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No. 2441 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
ITT, post songs you're listening to

because the last one slows down my computer whenever I open it.
106 posts and 57 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2964 [Edit]
Audio Sutegma - Mission ImBreakcore - (9.63MB - 320 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 02 Sutegma - Mission ImBreakcore.mp3 ) Length: 4:06

yo dawg, fix dat video; 4:4:4 - it aint rite, man, dat shiet aint playan on muh browser, naw.
Also the word 'such' should stay here, because otherwise it generalises it to mean all of music, not just that scope of genres that is being implied. I believe everyone could agree and would see that such a generalit-ee is incorrect.
>> No. 2965 [Edit]
File Helleruin_-_Riddles_in_Devil's_Tongue.mp4 - (7.37MB , Helleruin - Riddles in Devil's Tongue.mp4 )

>yo dawg, fix dat video; 4:4:4 - it aint rite, man, dat shiet aint playan on muh browser, naw.
Sorry I'm trying my best
>Also the word 'such' should stay here, because otherwise it generalises it to mean all of music, not just that scope of genres that is being implied
The omission is correct. Discussing music is futile. People who discuss it in most cases are old farts elitists and pretty reactive about such topics as which artists are "true" and which aren't. This makes discussion nearly impossible unless you ape their tastes. People who don't discuss music will never reach out to you.
>> No. 2966 [Edit]
Audio Peaky Pounder - Hoitaa - (7.61MB - 224 kbps - 44.1 kHz ) Length: 4:45

Ah, I was thinking it was possible you were going for this angle.
Whilst I'm fairly certain no or barely any discussion is being implied with the word 'share', just simply sharing links, therein meaning that any discussion of music discussion is not in play, I do agree in the futility of it, mostly in that I think the most one can say about an artist or a song is but a short sentence at best, anything else- anything more is more or less just needless verbosity.

I share this view in most other media too, I don't see much of a point in discussing anime, because there is very little to discuss in my opinion - if we've both watched the same show, then we should understand it at its fullest and there should be nothing to discuss, other than a sentence-long statement.
I realise this probably a rather broken mindset, but I struggle to see it any other way.
>> No. 2967 [Edit]
Audio DJ 8 - SINE CITY - (12.32MB - 320 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 02 DJ 8 - SINE CITY.mp3 ) Length: 5:06


File 172842511832.jpg - (251.91KB , 2288x1829 , 47c36d88598520d759e6f7f006c197fa.jpg )
2942 No. 2942 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Anyway, the main purpose of music as a medium was never to be listened to in isolation. That gaining popularity in the second half of the 20th century is an anomaly, and even then there was a social component to it, with people sharing and discussing music. Sub-cultures of this period were heavily tied to music. Without that social component, there would never have been any rock stars.

The decline of the music industry is in part due to increasing social isolation, which weakens shared cultural phenomena.

Post edited on 8th Oct 2024, 3:12pm
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2949 [Edit]
>that's where a lot of music falls into, it cannot be played at all with real instruments at all
I'm pretty out of touch with what's popular. It makes sense that kind of music is common, because it's the most accessible for people to produce. My gut tells me the most popular(i.e. profitable) music can be performed live, even if with heavy reliance on a backing track, and has a human face to it(like Taylor Swift). Her concerts must cost a lot to produce though, so yeah, I can see how people's expectations from a live performs make things inaccessible for a traditional band.

Post edited on 24th Oct 2024, 9:35pm
>> No. 2954 [Edit]
It is due to robots and morons and shit. If they did social music, they would still be doing it among shit.
>> No. 2955 [Edit]
I have nobody to listen to with. People who usually listen to whatever I like are people I want to avoid most. People who write music I like are in most cases people who should be avoided by somebody like me at all cost. Sad but true.
>> No. 2956 [Edit]
What type of music would that be anon?

File 172876569690.jpg - (139.65KB , 850x1302 , sample_fa5fb98d597055e27c91c05d27c91594.jpg )
2943 No. 2943 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Here is my list:

RPGamers Network Game Music Radio
Video game music radio with multiple channels.

They send mostly Jungle/DnB. I think it's okay, but I have no clue about Jungle/DnB, so it might as well be rather less interesting.

This one is my favorite (along with Kohina). It sends mostly demoscene music (say chiptune and synthetizer music). They are almost always sending something, that I like. Scenestream is certainly worth checking out. They also have a public archive of their music accessible.

