What word do you feel best represents your waifu? For Minagi it would have to be tranquility.
bra·va·do brəˈväˌdō/ noun noun: bravado a bold manner or a show of boldness intended to impress or intimidate. synonyms:boldness, swaggering, bluster; machismo; boasting, bragging, bombast, braggadocio; informalshowing off "his bravado seems so phony and overplayed"
sanctity (săngk′tĭ-tē) n. pl. sanctities 1. Holiness of life or disposition; saintliness. 2. The quality or condition of being considered sacred; inviolability. 3. Something regarded as sanctified or holy.
Scholarly /ˈskälərlē/ adj. 1. involving or relating to serious academic study. 2. having or showing knowledge, learning, or devotion to academic pursuits.
Enigmatic (en-ig-mat-ik) adjective resembling an enigma, or a puzzling occurrence, situation, statement, person, etc.; perplexing; mysterious: She has a perpetually enigmatic expression on her face. "This is the most enigmatic book I have ever read!"
nour·ish ˈnəriSH/Submit verb gerund or present participle: nourishing 1. provide with the food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition. "I was doing everything I could to nourish and protect the baby" synonyms:feed, provide for, sustain, maintain "patients must be well nourished" enhance the fertility of (soil). "a clay base nourished with plant detritus" 2. keep (a feeling or belief) in one's mind, typically for a long time. "he has long nourished an ambition to bring the show to Broadway" synonyms:cherish, nurture, foster, harbor, nurse, entertain, maintain, hold, have "the hopes Emma nourished"
【怪力乱神】(かいりょくらんしん) [論語述而「子不語怪力乱神」] 「怪」は尋常でないこと、「力」は力の強いこと、「乱」は道理に背いて社 会を乱すこと、「神」は神妙不可思議なこと。 人知で推しはかれず、理性では説明できないこと。 My translation: 【怪力乱神】 (kai-ryoku-ran-shin) From the Analects of Confucius: "The Master never spoke of 怪力乱神." "怪" (kai) (mystery) refers to rare occurrences "力" (ryoku) (strength) refers to powerful occurrences "乱" (ran) (rebellion) refers to deeds and occurrences that are contrary to reason and disrupt society "神" (shin) (god) refers to subtle and inexplicable occurrences. 怪力乱神 means counter-intuitive things that even reason cannot grasp. Definition from 広辞苑 (Koujien).
Sehnsucht /ˈzeːnˌzʊxt/ n. Tender, wistful, and/or melancholic desire; yearning, longing.
Glück /glʏk/ 'joy; luck'
Beautiful This one is kinda simple but I think she isn't only the most beautiful woman, she also has the most beautiful voice.
pure a pure body, a pure mind, a pure heart; nothing at all tainted by the sinful or filthy so unlike me
omniscience /ɒmˈnɪsɪəns/ n the capacity to know everything
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