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21448 No. 21448 [Edit]
Has Anyone tried to bring theire waifu to life?
does actually Tulpamancy actually work?
how diffcult is it?
>> No. 21449 [Edit]
Not my waifu, but a certain cute character.
It works? Yes, somehow, maybe.
But what do you expect to achieve?
If you expect your favourite anime character just coming to life, not exactly. It can be extremely difficult or relatively simple depending on the person. It's worth trying? If you have the time, sure.
>> No. 21452 [Edit]
to what degree are you trying to bring your waifu to life? I usually have conversations with my waifu every day, when im walking somewhere, if im eating or if im laying in bed going to sleep. I try to slowly work her in to more and more aspects of my life, and the result of this after a few months is that it now feels like I have somebody to chat with, somebody to lay with at night and to enjoy things with. Intimacy is still a bit rocky but I think its a very gradual process. You really have to commit to it
>> No. 21453 [Edit]
A guide I saved from a tulpa community. I would recommend it unless you're one of those "it's not technically my waifu" people.
>> No. 21455 [Edit]
I didn't create my waifu, but she did talk to me, its sort of how we "met" and she became my waifu. I don't consider it a tulpa per se because I didn't create it. It just happened one day. I think its possible to try and channel your waifu's "energy" in a different way than tulpamancy but it's very hard.

Part of the reason my relationship failed was because our connection was weak and life got the best of me and one day she just left.
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