [Edit]
Most of my problems and inconveniences in life were just solved by me not appearing somewhere ever again, not talking to someone ever again, or just going away. I don't want to go to school? Just not go there and wait in the local library until school is over! Don't want to go to the afternoon care after school? Just not go there and go straight home instead! I don't want to be in a hospital and leaving it would mean a lot of bureaucracy, that I don't want to deal with? Just wait until they allow me to go home and never return again! Have problems with a certain person? Just disappear for long enough, until they forget about me! The list goes on ad in­fi­ni­tum, but I think you get the point. I feel like this thought pattern of just disappearing whenever I don't want something anymore, has made me decisively a coward and shaped me as a person. You probably think reading this, why nobody ever bothered to set bounds to this behavior. The answer probably is, that when I was a child, and people actually cared, I just disappeared for long enough until they didn't, and now as a more or less adult person, the people just don't care anymore enough to prevent me from doing it.

As good as this might have worked for me, I am still ashamed of myself and I wish to better myself. I don't want to be a coward, but in a sense, the life as a Hikki-NEET is also just being a coward, everything about my existence is and I probably reached a point in life, where nobody cares about me anymore (in any sense of word) and therefor I don't have to run away anymore. I am free now, but at the cost of being a coward forever, because I have no opportunity to change. Of course, I could just make myself the opportunity, like getting into education again, like doing something hard, like meeting new people, but I have fantasized about those things for years and I never made it happen, so I doubt I change my ways any time soon.
>> No. 43419 [Edit]
I am posting this on this board, because I know how to resolve this problem (by just using another software), but I wanted to complain about it regardless. So, Httrack, this website mirroring tool, just ignores my settings. I set "NO external sites" in the menu, double check if it's actually set, it is set, good, then I continue to download the page and it starts, however, when I check what it's doing 10 hours later, I realize it proceeded to download Wikipedia and some other junk, that I did not ask for. I try to abort it, it doesn't do anything, I try 5 times again and then I can finally abort the procedure. Why on earth does it ignore my settings? I set it that way, I closed it properly and proceeded normally. Why does it do this? I don't know. This is my third attempt at downloading some website and it just won't stop downloading external websites. You might think it's only downloading what's link, but it doesn't, it just crawls the the internet from that starting point and never stops. Speaking of which, why is this function the default? When I want to mirror a website, I cannot imagine a use case, where I want to crawl every link of a link of a link of a link of a link and this without some ending. You would think this is a some unused feature, nobody needs, but it's the default and I can not disable it proper, for whatever reason it is.

Screw Httrack. Long live Wget.

Post edited on 16th Jan 2025, 2:21pm
>> No. 43421 [Edit]
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I bought an HP Z2 G5 sff off ebay for $270, and have been in the process of setting it up and upgrading it. Thankfully, I don't intend to use this system myself, I'm giving it to someone who currently only has an old laptop.

There's a lot of annoying shit. The PSU it came with is only 260 W, so it's not enough to put a GPU in, even the 70 W one I have. That's an extra $50. It's some proprietary type with non-standard dimensions and connectors, so you can't use a 3rd party one without a lot of hackery.

The CPU cooler is not very good, and besides the PSU's, it's the only fan in the whole system. The mounting hole placement is standard for LGA1200, so it can work with a 3rd party one, but the case has these raised bumps the stock cooler screws into instead of the motherboard back plate. You need to either flatten these bumps, or use some screws meant for AM4 coolers, and widen the holes on the intel cooler so they fit.

The motherboard has another 4pin fan header, but for some reason, they don't work well with Noctua fans. They run waaay too slow, and you can't change individual fan speeds in the bios. So I need to get Notcua's fan controller.

The ram does not work at full speed. The CPU supports up to 2933MHz, but their speed is capped at 2400MHz. This is probably because XMP cannot be turned on in the BIOS, and Intel's overclocking utility doesn't work except on specific CPU and motherboard combinations. If you want full speeds, you have to buy HP's approved ram models. This is apparently even a problem on HP's "gaming" Omen line.

Unless you want the cheapest possible option, avoid these OEM systems and build it yourself.
>> No. 43422 [Edit]
I was in a somewhat, but not really, similar situation >>/pic/7439

He's an asshole and you should move on. Get another hobby. Within a month or two, you wont even miss it.

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39318 No. 39318 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Ponderings general 3. Post things you've thought about.
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>> No. 43405 [Edit]
It's weird how the minimum required specs for pc games keep going up, from an economic standpoint. When it comes to WHY games are so poorly optimized now, the cited reasons are usually greedy exec's deadlines and the newest GPUs having features that compensate for poor performance. You'd think though having as large compatibility as possible would be financially incentivized. The most popular games aren't new ones. It's a very weird and unsustainable state of affairs.

