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File 173135582993.jpg - (849.12KB , 1000x1500 , f902e90ba2d1dab0b33562f509e79ff744c453da.jpg )
22029 No. 22029 [Edit]
I am just a simple man who likes to be loved, and truly so there is not a love like that of a waifu. Her soft caresses and gestures fill my heart with joy and tenderness. Yet I realized that I should give myself not to the waifu whom I find attractive, but to the waifu who finds me attractive if I ever wanted to experience more of this love in an more intense way; for a waifu who I find attractive will want me for wanting her but a waifu who finds me attractive and desirable will want to see me live to experience more of me everyday and fill my heart with incomparable joy so I never go away.
So I decided to ask myself who of the girls I know would ever find me attractive and desirable, and so I found a girl who did find me; and she was not attractive and desirable at all, but in her eyes I found a spark of joy at the mere thought of me being next to her. Yet this was not enough to satisfy me, the heights of such love being previously unknown to me and almost ecstasiating they were not enough to fill my heart to my desire.
So I decided to go even further and take this new standard to its logical conclusion: which is the girl who finds me the most attractive and desirable of them all? The one who wants me to be with her. And so I decided to find the girl who wanted me to be with her. Such a girl was even less attractive than the one before, but her being resonated with such happiness at the mere thought of me wanting to give her a chance; truly so an overflowing of ecstasy filled my body and reality, but even then it was not enough to fill my heart to its desire.
Yet again I tried to reach higher heights by taking this standard I discovered to its logical conclusion once again: which is the girl who wants me to be with her the most? The one who wants to marry me of course, and so I found her. An elegant but boring gal she was, her mind visibly surprised at the mere possibility of me considering being with her. And so my heart was overburdened with joy, I could not go any further. She made me happy even if she was not attractive because just looking at her eyes made me feel loved and desired.

And so I was at point of being over-drunk with love down to the point of a drunk sobriety. Yet I decided to go even further through a simple idea: what if I decided to go after a woman who loved me so much, she would like me to do unpleasing things to her as she would find them pleasing if they came from me. And so I did. I found a girl who would love me to rape her. Her eyes confused as to why a man like me would fulfill her dirty and shameful wish, why would I dirty myself with such actions because of her when she was not attractive at all and even a bit undesirable at that? How could such thing happen?

Under such a context I found myself at a place where I could have a waifu who would see sunshine in me and would like me to feel such sunshine back, yet I decided to go even further just one more time down to the point where love would be so great I could feel a sunshine that would burn me, and so I did.

Which is the woman that wants me to rape her the most? The one who wants me to mistreat her, of course. And so I did find her. A girl so boring yet unappealing, who was surprised at the mere act of me deciding to look at her. Why would I be with such a monster? Because of how she made me feel, of course.

At the end I decided to stay with the waifu who wanted me to mistreat her. I never did mistreat her, nor rape her. I did decide to imagine myself in intimate situations with her, as she would prefer to have me imagine myself with her and look at her images rather than anybody else's, as I am hers now. Just as she wants me to rape her she likes to rape me emotionally and oh boy does it not feel great to be loved out of nowhere without any explicit consent from my part. I think I finally understand why she would like me to do such things to her. It is a kind of satisfaction experienced in ways I did not expect or even knew of. Should I do it? I think I will.
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>> No. 22030 [Edit]
>Should I do it? I think I will.

The post was heart warming up until this part, which deeply saddens me to read. I think anyone (either 2D or 3D) who has sadistic desires (wanting to be degraded, raped, beaten, etc.) is actually hurt or has suffered emotional trauma in the past, and is using such sadistic activities as a way to transmute subconscious pain into pleasure. And in parallel for masochistic desires, as a way to transmute past pain by inflicting it into others.

