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File 145732746131.png - (100.91KB , 648x946 , 10239679.png )
19672 No. 19672 [Edit]
For those of you in love with antagonists, or those who have done outright villainous things (such as murder), how do you deal with this? How do you reconcile your feelings with their actions?

Do their good actions, behaviors or beliefs outweigh (or even negate) their bad ones for you? Or do you accept the good with the bad equally?
Do you try to justify what they've done?
Do you forgive them, or no?
Do you think they have potential to change for the better? Do you try to move on and live a better life together with them, if you have a relationship with that type of communication/interaction?
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>> No. 19673 [Edit]
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She once killed many humans, but ever since the spell card rules were established and a deal was made where humans would be provided for her, she has stopped. What she's done, and what she is, a demon and vampire, doesn't bother me because I feel that she's changed a lot as a person. She helps resolve incidents in Gensokyo, and is more generous than her personality might lead you to believe. So, really, she's not evil. And I love that very much about her, among many other things.
>> No. 19674 [Edit]
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She was made out to be an antagonist at first. But she wasn't really bad at heart. Just not too good at social situations, and uncompromisingly obsessive over her lover. When she got rejected she changed for the better.
>> No. 19735 [Edit]
rapes a girl. was confused if he loved her. understand how he felt, wish it went differently. could've changed if he hadn't died.
>> No. 19756 [Edit]
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I don't really care and bothered by it actually, since I myself is quiet villainous in heart.

But I teased Miyo for being coward since she's only backstabbing, playing god with little kids then simply shoot their heads.
>> No. 20278 [Edit]
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>For those of you in love with antagonists, or those who have done outright villainous things (such as murder), how do you deal with this? How do you reconcile your feelings with their actions?
In the narrative pushed by the writer, she is very egregiously framed as an antagonist, and most of the fanbase has bought into this narrative.
I don't believe that she had actually done anything that would even remotely qualify as "villainous", however. Many of the misdeeds that other people accuse her of are completely fabricated, or based in gross misinterpretations of what is known about her in the source material.

>Do their good actions, behaviors or beliefs outweigh (or even negate) their bad ones for you?
Absolutely. I believe her actions always had very good intentions behind them, and that she genuinely wanted to do what was just and right for those she cared about.

>Do you try to justify what they've done?
Previously, I found myself very often in arguments with others about her, and attempting to explain the motivations for her actions, and why I believed that she was right.
Gradually, though, I have come to realize that this is mostly an exercise in futility, considering the fanbase in question. Those that believe she is nothing more than an evil demon will almost invariably not accept any other interpretation of her character, regardless of what explanations and evidence they are provided with.
I don't even feel very much of a need to justify my feelings about her to anyone anymore. She is good and pure, to me, and I say that is all that matters.

>Do you forgive them, or no?
Unlike most others, I don't believe she actually did anything malevolent, so consequently I don't see very much that needs to be forgiven.
The only real mistake I think she made in her life was trusting a certain someone, which ended very tragically for her. I forgive her for this, though, because I think that her fate was not a result of any malicious action on her part, and that she could not have possibly predicted what would happen to her.

>Do you think they have potential to change for the better? Do you try to move on and live a better life together with them, if you have a relationship with that type of communication/interaction?
There is some evidence in the source material to suggest that she already had problems with trusting others, and after what happened to her I think it's likely that she may never be able to bring herself to trust anyone ever again. Any faith she may have had in the potential good in any sapient lifeform has probably been completely destroyed.
Still, I try to live my life in ways that I hope she would approve of. I try to do good for myself and others, and especially I try to do good for her, so that perhaps I can provide her with even the slightest bit of consolation.
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