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33536 No. 33536 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
How was your day? Did you do anything nice? Post about it here.
It looks like the old one is on autosage so here's a new one.
1237 posts and 351 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 43524 [Edit]
I don't have nearly enough knowledge to get it working myself, but these seem like good starting points.
>> No. 43546 [Edit]
A bit of fucking irony but seems I got somewhat (or not somewhat at all) burnt out from doing fuck all (that is consuming media [books/anime] like a retards [because the books/anime are primarily targeted at infantile men, teenagers and retards]). This now makes me feel sick of everything and that is sickening in itself. Not an unusual ramble coming from a retard like me, seen it many times in other places coming from many other people, but damn it doesn't feel great at all.
>> No. 43554 [Edit]
Not too great I guess. Got abused to hell and back by my family since they still think I'm a NEET despite literally not actually being one. You think I'd get used to this for the umpteenth time being in my 20s and all but...nope. Still painful. That said, I should read a 4koma on my ereader or something. Just anything cute to get my mind off of how I'm perceived.
>> No. 43572 [Edit]
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Went to New York this last weekend to visit and hang with a few other TC regulars.
Tried doing some of the more generic touristy things to essentially knock em off the bucket list, but that was kinda meh. In fact, checking out the Statue Of Liberty was a borderline miserable experience due to how cold it was with icy winds that cut deep. Times Square was, underwhelming to say the least. Not sure what I was expecting with that one. We did central park late at night, Found it weird how empty it was considering it was in the center of such a big busy city.

I actually thought it'd be a lot worse overall. I heard so much about how dirty smelly and crime ridden it is, but LA is worse in damn near every way. In the couple days I was there I did see 'some' of what I expected, a rat or two, a pool of piss on a subway seat, homeless people sleeping in subway cars and street corners, saw someone steal from a street cart and the owner of a pizza place screaming at a hobo to get out. It didn't smell 'that' bad though. Either way, not a place where I'd want to live of course.
I'll admit I was a bit impressed by the engineering behind the subway system, having such a large and complex travel system hidden bellow ground and out of sight like that.
I think most of the trip was just ridding the subway and traveling to and from restaurants. Oh and we visited the money laundering exhibition of modern art. It was a bit high brow for me, but an interesting experience all the same.

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33182 No. 33182 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Sort of a hybrid between the book club and "post something new you learned." Post any interesting essays, articles or prose you've stumbled across on the internet.

I'll start:
167 posts and 32 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 43568 [Edit]
Being a serf was pretty cashmoney.
>> No. 43569 [Edit]
Factually, we're still serfs, more or less. You could appeal to medicine and better overall sanitary but that's only so we can live longer thus produce more goods for the demigods.
>> No. 43570 [Edit]
But in case it gets too stuffy maybe /tat/ is a better place to discuss this particular flavor of shit
>> No. 43571 [Edit]
Most of us aren't working in the fields, and I think that is a necessary qualifier for something to be considered serfdom or whatever term you prefer.

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39794 No. 39794 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
What are some things that really bug you?
Things that genuinely piss you off?

I thought it would be nice to have a thread to vent about any little annoyance, no mater how big or small.
Any and all complains about the world around you are welcome here!
777 posts and 163 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 43557 [Edit]
I think I developed an emotional connection to my porn collection. Months ago I deleted my old porn collection and sworn myself to stop, but now it started again, and I don't know what to do. In the end it's just drawings and to a degree it's normal to develop a connection to drawing, but I feel like there is something deeply wrong about this nonetheless. I had this drawing of a girl in cat ears, leather clothing and the point of view being under her skirt, nothing unusual, yet something about this image haunts me in my dreams. As of writing this, this is the third time she appeared in my dreams and it won't stop. There is something about this picture, which makes it very special, not just another in an endless row of dirty pictures. I realize my relationship to this picture is fucked beyond belief, nonetheless I'm tempted to look at it all the time. I just want this nonsense to stop and make myself stop obsessing over some wanking material. I really need to delete this image, maintain the will-power to never look it up again and just let go, if I don't want my mind to become even more fucked.
>> No. 43558 [Edit]
2d pornography is fine. It's not just wank material, it's art.
>> No. 43559 [Edit]
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I think this is starting to improve actually. Pic rel is okay, maybe not as sleek as the 50 series FE cards, but pretty good.

