No. 2927
In the past, "artist+album site:blogspot.com" in search engine, Mediafire, Rapidshare, Pirate Bay, Kickass, Isohunt, BakaBT, Zophar, KHInsider, etc. Old forums where East Asian music, video game and anime soundtracks were posted.
Now, Rutracker, batch torrents, Soulseek, Nyaa, KHInsider, JPopsuki.
I keep flac if it's available in flac.
I like to own CD and vinyl, but I don't buy much and never play them.
I would, but it's not appreciated when living at home and also having neighbours.
If something is hard to find I'd buy the album and rip it. Looking through CD selections of thrift stores and buying something random was fun, but the prices have increased and the selections gotten smaller with mostly garbage.