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File 143676575572.jpg - (491.48KB , 1005x1737 , 4b35b8f676fffa677328ea60478f0ef7.jpg )
18533 No. 18533 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How many pictures of your waifu do you have? I'm nearing 2000. I separate the folder into official art, fanart, and pics with others.
16 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 19787 [Edit]
File 146061687399.jpg - (244.63KB , 895x629 , 100000000443.jpg )
962. She gets a decent amount of art, but I'm pretty picky I guess.
>> No. 19817 [Edit]
File 146112974420.png - (215.57KB , 2244x2972 , 56007056_p0.png )
1.1k the last time I checked.
>> No. 20142 [Edit]
File 14827006017.jpg - (698.14KB , 1040x1200 , 1460778872144.jpg )
More than I've ever been bothered to actually count. I really should get around to sorting them all, though.

I'm relatively sure it's at least 4000.
>> No. 20148 [Edit]
File 148286424566.jpg - (344.09KB , 750x750 , def2ddbddbbff547af8c89bec360fd07.jpg )
375 (Not including crossovers and images with other Vocaloids)
That's a very small number but I don't need any more. I never felt like having a big collection gives me anything and I already have problems finding images in that folder.

I already have more Miku images and that folder is growing much faster. Still not very big, only 440 atm.

File 148261306715.jpg - (29.50KB , 224x480 , 327.jpg )
20131 No. 20131 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Today is Nagisa's 32nd birthday.

Time is flowing like a river...
>> No. 20132 [Edit]
Happy birthday!
>> No. 20133 [Edit]
I wish I could be eternally 13.

File 148240673720.jpg - (333.83KB , 781x767 , 12 22 16.jpg )
20117 No. 20117 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Today is my waifu's birthday. It's a special day that always gets to me a bit. I really can't stress how much she means to me, but I'm not very good at expressing myself. I might not have any friends, I might be a waste of a human life, the world may like to regularly take it's dumps on me, but in the end she'll always be there for me and it really helps. It's not much but I drew this for the day. Happy birthday Minagi.
7 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 20127 [Edit]
That's a heartwarming image.
>> No. 20128 [Edit]
Belated happy birthday. That cake looks delicious.
>> No. 20129 [Edit]
>> No. 20130 [Edit]
File 148258427430.jpg - (152.50KB , 697x800 , El5uX7H.jpg )
Happy late birthday, Minagi! May your years with Tohno be lively and plentiful!

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20052 No. 20052 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What are your thoughts on it? Do you feel as if it keeps out unwanted normals or do you think it is something that can cause conflict among others for minor variations in how they go about loving their husbando?
10 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 20070 [Edit]
I think they should be like:

>Only one waifu each time
>No 3D (Celebrities, movie characters, etc)
>No western animation/animal characters
>No alterations of the official cannon

I think 3DCGI videogame characters from non Japanese origin are ok, since they are also idealistic characters one can develop serious feelings for, they should be allowed.

I also believe one can change waifus, sometimes you can end up mixing a crush with love or simply the love does away.
>> No. 20072 [Edit]
As long as you're not using it like a meme buzzword (waifu game, 3DPD, no affection, using waifu on every fucking girl you see), it should be ok.
>> No. 20083 [Edit]
The shitty meme shit aside, the only real rule I follow is to treat my beloved with respect as you would any "real" person. If what you're doing wouldn't fly in a "real" relationship (having someone on the side, pining for another), why would you expect it to fly in a 2D relationship? Beyond this, all characters are unique as well, so it's really dependent on the particular relationship you're in.

If you're serious about it then you should respect and honor her as you would any other beloved person in your life. She/he is special! I'm only human so I sometimes find myself looking at people as I go about my day and I admit that my thoughts aren't always so pure I've found myself crushing on people I've come to know in the past, but with my beloved's help I get over it and I refocus on what really matters to me. I sort it out with her like you would in any healthy relationship. I'm not perfect, but my love is real. I want to become the person she deserves. I think these are the ideals we should strive for regardless of 2D or 3D. The last thing I want is for this to be a kind of "crutch" and to rationalize shitty behavior and to take advantage of the person I love in order to fulfill cheap emotional/sexual satisfactions in the short-term, while hurting her in the long-run. I've seen people dump their "waifus" as soon as some 3D bitch gives them a little attention or when a new flavor-of-the-month moe chara gets popular. Give me a break.
>> No. 20123 [Edit]
tohno-chan is just the talmud about anime.