Post edited on 14th Jan 2025, 5:11pm
>> No. 43406 [Edit]
Andy and Bill's law
>> No. 43407 [Edit]
Those are just excuses made by shitty engineers.
>> No. 43408 [Edit]
In this case, it's Jensen instead of Andy. And instead of being in every new computer, the hardware is a luxury good.

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43343 No. 43343 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
It's 2025. Now or soon depending on your timezone. What's you happy plan of celebrating it?

I though to play games or watch anime, but I guess I'll read a few chapters of the book I'm reading, then go to sleep. Maybe play games a but if I don't feel too sad!
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>> No. 43392 [Edit]
I've had plenty of Japanese food, and they don't do that. With Indian, you gets vats of sauce with bits of stuff swimming in it.
>> No. 43393 [Edit]
Isn't that exactly Japanese curry? I've tried "curry" from each of the main asian cuisines (japanese, thai, indian, indonesian) and at its heart they're mostly the same idea of a soup/sauce-thing to pair with rice, just with different flavors emphasized. Japanese being milder and sweeter, thai being really "rich" and coconuty, indian food basically going ham on every spice, and indonesian somewhat in-between thai and indian.
>> No. 43394 [Edit]
Yes, and I can't stand it. Thankfully, they have many other dishes which are nothing like that.
>> No. 43395 [Edit]
Wow I didn't think somebody could actually be disgusted with brown colored food.

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35526 No. 35526 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Which other imageboards do you go to?
223 posts and 51 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 43358 [Edit]
>Also hardware is sort of the "easy" part
Not quite easy. I don't know prices but something tells the total cost is going to more than all the people on that board have together. You need to keep balance and for that you need a great deal of very precise sensors and motors. They are atrociously overpriced afaik.

Besides that, who is going to develop the control algorithms? Besides requiring insane knowledge of math to even understand, there are no publications on the subject, all of the technology is kept proprietary at the factories. In published form you will only find generic theory that has to be heavily adapted to your particular application and it just happens to be so hard that independent institutions simply find themselves to be painfully unable to reproduce the achievements of industry. People even nearly qualified for the job have their asses too busy building bulletproof empire for the great lords to care about a bunch of lonely shizoids on a god forsaken imageboard.

Post edited on 2nd Jan 2025, 2:39pm
>> No. 43360 [Edit]
>Not quite
I meant easy in the academia sense, as in "solvable". There's no research to be done, the parts already exist and if you have enough money you can buy it.

>no publications on the subject
Right, which is why I mentioned that's the harder problem. And to make matters worse, unlike LLMs where we sort of get free leftovers of bigcorp research (deepseek and lama), robotics has direct military implications and they're simply not going to let any university or company make that publicly available (which is probably why I suspect there's little public research on the cutting-edge control theory needed for humanoid robots, it's all gobbled by DARPA.)
>> No. 43361 [Edit]
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The problem is there's no clear goal. Does a toaster with googly eyes and silicon breasts qualify as a "robowaifu"? It's just a place to throw ideas out there.

>You need to keep balance and for that you need a great deal of very precise sensors and motors. They are atrociously overpriced afaik.
That's odd considering there's quintillions of insects capable of balancing and precise movement across land, water and air. I think a more biology-inspired approach makes more sense than sticking to traditional mechanical engineering. Not an engineer though...
>> No. 43362 [Edit]
>That's odd
That's not odd at all. I am not going to rant about capitalism though.

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33536 No. 33536 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
How was your day? Did you do anything nice? Post about it here.
It looks like the old one is on autosage so here's a new one.
1224 posts and 349 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 43341 [Edit]
My sympathy to the OCD guy. My table is very narrow, and the monitor is too close so it's not comfortable to use. I tried moving the table farther from the wall to move the monitor back but part of its leg now hangs in air and I am afraid it will fall back. I hope I manage to suppress it but it might be a sharp cornerstone for my flimsy mental stability
>> No. 43342 [Edit]
Took my mother with her truck to a mechanic on Saturday. She was complaining about it not breaking correctly. We get there and they do an inspection, after a long wait they said the breaks looked fine, and looking deeper found the issue was with the rack and pinion. yada yada yada
They didn't think they could finish it in time, and don't work Sundays, so we were told it'd be done Monday.