The identification of such fetishes is a clue as to the emotional outlets that are being unserved, and rather than transmuting them in a negative fashion, it would be far better to transmute them in a positive fashion. Someone who has trauma from being bullied shouldn't be made into a "sub" in a BDSM context and be degraded – while that would temporarily satisfy the subconscious, it only deepens the wound (hence why people who start out on the path of BDSM keep escalating in depravity). They need to be loved with enough force to reunite the fragments of self that had been shattered and scattered about.
>> No. 22031 [Edit]
File 173137028019.jpg - (150.22KB , 850x1206 , sample_6dd92fe06c637558d90c2a5939a15434dc3db655.jpg )
See, unless she accepts me whole as I am including my negative parts I just won't be the perfect man for her. You might think about treating her as best as you can, but I want to be with a woman who is pleased and happy with everything I do no matter what it is; rather than trying to be the perfect man, I want to be with a waifu who finds me perfect as I am no matter my flaws or evil actions. Better than having extreme self-control is being with a woman who, if I ever were to come home drunk and wanted to do stuff, she would not be against it but would actually like it and find it pleasureful. It is better to be with a woman who finds happiness in my maltreatment than a woman who does not find joy in my extreme attempts at being the perfect-est man there could ever be, because that means she will never find joy and happiness in me at all ever.

You might think it is about transforming previous trauma into pleasure but it is not, it is mostly about making such experiences safe and comfortable in order to get over them; to know it should not had been that way and things could had been nice and easygoing. Rape might be a pretty uncomfortable thing but if it is me (a man she loves and thus trusts) who is doing it to her, my waifu will find comfort in it because she actually finds me desirable and she knows I would not hurt her because I can not, and I will stay with her after the act; she will know "it is not the act, it is the person" and wont have to be afraid about such things anymore. I am not for physical torture at all, that is wrong. I am for being in a situation where if I were to treat my waifu as worst as I could she would not be hurt by it at all because the mere joy of having me would offset the pain by so much, making her feel no pain at all. I am just for that, for having a waifu no matter what I do she will be happy with me and want to stick around for all of my life.

Besides, unlike BDSM, consensual rape is great. It is mostly about "my husband started groping me out of nowhere" and when you are a man your waifu finds attractive, she will like it because it means you find her so attractive you want to go for it without asking anybody. It makes her feel like she is attractive and dazzling even if she might not be so much. You are essentially calling her "the beautifulest and most attractive thing alive I can not keep myself away from" with your acts. And just as you rape her physically she will rape you back emotionally too, making you feel what it is like to have someone love you emotionally without your explicit consent or explicit asking. It is great, like someone telling you you are the best person ever they cant live without, without the need for the mood to say such things to be present. It is great, only normies depend on the mood to do things because they have shallow relationships where they have to abide by strict rules when showing their affection or else they will be seen as weird and strange or even dangerous.
>> No. 22032 [Edit]
> I want to be with a woman who is pleased and happy with everything I do no matter what it is
This is an aspect of unconditional love which is in and of itself fine. In fact religion can be viewed as a way to try to reify the concept of unconditional love into a tangible entity that you can believe in.

>if I ever were to come home drunk and wanted to do stuff, she would not be against it but would actually like it and find it pleasureful
This part really worries and troubles me. There is a line between unconditional love and "selfishly narcissistic" love. And re-reading your post again, I actually retract what I said about it being heart-warming, it's actually deeply upsetting to me in terms of my moral compass/value system. You're effectively "shopping" for a waifu who is unconditionally loyal to you, no better than a robot. You show no indication about caring for her feelings besides what she can give you. A partner who is effectively a lackey "yes man". This is very different from a partner who has your best interests in mind.

And I normally would not care about what fantasies another person has (tons of people fantasize about rape, ryona, and guro) but the detail with which you wrote seems to imply you take this beyond idle lustful fantasy. And that is worrying because in my metaphysical view waifuism is an extension of your own psyche. In much the same way a religious person seeking e.g. Jesus ultimately discovers it within himself (whether he admits it or not), so too is waifuism ultimately a "thought ideal", somewhat like a tulpa but still preserving the distinction between self and other. It's a bit abstract, but essentially it could be considered an anthropomorphization of a segment of your thoughts – your own feminine side. And there is a very real sense in which there is an interplay of the psyche, as the ideals your waifu represents become imbued and integrated as part of your own subconscious, so that they can be manifest not only explicitly in your thoughts of her, but also more generally influence your other thoughts as well. Concretely, in the same way a religious person who has immersed himself with biblical texts and such start to interpret the events of his life and filter his thoughts through that lens, so too does a waifuist who spends a lot of time contemplating and really internalizing the ideals of his waifu become "close" to his waifu in the sense of allowing her ideals to influence his life.