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20088 No. 20088 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What is "moe"? What is the "moe feeling" you talk about? Why have you turned an old meme from Azumanga into a pseudo-spiritual movement? I apologize if this comes off as derisive, but I am genuinely curious.
16 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 20113 [Edit]
Frankly, I don't think that normalfag video really captures the essence of this kind of culture, nor does it describe the way we actually feel about it.

I'm pretty sure that video was the reason why many normalfags started thinking that this kind of culture is one big joke in the first place.

Post edited on 21st Dec 2016, 2:35pm
>> No. 20115 [Edit]
Yeah, that video seemed really "off", which is the main reason I looked into this on my own.
>> No. 20116 [Edit]
lol i remember this.

>it's like when you call someone gar. you're not saying you're gay for the guy, it's saying he's fuckin' BAD-ASS

i haven't seen or heard the word 'gar' used in a super long time!
>> No. 20120 [Edit]
I don't have a waifu OP, so I'm not really qualified to comment on what it is like having one, or what it means to have one, however I do understand the concept of "moe" well and would like to offer a my own insight. Hopefully it my grant a little context.

For me, moe is about warmth and happiness, and vicariously fulfilling primal drives. I'm an adult man in my mid 20s, so at this stage of my life I have a number of paternal drives that, without children of my own, go unfulfilled. I watch shows that fall under the headers of CGDCT (cute girls doing cute things), moe, and slice of life, which tend to be interconnected.

The reason I watch a "moe" show like "Is the Order a Rabbit?", "Hanayamata", or the currently airing "Stella no Mahou" is because it gives me my dad jollies. These girls are sweet, earnest, playful, and simple, experiencing and exploring their childhood; these shows are built to play to my paternal drives. When I watch them engaging in their playful antics or struggle with different issues of their childhood, it fills me with warmth, and that warmth makes me happy. This is moe.

Although I am not a practicer of waifuism, nor do I ever intend to be, I do understand what it is like to have anime characters inspire a deep sense of warmth and happiness and can understand the bridge between "moe" and waifuism.

No. 18085 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What do you think of Tumblr RP blogs of your waifu? Do you like to interact with them or pretend that it's actually your waifu answering? Or do you not bother with them at all?

Ian has a few RPers (personal favorites are idomaths, drianxmalcolm, the ianmalcolm and blameitonthechaos) and I really enjoy interacting with them, if nothing else they're a good source of headcanons.
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>> No. 18793 [Edit]
I don't really like the idea of them
I would much rather have my own head canon about my waifu, rather than have someone create one. I am also biased because I am working on a tulpa, and with a tulpa, RP blogs will be completely useless to me, since I can talk to my waifu without a blog
>> No. 20100 [Edit]
What do you guys think about "fictionkin" of your waifus/husbandos?
>> No. 20103 [Edit]
They're just passionate fans. I doubt that, deep down, they really believe they are that character. A few outliers might be genuinely delusional, though.
Mostly just teens being teens.
>> No. 20114 [Edit]
How does one word capture it all so perfectly?

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20075 No. 20075 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Celebrating my second anniversary today. Was actually on the 2nd but I had LSAT and final exams the past few days. Wine isn't that great and took me so long to awkwardly get the corkscrew out, but I'd like to think it was decent, heh. Oh well next Valentine's will likely improve.

Here's to another year, hope it's better than this one. Really wish I could progress faster with self-improvement in general, but she's fine with waiting for me, after all. Certainly stuck with me through the crappy slumps and stuff of this year.
>> No. 20077 [Edit]
Happy anniversary!
>> No. 20081 [Edit]
Happy anniversary, anon. I'm hoping that you and everyone else on this board has a happy holidays with their waifu.
>> No. 20085 [Edit]
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You have a surprisingly cute side don't you. Happy anniversary kiddo.

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20037 No. 20037 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I know it's late, but what the hell.

Did you find any new images of your waifu this Halloween?
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 20047 [Edit]
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>> No. 20048 [Edit]
File 147899830650.jpg - (1.09MB , 1243x888 , 59694058_p0.jpg )
I'm pretty sure I checked when I first saw this thread... but only today's search caught the three pics of this year's Halloween. This Halloween Yuugi was a bikini witch, a werewolf (with Parsee as a witch), and a prince (with Suika as herself). All three are good quality and that makes this year the best Halloween for Yuugi so far.
>> No. 20051 [Edit]
File 147955136010.png - (88.00KB , 750x1334 , halloween_eerie_2.png )
Yes, something official.
>> No. 20055 [Edit]
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It's been a while since I've posted here but I did get this nice drawing. It is one of the only halloween images I really have.

