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File 148811772966.jpg - (605.80KB , 1000x1500 , 100000000315.jpg )
20273 No. 20273 [Edit]
What kind of home does your waifu have? Would you like to live there, or would you rather move somewhere else with her?
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>> No. 20277 [Edit]
File 148825279812.jpg - (133.22KB , 1366x768 , Oreimo_S2_-_08_mkv_-_VLC_media_player_2015-08-14_2.jpg )
A western style house that's nice and big. It's nice but since his parents are there I'd rather move to a nice modest flat together while he's in college then eventually buy a nice old style house.
>> No. 20281 [Edit]
File 148844225666.png - (1.19MB , 960x544 , clubhouse.png )
He lives in a tree house in the middle of a forest in an alternate dimension where everything is Halloween themed.
His room is so fucking befitting of his character, he sleeps in a hammock and he literally has a boulder in his room. Like, he lives on an upper level floor of the house, he picked up an 6,000 pound rock and he carried it up to his room. That's his idea of interior decorating. Of course, no boulder would be truly caveman without some mud paintings on it, which he has seen to.

I'd like to move into his house, I really would, but his friends are shit and I'd have to kill them first or kick them out, and I don't think he'd like that. I'd have to convince him to come somewhere else with me.
>> No. 20289 [Edit]
File 148850032464.jpg - (176.55KB , 450x338 , Hinatasouinn.jpg )
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