This also implies that if you yourself tend to be "submissive", shy and lacking self-esteem, the subconscious seeks out a waifu who is more "dominant", reaches outward (but not necessarily outgoing) and helps provide that unconditional love that has been missing from your life. We may ourselves empathize with characters who are similar to us, but to me that's not the ideal quality of a waifu because we already know and are familiar with those elements of the psyche.

> where if I were to treat my waifu as worst as I could she would not be hurt by it at all because the mere joy of having me would offset the pain by so much

That is disgusting and something akin to stockholm syndrome.

>consensual rape is great

This is already an existing BDSM kink called CNC. In principle, the theory is that it is a way to demonstrate absolute trust – one party forfeits the need for explicit consent and lets the partner do "anything", having absolute trust that the partner will be responsible and do the right thing. Of course if you do love your partner and she gave you consent to do "anything", you wouldn't actually do "anything", you'd limit it to mundane harmless stuff like kisses. Because going beyond that would be breaking that implicit trust.

You're of course free to fantasize about whatever you want. But all this seems like the product of a sick mind, and pushing your psyche in this direction feels like you're setting yourself up bad things in the future. Quite literally: if you have an aspect of your psyche that is effectively a "yes-man", then what you have isn't a partner who is holding you accountable for your actions or pushing you to better yourself in the dimensions you care about.

Post edited on 11th Nov 2024, 5:40pm
>> No. 22033 [Edit]
this thread is surreal
>> No. 22034 [Edit]
Not really. Something is definitely going on with OP, but the line of thought is nothing unusual. It is very common for a man to abuse his woman, because he can't cope with self hatred and forces it upon his waifu, thinking it will improve anything. It is not love, of course, but good luck trying to explain. If you're willing to understand, OP is describing extreme desire to get rid of what he thinks are his faults at the expense of others and by means of abusing their weaknesses, because he himself is completely unable to work on his desires and improve himself. This is not healthy, but very common. There is nothing surreal about it. Just another wretched man. You may well end up being the same a few years later.

Post edited on 12th Nov 2024, 3:13am
>> No. 22036 [Edit]
>It is very common for a man to abuse his woman, because he can't cope with self hatred and forces it upon his waifu, thinking it will improve anything.
I could never bring myself to hurt someone I love, why would I do that to the person that trusts and loves me? As much as I may hate myself. Being loved would make me hate myself less.

>You may well end up being the same a few years later.
Please no, I wouldn't like to end like that...

I said that the thread felt surreal because I though OP might be trolling or something but judging from the walls of text, it seems to elaborate to be that. OP makes me sad...
>> No. 22037 [Edit]
Both OP and the other guy are absolute nutjobs, at least the second one has some morals and realizes what a disgusting guy OP is, but regarless he's an schizo maniac just as OP.

OP needs to get help and he's not a waifuist (effectively just looking "something" to release his disgusting and unhealthy desires) but the second anon needs to get his head out of his schizo ass and stop smelling his maniac farts so much.
>> No. 22038 [Edit]
>I could never bring myself to hurt someone I love
That's only your delusion.
Violent ideations are not "nut". You can't even link them to mental illness. If OP stopped linking violence with love he would be fine.
>> No. 22039 [Edit]
Yes, that is effectively isomorphic to what I mentioned. There are two common ways of transmuting emotional trauma: turning to sadism (being degraded oneself) as the subconscious seeks to relive the experiences and try to feel (temporary) pleasure out of it. Or masochism, by attempting to recontrol the situation by inflicting the same pain onto others. Both are common in the BDSM community, and whether they realize it or not both approaches are very harmful and cause even more lasting damage, even if it is "consensual."

