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File 151125413161.jpg - (109.84KB , 1280x720 , [aniKoi] Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu S.jpg )
380 No. 380 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
What are some thing you believe that most people wouldn't agree with, or would possibly get upset about if you told them how you really feel about it?
387 posts and 46 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1903 [Edit]
Are you a christian feminist???
>> No. 1905 [Edit]
Why'd you remove it?
>> No. 1906 [Edit]
Someone claimed the post belonged to them and that they regretted making it but couldn't delete it, which we do see a lot of here due to password issues. There didn't seem to be a way to prove the person's claims one way or the other so I decided to take it on faith since it could be restored.
If this was a mistake, my apologies. You're welcome to repost it if it was yours.
>> No. 1907 [Edit]
Wasn't mine, just thought it strange. Ranting about not being able to enjoy(???) teenage women isn't anything out of ordinary in the depth of the internets and the post didn't seem to go in any observably "shameful" directions. Put shortly the post didn't give the impression that it should be removed, in the context.

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1799 No. 1799 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I used to be very in favor of the GNU GPL and put every work I had under the terms of it. My reasoning being, that Stallman's 4 essential freedoms are important, for software to
A) be auditable for potential security flaws, be it intentional or accidental
B) make it repairable, once the original maintainer, leaves the project
C) ensure, that your code isn't stolen by big corporations without credit.
One thought I had, was that without the GNU GPL, we would never have gotten a fully-functional free software operating system, like with Linux. Perhaps the GPL is what made the difference between the BSDs and Linux, why Linux now in 2024 is where it is and why BSDs are, where Linux was several years ago with no real prospect of ever getting further. I don't know if it's solely the permissive license of the BSDs, that caused this, but I'm certain it's at least partly due to this.

However, as of lately, I've been taking a closer look at releasing into the public domain/CC0. As far as my understanding goes, CC0 and releasing something into the public domain, are both functionally equivalent in the sense, that you give up all rights of your work, with the exception, that the CC0 is "safer", since it's made to work in all jurisdictions, meanwhile the public domain mechanism, is something, that is specific to the legal system of anglophone states. There exist many equivalents in other countries, but they work differently most of the time and are therefor, it's not as "safe" as the CC0. In particular European laws, seems to have caused problems in the past, for people that released something in the public domain.

That being said, I prefer the CC0, because I don't want to impose artificial restriction on other people. Nobody should own program code. Many of those free software types argue, that the only restriction imposed by the GPL, is taking away "other people's freedom", but I don't see a problem in closed source software in itself. I wouldn't see a problem with distributing a copy of an executable binary only, if that the distributor/programmer/maintainer has given all rights on that binary and lets people do with it, whatever they want. I don't see how you lose freedom, when you have only a binary. Of course it
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>> No. 1893 [Edit]
Also go is pwned by google so you can't contribute without allowing them to examine the shape of your asshole, which leaves only the C++ abomination and C, apart from interpreted languages. You could argue about Haskell but it is very difficult to use and even more so to understand. Some people argue about LISP, maybe that, I don't know.
>> No. 1896 [Edit]
Okay but I'm still going to write Rust code if I thinks it's appropriate for what I'm doing.
>> No. 1897 [Edit]
What I hate about every language that isn't C is dependency management. You try to install a hello world program and it pulls in hundreds of dependencies. This is so stupid. I hate it.
>> No. 1898 [Edit]
I feel the same way. The supposed difficulty of package-management of C is a blessing in disguise. Everything else suffers from the npm problem where it's too easy to add a 3rd party dependency so things spiral out of control.

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519 No. 519 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
So, what's your current political standing? Find out:
Mine, pic related and:
>Additional characteristics (textless icon at the bottom):
>Pragmatism : politics objectively boil down to looking at where the problems are and trying to solve them according to the means available.
159 posts and 42 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1409 [Edit]
>I'm going to stop now. I don't really see a point in continuing this if you are going to continue saying ridiculous things like that. Clearly what you are saying has no basis in reality.
I was gonna drop the reveal and post a timestamp with the guy down the street's union jack from his backyard flying in the background, but he put up his fucking wiltshire flag this week, so that's ruined.
>> No. 1557 [Edit]

That test its awful and superficial try filteries
>> No. 1568 [Edit]
>> I would also remind you just where exactly it was that the industrial revelation was started, who exactly discovered gravity and who it was the coined the term dinosaur and laid the ground work for the theory of evolution and who had the tallest building in the world for a quite substantial period of time.
>those are piddling, meager efforts of an inferior people compared to what literally any other nation has achieved.
Of all it's achievements, most impressive of the British Empire is not that they managed to conquer a greater portion of the earth than any other people before or since, nor even that they managed to conquer the tongue of every person on the planet, but that they managed to colonize the mind and conquer the intellect and spirit of every other peoples on the planet. Never has a single group more wholly retained the attention and the spite of the entire world.
>> No. 1888 [Edit]
Tariffs: I didn't even realize what you were talking about since I don't follow the news. Apparently there is a "25% Tariffs on US Auto, Drug, Chip Imports".

