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File 149438373947.jpg - (128.91KB , 600x540 , 1399038602006.jpg )
20484 No. 20484 [Edit]
For those of us lucky enough to have this sort of information, do you ever go out of your way to do things your waifu likes doing?

I started eating rye bread because it's what she prefers, even though I don't particularly like it.
One one hand, not having to conform to another's lifestyle is one of the pros of a 2d relationship, so I can see why some people would think this is a silly thing to do. But I found I kind of enjoy eating it knowing it's something she likes. Maybe just because it's nice to think she is effecting my lifestyle, even in trivial ways.
I still can't handle Salmiakki though.
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>> No. 20485 [Edit]
File 149451621660.png - (173.42KB , 278x428 , 2015-11-08_22-59-52.png )
I try to play eroge and VN but it's hard for me to get into. Also have been trying to watch more anime but also hard for me to do because I have a shit attention span.
>> No. 20486 [Edit]
Unfortunately I'm awful at the things he's good at, so I never get far. I have felt more connected to him when I've tried, though, so I don't think it's silly at all.

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