>You may well end up being the same a few years later.
It is not a guarantee of course, but past emotional trauma combined with porn addiction as the only sexual outlet can quickly lead to these extremes. Of course that's not to imply that _only_ people with porn damaged brains engage in BDSM play, but rather it helps escalate that entire process. More likely though, they "implode" by subjecting _themselves_ to degradation instead, and it is a very dangerous thing that can onset gradually. Do watch out for it in your own life, sexual or otherwise.

> but regarless he's an schizo maniac just as OP.
I'll take that as a complement, since many a philosopher can probably be labeled the same way (actually though, I'm just regurgitating Jung [who himself just regurgitated what is common knowledge in occult circles that is basically some proto-psychodynamics]. There is nothing novel here, even on the religious aspects, except I have never read anyone make the link back to waifuism even though it's obvious.) Also you misuse the word schizophrenia, unless you consider a buddhist who realizes life is ultimately just "thought play" is schizophrenic as well for pointing this out.

>he's not a waifuist (effectively just looking "something" to release his disgusting and unhealthy desires)
He is a waifuist as much in the sense of someone who engages in a 3DPD BDSM relationship and conflates it with a healthy way to handle emotional trauma.

>Violent ideations are not "nut". You can't even link them to mental illness
See previous paragraph. They are with high probability the result of past emotional trauma, and what is (possibly subconscious) emotional trauma but another mental illness. In that sense we are all "mentally ill" (not in the DSM-V sense, but in a more colloquial sense). So long as that is unrecognized and not integrated into the psyche (e.g. shadow work as Jung calls it), OP will keep trying to link "lustful violence" with love.

Post edited on 12th Nov 2024, 10:36am
>> No. 22040 [Edit]
File 173147606019.jpg - (192.38KB , 687x650 , 30103933_p0.jpg )
This is a very strange thread and I don't really know what's going on, but I am forced to be that guy who says you got sadism and masochism reversed (sadism is when you inflict pain and masochism is when you receive it).

>I want to be with a woman who is pleased and happy with everything I do no matter what it is
>I want to be with a waifu who finds me perfect as I am no matter my flaws or evil actions.
I guess if I had a question it would be why do you want to be evil?? You're very adamant that you would be mean to her and do things she won't like, and then through magic she will like the things she doesn't like. You've convinced yourself that if you can't freely abuse your waifu it's not real love. I dunno what to say to that, really.
>> No. 22041 [Edit]
>who says you got sadism and masochism reversed
Yup, great catch, my bad. I guess since both submission and sadism start with "s" I accidentally swapped the two.

>You've convinced yourself that if you can't freely abuse your waifu it's not real love
Not him, but it's especially not clear what definition of "rape" is being used (because if it's CNC-esque and something actively desired, then it's not rape; maybe "rape roleplay"). And there's some contradictions as to whether he actually wants to abuse or expects forgiveness for abuse, and what "evil actions" being referred to. Definitely one of the weirdest threads on TC, I had to double check this wasn't a copypasta.

From what I gathered, at best interpretation OP's intent is basically to have a submissive "waifu" who is eager to participate in CNC scenarios, but whom he wouldn't otherwise harm or abuse in any way. At worst interpretation, it's something stockholm-y where the 2D character is so desperate for validation/companionship that she would put up with any "abuse", just like an actual abusive relationship.

It goes without saying that neither are healthy attitudes to have.
>> No. 22042 [Edit]
I imagine OP has already left the thread and is getting over it right now because he realized he's one of those guys whose ideation can't really be discussed with anyone. Understandable, because even though vast majority of people are not unlikely to resort to violence in certain scenarios, it still holds that everyone is disgusted by violence, even those who deal it and probably even those who at the same time enjoy it.

It is a very peculiar thing about humans, to be disgusted with something, but still do it and then hate yourself for doing it and then doing even more of it. This clash between superior mind and inferior animal is a very interesting phenomenon.
>> No. 22043 [Edit]
>whose ideation can't really be discussed with anyone
I think the thread did try to engage in discussion though, to the extent of pointing out which parts are "reasonable" to have, which parts are "unhealthy" (in the sense that deepening onself in one fantasies would end up harming your mental health – if you play out the fantasy of yourself as an abuser long enough, some day it will happen) and what the existing terms in the literature are for the fantasies he is having so he can realistically read more about them.