Hopefully partners also copy the new cooler design Nvidia came up with, which allows for 2-slot thickness.
>> No. 43560 [Edit]
consider yourself innocent. hoarding fap content has been probably one of the most wrong things i did to myself and i wish it was just some chaste 2d holiness

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35526 No. 35526 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Which other imageboards do you go to?
227 posts and 52 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 43541 [Edit]
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Maybe asking here is a shot in the dark, but does anyone know any good Russian imageboards/textboards or forums? I learned some Russian but I haven't had the opportunity to really put the language to use yet, and I've heard that the grass is greener on the other side, so...
>> No. 43542 [Edit]
>pic related
>> No. 43545 [Edit]
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I just lurk on ычан and also just the анимублядсках threads on харкач/a/ and /media/ (the mp4/webum ones).
Доброчан was alright too, but it died-ed-ed, but maybe whatever bunker they found themselves in is alright too, haven't checked.

>pic related
pic related
>> No. 43561 [Edit]
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A year later and T-C is still the only 'social' site, let alone imageboard, I occasionally check. The internet sure fucking sucks now.

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37742 No. 37742 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Have your tastes in otaku media changed over time? How has it changed? Are there specific works that are influential in defining/changing your tastes? Do you have specific quirks or patterns pertaining to how you enjoy otaku culture?
57 posts and 15 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 43494 [Edit]
I started off with SOl and iyashikei and still like it the most. I haven't found any other media with that same comfy feeling but even if I did I'm not sure I'd care if it didn't have 2D girls.
But I'm older now and watch very little anime and almost no seasonal series. I find that I'm either going back and reading the manga of some of shows I remember fondly or else sticking with long-running series and as a result I feel like I'm a bit stuck in the early 2010's. I read recent stuff as well but it's harder to find things that interest me. I guess that trend will continue but I've been a little more excited lately because some of my favorite series got new chapters or unexpected new seasons.
>> No. 43500 [Edit]
They expanded but that's all, I don't really watch anime though, I'm a manga kind of guy, I started mostly with battle shonen, rom/com and Isekai, to this day (around 6-8 years since I got into manga) I still love these genres dearly but nowadays I can read just about anything except +18 shit, things with too much Ecchi (softcore porn honestly), yaoi or Yuri.

Outside of those things pretty much anything can be read, last manga I really enjoyed and I'm keeping an eye on is Nobunaga's chef, I decided to read Eat-Man too, sadly many chapters have not the best quality but it is what it is, I've read worst translations/scan lations.
>> No. 43501 [Edit]
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But yuri is the best, the holiest genre ever created by (wo)man!
>> No. 43531 [Edit]
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I was going to write a timeline of all the major series I've been into, but it pretty much boils down going back and forth between CGDCT, psychological, idols, war, slice of life.
It's like feeling the urge to eat something salty after eating something sweet or vice versa.

At some point in time I remember writing off battle shonen as garbage, but I've somehow come back around to liking them. I tend to enjoy the universe and the characters on their own rather than the events occuring within the series. The older series also have a backlog of spinoff games with original storylines, which I really enjoy. Pic rel

I've grown out of multimedia franchises like Bandori and Love Live though. It's really tiresome to keep up. Upgradng my phone, logging in daily, ranking in events, reading all the manga adaptations, wathcing the anime, watching all the MVs, real time web series, this, that...I just listen to the music now.

>It's less so new doujin circles but moreso individual artists.
It definitely feels that way when checking download sites. I've been listing to the same few groups over the years as well and everytime I branch out I feel so lost. I'll give the artists you've listed a listen.

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31525 No. 31525 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Since the old request thread has been gone for quite some time now, would it alright to make a new one? I've been trying to re-find the picture in which a guy tells a story beginning with a high school orchestra performance. He talks about how he imagined his waifu, Kagami Hiiragi, being in the audience and how they talk and spend time with each other after returning home. It has a picture of Kagami gently smiling in it, but I otherwise remember it only consisting of small black text on a white background.
8 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 42985 [Edit]
% grep -rl "referent" .
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>> No. 42986 [Edit]
Brilliant, you're amazing. I found the post I was looking for, it's >>/an/37137. As I suspected, my memory was right and I was searching for the right keywords (I knew I had mentioned something about accusative or noun phrase), just that all search engines fail at their basic job and simply don't have it in their index.