Doesn't affect me much, I don't buy any of those.

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1885 No. 1885 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What do you think of societal and infrastructure collapse happening in our (assuming nobody here is older than 50) life times either in the west or alternatively worldwide? What kind of collapse do you think will happen? At what pace do you think it will happen? Does the idea of collapse impair you in your day to day life and decisions?

Personally, I think collapse is going to happen one way or the day. The worldwide infrastructure does seem very fragile against a very severe crisis or multiple less severe ones. I feel like you can already feel a decline in reliability of the whole system. Just take sending physical mail for example. A lot of times it feels like the complexity of the system is impairing itself in it's own functionality. In the mail example that would be that the package gets gets sent late, because technical problems of the website, where you ordered it from. From there the arrival of the package is being postponed, due to a missed flight. The airplane with your package eventually lands, but a worker at the airport mistook your package for another. After this problem gets resolved it is stuck at the customs. And because all the mailmen are overworked, they eventually strike, so the arrival gets postponed yet again. Sure, this is an extreme example, but I think somewhere in the timeline from now (2025) to a time completely unrecognizable from now, this is likely to happen. As implied, I think societal collapse will be a very slow process, which will be only visible after many years of steady decline.

Many of the feelings I have in regards to societal collapse, when trying to understand my own thinking and feeling, probably stem from the fact, that I am not very fit for survival on my own in the case of collapse, so the idea of coming into a situation, where I have to fight my neighbor for food or water, does not seem very appealing. Despite multiple suicide attempts in the past, I have grown quite fond of life lately and do not want to come into a situation, where my death might not be peaceful. I'm quite frightened by death and in direct consequence of that also of collapse. The industrial society is what keeps me alive and I wouldn't be able to survive without it. This psychoanalysis probably does not apply to me only, but to very many people, who have in their back of their mind, that they are ind
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>> No. 1886 [Edit]
It will happen. West will follow the trend of Japan, but unlike Japan we don't have social homogeneity. You can already see the traces of this with just increasing unrest among every division possible: political, social, economic, people are unhappy but they don't yet realize that the issues are much more deeply rooted. You can't put the "genie back in the bottle". The left sees the inequality and blames lack of "diversity", while the right sees the lack of economic stability and blames immigration. Both of those are just superficial symptoms: as mentioned Japan is almost perfectly homogeneous with the work ethic and national pride that the "american right" would dream of, and yet they're not fundamentally doing any better in terms of trajectory, people are still "checked out". (That said if I were Japanese I'd much rather be living there.)

Also there will probably be some social unrest due to "AI". Not just economic in terms of job loss, but more broadly it will attack the notion of "human supremacy" that everyone has internalized from birth. With the exception of maybe buddhism (and even there with some interpretations, with the stuff regarding reincarnation there is an implicit statement that only "humans" have the potential to see beyond duality), most people have been conditioned either religiously or socially to value themselves as at the "top of the food chain". "AI" will attack and deconstruct these notions on every layer: their supposed superior "intelligence", the supposed "consciousness" and "agency", the supposed "creativity". People simply will not be able to handle it. Most people end up going through a mid-life crisis that's only a small fraction of the realization of disillusionment, now their entire mode of existence is going to be shattered. When coupled with the job loss and a society that is fundamentally unprepared in every way for what it means to "be human" and "have value" if you have nothing special to contribute, there will be lots of unrest.

More than any physical infrastructure
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>> No. 1887 [Edit]
I think judging through your own life experiences gives a myopic and narrow impression of the state of society. If there is a true collapse, and not simply a transition with some pains along the way, I think it wont be within our lifetimes.

Post edited on 10th Feb 2025, 6:15pm

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1849 No. 1849 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
In the future people will use bioengineering to turn themselves and others into Whites. This is terrible because authenticity exist, people will always think about authenticity, and people have always been thinking about the authenticity, especially authenticity of looks, and more specifically authenticity of feature commonly associated with Europids. Hence, we must preserve, secure, contain, and record Authentic White people. And sterilize and move all POCs to a single or multiple place that are isolated.

