No. 43482
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Sorry if this sounds insufferable, I'm drunk.
First, get out of your mind that you need to get fluent/reach N1 by "x date", like "4 years". This is a stupid mindset way too many people adopt. I've met people who reached N1, or whatever useless arbitrary standard they think is worth bragging over, that nonetheless can hardly even speak the language or read long-form content. Do it for fun. Likewise, you're going to need to put time in. People say "10 minutes a day is better than nothing", and that's true to an extent, but you will not learn a language if you don't put a significant amount of time into it.
With that out of the way, start with learning hiragana and katakana. This should take you a week at most if you dedicate time to it. You don't need a flashcard system for this -- you can get one if you want but honestly it's useless, just find a site that lists them and go through that.
Next, read a grammar guide. People like to circlejerk about some being better than others but honestly it really doesn't fucking matter as long as you learn the basics, people just want e-peen. Try Tae Kim.
Now for the boring shit that loses most people. You could just go on and start reading, but it's going to be suffering and you'll probably get burnt out cause you can't remember shit. I'd recommend downloading Anki, setting up a deck like VNCore or core2k/6k/whatever the new FOTM is, and work through that. Once you finish that, you can move onto reading stuff.
At this point you've got all the boring trash done. You can start reading stuff, but it's going to be slow as hell and you're probably going to hate it for a while. I'd recommend setting up a mining deck on Anki where you 'mine' words you come across and add them to a deck you study, you can look that up; it helps memorize. You can go without one, just keep in mind it'll take longer that way -- however helps you learn best though. I'd recommend either reading manga or easier VNs like moege at the start, you could jump into LNs/novels but you may burn yourself out (altern
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