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File 133137121242.jpg - (63.03KB , 489x629 , nazi Asuka.jpg )
8705 No. 8705 [Edit]
ITT: Random /mai/-related posts... Share your daily waifu experience.

I'll start:

Since I've become so politically incorrect in every aspect, the other day I was watching fake-colored restored videos of the Third Reich days (the Zeppelin Field and old Hitler's discourses, actually interesting), and I got stuck around the subject of racial supremacy. I, to say it from the begining, by no means could consider myself belonging to a superior race, not physically, nor intellectually; but, if you allow me this time to consider the very best of germanic and japanese people (mostly from the north) as such, I arrived to the next conclusion: mai waifu is the perfect sample, as a combination, of such superior races.

She has red/auburn/strawberry-blond (germanic) but straight (japanese) hair. She has pure blue (germanic) but slightly and beautifuly slanted (japanese) eyes. She has pale and lively (germanic) skin, but wich is all the same fair, smooth-faced and with no freckles or spots at all (japanese). She has a straight pointy nose and a strong chin (germanic), signs of aristocracy and character, but over a likely childish and innocent (japanese) face. She displays some precocious feminine exuberance (germanic) alright, but her general built is overall ectomorph: thigh and compact, likely short but with very low fat rate and proportionally long limbs (japanese). She possess, no doubt about it, the straightforwardness of her scientific/rational/empirical occidental background (germanic), at wich she, as a prodigy child, excels (greek arete: excellence, virtue, daring, bravery, conquest; occidental->germanic); but, ultimately, she heavily grounds her ethics around values such as honor and shame (japanese)...

So, quite indisputably for my own standards, and as far as the eyes of my homunculus being can see, I actually have as my beloved and companion the finest lady on Earth. And it's all mine... undeserving lucky bastard.
Expand all images
>> No. 8706 [Edit]
You're a loony.
Isn't the purpose of having a waifu so that you can be with someone who you feel you can connect with, and would love to be with, not so you can lust over someone you think is perfect?

Not that I'm saying your love is invalid, or that "u dont deserve ur waifu xDDD", but I love my waifu for who she is, not because she's perfect.

Maybe you didn't mention that you also love her not because she's perfect, but for who she is and blah blah blah, but shouldn't her perfection stem from everything she is, not everything she inherited?
>> No. 8708 [Edit]
Too bad she couldn't inherit tactfulness.
>> No. 8709 [Edit]
No, to everything: I pretty much disagree with you entirely. But doesn't matter. I'm more willing to read about others' daily lives as 2D lovers (yours, as well).
>> No. 8710 [Edit]
There are many different ways in which people love their waifu.
For some it means being lovers, best friends, a daughter of sorts and in some cases people even believe their waifu is real in another world waiting for them, and of course this includes worshiping.
>> No. 8711 [Edit]
for some reason, poster 8705 reminds me of someone from Mynaimelist that alos happens to have Asuka as his waifu.
>> No. 8712 [Edit]
File 133143546749.jpg - (146.43KB , 1280x720 , Lizlet L Chelsie pic 8.jpg )
for some reason, poster 8705 reminds me of someone from Mynaimelist that also happens to have Asuka as his waifu.

Anyways by the definition of "superior people", my waif fits the bill: Blond hair, blue eyes, light tone skin
>> No. 8713 [Edit]
File 133143720628.png - (1.08MB , 814x1073 , 86fc096bd582f4c167524250977d884c.png )

>Anyways by the definition of "superior people", my waif fits the bill: Blond hair, blue eyes, light tone skin

As for mine, she has blond hair and light skin tone, yes, but the blue eyes only come in fan art. Canonically, she has yellow or amber eyes. Even her hair color is subject to question.

However, her appearance doesn't matter, she is my beloved and even if she's closer to being a stereotypical punk in attitude, I love her. Because that's her, nothing more.
>> No. 8715 [Edit]
File 133144761537.png - (277.91KB , 600x800 , c05477d6bb30686abcc1350e701f2fcb.png )
Blue hair and green eyes.

The million-faceted gem that is earth pales in comparison.

Also in before Erica Hartmann.
>> No. 8717 [Edit]
File 133145037847.jpg - (34.68KB , 500x380 , 1189361752429.jpg )
My waifu's pretty much the Japanese equivalent of white-trash.

But to me she's perfect and pure. <3
>> No. 8727 [Edit]
I'm actually having some waifu-related issues now.

My passion for her is slowly dying. It was as if once, my love for her was the deepest red, now, it's faded to some kind of light, stereotypical blood color.

It is not even a matter of not liking her anymore - I like her more than most, I must say. It's just that my ideals, I feel, changed. I went from "wanting to be loved by someone beautiful" [i.e. Miya] to "wanting to show a loveless person love", and that loveless person being her "rival" in the show, Karasuba. It's the true mark of insanity, when a simple notion like, "Man, she really is pitiful," can blossom to something like love.

I hate feeling this way, though, because Miya's, well, shit, man, that's the one I love more than anything. But I'm not even sure anymore, because day by day, Karasuba becomes more appealing.