>Still under 1GB compressed.
Yeah there was some junk in /mp3/ and /ddl/. Removing that, the uncompressed size is 873M. I highly suspect that excluding those and using better compression like 7z you could get a resulting size of < 150M or so. You could also remove the +50 or +100 version of the thread html since they are redundant.

> I used a very rudimentary method
Out of curiosity, what was this method? I'd think that it would suffice to just rsync over anything ending with the html extension, right? Also are you the same anon who made the >>/navi/3378 thread?
>> No. 43529 [Edit]
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Not exactly a clear/objective request, but does anyone know any moe artists with an aesthetic similar to ? At least with a theme of physical illness (not guro) and a washed out palette.
>> No. 43530 [Edit]
Their colors aren't muted, but the line work in that reminds me of this artist's

Post edited on 23rd Feb 2025, 11:08am

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42695 No. 42695 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Today I want to discuss online trends pertaining to Western otaku (or 'weeb') culture that I find disconcerting and bizarre.

Are any people here familiar with the rising trend of people born in the middle 2000s posting anime media and romanticising it in a strange and ‘nostalgic’ way even though they were not part of that era?
I see so many people nowadays posting Subarashiki Hibi and other Japanese media with this artstyle and calling it “animecore” or they’ll post a picture of a random 2000s era generic anime character and call it “webcore” or whatever. Very strange stuff.

I learned recently that Saya no Uta and other 'denpa' visual novels and anime are very popular on TikTok and that there are many younger people (particularly girls) on the website who idolise this type of media and seek to become more like the characters from it. Instead of Narutards from the 2000s glomping each other and over-using emoticons, we have a generation of anime fans who purely appreciate aesthetics and type like, "low key cutting mself 2nite feeling denpa fr".
What annoys me about a lot of this is the way that subcultures are routinely subsumed by the presiding linguistic trends of this era. In the 2000s, you could quickly identify who was a weeaboo and who wasn't based on the way that they type. Nowadays, weebs type like any other young people, their language choices are essentially indiscernible. The lack of sincerity amongst subcultures makes me sad. These people are content to lift a weird aesthetic of an era but make no attempt to bring any of the good things with it, such as the cute and overly sincere way that so many people typed during that era (think things like, “Nyaaa I’m feeling pretty happy this morning ”) so it just comes across as half-arsed and a bit pathetic.

I find it sad that even in the 2000s the general stereotype of an anime fan was a silly, overly excited con-goer or deviantart user. Nowadays the stereotype is of a passive, depressed egirl who watched Death Note and Mirai Nikki once and started calling themselves an ‘oldschool anime’ fan.
Is this just the typical ‘born in le wrong generation’ thing that teenagers go through and I’m simply jaded because now the era that I grew up in is seen as ‘nostalgic’ by people who didn
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>> No. 43020 [Edit]
It's not stay mad anon, Ecchi definitely js, but full blown pornography or lewd isn't.
>> No. 43021 [Edit]
You're a moron if you think that's true. The big pillars of otaku culture are the lolicon boom (which centered around stuff like Lemon People and Cream Lemon) and eroge (self-explanatory).
>> No. 43528 [Edit]
I'm happy that they haven't discovered Key yet (as far as I know) despite attaching to popular 00's media. I dread the day that I see a picture of Nagisa smoking weed or whatever.
Just curious but can you give me an example of some of these sites? I only know about 2chan & 5chan... I have taken a look at them before and they looked rather boring (but maybe part of that is not understanding their jargon).
>> No. 43555 [Edit]
Really don't wanna revive a topic that should probably die down, but I agree, the traditional otaku archetype is definitely gone now, which is a bit sad since it was still common to see people like that even in like 2014. Goes to show how obnoxiously different the western fanbase is now. From a whole campaign trying to literally bully/harass anime fans online (think the mid-late 2010s) to it suddenly being cool to like it, it honestly sucks that it had to be this way. Definitely miss seeing more people in popular online spaces who would challenge you to watch anything other than shonen.

