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File 172277726962.png - (9.55KB , 545x789 , 1722032652621.png )
21996 No. 21996 [Edit]
Does anyone feel like that it is almost impossible to move from your former waifu no matter what, like there will never be a girl like that who gave you the same feeling as she did or how unique and special she was and how no one will ever come to her.......
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>> No. 21997 [Edit]
File 172277813484.jpg - (24.35KB , 410x519 , 20240622_190801.jpg )
like i remember going to pixiv and just browsing it for like an hour and came a across a picture of her with 18 plus no it was not porn most of it was just fan art of the manga where she is from however there was porn most of it was in gay it was basically a album with some NSFW sprinkled i actually thought it was going and my heart got heavy or well skipped a beat i was having an internal debate with myself if i should check the album because i was having big intrusive thoughts that it going tons of rape porn of her i am glad i was wrong i am not sure why i even checked it was because i was imagitive far worse thing in that album that was actually in so i need to reasure myself no matter what thankufful there was no porn image of her but yeah if this ever happens again i do hope it repeat but there is chance that it wont and that make scared i really dont like how pixiv NSFW censor remove all the gorey images and tags as NSFW 

Even after deleting my entire folder of her with the obscure images I found from various Japanese sites that contained fan art of her as well as pixiv and obscure sides of Twitter, I still feel somehow attached to her even after all this.
>> No. 21998 [Edit]
The other thing is, does anyone feel depressed after one of the fanarts of your waifu gets deleted forever and you didn't save the image? Despite being in a mixed place between me and her, it makes me sad. I'm sure people will always make fan art, but it still hurts. It may be just fan art, but it means a lot to me.

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