Of course, I'll go for the one I love (that one being Miya), and ditch the boring revenge-driven character. It just shakes me a bit, to see the sort of strife I'm capable of giving myself regarding someone and something I'm so dedicated to. I'd be a hypocrite if I simply discarded Miya - I'm always one of the first to say "No, man, you've got to stick to the one you love," or some other assorted sappy sucker saying.
>> No. 8736 [Edit]
File 133166298132.jpg - (55.31KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Steins;Gate - 01 [720p]_mkv_snapsho.jpg )
Well this is not daily experience but something I've wanted to tell for a while and I think this thread is good for it. I don't believe in destiny or any kind soul mate stuff but there was just so funny coincidence back then related to me and Kurisu that maybe even I could call "destiny".

Day was 24th July 2011. Back then I didn't consider her as my waifu but I felt strong attraction to her. She was so different from other anime characters I've ever seen. I just wasn't really sure about whole waifu thing but I decided; "Well I start taking screenshots of her. Because I feel like it. I want to take screenshots of her because I like this character". Idea just came from nowhere and I've never done such thing before. It was late evening, around 9.30PM and I started taking those screenshots starting from episode 1 and I took 71 screen shots of her during that evening. I was tired and I decided I will continue tomorrow.

I think this was really unique experience for me so I made thread about it on 4chan /a/. Some poster said "funny coincidence because it is 25th July in Japan and 25th July is Kurisu's birthday!". I immediately checked it and it was true. In couple hours it would be Kurisu's birthday in my time zone too. I thought too "What a coincidence heh" and I felt happy about it.

Back then I didn't think it as very big thing. Later on when my strong crush for Kurisu became even more serious and I started to treat her as my waifu like people on /mai/ did, I still thought that day. "Was it really just coincidence?" Maybe it just was but I've decided that I will celebrate our anniversary and her birthday on 25th July, because on that day I think I took the biggest step towards her.

Picture related. It is the first screenshot I took on that evening like filename says. Edit: Gah filename is too long.
>[HorribleSubs] Steins;Gate - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_05.19_[2011.07.24_21.28.16]

Post edited on 13th Mar 2012, 11:28am
>> No. 8738 [Edit]
File 133167634136.png - (147.41KB , 1018x762 , bandicam_2012_03_09_22_31_02_419.png )
I found a cool CG pack of some Love Hina game back from 2000. Unfortunately it doesnt have any Kanako in it but I know theres some guy here who likes Kaolla Su so I'm linking it: http://exhentai.org/g/473028/bf110f2212/
>> No. 8747 [Edit]
>Unfortunately it doesnt have any Kanako in it
A shame, but thank you for mentioning it beforehand, otherwise i woul´ve spent the whole day searching for something that isn´t even there or maybe even trying go get this game.
I didn´t know that there was a Love Hina game in the first place but if there is no Kanako in it, i´d rather keep my hands off it.
>> No. 8750 [Edit]
Theres quite a few Love Hina games, theres even one on the gameboy advance or gameboy. I think most of them were made before Kanako came out, I can't be so sure though.
>> No. 8761 [Edit]
I didn´t know that. It seems there is a new goal for me!
Thanks for the info.
>> No. 8764 [Edit]
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This is silly. My heart can't stop breaking whenever I see her. You shouldn't, I say to myself, she doesn't exist, she will never love you and you're just deluding yourself. But I still fucking love her. She's so cute, she's so badass, she's so cool and so sexy. I don't know what to call her anymore.

I guess she's simply Marisa, and ZUN's a bastard for making something that captured my heart even if it doesn't exist. Fuck logic, I love her so much.
>> No. 8765 [Edit]
I've noticed that I've become a little more ambitious because of my waifu. I try to improve myself for my waifu, and treat every day as a "how-can-I-make-my-relationship-stronger-with-my-waifu"-day, and I've started to consider how my waifu would prefer me to act to justify certain actions I take/want to take, for better or worse.

As for things a little more waifu-related, I usually check for an update on a possible figure release every day, and check on a few doujin sites every few days for material of her.

I'm trying out the lucid dreaming route, but I'm not having any luck, not even any non-lucid dreams of her. I'm enjoying the more enhanced dreams I'm getting regardless, but they're usually about me getting chased by a T-Rex on a skateboard or something - definitely not about my beloved. I've even tried looking at content of her for hours, and thinking about her for hours, just so the image and concept of her is burnt into the back of my eyelids and back of my head respectively, still with no luck. The closest thing I've had to a dream of her, was that I had a dakimakura of someone who sort of looked like her (but I believed it to definitely be of her, within the dream), and I was going around the public, hitting people with it - definitely not what I was hoping for.
>> No. 8831 [Edit]
This is bad. I have a desire to give her some sort of surprise sex, something close to rape. I want to make love with her while she's unwilling, all while she's telling me "you're the worst."

