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File 151508705160.jpg - (1.12MB , 2662x3500 , Mobile_Suit_Gundam_full_410870.jpg )
20794 No. 20794 [Edit]
One of my most beloved of hobbies is scrounging through Google results for hours in hopes of finding just one barely relevant artifact of my waifu's show.

Does anyone else do this? What are your favorite, most rarest findings?

For me, it's:
-A photograph someone took of their television featuring my waifu's show being interrupted with scrolling text on the bottom of the screen reporting on a massive earthquake that had just happened.
-A video someone shot with a smartphone of a guitarist in a studio practicing and about to record my waifu's soundtrack. (Which happened to be used in one of my favorite episodes, so this was a double lucky find!)
-Photographs of plastic cups and drink toppers with my waifu's face and logo printed on them some obscure coffee shop sold for only three months. Surprisingly, it was licensed.

I have about two gigabytes of official pictures, video and website rips I've saved over the years, but those three are the crown jewels.

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>> No. 20797 [Edit]
>I have about two gigabytes
Luck you, I can't even fill 100 mb because of how little there is of non-official content.
>> No. 20799 [Edit]
Oh, I hate fanart of my gal, personally. All of it. I only save official stuff. All two gigs are official.
Official stuff can be rare, too. Like, for example, my waifu's voice actor made a video compilation to add to her professional portfolio demonstrating the voice range of my wife. And she uploaded it unlisted to YouTube and the only way to see it was to visit her blog that had very few subscribers.

I'm sure the well has dried up completely for a lot of people's wives and mine will dry up soon, too. Maybe years down the line I'll learn to appreciate fanart for this reason, but right now, the once a month little official thing I'm able to find is holding me over.
>> No. 21479 [Edit]
A good way to do what OP says is just searching the official artist (or a dedicated fan-artist) in a booru or pixiv. Because sometimes she may not have a character tag there.
Also keep an eye for stuff that resurfaces. One time I was browsing about mai waifu in a whim, and suddenly found that, just two days before, an old artbook in which she appears in got scanned
>> No. 21501 [Edit]
File 159180449976.jpg - (1.40MB , 1878x2613 , GACC_dustjacket.jpg )
Well, since April of this year my Kisaragi fanart folder has pretty much exploded, going from ~750 to OVER 2000 images thanks to me doing mangacaps of her, her source's artbook FINALLY getting scanned (pic related to it) and my increasingly obssessive methods of finding fanart of her. At this point I might as well have the single biggest image collection of her, with nearly over 20 TIMES that of Gelbooru's.

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