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1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2945 [Edit]
Here is yet another demoscene radio, that I found. This one is particularly hit or miss, in my opinion. They send some good stuff, but there is also a lot of music, that I don't like, but maybe that's just me. Check it out for yourself, to see if you like it.
>> No. 2946 [Edit]

Nightride tends to be my go to.
>> No. 2950 [Edit]
A Vocaloid one
>> No. 2951 [Edit] tokyo disco channel

File 172836644283.jpg - (1.13MB , 1852x2575 , 1489a54b6ecfb25b38453847aa8d2f2f.jpg )
2931 No. 2931 Locked hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Pardon in advance if this is a really stupid topic, I don't really stay up to date with much modern music. I recently went to an art exhibition and one of the booths was selling plaques based around classic rock bands and stars. It made me wonder, where are the new rock stars? I couldn't think of any myself but I figured maybe it was just me being out of touch with the scene.

tl;dr: Are there any rockbands in the modern era that you think will be classics down the road? Who are the rock stars of today? Who's carrying the torch now?
5 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2938 [Edit]
That's cool. What does that have to do with recorded music, you shit eating retard?
>> No. 2939 [Edit]
Who said "recorded music"?
music itself =/= recorded music

Fuck off back to 4chan.
>> No. 2940 [Edit]
What else could I possibly be referring to? You are a fucking retard and a loser. Kill yourself.
>> No. 2941 [Edit]
File 172842180638.png - (560.74KB , 672x720 , [GST] Isekai Ojisan - 04 [1080p][Multi-Subs]_mkv-[.png )
Please take it easy.

File 141385930548.jpg - (289.71KB , 1280x720 , kraftwerk-12_3_2013.jpg )
1962 No. 1962 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Does anyone here like Kraftwerk?
What versions of their songs do you guys prefer? The German or the English ones? Or maybe even the Japanese?
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2405 [Edit]
i leik the one about the train
>> No. 2729 [Edit]
Minimum-Maximum is my favorite album of theirs. It was also the first. Just something about the production and the live sounds of the audience really hits differently than their studio albums for me.

I also got to see them live years ago before Florian died. The 3D show was amazing. They actually had it on a college campus. During one of the songs, they showed a picture of the campus with an animation of a UFO landing in its courtyard.

Apparently they're on tour again now.
>> No. 2740 [Edit]
i recently got into them,i listened to radioactivity and i really liked the album (specially the remix of radioactivity)
i dont really care about the songs being on german or english
>> No. 2926 [Edit]
>Does anyone here like Kraftwerk?
I like German Kraftwerk the best (probably because I'm a native speaker). Compared to that Japanese and English sound more like a gimmick, but not a bad one for sure.

File 14173720574.jpg - (111.13KB , 1280x720 , image.jpg )
1989 No. 1989 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How do you guys download music?

I remember I used to download single songs from mediafire by google site:searching and similarly albums from megaupload by doing the same.

Do you download from private trackers, or what?
45 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2923 [Edit]
Not a lot here et, but you can upload and download music at the new heyuri uploader

It doesn't log ips and works like a charm for uploading
>> No. 2927 [Edit]
In the past, "artist+album" in search engine, Mediafire, Rapidshare, Pirate Bay, Kickass, Isohunt, BakaBT, Zophar, KHInsider, etc. Old forums where East Asian music, video game and anime soundtracks were posted.
Now, Rutracker, batch torrents, Soulseek, Nyaa, KHInsider, JPopsuki.

I keep flac if it's available in flac.
I like to own CD and vinyl, but I don't buy much and never play them.
I would, but it's not appreciated when living at home and also having neighbours.
If something is hard to find I'd buy the album and rip it. Looking through CD selections of thrift stores and buying something random was fun, but the prices have increased and the selections gotten smaller with mostly garbage.
>> No. 2928 [Edit]
I personally use a combination of soulseek and yt-dlp.
>> No. 2929 [Edit]
Soulseek, Soundcloud and doujinstyle (for jcore stuff)

File 130687461321.jpg - (630.94KB , 1132x1200 , nagato-yuki-1-haruhi_1_ib4f.jpg )
1028 No. 1028 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
So, I'm starting to teach myself the guitar. What are some anime/game tunes that are easy to play and have learning materials available?
8 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1062 [Edit]
I have another one for you, it's based on a game called Gitaroo Man. I've embedded it for you, it has some pretty sweet tunes. It's also great for beginners. Try figuring out yourself on how to read the tabs.