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40936 No. 40936 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Stuff you bought, ordered, or just hope to get someday.
18 posts and 10 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 43514 [Edit]
For those from the US, how do you feel about the whole tariffs situation?
>> No. 43515 [Edit]
Possibly should be on /tat/?
>> No. 43516 [Edit]
It has a direct impact on buying things doesn't it?
>> No. 43517 [Edit]
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Hello, posts pertaining to politics must be made to /tat/ (>>/r/15). Please create a thread there if you wish to discuss this matter.

It is relevant but nonetheless political.

Post edited on 18th Feb 2025, 5:44pm

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31444 No. 31444 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What's your living situation like? Do you live with the folks, rent an apartment, or what?
38 posts and 14 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 43510 [Edit]
Looks nice Tohno. I enjoyed zooming in on the little town area. What are those 5 blue USBs for behind your monitors?
>> No. 43511 [Edit]
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They're used for VR trackers. I've played a bit of VRC here and there. I believe each tracker needs it's own.
>> No. 43512 [Edit]
Ah I see. I played a bit myself but it never clicked with me so I don't know much about the tracker things. Thank you for the better view, the cars in particular are fun to look at. I think we gave my mom a building like those for Christmas a couple years back, though it was a British set.
>> No. 43513 [Edit]
I like the Touhou CDs back there.

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43385 No. 43385 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Lately I've been thinking on how to not be a "mindless consumer" as an otaku and whether thinking in such terms is helpful. The gist of it is, that I think an otaku is generally speaking a creative person, who does something with the material he has consumed, meanwhile the "mindless consumer" just lets the material he has read or watched sink in and doesn't really do anything with it, except maybe adding +1 show on his MAL. Drawing, making music, cosplay, building miniature models like Gundam/mecha models and so on probably count as a creative endeavor of sorts. However, I don't like this definition of an otaku very much, because if this is only the case for a small portion people, who would call themselves otaku. Most otaku are somewhere inbetween it seems, not not engaged at all, but also not producing stuff on their own. A more useful probably draws the lines between the "mindless consumer" and otaku in their love for the medium. Such consumer probably doesn't really love the thing, and if he does it's only in the same sense an addict loves his drug, an otaku on the hand loves the thing and couldn't imagine a live without it.

Where would you draw the line between the two?
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>> No. 43480 [Edit]
*conclusions. Apologies, my pc died and any alternative I have is awful and I am not used to it.
>> No. 43481 [Edit]
They obviously have self-esteem issues and don't feel "qualified" to call themselves an otaku, despite probably being more invested than the majority of people who show up to cons.
>> No. 43482 [Edit]
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Sorry if this sounds insufferable, I'm drunk.
First, get out of your mind that you need to get fluent/reach N1 by "x date", like "4 years". This is a stupid mindset way too many people adopt. I've met people who reached N1, or whatever useless arbitrary standard they think is worth bragging over, that nonetheless can hardly even speak the language or read long-form content. Do it for fun. Likewise, you're going to need to put time in. People say "10 minutes a day is better than nothing", and that's true to an extent, but you will not learn a language if you don't put a significant amount of time into it.

With that out of the way, start with learning hiragana and katakana. This should take you a week at most if you dedicate time to it. You don't need a flashcard system for this -- you can get one if you want but honestly it's useless, just find a site that lists them and go through that.
Next, read a grammar guide. People like to circlejerk about some being better than others but honestly it really doesn't fucking matter as long as you learn the basics, people just want e-peen. Try Tae Kim.

Now for the boring shit that loses most people. You could just go on and start reading, but it's going to be suffering and you'll probably get burnt out cause you can't remember shit. I'd recommend downloading Anki, setting up a deck like VNCore or core2k/6k/whatever the new FOTM is, and work through that. Once you finish that, you can move onto reading stuff.

At this point you've got all the boring trash done. You can start reading stuff, but it's going to be slow as hell and you're probably going to hate it for a while. I'd recommend setting up a mining deck on Anki where you 'mine' words you come across and add them to a deck you study, you can look that up; it helps memorize. You can go without one, just keep in mind it'll take longer that way -- however helps you learn best though. I'd recommend either reading manga or easier VNs like moege at the start, you could jump into LNs/novels but you may burn yourself out (altern
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>> No. 43483 [Edit]
Thanks, anon.

