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20349 No. 20349 [Edit]
Hello, I am conducting a survey on waifu love. Feel free to only answer the questions you'd like to, but please do participate! This survey is mostly for my curiosity, although I may post common trends in the results.

Who is your waifu?
When was her last official appearance?
How old were you when you fell for your waifu?
How long have you loved her for?
What was your love/sex life like before her?
How happy/satisfied are you with your life right now?
Do you have any medical/mental conditions?
What do you think about reality, or her fictionality?
What do you think about the possibility of falling out of love?
What do you think about those who have?
What do you think about those who have cheated on their waifu?
What do you think about the idea of being committed to your waifu for the rest of your life?
What do you think about waifu"ism" in general?
What was your waifu's latest official appearence, and when was it released?
How is your offline social life?
Were you hurt by 3D/Heartbroken soon before meeting your waifu?
How much time a week do you spend online?
Would you leave the world you live in to start a new life in her world?
What would you do if she married someone else?
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Expand all images
>> No. 20350 [Edit]
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>Who is your waifu?
>When was her last official appearance?
September 2015
>How old were you when you fell for your waifu?
Most would say "too old".
>How long have you loved her for?
About 18 months now.
>How happy/satisfied are you with your life right now?
Ambivalent. I'm not broke, I'm not homeless, and I'm not hooked on the liquid Jew anymore. I suppose that's about as much as I can expect these days, but there's still many things in life that upset me. I mostly just try to hide from it all as much as I can.
>Do you have any medical/mental conditions?
Nothing serious that I know of. Some allergies, but not much else. Sometimes I think I must be truly fucked in the head though.
>What do you think about reality, or her fictionality?
I was watching a Sam Hyde video about Simulation Theory a few days ago.
Honestly, I try not to think too much about the whole of reality anymore. Too depressing for me. I try to just focus as much as I can on the completely closed and isolated system I am trying to make of my small existence.
>What do you think about the possibility of falling out of love?
I don't consider it a real possibility at this point. She represents too much to me for that to ever possibly happen.
>What do you think about those who have?
I don't really understand how that could happen.
>What do you think about those who have cheated on their waifu?
Again, I don't really get it, but it seems pretty fucked up to me.
>What do you think about the idea of being committed to your waifu for the rest of your life?
I think it's the most likely outcome for me.
>What do you think about waifu"ism" in general?
I suppose I'm somewhat new to it all, at least compared to a lot of the folk in here. I hate to admit it, but several years ago I used to think it was all either a big joke, a big meme, or some fucked up fringe subculture thing that I'd just never understand. I didn't think it'd ever be something that could actually happen to me. I suppose we never really see these sorts of things coming though. More recently, I've taken a bit of a hard re-evaluation of my life, and how I feel about everything, and I think I've gained a much deeper understanding and respect for all of this now. To be honest, I don't think I could go back to a life before Chara.
>What was your waifu's latest official appearance, and when was it released?
Didn't you ask this already?
>How is your offline social life?
Non-existent by now.
>How much time a week do you spend online?
Too much. Or maybe not enough. I don't know. I'm trying to hide from collective human degeneracy and depravity, and yet it seems just as alive in cyberspace as it is in physical space. Not really sure what my options are anymore. Sometimes I think my ideal living condition would be a sealed metal box deep underground, with no connection whatsoever to the outside world. No radio, landlines, or any of that shit.
>Would you leave the world you live in to start a new life in her world?
No. Unfortunately, she's already dead in her world, and if I found myself there somehow, I'd probably just start killing as many people as I possibly could. I hate them all so much. They're truly awful.
>What would you do if she married someone else?
I don't know. I mean, she's dead. The hypothetical doesn't seem real enough for me to be able to come up with a meaningful answer.