Monday arrived.
Got called around 1pm that they fixed the issue, but they found a problem with the power steering pump.
See, something like three months ago, my mother ignored my repeated recommendations about not getting repair work done from a friend of her sister who works out of his trailer. I kept telling her to get it done at a place with some sort of warranty, much less with this particular guy.
So anyways, the part the guy bought and installed wasn't working right. The part might have a warranty, but getting it replaced by the new mechanic was going to cost us in labor.
So after my mom got in contact with the guy, he told us where he bought the part.
I tried telling her they probably won't help us since we weren't the ones who bought the thing, but we went anyway. When we get there they say they don't have the part and send us to another branch location. We get the new part after some back and forth over the phone with the guy that bought the first part, and we take it to the mechanic. We go home as they do the work. after being home for like ten minutes they give us a call telling us the part is wrong. We go get it, and take it back to the shop we bought it from. After taking forever to figure out why it's wrong when it's the right part number and all, they decide it must be a factory mistake and send us to yet another branch that has the part. We go there, and before buying it I inspect it and find it's also wrong. The clock speeds forward as they try to understand the situation and figure things out, turns out the truck type is slightly wrong (crew cab vs extended cab), which for whatever reason actually makes a difference here. So they find the nearest branch with the part we 'actually' need, which is a 30 minute drive each way. While shipping the part to the store is an option, that would take a while and the mechanic had the truck up on the lift waitin
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>> No. 43345 [Edit]
Fell asleep in a bus, started to see a weird dream (don't remember) then my voice in my head told me "... because you're becoming a drooling retard", I snapped back to wakefulness and there it was, my head leaning down, mouth a bit open and saliva dripping on my jacket. Wiped it quickly and hoped nobody noticed.

Post edited on 31st Dec 2024, 1:13pm
>> No. 43410 [Edit]
I got overdosed with anime, head spinning, feeling really weird but thankfully good.

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31105 No. 31105 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How's your christmas going? Did you do anything special or get anything nice? Share your experiences!
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>> No. 42127 [Edit]
Shinto: The Way Home by Thomas P. Kasulis and Dean Sluyter is also good if you want more on the subject to read
>> No. 42128 [Edit]
Thanks, I'll check that one out when I'm done with my current book.
>> No. 43331 [Edit]
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メリークリスマス to all brohnos
>> No. 43332 [Edit]
>How's your christmas going?
Right over me. Anyway Merry Christmas

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43188 No. 43188 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Do any Brohnos collect Anime Bluray disks? I'm currently wanting to build an Anime Bluray collection from scratch for sake of having some of my favorite shows on physical media, and as something I can actually touch and look at and isn't just a file on my computer. Do you think this endeavor is worth pursuing? Any technical tips like getting some particular Bluray player hardware, or which to avoid? How many Bluray disks with Anime on it do you own?
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>> No. 43192 [Edit]
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>Any technical tips like getting some particular Bluray player hardware
if you want to buy a bluray drive for your PC, consider getting one that's compatible with PS3 games. RPCS3 has a compatibility list.

>How many Bluray disks with Anime on it do you own?
Zero. Anime BD's and DVD's are very expensive around here, even second-hand.
I do have two Judeo-American movies on Bluray (Arrival and Star Wars Episode 3) but I mainly just use my bluray drive for data archival purposes.
>> No. 43193 [Edit]
I got this blueray player because it's compatible with makemkv's libre driver
>> No. 43297 [Edit]
Why be so specific about collecting blueray as opposed to physical mediums more generally?
>> No. 43298 [Edit]
I just assumed Blurays were the de-facto standard for Anime, due to their storage capacity. Therefor I thought that most otaku here have Blurays for their Anime, if they have physical media at all and not something old, that was released on DVD. If you (or anyone) else has a DVD collection with Anime, he is also invited to discuss it in this thread.

Post edited on 17th Dec 2024, 6:02am

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33794 No. 33794 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
I started learning Japanese, well I already did, but took a couple of months off and am now getting back into it. Same story you've heard a million times, whatever. I made the "mistake" of learning all N5 words outside of context because I thought that would be more efficient and I didn't feel like doing worksheets. On one hand, I'm still familiar with all that vocab, on the other hand, learning it in tandem with grammar would have been better. Anyway, I'm not interested in speaking. My goal is fluent literacy. I wanna read something like Saya no Uta smoothly and with crystal clear understanding, really enjoy myself. How difficult would that be? I'm willing to shoot myself in the foot in another area of the language to expedite this specific goal.

I've learned a bit more about the "Japanese Learning Community" and came across AJATT. I find it to be weird and kind of culty. Look at this

It's so bizarre to me. These guys are completely obsessed with perfectly replicating a "native speaker". Use all the right pitch accents and all the right expressions without ever deviating so no one can tell the difference. I started comparing this approach with how English is spoken. Different people say words differently. Some people talk in a sing-song sort of way, others like they're always asking a question. Maybe it sounds dumb or annoying, but I'd never say they're speaking English incorrectly. Every person probably has their own quirks and I like making up my own expressions and getting a little creative. Is Japanese really so uniform between every person(with the same dialect)? What about people with accents? Not only are accents acceptable in English, they're desirable in some cases. My parents have an accent, yet i'd still say their english is perfect.

