No. 1886
It will happen. West will follow the trend of Japan, but unlike Japan we don't have social homogeneity. You can already see the traces of this with just increasing unrest among every division possible: political, social, economic, people are unhappy but they don't yet realize that the issues are much more deeply rooted. You can't put the "genie back in the bottle". The left sees the inequality and blames lack of "diversity", while the right sees the lack of economic stability and blames immigration. Both of those are just superficial symptoms: as mentioned Japan is almost perfectly homogeneous with the work ethic and national pride that the "american right" would dream of, and yet they're not fundamentally doing any better in terms of trajectory, people are still "checked out". (That said if I were Japanese I'd much rather be living there.)
Also there will probably be some social unrest due to "AI". Not just economic in terms of job loss, but more broadly it will attack the notion of "human supremacy" that everyone has internalized from birth. With the exception of maybe buddhism (and even there with some interpretations, with the stuff regarding reincarnation there is an implicit statement that only "humans" have the potential to see beyond duality), most people have been conditioned either religiously or socially to value themselves as at the "top of the food chain". "AI" will attack and deconstruct these notions on every layer: their supposed superior "intelligence", the supposed "consciousness" and "agency", the supposed "creativity". People simply will not be able to handle it. Most people end up going through a mid-life crisis that's only a small fraction of the realization of disillusionment, now their entire mode of existence is going to be shattered. When coupled with the job loss and a society that is fundamentally unprepared in every way for what it means to "be human" and "have value" if you have nothing special to contribute, there will be lots of unrest.
More than any physical infrastructure
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