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File 149295528942.jpg - (60.93KB , 800x1162 , parasyte-1169943.jpg )
20452 No. 20452 [Edit]
One day, you'll die. We'll all die.

And those of us with not so popular waifus ... our waifus will die with us. Big stuff like NGE characters will live on forever, but mine I know the only trace of them, at best, will be on some torrent database with 0 seeders and 0 leechers someday.

I will have been the only one who ever loved her. The only one who worshiped her. Does a Goddess lose their holiness if they have no followers? Does this fact make you sad like it does me? If nobody knows it exists, then what does it matter if it actually does?
I have death anxiety all day every day because of thoughts like this. I don't want to leave my waifu alone.

Picture unrelated.
>> No. 20453 [Edit]
Everyone's waifu is unique to that person either in interpretation or just plain old personal character development. When someone dies, their waifu will die with them. It can be seen as sad, but it's also quite beautiful. One will never have to mourn the other as you will go into whatever comes next clasping hands, never more to part. Even if that is oblivion, then you go into it with her as your companion, it's quite romantic.
>> No. 20454 [Edit]
The beauty of life itself lies in the transience of things; we all appreciate the things we do because we live by that moment. You and me both should know that we are but gone in a flash in the grand scale of time. At least this is what makes me glad I've lived to meet my waifu.

If we want to take things even further everything will inevitably end anyway, but that paves way for a new and humble beginning.
>> No. 20455 [Edit]
You can do a lot to not let her be forgotten. Learn to write or draw. Live a life that will be remembered and tell everyone it was because of her.

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