All we need to do is convince the POCs to sterilize them self and be moved to a single isolated place. Which is actually pretty easy since the vast majority of POCs in the world have the same thinking as above, it's just that media and politics clouds their mind with neurotics, them being emotional, triggers, financials, "muh source??", and etc. Trust me, I have done it irl trust me, it is actually easy. The thing is we need actual existing organization or some sort of trends and movement that are famous, but trends and movement are hard to make unless you are some sort of big business. Hence, creating organization IRL must be top priority. This organization must have the very specific aim to sterilize and move all POCs to a single or multiple isolated place. The organization must recruit as many people as possible regardless of authentic looks, race, and ethnicity and must gather as many support as possible from the country the organization is in and from aboard. For the in-country support and recruit part; have a broad way of persuasion and advertising of the cause and organization, it doesn't matter how ridiculous, diverse, vast, broad, contradicting, extreme, moderate, of many opposites, and etc. For The persuasion and advertisement part; as long as the main cause is still told to them and is enforced then it is safe. Don't recruit anyone who will get in the way of the main cause, people can disagree, but soon they will stop caring. Remember to have people who have position and control to be people who you know is 100% in support of the cause. Do NOT ever give people who are not 100% into the cause any position and control. Do the usual stuff political parties do. Gather investments, donor, and funds in general. Do networking, it doesn't matter if it's just some small-mid business owner, university orgs,
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>> No. 1868 [Edit]

I have had some of my best online conversations via IBs, but let's face it, not everyone here is both in good faith and mentally sound
>> No. 1869 [Edit]
they do cell implants and when it comes to designer baby this year, they will probably have the highest number among the asian nation next to PRC
>> No. 1870 [Edit]
Asian nation? Doesn't seem right... yet it does rhyme.
>> No. 1877 [Edit]
do you guys think this new era will do something about the preservation of individuals and identity groups with authentic Europid body?

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1560 No. 1560 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How do you determine what is true? That is, by what method do you distinguish the things which are from the things which are not? For example, how do you know you're actually reading this, that you're not just dreaming?
And why are you convinced that's the way you should be doing it?

(For the sake of clarity, please provide both a description and an example.)
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>> No. 1874 [Edit]
>>For example, how do you know you're actually reading this, that you're not just dreaming?
Oh, that's easy.
When I dream, I cannot really feel my body.
I feel lighter than I really am, I don't sense the presence of my internal organs, I never sneeze, I don't think of checking my phone or googling something when I feel confused, I just accept mind-boggling stuff as if it were perfectly natural.

Might be that I don't dream a lot, but it's awfully rare for me to have a dream that actually feels real with a bare minimum of lucidity, and every time I realise I am indeed in a dream, I promptly wake up

Also what this anon from 2022 said >>1561
>> No. 1875 [Edit]
Denouement from OP,
my problem was inability to communicate, others appearing to be insane, and I have worked out that there are probably three factors.
-One, the way people generally communicate is inherently dishonest. Responding to what they think the person intended and not what they said, and then responding not with 'the answer' but with something that might lead the person to a desirable outcome, is lying and manipulation. And when taken at face value, the logic of such statements is entirely nonsensical.
-Two, people are often engaging in self-deception. Self-deception runs on ambiguity. You can't know something and pretend the truth is something else, you have to avoid looking too closely at the whole issue, lest you arrive at a conclusion you don't like. So when I say something that *might* challenge someone's sense of self worth, they just decide I meant something else, refusing to acknowledge the question. I received a direct confession of this.
-Three, people are not sufficiently clever to realize when their interpretation isn't working. I have a lot of inconclusive little reasons to suspect so, but essentially my only decent explanation for "still think they understand the question after I've repeated it seven times in a row" is that people are dumb.
>> No. 1876 [Edit]
>> No. 1883 [Edit]
I'm sorry I'm too dumb to understand the text, and don't even have enough focus to read through it because of how boring it is.

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533 No. 533 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
/tat/ do you feel that anime artists depict females with unreasonably outsized and protruding genitals in order to appeal to homosexual, bisexual and other cock-hungry viewers?
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>> No. 1733 [Edit]
It's not, sadly.
>> No. 1825 [Edit]
Giving anime girls massive, scrotal seeming bulges in their underwear is done intentionally to make anime viewers accepting of trannys.
>> No. 1860 [Edit]
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Puffy vulvas are the epitome of straightness.
She's pretty much rubbing it in your face how FEMALE she is.
That's the equivalent of a guy having a huge dick

Why is this evidently sexual topic allowed here though?
>> No. 1871 [Edit]
There is nothing female about having what looks like swollen oversized sausage instead of genitals. If anything it's just disgusting. OPpic is sickening.