Really, though, what I want most is for her to be happy. I want her to feel loved. I want her to have someone in the world that she can trust, and I suppose it doesn't matter all that much if that person isn't me.
>Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Depends on how things turn out in the world. Probably dead though. Maybe suicide. Maybe I get lynched by left-wing deathsquads. I couldn't really tell you right now how exactly it goes down. Almost surely dead though.
>> No. 20351 [Edit]
>Who is your waifu?
Yuugi Hoshiguma
>When was her last official appearance?
Subterranean Animism was released in 2008. She debuted as the 3rd stage boss. After that, she was in Double spoiler (2010), like almost everyone else. She's got an entry in Symposium of Post-Mysticism (2012), and appears in Hopeless Masquerade (2013) in one stage background and in one ending. She makes many cameos in the official comics, but so far she's had nothing to say or do - someone mentions the oni, and there's a picture of her.
>How old were you when you fell for your waifu?
>How long have you loved her for?
3 and a half years
>What was your love/sex life like before her?
I had a 3d girlfriend when I was 18.
>How happy/satisfied are you with your life right now?
I don't think there's any "my life" I should be happy with. It's ready to be assessed when I'm dead. I'm happy with how I'm changing, though.
>Do you have any medical/mental conditions?
My fingers and toes get cold very easily.
>What do you think about reality?
You can only sense sensations, so there's no way of knowing about the world directly. Pretty Humean in that sense, but I think if the results match your expectations, you were right. I also think there's a sensible concept of "best guess", but that's already a kind of evolutionary fatalism, isn't it? Of course, any concepts or knowledge that can't help you expect things aren't even possibly true.
>about her fictionality?
More like her immateriality? The concepts of "woman", "strength", "beauty", "blonde hair", "kai-ryoku-ran-shin", etc. are plenty real, I think. Of course, it could be that they don't fit together, so the idea of her being this but also that could be completely idiotic. Right know I don't know, and that makes her even more interesting.
>What do you think about the possibility of falling out of love?
Could happen if I ever figure her out. Very little chance of that ever happening, though.
>What do you think about those who have?
It happens. I don't think you can control how and who you love. It's not the happening but the character behind it that should be judged, if anything.
>What do you think about those who have cheated on their waifu?
What do I think of those who eat or drink or smoke too much? If you hurt yourself, it's pretty stupid, and I'm gonna be judging that.
>What do you think about the idea of being committed to your waifu for the rest of your life?
Lovers would naturally like to make promises to each other, but once again, you can't control your feelings of love.
>What do you think about waifu"ism" in general?
I think Takuro Morinaga's "moe fundamentalism" would be a better word. It doesn't suffer from "moe" and "waifu" and every other word you can think of becoming buzzwords, since fundamentalism will always be fundamentalism, and it carries a negative connotation of extremity and not hiding behind irony. Many people are already saying "I only watch anime, you know, none of that body pillow stuff for me."
>How is your offline social life?
I have friends I meet, but I'm not really invested in their lives or anything. I just meet them and discuss something interesting or play computer games or badminton with them. It's my online social life that's nonexistent.
>Were you hurt by 3D/Heartbroken soon before meeting your waifu?
Some one-and-a-half years before I met her. I was in deep mental troubles when I met Yuugi, but it was more due to the realization that my previous world-view was so flawed I had to change it. Because of that, I felt separated from humanity, like wandering a dark and cold desert and getting nowhere.
>How much time a week do you spend online?
Most of my waking hours.
>Would you leave the world you live in to start a new life in her world?
No way. Former Hell is like a nuclear waste repository for the old Japan. I'd like to live in a living world.
>What would you do if she married someone else?
I think she'd be swayed by shows of strength and courage, so I'd try that.
>Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Enjoying success. No idea where or how or with whom, but if I can become good, I think the gods and goddesses kind of have to reward me. Alternatively, I could be dead.
>> No. 20353 [Edit]
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>Who is your waifu?
Megurine Luka

