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33182 No. 33182 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Sort of a hybrid between the book club and "post something new you learned." Post any interesting essays, articles or prose you've stumbled across on the internet.

I'll start:
116 posts and 28 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 43303 [Edit]
>> No. 43317 [Edit]
Guy explaining why Rust, or at least the most popular game engine written in it, is ill-suited for actually making games.
>> No. 43318 [Edit]
Rust has so much sjw and hype around it that I want it to die even though I've never even touched it.
>> No. 43319 [Edit]
I only started to use it recently, and as someone who doesn't know C++, it's nice that it makes some "low-level" stuff more accessible. But yeah, it's not the right tool for everything.

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35526 No. 35526 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Which other imageboards do you go to?
215 posts and 51 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 43305 [Edit]
What do you expect from Canadians? Also, the UI is an awful, cluttered mess. There's retro, and there's being different for its own sake, even if the result sucks.
>> No. 43314 [Edit]
What value do people see in /jp/ spinoffs? I wasn't really around for the supposed /jp/ golden years, but at least looking at their derivatives it just seems like truly inane posting.

I guess my ideal would be something like /lol/: if TC is mostly medium-effort medium/high quality discussion of serious topics, /lol/ could be considered a place for low-effort but still medium-quality lighthearted discussion of trivial topics with some humor. Basically again (>>42384) what I thought Merorin would be, after all the data-processing club is basically just Yui/Yuzuko/Yukari shitposting about various topics, but doing so with elegance and grace.
>> No. 43315 [Edit]
I guess there's plenty of people who like anime, but are too stupid to have a real conversation. They still want company. If they were born a bit later, they'd be on discord instead.

Post edited on 21st Dec 2024, 2:00pm
>> No. 43316 [Edit]
>If they were born a bit later, they'd be on discord instead.
Technically, this is not true. This is highly probably, but not universally true.

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39318 No. 39318 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Ponderings general 3. Post things you've thought about.
444 posts and 80 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 43310 [Edit]
Chit chat or not doesn't make a difference to me. You're still spending time with them.
>> No. 43311 [Edit]
The last two multiplayer games I've played in a gorillion years, SRB2 Kart and Minecraft (SMP), aren't like that. One is a free-for-all, and the other doesn't have competition per se.
>> No. 43312 [Edit]
>You're still spending time with them
You know, we live in a society. For that matter, I too only play single player.
>> No. 43313 [Edit]
It's not even close.

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43188 No. 43188 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Do any Brohnos collect Anime Bluray disks? I'm currently wanting to build an Anime Bluray collection from scratch for sake of having some of my favorite shows on physical media, and as something I can actually touch and look at and isn't just a file on my computer. Do you think this endeavor is worth pursuing? Any technical tips like getting some particular Bluray player hardware, or which to avoid? How many Bluray disks with Anime on it do you own?
2 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 43192 [Edit]
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>Any technical tips like getting some particular Bluray player hardware
if you want to buy a bluray drive for your PC, consider getting one that's compatible with PS3 games. RPCS3 has a compatibility list.

>How many Bluray disks with Anime on it do you own?
Zero. Anime BD's and DVD's are very expensive around here, even second-hand.
I do have two Judeo-American movies on Bluray (Arrival and Star Wars Episode 3) but I mainly just use my bluray drive for data archival purposes.
>> No. 43193 [Edit]
I got this blueray player because it's compatible with makemkv's libre driver
>> No. 43297 [Edit]
Why be so specific about collecting blueray as opposed to physical mediums more generally?
>> No. 43298 [Edit]
I just assumed Blurays were the de-facto standard for Anime, due to their storage capacity. Therefor I thought that most otaku here have Blurays for their Anime, if they have physical media at all and not something old, that was released on DVD. If you (or anyone) else has a DVD collection with Anime, he is also invited to discuss it in this thread.

Post edited on 17th Dec 2024, 6:02am

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39794 No. 39794 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
What are some things that really bug you?
Things that genuinely piss you off?

I thought it would be nice to have a thread to vent about any little annoyance, no mater how big or small.
Any and all complains about the world around you are welcome here!
731 posts and 156 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 43179 [Edit]
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For about 6 months, I've been at my first job out of college. It's working with mainframes, which use COBOL. COBOL itself, while being alien, cumbersome, hard to grok, and reliant on other languages used nowhere else like JCL, isn't the main problem. It's the tooling. My god is the tooling a hideously excruciating, byzantine nightmare.