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1765 No. 1765 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
do you guys believe in the things they told you about the USSR? which one do you guys don't believe? which one do you think will soon be outed as bullshit?
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>> No. 1774 [Edit]
I didn't hear much about the USSR in class either, it was mostly just how evil Germans were during the 30's and 40's over and over, and in passing that also Russians and the Japanese were evil too, but at least the evil Soviets defeated the more evil nazis.
I think many of the heinous things we're supposed to believe about current bad guys (Russia, North Korea, China, Iran, whatever other sand lands, etc) and former bad guys (USSR, Japan, Germany, etc) are either way overblown or made up propaganda bullshit.

These stories are the believable ones. >>1767
The young retards glorifying the USSR/communism wouldn't last a day under it. Would they even last a day during the 90's, without their damn phone.

Post edited on 25th Aug 2024, 5:15pm
>> No. 1776 [Edit]
>The young retards glorifying the USSR/communism wouldn't last a day under it. Would they even last a day during the 90's, without their damn phone.

True. I'm one of them. But I'll still glorify it.
>> No. 1781 [Edit]
It wasn't so bad as America portrays it. Wasn't so good as USSR itself makes it to appear. Persecutions were brutal, but it's not like EU/America is much different. Not brutal, but you just try publicly opposing SJW values. You'll get crushed with not even a glimpse of mercy. Apart from that, average quality of life was more or less as miserable as literally anywhere else.
>> No. 1863 [Edit]
>But I'll still glorify it.
Can't you just use anime for your escapism, like everyone else?

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1764 No. 1764 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How do you keep yourself in good physical shape? What exercises do you do?
>> No. 1861 [Edit]
Bit late, but I have 3 main guidelines:

1) Look at yourself in the mirror as frequently as possible. That should motivate you to remedy or prevent hungry skeleton mode, skinnyfat mode and excess weight

2) If you never feel genuinely lively at any time of the day (e.g. you feel like running through an empty hallway), you are probably inflamed and there's something awfully wrong with your diet and your lifestyle

3) When it comes to physical exercise, focus on what you actually ENJOY doing.
Try out as much stuff as you can to get an idea.
Sense of duty will only get you out of the bed for a few weeks or so, you have to be genuinely motivated, you have to feel like your body should move and struggle more

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1795 No. 1795 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Okay so a little background,i tend to worry a lot and i am stuck in the state of being independent because my parents are both in the right wing "cult" and sometimes i am afraid to say the wrong thing around them. Aside from that,i get along okay but it seems like with every discourse we have they try to get me to agree with everything their side says and sometimes i don't really agree. I live on my own in an apartment but i have to go to their house every other weekend so i can't really have no contact quite yet.I am just hoping i can get some advice or words of encouragement through this thread,maybe it would be sort of a hugbox for others who are going through the same,i don't know,but i need to get this off my chest and if anyone has decent advice for me (and possibly others like me) let me know i would appreciate it.
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>> No. 1836 [Edit]
>> No. 1841 [Edit]
i personally do not like both sides since they both believe i am dangerous, i never voted since its invasive to my privacy and rights. people who follow sides i find it difficult to talk, and believe in whatever is morally right.
>> No. 1842 [Edit]
People being afraid of his second presidency is just more proof that democracy needs to be taken back behind the shed and shot.
>> No. 1856 [Edit]
>i personally do not like both sides since they both believe i am dangerous

Why is that?
Are you a registered sex offender?
That's the only thing I think both GOP and Dems could agree about, when it comes to defining "dangerous individuals"

No. 1788 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
what do you guys think of the Brownies?
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>> No. 1793 [Edit]
Rule 5
>> No. 1803 [Edit]
>I prefer brownies that are nicely crisped at the edges, and not cloyingly sweet.
Yeah, this.

Negros and Indians I don't mind as long as they stay in their own countries. Just like the My Little Pony fans, that's one community who seemingly learned to keep to themselves and not bother or invade others. They used to be a pest in the very early days, but it's nothing you ever think about because you hardly ever see them now.

What few episodes I saw of Friendship Is Magic I remember were mediocre, but I agree it's better than most modern cartoon garbage.
>> No. 1843 [Edit]
In a way they are lucky, their culture isn't being actively diluted like otaku culture is. If you meet someone else who claims to be a brony, there's a good chance they can actually have an in-depth discussion of stuff, which is more that can be said for "anime fans" these days.
>> No. 1844 [Edit]
I don't think it's comparable. It's a lot easier to have in-depth knowledge about a single series than to have it for hundreds.

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