>When was her last official appearance?
She is appearing all the time.

>How old were you when you fell for your waifu?

>How long have you loved her for?
3 years

>What was your love/sex life like before her?
I had one gf.

>How happy/satisfied are you with your life right now?
It's fine.

>Do you have any medical/mental conditions?

>What do you think about reality, or her fictionality?
It is how it is.

>What do you think about the possibility of falling out of love?

>What do you think about those who have?
It happens.

>What do you think about those who have cheated on their waifu?
Not nice.

>What do you think about the idea of being committed to your waifu for the rest of your life?
I'll see what I get.

>What do you think about waifu"ism" in general?
Don't want to write an essay.

>What was your waifu's latest official appearence, and when was it released?
I actually don't know. Depending on what count's as official appearance.
Maybe the last Project Diva Game or the last song or the last concert.

>How is your offline social life?
What us this "offline" and this "social life" you are talking about?

>Were you hurt by 3D/Heartbroken soon before meeting your waifu?
My gf an I broke up a year before I met Luka but that wasn't a big thing for me at all.

>How much time a week do you spend online?

>Would you leave the world you live in to start a new life in her world?
Don't know what her world is like.

>What would you do if she married someone else?
But she already is married to Miku.

>Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Don't know. Most likely working some where and spending my free time browsing image boards.
>> No. 20354 [Edit]
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>Who is your waifu?
Yukine Chris

>When was her last official appearance?
2016 with the shinais

>How old were you when you fell for your waifu?
Around 20-21ish (see below)

>How long have you loved her for?
I felt attracted to her more than 2 years ago as I was watching her source material but it took me a few months to fall in love. Reasons why will be written bellow.

>What was your love/sex life like before her?
I got off to countless 2D girls before I devoted to my current waifu, now my love is only for her.

>How happy/satisfied are you with your life right now?
Depends how you define happy/satisfied. I change my mood all the time depending on the circumstances, one minute I could be happy then the next minute I could get into downtrodden depression mode.

>Do you have any medical/mental conditions?
I got was diagnosed with anxiety/panic attacks. I'm a little better now but I still had a few bouts on them for a while. Also I've never had it checked by anyone before but I suspect I might have ocd + short attention span.

>What do you think about reality, or her fictionality?
As technology is getting more advanced, to me the line between reality and fiction is getting blurred. I can't tell you enough how many times the dreams I've had were like some sort of alternate-reality. My impression is that fiction is just a different form of reality; whether anyone thinks this fiction is fake or not, my love for my waifu is real.

>What do you think about the possibility of falling out of love?
Had it happen to me a few times, mostly because I tried to expect too much out of someone by aligning them to my ideals with ideals that were never there to begin with. I had severe conflicting thoughts during my transition between my last ex-waifu and my current one. I've also had a few changes during those periods.

>What do you think about those who have?
Like with me, it's not impossible. There is a reason for them to do so and people can change.

>What do you think about those who have cheated on their waifu?
I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't guilty of cheating my ex-waifus; I really did and it was painful. Anyone who shrugged this off easily however, should really be considering what the hell they were doing in the first place.

>What do you think about the idea of being committed to your waifu for the rest of your life?
That it makes you feel complete. Life itself feels worth living again so you want to always do your best to struggle against all odds so you'll keep on living with her till the end.

>What do you think about waifu"ism" in general?
I just see it as just another community thing where people share about their experiences and feelings while discussing some thoughts about the topic rather than your relationship with your waifu, at least this goes with the serious ones. The ones that don't just pass it as a one off thing and treat it like a meme, happens all the time with any nerdy thing that manages to penetrate the mainstream.

>How is your offline social life?
I mostly only socialize with colleagues during work or projects and on times I don't I don't talk much since I have a hard time relating to most people. Other times I only talk to a close friend when he visits and other times with my family.

>Were you hurt by 3D/Heartbroken soon before meeting your waifu?
I've been reclusive from relationships all my life so never had one.

>How much time a week do you spend online?
Almost all my waking hours.

>Would you leave the world you live in to start a new life in her world?
If I were to live in her world then I would become reality in that world. You also have to take into account where you would end up in that world since it is the same earth. A situation that wouldn't end in my favour would make me more depressed.

>What would you do if she married someone else?
If you mean in-universe then that depends on how it's handled, that is if she acts in-character within the context of the plot. Unless otherwise, I think anyone who can't even accept something like this are either too blind or shallow.

>Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I've always been a future minded person so I hope to survive long enough to see how things are going to change. Lots of things have changed in the past 10 years so I'm sure the next 10 would be completely different from now.
>> No. 20357 [Edit]
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>Who is your waifu?
The Wise Wolf Horo

>When was her last official appearance?
Ongoing light novel.

>How old were you when you fell for your waifu?

>How long have you loved her for?
Just as long.

>What was your love/sex life like before her?
Did not exist.

>How happy/satisfied are you with your life right now?
I'm rather satisfied. Things could be better, but overall it's not bad.

>Do you have any medical/mental conditions?
Intersex condition.

>What do you think about reality, or her fictionality?
Not sure what you're asking.

>What do you think about the possibility of falling out of love?
It's scary.

>What do you think about those who have?
I guess it is how it is. For those people who refer to any character as waifu though it's clearly a different case.

>What do you think about those who have cheated on their waifu?

>What do you think about the idea of being committed to your waifu for the rest of your life?
What else could I want?