To interact with the mainframe, you need a specialized terminal emulator, with wonderful features like not being able to adjust the viewport size. Forget about SSH. There is no command line, instead there's an abomination called ISPF. Imagine if you operated your computer entirely through nested speadsheets, that are keyboard navigated. To do something as simple as copying a file, you have to drill down to the "copy file spreadsheet", type the full paths of the old and new file into the correct cells, and run the macro. Everything is like this. Everything.

How about code editing? Forget about vim. Forget about vi. It has its own thing with its own weird conventions. For example, when it was invented, there were no arrow keys, so up, down, left and right, are f7, f8, f10, and f11 respectively. IBM did make an Eclipse fork to work with files on a mainframe, but you can only use that to view code, not edit it(at least at my job).

Version control? Forget about Git. To move code into production, there's like a 50 step process with some done in ISPF, and others in Jira, which is web app used for agile shit. Changes are documented by going to the "diff spreadsheet", running that on every file you edited to create a file with the comparison, then using a utility the terminal emulator provides to send those files from the mainframe to your machine. At my job, these are placed in a Windows shared drive.

So yeah, it's shit. At least I don't have to do anything most of the time.

Post edited on 20th Nov 2024, 7:38pm
>> No. 43180 [Edit]
I'm still in college and never worked on a tech job but that doesn't sound so bad. I'd probably get used to these quirks and maybe even find a way to automate some of the tasks. And if it was remote, that'd be a no brainer.
>> No. 43181 [Edit]
Yeah it's great that it's remote and I don't have to do much. It's only a year long contract though and I don't really know what comes after. It just doesn't seem sustainable. The technology itself is terrible as I've already described, and the only reason things are chugging along is because of one guy in his 60s, who started working at the company before I was even born and learned COBOL in college. Ostensibly I'm supposed to be able to replace him if need be, but it took him years to learn the system through hands on experience, which I haven't been getting a lot of.
>> No. 43296 [Edit]
After trying it, I have to say, Hyrdus's UI is fucking horrible. Oh my god is it bad. Some of the worst garbage design I've seen in my life; it makes me want to claw my eyes out. You have all of these stupid sub-menus and buried options, but nothing resembling the standard interface danbooru established 200 years ago. When you first start, what should you see? What are users used to? A big, centered search bar with a button next to it that says "search", and a nice message saying "you have no files added. Do x, y and z to add some". And why does it call tabs "pages" "Oh read the documentation" fuck the documentation. To find out how to import previously deleted files, which I deleted because I was confused, I had to find some tumblr page explaining that somewhere buried in the options, there's a setting that prevents you from re-importing deleted files which is turned on by default, and there's no option to disable that setting in the import window. Holy shit.

This is how you add tags to a file from a booru. You can't do just this while importing a file for some reason I can't even begin to comprehend(or that option is not nearly visible enough)
(I don't even know if this documentation is official. It's on some other site from the homepage of the project, which has its own docs.)

>1. Select the files you want tags for
>2. Right-click, share>copy>hash/hashes>md5 to copy the hash values of the selected files into your clipboard.
>3. Paste in your newly copied hash values into Notepad++
>4. Add "md5:" as a prefix at the start of each line. You can do this by Replacing (By pressing Ctrl+H) ^ with md5: or md5= Replacing ^ will add whatever you replace with at the start of each line.
>5. Copy all the lines with the md5: prefix
>6. Paste your clipboard in a gallery download tab of your choosing (booru needs to support md5 searching) by pressing cog button>pas
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33794 No. 33794 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
I started learning Japanese, well I already did, but took a couple of months off and am now getting back into it. Same story you've heard a million times, whatever. I made the "mistake" of learning all N5 words outside of context because I thought that would be more efficient and I didn't feel like doing worksheets. On one hand, I'm still familiar with all that vocab, on the other hand, learning it in tandem with grammar would have been better. Anyway, I'm not interested in speaking. My goal is fluent literacy. I wanna read something like Saya no Uta smoothly and with crystal clear understanding, really enjoy myself. How difficult would that be? I'm willing to shoot myself in the foot in another area of the language to expedite this specific goal.