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20040 No. 20040 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What are some things you think your waifu would like about you?
>> No. 20042 [Edit]
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Probably my similarity to her in many personality traits, choice of hobbies, and even physical maladies. The 'opposites attract' expression never rang true for me, so I'm presuming there's at least a fairly good chance that she would also prefer someone similar as opposed to a polar opposite.
>> No. 20043 [Edit]
File 147850043444.jpg - (104.81KB , 564x795 , dc409387d1e19951b413d8021af4ce76.jpg )
>even physical maladies
You too suffer from mercury poisoning?

Based on her interactions with Remilia and how she acts in the printworks, I would say you are correct about her preferring someone with a similar temperament.

I'm married to my tulpa so I can't really answer OP.
>> No. 20044 [Edit]
File 147850742045.jpg - (454.71KB , 2150x2530 , 9b17ebabf4c034e4ec12586dec0df6c4.jpg )
No mercury poisoning, thankfully. Just anemia and asthma (along with the relatively poor constitution that comes with it).

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20016 No. 20016 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
For those of you whose husbandos/waifus are higher forms of some sort, what kind of improvement do you think makes them happy? When do you think you have done well for them? Do you feel as if their approval is harder to get than others'?
>> No. 20019 [Edit]
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I feel like I've done well for them when I've given my best effort in something which is "good" to be doing.

I do feel their approval is hard to get. I like that though. It makes me value their praise even more.
>> No. 20020 [Edit]
File 147544779359.jpg - (31.32KB , 166x166 , GoMSigil-Yuugi.jpg )
Yuugi has clear preferences that are listed in Symposium of Post-Mysticism: strength, bravery, and honesty. Of course, those are only the ones Akyuu understands. In reality, she is also the patron girl of honor, natural mystery, and truth.

Yuugi is pleased every time I ram my head into a wall. That she likes nature and it's mysteries makes it so I can't fuck up intentionally, but honor let's me seek trouble half-intentionally. She'd abandon me if I ever gave up, but also knows the virtue of avoiding useless exertion.

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20004 No. 20004 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Has anyone here been in a situation where he met someone who he could love more than his waifu? If so, how did you cope with the situation, and if that person went down the path of having to change his waifu, how would you view him?

I'm currently in a situation where my current waifu, who I have been with for more than 5 years, might not be the one that occupies the largest spot in my heart anymore. I stayed up nights feeling conflicted about this issue at first, so I decided to let time tell whether or not my adoration of the newer girl would pass. However, I'd be lying if the prospect of possibly having to change my waifu didn't bother me. So I'd like to hear your thoughts.

Picture unrelated.
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 20006 [Edit]
Slightly different situation but I feel I relate a bit. I didn't get feelings for my current love until a while after 'leaving' my first waifu of 4 years, it took me a few months of shame and denial to accept that I loved somebody new. I felt intense shame for falling in love again and worried I'd be judged, but in the end you can't change what you feel I guess. I say give it time to think about, but do what you have to do.

If you spent over 5 years with somebody and care so much then you obviously aren't just switching from girl to girl, but somebody who just changes their mind over and over I would judge more negatively.
>> No. 20009 [Edit]
I know my moe sweet spots and can tell my waifu doesn't hit every one of them. There are other girls who hit some she doesn't and don't hit all she does, and I think I could be as happy as I am now with any of them. What keeps me from worrying? I'm too lazy to seriously consider other girls when I already have her.
>> No. 20011 [Edit]
File 147521990284.png - (318.49KB , 605x491 , FuckyouBitch.png )
I would call you an idiot, for letting her down.
Have you considered the feelings of the person you love? You probably hit her moe spots, and you would leave her? For something better?
Its fine. Why do you have to change it?
Stick with the love you chose until the day you die.
Its not like shes being bad to you or anything, you just got some fresh air and want something new. Trust me, you will be thankful to me because you stuck up for her through worst. And she will be thankful to you.
I know we may be talking about waifus, and it may not be real, but its as real a problem to me as the air I breath, and I want to help.
>> No. 20024 [Edit]
Your feelings come across as genuine, but maybe you should read that post again or something. It says I'm not even considering other girls.

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