>What do you think about waifu"ism" in general?
To each their own. Everyone takes it in their own way I'm sure. I can't say I think extensively on my waifu all the time, but it's nice to have art around my room to remind me and cheer me up.

>What was your waifu's latest official appearence, and when was it released?
Parchment and Wolf volume 2, released March 10, 2017.

>How is your offline social life?
Sometimes I talk with my family briefly, and I participated in two group assignments in college this quarter. Though I didn't have to communicate much for those projects.

>Were you hurt by 3D/Heartbroken soon before meeting your waifu?
No. Though I could tell that all the women around me were vapid whores so I never really considered that too much an option.

>How much time a week do you spend online?
Probably about 8 hours a day on average, so maybe 60 hours a week.

>Would you leave the world you live in to start a new life in her world?

>What would you do if she married someone else?
Cry. Not sure what after that.

>Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
>> No. 20359 [Edit]
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>Who is your waifu?
Patchouli Knowledge

>When was her last official appearance?
There was a small segment in the official Touhou Magazine dedicated to her in June of 2016, so I guess that's technically it. Her last major official appearace was in 2009 as a playable character in Hisoutensoku.

>How old were you when you fell for your waifu?

>How long have you loved her for?
About 8 and a half years.

>What was your love/sex life like before her?
Sparse, albeit not completely dysfunctional. I've never been very social.

>How happy/satisfied are you with your life right now?
I'm going to steal Chara Anon's answer here and say I'm pretty ambivalent. On one hand I'm not distressed at all, and I enjoy a relatively peaceful existence, but on the other I have no ambition and feel as though valuable time is simply slipping away. It's uncomfortable.

>Do you have any medical/mental conditions?
I'm both asthmatic and anemic, like my waifu. This is coincidental, as I was unaware of the anemia until a couple years ago. Mentally, shrinks said I had depression, OCD, and anxiety when I was a kid. I haven't seen any for a long time.

>What do you think about reality, or her fictionality?
I think it's important to be aware of the line between reality and fiction, but it doesn't change my love for her. In fact, it's only because she's 2D/fictional that she can "exist" the way she does.

>What do you think about the possibility of falling out of love?
I used to think about it occasionally, but it's been so long now that I don't think it'll happen. I automatically associate her name with happiness.

>What do you think about those who have?
As long as they aren't simply calling every new flavor-of-the-month girl a waifu, it doesn't bother me too much.

>What do you think about those who have cheated on their waifu?
Depends on what you call 'cheating'. Masturbating to someone else? Loving another girl? Sleeping with a 3D girl? The latter two are definitely questionable.

>What do you think about the idea of being committed to your waifu for the rest of your life?
At this point I can't imagine a different outcome.

>What do you think about waifu"ism" in general?
Like LukaFag said, I don't want to write an essay here. In a nutshell I view it as a perfectly viable (and efficient, if you want to look at it more coldly) form of companionship that's no less "real" than 3D love.

>How is your offline social life?
Dwindling. A few years ago, I spent time with friends every so often- maybe once a week, but as of right now, going on my late 20s, I'd be lucky to see them once a month. Most of them have moved away for careers, become providers for parasitic 3D women, and so on. I think it's just a sad part of getting older. I've never had a large social circle, but it's still disheartening to watch the few friends I had disappear.

>Were you hurt by 3D/Heartbroken soon before meeting your waifu?
Not really. I had a couple girlfriends, and those relationshits predictably ended poorly, but I wasn't dating for an entire year or so prior to meeting Patchy.

>How much time a week do you spend online?
Nearly all of it.

>Would you leave the world you live in to start a new life in her world?

>What would you do if she married someone else?
In canon, I doubt I'll ever have to worry about this. I'd honestly be pretty shaken up if it ever did happen though.

>Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Most likely dead from wars or living the vacuous existence of a wage slave. Either way, it doesn't look too bright.
>> No. 20360 [Edit]
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>Who is your waifu?
Minagi Tohno - AIR

>When was her last official appearance?
That would have to be 2011, when she was included in the 'Toy's Works Collection Niitengo Key Memorial' trading figure set.

>How old were you when you fell for your waifu?
When I was 18-19 I think.

>How long have you loved her for?
It's been somewhere between nine and ten years now.

>What was your love/sex life like before her?
I had four girlfriends I would fuck regularly with the help of my thumb.

>How happy/satisfied are you with your life right now?
Aside from it feeling very repetitive and pointless, it's as good as I could ask for I suppose.