I've learned a bit more about the "Japanese Learning Community" and came across AJATT. I find it to be weird and kind of culty. Look at this

It's so bizarre to me. These guys are completely obsessed with perfectly replicating a "native speaker". Use all the right pitch accents and all the right expressions without ever deviating so no one can tell the difference. I started comparing this approach with how English is spoken. Different people say words differently. Some people talk in a sing-song sort of way, others like they're always asking a question. Maybe it sounds dumb or annoying, but I'd never say they're speaking English incorrectly. Every person probably has their own quirks and I like making up my own expressions and getting a little creative. Is Japanese really so uniform between every person(with the same dialect)? What about people with accents? Not only are accents acceptable in English, they're desirable in some cases. My parents have an accent, yet i'd still say their english is perfect.

Imagine if I made a video responding to a German guy trying to speak English in the "perfect way" with no accent or anything "nonnative", and I paused every few seconds to point out some slight inaccuracy in how a word is spoken. How weird would that be? You'd think that German guy is misguided and w
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159 posts and 32 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 42956 [Edit]
>memorizing dictionaries
I wish I had the skill...
>> No. 42960 [Edit]
That's how I learnt to understand English. And also reading dictionairies (not studying or trying to memorise them).
Formal study on set times drawn out over several years is a horrible way to learn. My understanding of my native language and English was always so far ahead I never bothered to care in school, the teachers and their classes were piss poor anyway. Much of it was just memorising a bunch of words every week, not much grammar or anything. Or watching shitty movies when the teachers didn't want to work. (笑)
I've looked into several languages but the only ones I've tried to actually study have been French and Japanese. French as a forced third language in school, which was mind-numbingly boring. The only thing I learnt was that je ne parle pas français.
Japanese on my own several times in the past, but I always just stopped, in the beginning mostly because of limited resources, later because I get bored. What little I know of Japanese I've picked up through immersion, not studying. I've wanted to learn this language for 20+ years, I need to get going and do more than just listen to it.

>CIA literally calls Japanese the hardest language in the world in the same breath that it claims that terrorists did 9/11; do you really trust glowniggers with all your heart?
lol. The only hard thing is kanji readings. It's a language I know I can get a basic understanding of if I only tried.

An example of your point is how my understanding of English was a rarity among people who had travel dictionary level of understanding at best, and just a generation later it's the prefered language of kids and zoomers who are all fluent with perfect pronounciation (well, "fluent" in "perfect" Internet American). They didn't learn through studying, they learnt by aping what they immerse themselves in all day, what they hear on Youtube/tiktok/netflix, and read on twitter/discord.
>> No. 43293 [Edit]
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Is it feasible at all to get non-negligible amounts of money by translating doujinshi or web novels or whatever and doing Patreon paywall stuff? Would I need to participate in weird Discord cliques?
>> No. 43294 [Edit]
Try translating content and posting them to sites like Mangadex or E-Hentai, imo just having a credit page where you list where to contact you for paid work would do just fine. There's plenty of scanlations I've read where the person translating doesn't have a Discord account.

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30166 No. 30166 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Once a week, fill out the OP questions and let us know what you're up to!
Think of it as a FRIDAY NIGHT thread like on other sites, only you can post any day of the week at any hour of your choosing since NEETs don't have a schedule or any reason to look forward to the weekend.
Or, just a wordier and more demanding alternative to the daily report thread as a more relevant example.

What games are you playing today?

What anime, movies, YouTube channels etcetera are you watching today?

Have you been listening to any podcasts or music today?

Are you reading any manga or literature?

What're you going to have to eat and drink today?
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45 posts and 19 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 43082 [Edit]
it slipped my mind as i was making my post, but the doll sounds fun. do you plan on sharing any pictures here?
>> No. 43083 [Edit]
Yeah sure. I think TC would be the best option for sharing such photos. At least, it'd be the least out of place. It's an Aotume doll so it shouldn't be an issue.
>> No. 43290 [Edit]
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hello again!
it seems like this is moreso becoming the monthly otaku extended report for me, ahaha...

>What games are you playing today?
i actually managed to finish Mary Skelter Finale...either late last month or early this month, i forget when. it took me way longer to beat than i thought it would, but i really liked it for the most part!
i plan on hopefully beating Reynatis before the month ends.

>What anime, movies, YouTube channels etcetera are you watching today?
i plan on rewatching Good Night World again, but only so that i can collect screenshots for it.
after that, i still need to catch up on two seasons worth of anime i've missed...

>Have you been listening to any podcasts or music today?
i just woke up, so i actually haven't really had the chance to listen to anything yet!

>Are you reading any manga or literature?
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>> No. 43291 [Edit]
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>What games are you playing today?
I downloaded Planetarian and intend to play it today night. The premise of a story about viewing stars and talking to a robot girl in some post-apocalyptic world, sounds good to me.