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30166 No. 30166 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Once a week, fill out the OP questions and let us know what you're up to!
Think of it as a FRIDAY NIGHT thread like on other sites, only you can post any day of the week at any hour of your choosing since NEETs don't have a schedule or any reason to look forward to the weekend.
Or, just a wordier and more demanding alternative to the daily report thread as a more relevant example.

What games are you playing today?

What anime, movies, YouTube channels etcetera are you watching today?

Have you been listening to any podcasts or music today?

Are you reading any manga or literature?

What're you going to have to eat and drink today?
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47 posts and 19 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 43290 [Edit]
File 17341045657.jpg - (347.73KB , 1080x1920 , bafkreiggsknfvk2k4poz3ktwvzxghu4qlhu4johrnhchwkclh.jpg )
hello again!
it seems like this is moreso becoming the monthly otaku extended report for me, ahaha...

>What games are you playing today?
i actually managed to finish Mary Skelter Finale...either late last month or early this month, i forget when. it took me way longer to beat than i thought it would, but i really liked it for the most part!
i plan on hopefully beating Reynatis before the month ends.

>What anime, movies, YouTube channels etcetera are you watching today?
i plan on rewatching Good Night World again, but only so that i can collect screenshots for it.
after that, i still need to catch up on two seasons worth of anime i've missed...

>Have you been listening to any podcasts or music today?
i just woke up, so i actually haven't really had the chance to listen to anything yet!

>Are you reading any manga or literature?
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>> No. 43291 [Edit]
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>What games are you playing today?
I downloaded Planetarian and intend to play it today night. The premise of a story about viewing stars and talking to a robot girl in some post-apocalyptic world, sounds good to me.

>What anime, movies, YouTube channels etcetera are you watching today?
I'm watching a lot of the Xah Lee Livestreams, as they are just enough interesting to have it running in the background as noise, while not being too interesting, so it isn't distracting. Also they are fairly long, so I don't have to concern myself with selecting something new. Other than that, I started watching Clannad, which from what I've seen yet, seems fine to me (I'm 4 episodes in).

>Have you been listening to any podcasts or music today?

>Are you reading any manga or literature?
I still have Yotsuba laying around, but I haven't touched the manga since. I might do so today night, when I go to bed.

>What're you going to have to eat and drink today?
Pasta with Pesto and Caprese as a side dish. Quite a meal, but I'm stuffed now. I'm still drinking blueberry tea.

>What's on your mind right now?
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>> No. 43467 [Edit]
>What games are you playing today?

Atelier Ryza.

>What anime, movies, YouTube channels etcetera are you watching today?


>Have you been listening to any podcasts or music today?


>Are you reading any manga or literature?

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>> No. 43485 [Edit]
>What games are you playing today?
Haven't been playing games much lately, as I haven't been finding them fun. Instead, Visual Novels, right now Tsui no Sora. Doesn't seem like my cup of tea for the time being. Also morrowind here and there.
>What anime, movies, YouTube channels etcetera are you watching today?
Read most of Little Busters, so I've been watching the anime with an online buddy, because I enjoyed it a lot, wanted to see how it was adapted and share it at the same time. Aside from that, I've watched a bit of Galaxy Express 999, maybe watch more this weekend.
>Have you been listening to any podcasts or music today?
More doujin music. Syrufit's new to me and it's not bad.
>Are you reading any manga or literature?
Reading is hard for my addled mind.
>What're you going to have to eat and drink today?
Had chicken breasts covered in ketchup alongside some whisky, Hibiki in particular.
>What's on your mind right now?
Turbulent times ahead at work. It's beneficial for me that things are getting shaken up, but I may be out of a job if things don't go smoothly. Wouldn't be bad. I have plenty of savings so an excuse to return to NEETing would be welcome. Alternatively, I get promoted and have one less incompetent idiot to irritate me.
>And, in general, how are you feeling?
I feel... not bad. I'm tired but, less gloomy than usual.

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