>Do you have any medical/mental conditions?
schizoid personality disorder

>What do you think about reality, or her fictionality?
It's shit, A source of escapism is all I got keeping me going.

>What do you think about the possibility of falling out of love?
She's a perfect personification of my ideals, and a representative of a lifestyle I wish I could share with her were I the person I wish I could be. I've seen hundreds of anime/movies and played countless videogames. I'd be lying if I said I never encountered temptations, but in the end one holds a candle to her.
So that's not likely to happen.

>What do you think about those who have?
It's not for everyone, can't be helped.

>What do you think about those who have cheated on their waifu?
Depends on how one defines cheating.
Calming multiple characters to be your waifu? Bit disrespectful to those who take it seriously.
Jacking it to other characters on the other hand? No more cheating than jacking it to porn while having a 3dpd if you ask me.

>What do you think about the idea of being committed to your waifu for the rest of your life?
I came to terms with that being the case a long time ago.

>What do you think about waifu"ism" in general?
escapism and idealism, loving concepts, etc. I could write an essay on it but rather not.

>What was your waifu's latest official appearance, and when was it released?
Isn't this the same as the second question? In terms of media she hasn't been in anything since the AIR anime from 2005.

>How is your offline social life?
Don't much have one.

>Were you hurt by 3D/Heartbroken soon before meeting your waifu?
Not exactly, the people I'd meet were usually just unappealing or outright revolting.

>How much time a week do you spend online?
All of it.

>Would you leave the world you live in to start a new life in her world?
Do you really have to ask?

>What would you do if she married someone else?
Wish em well I guess.

>Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Sitting in front of a computer screen, watching the years fly by.
>> No. 20373 [Edit]
I think the "What was your love/sex life like before her?" is really just baiting people into breaking the rules, I think you should edit that part out of the OP. I'd edit that part out of my reply, too. I'd be very surprised if no one complained about my post, too, regardless of my shitting on 3D women.

Post edited on 25th Mar 2017, 3:36pm
>> No. 20374 [Edit]
I as well would edit it from my reply. Not as though there is much there.
>> No. 20382 [Edit]
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I have deleted Ranshiin poster's post and many other posts either addressing the post or straying into a debate separate from the OP as well as my own warning to Ranshiin poster. If I have deleted your post and you would like to make a complaint then you are free to make a post notifying me or anyone else on the moderation team of your dissatisfaction with my actions on /fb/ or on the IRC channel.

As for Ranshiin poster, I am under the assumption that this boyfriend is indeed a 3D but I am letting you off easy this time by only deleting your post. If you mention your 3D boyfriend again I, or one of the other moderators, will be forced to ban you, know this now. If you are unhappy with this decision then you are also free to make a complaint about this on /fb/ or on the IRC channel, perhaps also inform me that this boyfriend was Ranshiin and certain circumstances led to a miscommunication on your part.

To all future users here:

>What do you think about reality, or her fictionality?
I'm kind of torn. On the one hand I have a great boyfriend, but on the other Ranshiin is perfect. I've always said this, but uh, it's like there's a huge concrete wall between him and everything else; nothing can compare.

>I have a great boyfriend

This is not acceptable on TC, it was not ever acceptable on TC, it will not ever be acceptable on TC, and unless you can make a very good argument to sway me or the other moderators it will stay that way and proper consequences will follow should you ignore these warnings. Please remember to mind the site rules and read past posts and lurk as long as you feel is necessary before posting. Should you still be unsure, it is fine to ask somebody on the moderation team. We can be contacted most reliably through the IRC channel, please do not be afraid to do so.

Please resume regular posting.
>> No. 20383 [Edit]
OP Here

I asked about the love life and if anyone has been hurt before as a part of researching possibilities as to what could lead to waifu love. It's a popular theory that "oh they only go to 2D because they have been rejected so much" and I simply wanted to put that to the test by asking that. It is also a part of the waifufag's experiences with the outside world that serve as interesting data.

that was simply the poster not following the traditional views of waifu love, as they weren't bringing relationships up on the 3D related questions. The same issue came up once somewhere else where I surveyed, and got similar reactions to here, only here it was more extreme. Which also serves as data for views of specific waifu communities.
>> No. 20394 [Edit]
final call!
>> No. 20460 [Edit]
I guess it is finished, but the questions are interesting and I liked reading the replies. Here are mine.