>What anime, movies, YouTube channels etcetera are you watching today?
I'm watching a lot of the Xah Lee Livestreams, as they are just enough interesting to have it running in the background as noise, while not being too interesting, so it isn't distracting. Also they are fairly long, so I don't have to concern myself with selecting something new. Other than that, I started watching Clannad, which from what I've seen yet, seems fine to me (I'm 4 episodes in).

>Have you been listening to any podcasts or music today?

>Are you reading any manga or literature?
I still have Yotsuba laying around, but I haven't touched the manga since. I might do so today night, when I go to bed.

>What're you going to have to eat and drink today?
Pasta with Pesto and Caprese as a side dish. Quite a meal, but I'm stuffed now. I'm still drinking blueberry tea.

>What's on your mind right now?
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36646 No. 36646 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Thread for otaku related news.
185 posts and 51 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 43123 [Edit]
I live in Switzerland and it works. I didn't know the site until now though. Looks like manga and doujin in Japanese directly from Japan.
>> No. 43124 [Edit]
Sweden VPN works as well.
>> No. 43287 [Edit]
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Sony is planning on buying Kadokawa. Retards only seem to care about dark souls in this, but I'm sure I don't need to explain to people here how much control Kadokawa has over anime&manga, or why it would be concerning for Sony to own both Kadokawa and Crunchyroll.
>> No. 43288 [Edit]
Please no! I hate American corpos. I wish they were bombarded to dust

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33536 No. 33536 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
How was your day? Did you do anything nice? Post about it here.
It looks like the old one is on autosage so here's a new one.
1204 posts and 344 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 43279 [Edit]
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>you could see the tension between Mayaka, a person who deeply appreciates manga and dressed up as a form of paying homage, and the Vocaloid girls
Now I feel bad for not paying proper attention. Where was it? I somehow have my memories of Hyouka mixed with Haruhi and both had an episode or two dedicated to band performance. I guess I was too concentrated on enjoying Kininarimas to pay much attention to others
>> No. 43280 [Edit]
During the school festival episodes, there was a tale being told from the way Mayaka, the manga club president and the Vocaloid girls were dressed up.
>> No. 43281 [Edit]
You mean in the end where Oreki was figuring out who wrote that super incredible manga?
>> No. 43282 [Edit]
No, during the whole festival. Mayaka dress as a different classic manga character each day, Fukube almost says she is cosplaying but she stops him, the girls who just dress as Vocaloids everyday don't take manga seriously and there is some hostility between Mayaka and them, the President was like Mayaka, but was so disappointed by her lack of talent (and lack of interest from an actually talented person) that she gave up and moved her interest to fighting games.

Post edited on 11th Dec 2024, 10:51am

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43239 No. 43239 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Has a character(or maybe something else) you like, from any type of series, ever been reworked or retconned to make them more appealing to a new or broader audience?
4 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 43244 [Edit]
I just personally find non-kaomoji emoticons to be an eyesore (especially ":^)") and am using the rules as a pretext, tee hee.
>> No. 43245 [Edit]
And I find kaomoji more obnoxious than classic :'^*) or whatever. All emojis are bad when abused, but sometimes they can emphasize your message in a very precise way, such that could never be put in words. It's easier to just forbid them entirely, but sometimes feelings don't translate into words. I suggest we be patient and forgive posters who don't abuse.
>> No. 43246 [Edit]
If you're going to cite rules to others, which isn't necessarily bad, you shouldn't break any yourself by abusing spoilers.
>> No. 43247 [Edit]
Yeah more holywars. Please calm down no one's going to die.
>ever been reworked or retconned to make them more appealing to a new or broader audience
Not really because I'm not into very long series, and shorter ones usually don't suffer this. At least I don't remember.

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33905 No. 33905 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
What are some things that really bug you?
Things that genuinely piss you off?

I thought it would be nice to have a thread to vent about any little annoyance, no mater how big or small.
Any and all complains about the world around you are welcome here!

Old one reached bumb limit I think.
847 posts and 190 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 42119 [Edit]
I hate inconsistent people.
>> No. 42130 [Edit]
The worst part of being prone to outbursts of anger is how absolutely childish you feel after, even if the anger was justified.
>> No. 42131 [Edit]
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Can relate.
>> No. 42136 [Edit]
Relatable desu, I calm down just as easily as I get annoyed, but it's still annoying regardless, I do what I can but sometimes it feels like I'll always be like this.

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