Imagine if I made a video responding to a German guy trying to speak English in the "perfect way" with no accent or anything "nonnative", and I paused every few seconds to point out some slight inaccuracy in how a word is spoken. How weird would that be? You'd think that German guy is misguided and w
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>> No. 42956 [Edit]
>memorizing dictionaries
I wish I had the skill...
>> No. 42960 [Edit]
That's how I learnt to understand English. And also reading dictionairies (not studying or trying to memorise them).
Formal study on set times drawn out over several years is a horrible way to learn. My understanding of my native language and English was always so far ahead I never bothered to care in school, the teachers and their classes were piss poor anyway. Much of it was just memorising a bunch of words every week, not much grammar or anything. Or watching shitty movies when the teachers didn't want to work. (笑)
I've looked into several languages but the only ones I've tried to actually study have been French and Japanese. French as a forced third language in school, which was mind-numbingly boring. The only thing I learnt was that je ne parle pas français.
Japanese on my own several times in the past, but I always just stopped, in the beginning mostly because of limited resources, later because I get bored. What little I know of Japanese I've picked up through immersion, not studying. I've wanted to learn this language for 20+ years, I need to get going and do more than just listen to it.

>CIA literally calls Japanese the hardest language in the world in the same breath that it claims that terrorists did 9/11; do you really trust glowniggers with all your heart?
lol. The only hard thing is kanji readings. It's a language I know I can get a basic understanding of if I only tried.

An example of your point is how my understanding of English was a rarity among people who had travel dictionary level of understanding at best, and just a generation later it's the prefered language of kids and zoomers who are all fluent with perfect pronounciation (well, "fluent" in "perfect" Internet American). They didn't learn through studying, they learnt by aping what they immerse themselves in all day, what they hear on Youtube/tiktok/netflix, and read on twitter/discord.
>> No. 43293 [Edit]
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Is it feasible at all to get non-negligible amounts of money by translating doujinshi or web novels or whatever and doing Patreon paywall stuff? Would I need to participate in weird Discord cliques?
>> No. 43294 [Edit]
Try translating content and posting them to sites like Mangadex or E-Hentai, imo just having a credit page where you list where to contact you for paid work would do just fine. There's plenty of scanlations I've read where the person translating doesn't have a Discord account.

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30166 No. 30166 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Once a week, fill out the OP questions and let us know what you're up to!
Think of it as a FRIDAY NIGHT thread like on other sites, only you can post any day of the week at any hour of your choosing since NEETs don't have a schedule or any reason to look forward to the weekend.
Or, just a wordier and more demanding alternative to the daily report thread as a more relevant example.

What games are you playing today?

What anime, movies, YouTube channels etcetera are you watching today?

Have you been listening to any podcasts or music today?

Are you reading any manga or literature?

What're you going to have to eat and drink today?
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45 posts and 19 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 43082 [Edit]
it slipped my mind as i was making my post, but the doll sounds fun. do you plan on sharing any pictures here?
>> No. 43083 [Edit]
Yeah sure. I think TC would be the best option for sharing such photos. At least, it'd be the least out of place. It's an Aotume doll so it shouldn't be an issue.
>> No. 43290 [Edit]
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hello again!
it seems like this is moreso becoming the monthly otaku extended report for me, ahaha...

>What games are you playing today?
i actually managed to finish Mary Skelter Finale...either late last month or early this month, i forget when. it took me way longer to beat than i thought it would, but i really liked it for the most part!
i plan on hopefully beating Reynatis before the month ends.

>What anime, movies, YouTube channels etcetera are you watching today?
i plan on rewatching Good Night World again, but only so that i can collect screenshots for it.
after that, i still need to catch up on two seasons worth of anime i've missed...

>Have you been listening to any podcasts or music today?
i just woke up, so i actually haven't really had the chance to listen to anything yet!

>Are you reading any manga or literature?
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>> No. 43291 [Edit]
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>What games are you playing today?
I downloaded Planetarian and intend to play it today night. The premise of a story about viewing stars and talking to a robot girl in some post-apocalyptic world, sounds good to me.

>What anime, movies, YouTube channels etcetera are you watching today?
I'm watching a lot of the Xah Lee Livestreams, as they are just enough interesting to have it running in the background as noise, while not being too interesting, so it isn't distracting. Also they are fairly long, so I don't have to concern myself with selecting something new. Other than that, I started watching Clannad, which from what I've seen yet, seems fine to me (I'm 4 episodes in).

>Have you been listening to any podcasts or music today?

>Are you reading any manga or literature?
I still have Yotsuba laying around, but I haven't touched the manga since. I might do so today night, when I go to bed.

>What're you going to have to eat and drink today?
Pasta with Pesto and Caprese as a side dish. Quite a meal, but I'm stuffed now. I'm still drinking blueberry tea.

>What's on your mind right now?
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