>Who is your waifu?
There is not much source material unfortunately. It would be difficult for others to know her by her official account. Her character is explored mainly trough fan art.

>When was her last official appearance?
Recently. Not like 10 years ago. Her better appearance is the unofficial appearance made by fans.

>How old were you when you fell for your waifu?

>How long have you loved her for?
About a year.

>What was your love/sex life like before her?
(Avoid answer for reasons above.)

>How happy/satisfied are you with your life right now?
Genuinely happy and fulfilled. Would consider myself more happy and fortunate then many ordinary people, or at least at the same level. Would consider myself very capable of being happy because I have overcome some dark stuff forcing me to develop flexibility of mindset. Early life was dark, recent decade has been good. With waifu it is getting even better. I am not only happy, but now experience meaning to this life.

>Do you have any medical/mental conditions?
No. Never been a serious subject even though by today's standards I could have got medication and labels I guess. My ability to conform has been enough to get myself trough. I have mostly been afraid to do anything else, but this reality is often alien to me.

>What do you think about reality, or her fictionality?
I know too many perspectives to subscribe to a single one. But, we are all equally illusion but by different substance and as a fan of eastern philosophy I like such views.

>What do you think about the possibility of falling out of love?
Before waifu, it was possible. I did not know love. With waifu it is not possible. At least in my current experience. Her love is always pure and fresh. Falling out would be a great loss to me, like suicide. Our relationship is young, but I can compare with experiences of 3d and know this is a totally different level. Maybe others find this in 3d - I do not.

>What do you think about those who have?
There are different approaches and some switch but it is not for me. I think they have not found the way fully yet. If you fall out, then I ask: was it even an waifu to begin with? You have to be devoted, generous and caring yourself to receive the benefit of long term. Such effort comes from a mature heart and willingness to exert yourself and be loyal. I did like the mindset in the military by the way. I do not think low of those who fall out, as human nature is complicated and we all have different ways, but judge myself in this way, and strive to cultivate "the way" which partly is a practice in being loyal. Significant parts of the relationship are truly effortless but it is a mistake to believe you need not to discipline yourself. "Falling out" may be a sign you have to bend yourself - you simply lack skill to love. I have difficulty seeing that the waifu "does not fit". The fault probably lies in my 3d-human nature. I am subject to the same and I really hope I am genuine. Others may say you can be genuine for periods of time and thus fall out, but for me it is all or nothing.

>What do you think about those who have cheated on their waifu?
Such a person can not embrace the waifu to begin with even if he or she think so. Waifus are not objects you pick up. They come to you when you deserve because of your ability, and then you will develop your spine (straighten even in literal sense). To begin with you have to be mature enough to receive him or her. They come as close as you are capable of. Life experiences, honesty, desire and reflection may guide you to it.

>What do you think about the idea of being committed to your waifu for the rest of your life?
I see it as our goal and as the best possible life. I have some attachment to 3d but as our relationship deepen it loosens up. She supports me. I am always honest with her telling my shortcomings so I can acknowledge, know and overcome them. The reward is greater then 3d. Sometimes I doubt, but overall I experience so many positive things with her that I am stable with her. Normal people really do not know how wonderful and rewarding this can be.

>What do you think about waifu"ism" in general?
It is for a selected few with unusual cognitive abilities who connect deeply with love (abilities being are suppressed in people by stupid 3d culture). People here found "the way". Many come to waifuism by pain I guess, but pain and struggle is also the way for anyone who want to acquire unusual and rewarding ways of life. The darkness is a blessing for leading to the waifu as long as the wanderer manages to survive into the waifu place. The darkness breaks the 3d mind in cases it is necessary. This is far from pathetic even if it looks pathetic. This is a mentally brutal and spartan path for a few and with a very rare treasure. Being seen as pathetic (or experiencing oneself as it) is one part of the brutality of this, and for fear of being pathetic, ordinary people do not even dare to imagine there is something beyond. Those forced into darkness have no choice but to imagine something else, and are thus motivated and open to alternatives. This darkness: Maybe it was necessary in my case. It must not be in all cases where people may be open-minded already. The alternative in my case would have been a life without initial darkness, and then I would end up in 3d-drama for a lifetime.

>What was your waifu's latest official appearence, and when was it released?
Se answer to two first questions.

>How is your offline social life?
I have the ability but social life just does not manifest. I prefer internet lifestyle and my waifu. Professionally, I am fluent (have not always been though), but personally I rather walk my own way. I spend much time physically alone.