There's 2 different tabs for this one, I suggest you pick Guitar 1's tabs for it. Good luck practicing it! And do not give up!
>> No. 1140 [Edit]
Look up a program called Guitar Pro. You can import MIDIs (like from to learn how to play songs.

The MIDIs aren't written for guitar tabs normally, so you have to fiddle around with them a little to make them playable. And the people making them get them wrong sometimes. But it's a hell of a lot better than nothing if you can't learn by ear yet.
>> No. 1141 [Edit]
Fake Wings sounds easy
>> No. 2922 [Edit]
I used to have music therapy, where I played an acoustic guitar and the only song I ever could play, was this:
I kind of didn't like the song to begin with, but repeating it ad nauseam made me really dislike it.
Oh, damn. OP is probably an expert guitarist or isn't interested anymore by now, but maybe this is helpful to somebody else.

File Romantic_Children8.flac - (1.64MB , Romantic Children8.flac )
2919 No. 2919 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
So I just realized something, I can't understand why this chord's synth is always loud. Everytime I play the track, it doesn't sound right, like it's sick or something. I would never turn the volume down because it makes the chord sound like it's dying. Does anyone understand what's happening?

I'm currently using FL Studio. The notes I played were recorded directly from the keyboard, which means it's an audio file. I have limited FX options because it's an older version. I can't explain why, but for certain reasons, I need it for experimenting with my music taste.

Audio Pearl Kyoudai - Youkoso! Hitori Bocchi - (3.97MB - 96 kbps - 22.05 kHz , 12 - Youkoso! Hitori Bocchi.mp3 ) Length: 5:25
802 No. 802 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Post songs you like from any anime.

Posting the obvious and, of course, anthem of /tc/.
51 posts and 11 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2773 [Edit]
Using songs from d4dj is basically cheating. But I'm really impressed by how much effort was put into this show, from the animation to the song selection. The shows were released for free on youtube so they can't be making that much money off licensing (And unlike usual CG shows they weren't lazy with that, so I doubt they ended up profiting anyhow). And so I guess all this was done to draw attention to the rhythm game and live dj-ing concerts, which again doesn't seem like like a huge revenue stream. I think the last time I remember something that clearly has passion behind it was kemono friends.

Back on topic, favorite 3 songs from d4dj:

Let's do the big-bang:
Wow war tonight (mostly because of the adorable ed):
>> No. 2886 [Edit]
I think s2 ("all mix") was an injustice for Rondo. Just purely based on the songs they were featured in there, I glossed over them. But their style is actually great, it combines the saudade of peaky p-key with grittier undertones. Still not a fan of lyrililly though, aside from the one-off covers they did (their covers of gochiusa and gakkou gurashi OP was cute), their style doesn't really mesh with the rest of the characters.
>> No. 2909 [Edit]
OP for "Girls Band Cry" is excellent (regardless of how you feel about the show itself). Catchy, and you can feel the emotion behind it.

>> No. 2916 [Edit]
File 17175929511.jpg - (53.50KB , 850x629 , Clipboard02.jpg )

No. 1053 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
There's no thread for music videos. Like, just straight up music videos. I figure I can kick it off with three. Two of which are from my favorite band.

Number Girl - Toumei Shoujo

This one is awesome because Mukai (guitar + vocals) drew the comic parts himself.
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>> No. 1055 [Edit]
Foals are my favorite British band of the 21st century.
>> No. 1286 [Edit]
A scary amount of hours must've gone into this.
>> No. 1484 [Edit]
Even if you're not into it, this video gets really interesting after the halfway point. The song is great, too.
>> No. 2915 [Edit]
ON YOUR MARK by Studio Ghilbi is a music video I still enjoy to this day.

Audio Blood, Sweat & Tears - Go Down Gamblin' - (3.89MB - 128 kbps - 44.1 kHz ) Length: 4:15
670 No. 670 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Here's an interesting concept I've heard before but never took that much interest in: Sampling.

For example, taking this song
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>> No. 888 [Edit]
You owe it to yourself to check out this album. Made entirely from samples.

These two songs are separate from the one I've linked to, but still a part of the album.
>> No. 932 [Edit]

This is another good album, most of the songs by this artist don't end as they begin, too.
>> No. 1008 [Edit]
Atmosphere (Hip hop) and some other members of the rhymesayers label use sampling in a bit of their songs, though that isn't the main focus in some. Really it's more in Atmosphere's older songs.
>> No. 2914 [Edit]
File 171759214298.jpg - (47.11KB , 499x625 , Clipboard02.jpg )
"Hallelujah" but it's "Baby Got Back"

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