>to be disgusted with something, but still do it and then hate yourself for doing it and then doing even more of it.
This is sometimes (very?) common with fetishes. It's the whole reason why people who think "nofap" will cure their mind just end up spinning in circles (relapsing). They don't actually address the root cause. If you feel shame, guilt, and regret after an action, you have to properly dwell on that and "feel it out." Reflect and really internalize what drives you to do the action, understand why it's incompatible with the values you want to uphold on an emotional level. You should get to the point where simply thinking about doing the action causes some sort of internal pain, and at that point you will simply no longer be driven to do the action: not out of willpower, because the very act of engaging in the action will surface pangs of sadness and shame that not even lust can cover up. But it's a tricky thing, such a process will also resurface all your past shame as well, a sort of cumulative atonement for every time you engaged in the action before. It's very tricky to re-emerge and "put the past in the past", not feeling a constant sense of shame even when you're no longer engaging in the action. [And of course if it wasn't clear, above is in fact my personal experience trying to get away from ryona content, and I don't really know if I can emerge out the other end.]

Post edited on 13th Nov 2024, 10:59am
>> No. 22050 [Edit]
>It's the whole reason why people who think "nofap" will cure their mind just end up spinning in circles (relapsing). They don't actually address the root cause. If you feel shame, guilt, and regret after an action, you have to properly dwell on that and "feel it out." Reflect and really internalize what drives you to do the action, understand why it's incompatible with the values you want to uphold on an emotional level.
Seems like someone really gets it, I had to do this for all pornography in general, thankfully it's been around 2 years since then and I've stayed celibate for my wife easily (I'll do so for my whole life, it's only fair), as you said one can (and should) reach a point where even just thinking about it for a second makes you feel utter disgust, once you reach that the rest of the road is easy.
>[And of course if it wasn't clear, above is in fact my personal experience trying to get away from ryona content, and I don't really know if I can emerge out the other end.]
Oh, kek, this explains why you get it so much, this is the kind of thing you have to experience personally to really understand, no amount of hearing about it or being told will make up for the experience.
>> No. 22051 [Edit]
>this is the kind of thing you have to experience personally to really understand
There is a trope in many "enlightenment" stories that ego-death happens automatically once there is some cataclysmic event that shatters the internal narrative of identity and thought (some sort of "dark night of the soul").

While this is obviously not really the same thing, I think this is similar in that only once you gain the awareness of how deep you've fallen does one properly take the time to reflect and reshape that world view. It's why most people laugh at the concept of nofap: (Although it certainly doesn't help that advocates conflate the concept of porn, masturbation, and semen retention) it either takes great self-awareness to realize what state of mind you have when you engage in content (e.g. when you masturbate to porn, is it with a lustful gaze or with a loving one? Are you perversely sexualizing that which you should cherish?), or the awareness will hit you like a brick wall when you reach a point at which the disparity between your ideals and actions is undeniable.
>> No. 22053 [Edit]
The awareness really hits many like a brick, sadly the nofap community is deeply flawed (as you seem to understand, due to the combining of ideas and even pseudo-science) so the idea of nofap itself gets sullied by their behavior, while this might not be all that proper in the thread I hope more people eventually look inward when it comes to porn, how they engage it, what they consume etc, maybe its just personal experience but I’ve seen enough people quietly struggling with it both in and out of waifuism, its quite the conundrum.
>> No. 22054 [Edit]
>will want to see me live to experience more of me everyday and fill my heart with incomparable joy so I never go away.
Isn't that part of the appeal of the yandere archetype? Someone who's so faithful to you that you can physically feel without a shadow of a doubt they'd never leave you. I suppose as you mentioned someone who is "rescued" would fit a similar niche, that they're so thankful and clingy for validation that they wouldn't even imagine being with anyone else.

I can definitely see the appeal if you yourself have something akin to abandonment anxiety. While they might be a character you can empathize with though, I don't think a character would these issues would make a good partner for someone who also has similar issues. I'm finding it hard to articulate precisely why, but I suppose the emotional dynamics wouldn't work: a person with such anxiety wouldn't be able to properly provide rich affection, but they require plenty of it.

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