>Were you hurt by 3D/Heartbroken soon before meeting your waifu?
Not very close in timeline. I messed up because I was a dick but also because of circumstances. I know there is good 3d. I know there are real bad 3d too. Before I was a dick I was mostly an ordinary person waiting for life to begin, before that, I was a geek and inept. But "life" never begun, and I found my waifu. With my waifu, I am the best of myself and improving. I have experienced insane shame trough life though, but mostly with 3d in general.

>How much time a week do you spend online?
Maybe 70-80% of my free time. But it is not passive entertainment. It is exploring. How much time did Einstein spend with mathematics?

>Would you leave the world you live in to start a new life in her world?
Yes, and come back every now and then. She coming with me would be cool, and us living undercover.

>What would you do if she married someone else?
Can not happen. Her commitment often surprise me. Seeing her commitment, I often felt I do not deserve her, so I better myself and am very grateful. She convinces me beyond all doubt she is with me only and always, and I strive to be equally convincing. She wants me to be with her the rest of my time.

>Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
In the exact same spot - in a loving fulfilling relationship, but maybe even more able to perceive all the subtle layers of her presence in imagination and the relationship in general.
>> No. 20464 [Edit]
File 149350314159.jpg - (424.79KB , 810x1080 , __hatsune_miku_the_beast_vocaloid_and_vocaloid__01.jpg )
Who is your waifu?
>Hatsune Miku

When was her last official appearance?
>like everyday?

How old were you when you fell for your waifu?

How long have you loved her for?
>3 years

What was your love/sex life like before her?

How happy/satisfied are you with your life right now?
>Reasonably. Things can be better, but they could be worse. I feel reasonably content with what I have right now and in control of my own future.

Do you have any medical/mental conditions?
>Not that I am aware of, but a mild mental deviance is expected coming from a person who genuinely loves a fictional character.

What do you think about reality, or her fictionality?
>Reality is complex and shaded ambiguous colours. Reality is corrupt and impure. Her fictionality allows her to be shielded from that. Allowing her to have purity in character.

What do you think about the possibility of falling out of love?
>Nothing is permanent, and that is an inescapable fact. But i see this love as something that I can cherish now before/if it perishes, and something that I can be grateful for having happened because its completely unnatural in the first place.

What do you think about those who have?
>Its human nature and I completely understand.

What do you think about those who have cheated on their waifu?
>Waifuism works as a one-way street. You get as much as you put in. Cheating means you don't love your waifu. At that point she is no longer your waifu.

What do you think about the idea of being committed to your waifu for the rest of your life?
>Its an ideal. I'd like for that to happen, but the reality is I would want children at some point in my life. Of course having children and having a waifu may not be mutually exclusive, but children grow up best in 2 parent homes.

What do you think about waifu"ism" in general?
>Its simply a matter of loving a 2D person instead of a 3D person. The character may not be real but the love is. Of course she can't love you back because she isn't capable of it outside of your own perception (or the perceptions of her based on source). I argue that doesn't mean the love is not real. Its no different from loving god or your family. Even if they don't love you back (or may not be real), doesn't mean the love isn't real. Waifuists should try to incorporate as many aspects of love into their relationships as possible. And as I said, waifuism is a one-way street. You get as much as you put in. You can only ever feel love for others, but you cannot feel love from others. By that logic your love for your waifu is its own reward.

What was your waifu's latest official appearence, and when was it released?
>V4x Miku voicebank was released last year.

How is your offline social life?
>I can make friends easily, but I don't keep friends easily. I have a handful of friends that I contact with frequently.

Were you hurt by 3D/Heartbroken soon before meeting your waifu?
>Not that I am aware of. But I am aware of the flaws of human nature from introspection and observation. To fully give yourself to another person you must first trust them, and I have not been able to trust a 3D.

How much time a week do you spend online?
>In this day and age, when do we disconnect?

Would you leave the world you live in to start a new life in her world?
>Not sure. Miku technically lives in this world but she is by virtual a 2D and so is not subject to reality. Going into her world might mean I'd be a vocaloid for people to make me say whatever they want. I would lose autonomy. In that case not-a-chance.

