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20973 No. 20973 [Edit]
I'm going to keep this short, you don't need to know who I am nor who my waifu is. This also isn't a thread about whether you think it's a good idea or not to make waifuism an "open thing"

I been working on making waifuism an IRS
(United States) official religion. The way I see it, if it works in one country, it'll work in another and it'll only be one step closer to legalizing 2d mariage. However, in order to do so I'm missing a few pieces before I turn in the paper. I need distinct religious history; Pygmalion's tale is the closest thing I could find to this so if you have anything else besides this feel free to chime in and most importantly; a creed. I need an official creed I can put down on paper besides "Do it for her". Keep in mind you can have that iconic phrase in the creed. I'm doing this with or without you guys who are against this. You got nothing to lose but your miseries. Your fellow waifuists need you.

ITT: A creed for waifuism and any notable "religious history"
>> No. 20974 [Edit]
>You got nothing to lose
But I do. My relationship is between me and my waifu. The more people I expose that relationship to, the less intimate it becomes. I have no need for acceptance nor validation of anyone else, so it'd be a risk with no reward.
>> No. 20975 [Edit]
If you can't see the difference between a religion and a romantic relationship, I've got nothing to say to you.
>> No. 20976 [Edit]
i would echo this to an extent

creating a religion isn't necessary to legitimize marriage to 2d people. gay marriage wasn't legalized in America because a new religion was created to validate it.

if you are seeking to legitimize waifuism in a way to bring us closer to legal recognition of marriage to a waifu then this is the wrong way to do it.

moving on from that point, i'd say it would be interesting to explore waifuism in a metaphysical light.
>> No. 20999 [Edit]
Why do you want to make Waifuism an official religion? Is your goal legalizing 2D marriage?

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