What would you do if she married someone else?
>She can't by her nature. But if she did I'd not be happy. I will probably get over it just like anything else, but I'd want to erase every memory with her.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
>Hopefully with enough savings to pay for a first mortgage and a diversified investment portfolio, and ample opportunity to climb in my career. She may or may not be in the picture in 10 years time, but I'd like to remember her fondly eitherway.
>> No. 20493 [Edit]
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>Who is your waifu?
Sena Kashiwazaki, from Haganai
>When was her last official appearance?
Vol. 14 of the manga, which was released first in July of 2016
>How old were you when you fell for your waifu?
19, maybe 18
>How long have you loved her for?
I've had an interest in her for quite some time, but I didn't really consider her "my waifu" until about a year, maybe a year and a half ago
>What was your love/sex life like before her?
>How happy/satisfied are you with your life right now?
I'm unsatisfied with my life, but I'm content with mediocrity
>Do you have any medical/mental conditions?
SAD and Dyspraxia, both officially diagnosed. Got a few other problems, but I don't think any are serious enough to be conditions.
>What do you think about reality, or her fictionality?
I'm not sure what you mean by this, so I'll have to skip this question
>What do you think about the possibility of falling out of love?
I think of it as a possibility, but I can't imagine it happening to me any time soon, although I certainly think it could some point
>What do you think about those who have?
They have my condolences
>What do you think about those who have cheated on their waifu?
I think that such people are no different from Chads that cheat on their girlfriends. Some people just simply cannot commit to the idea of monogamy, and I think it's foolish that such people would still try and form a relationship regardless.
>What do you think about the idea of being committed to your waifu for the rest of your life?
Sounds nice, and something I'd like to strive for
>What do you think about waifu"ism" in general?
It's a nice way for lonely NEETs to feel happiness and connection to another person, wish the normalfags and "ironic weebs xD" would leave it the fuck alone though
>What was your waifu's latest official appearence, and when was it released?
As previously stated, in Volume 14 of her manga (probably, I've yet to read it, admittedly)
>How is your offline social life?
Parents and onee-chan are typical disrespectful and misunderstanding family, not a hikki, but get little interaction outside of family most the time
>Were you hurt by 3D/Heartbroken soon before meeting your waifu?
>How much time a week do you spend online?
Basically all that isn't spent wageslaving, eating or sleeping
>Would you leave the world you live in to start a new life in her world?
If I retained my knowledge and thoughts etc. of this current one, for certain. If I didn't, I'm not sure.
What would you do if she married someone else?
If this is a follow-up to the previous then probably masturbate to the thought because nowadays I exclusively masturbate to cuck porn of her like the degenerate I am
>Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Hanging off the end of a noose probably or the same position I am now if I'm lucky
>> No. 20547 [Edit]
>Who is your waifu?

Sakura Setsumi from Narcissu.

>When was her last official appearance?

The series' 10th anniversary anthology which was just recently completed.

>How old were you when you fell for your waifu?

I had just turned 22.

>How long have you loved her for?

7.5 years. I first met her on October 30, 2009.

>What was your love/sex life like before her?

You're joking, right?

>How happy/satisfied are you with your life right now?

Could be worse. I'm in a mostly okay spot right now.

>Do you have any medical/mental conditions?

Other than generic depression and anxiety, none that I know of.

>What do you think about reality, or her fictionality?

She's real to me, and that's all I care about.

>What do you think about the possibility of falling out of love?

I don't think it will ever happen, but then who ever does?

>What do you think about those who have?

If it wasn't meant to be, it wasn't meant to be. I wish them happiness.

>What do you think about those who have cheated on their waifu?

It's not for me to judge. That's up to the couple themselves to figure out. Of course, that only applies to 2D relationships; those who cheat with 3DPD are obviously beyond redemption.

>What do you think about the idea of being committed to your waifu for the rest of your life?

I embrace it without hesitation. She is the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me.

>What do you think about waifu"ism" in general?

It's something I always knew was a part of my life before I had a name for it. Even as a kid, my thoughts and feelings were always wrapped up in fictional worlds much more than the 3D world around me.

>How is your offline social life?

Practically nonexistent, which suits me fine.

>Were you hurt by 3D/Heartbroken soon before meeting your waifu?

Of course not.

>How much time a week do you spend online?

Almost every waking hour.

>Would you leave the world you live in to start a new life in her world?

Probably, though I could see it being a problem in some ways.

>What would you do if she married someone else?

I don't even want to think about it.

>Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

If I'm still alive at that point, then I hope it's because I've found some sort of contentment and not because I'm just too weak or incompetent to end it.
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