I feel so ashamed.
>> No. 8832 [Edit]
File 133217798632.png - (120.03KB , 426x426 , 1320736407054.png )
Hehe, embrace it. You're just a dog trying to wear a suit. The sooner you accept that the sooner you can be happier. It must be really uncomfortable trying to wear dress shows on paws.
>> No. 8833 [Edit]
File 133219306782.jpg - (91.42KB , 853x719 , 1331964287881.jpg )
But... Erica is mai waifu.
>> No. 8834 [Edit]
Erica is everyone's waifu; the character was designed to make you feel that way.
>> No. 8835 [Edit]
>> No. 8836 [Edit]
That works for every character ever, though. I mean, unless they're a genuinely evil/villainous character, chances are, the producers wanted you to like them and buy figs of them. It's all good, though, because that's the way 3D is, too - Everyone wants to be liked, and will strive for affection.
>> No. 8837 [Edit]
I don't even have a waifu because of things like >>8831
i feel. But maybe someday that feeling might come up. Until then all your posts are nice to read.
>> No. 8838 [Edit]

What do you mean, man? Should I just embrace the fact that I'm mixing my fetish for rape with my waifu? Or are you telling me that all I'm feeling for her is lust and I should just abandon the idea of her?

I mean, that the the first time I felt lust for her and then it just gets mixed with one of my fetishes.
>> No. 8839 [Edit]
I kind of agree with this. Some characters in certain things feel like they have to be loved, like Fuuka and Erica.
>> No. 8840 [Edit]
Not everyone has the same tastes or interests!
>> No. 8841 [Edit]
No, I mean you're trying to pretend you're exactly like everyone else here. A gentle loving and caring person. If you are naturally aggressive and sexual, there is no need to suppress it. What if your waifu is a masochist?
I'm the same way. My waifu would be loved in my own way, which is to make her every inch entirely dominated by me.
>> No. 8843 [Edit]

I'm not sure exactly what he's saying, but what I get from it is that you feel lust towards her. Not necessarily the only feeling, but you feel it. It's natural. The way you seem to want to express it isn't. It would be a selfish thing to do, and you'd be very lucky to be forgiven, but it's just a part of who you are. People have ideas, fantasies, urges, whatever, what you want to do is something you'll have to deal with, but by no means question your own feelings for someone because you want to have sex with them so much.
>> No. 8844 [Edit]
Guy who likes Kaolla here. I appreciate the thought. I have several reasons to not indulge in said material, of which I won't get into. Again, thank you for having us in your thoughts.

This thread seems to have derailed horribly.
>> No. 8846 [Edit]
No problem. By the way, even though its hoested on exhentai, it doesn't have any lewd things in it. Just saying if that happened to be the issue you're talking about
>> No. 8847 [Edit]


To be honest, when I felt lust for her, I didn't feel any erection. It's like I wanted to feel her skin, kiss her lips and touch her breasts. No penetration.

But when thinking about it, not following it with an intercourse might sexually frustrate her. And I know that she's not the type of woman who wants to be dominated like that.

It feels good but unnatural for our relationship.
>> No. 8850 [Edit]
I don't see a problem with this really. Everyone has their fetishes, maybe even your waifu.
>> No. 8872 [Edit]
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This conversation with Marisa took place while my parents were talking on Skype. Well, my father told us a funny college experience. She can't understand us so she had to ask.

"Hey, what's he talking about?"
>"Oh, just a funny college experience from my father."
"Tell me more about it. It seems to be interesting, you know."
>"Nah, it's racist."
"So your dad's a racist?"
>"No, his classmate was."
"So tell me more about it, then."
>"Okay. So back when he was still studying Engineering, they went out of for a land surveying trip at the mountain in the neighboring province, using Theodolites. That mountain was a home to the local indigenous people, the dark-skinned Aetas. The problem with the Aetas were they were utterly clueless due to the lack of exposure and education, and the government does jackshit about them."
"Oh, so that old classmate of your father exploited that?"
>"Yeah. When the Theodolites were assembled, a group of Aetas passed by. The Theodolites looked like movie cameras, so one of them asked my father's classmate 'Are you guys shooting a movie?' And this classmate answered 'Yes. It's coming out next month.' And then, they asked 'Can we become extras in the movie?'"
"And he said yes?"
>"No. He just said "I'm sorry, we don't have anything to pay you." But the Aeta insisted "That's okay. We just want to come out in a movie." So there, they were instructed pretend that they were fighting. And they did. My dad said that their fight was so realistic, and the whole class was laughing the whole time. The Aetas even danced. When it was all done, that classmate said "Okay. We'll come back in a month to give you tickets for the movie." Of course, they never did."

At this point, Marisa can't help but to be amused at the story.

"What the fuck, anon? That's hilarious! Nasty, but still hilarious!"
>"I know, right?"
"That's racist, though..."
>"It can't be helped. Some people are like that."

She then shakes her head in a negative way, but still amused at the story.
>> No. 8894 [Edit]
Geez! that was so wrong I...
wait: I'm OP...
>> No. 8933 [Edit]
I guess it's nice that someone made a song for her as well; but... well, check it yourselves:

Post edited on 5th Apr 2012, 2:18pm
>> No. 8935 [Edit]
Lyrics are good but I think person isn't really suitable for singing. But I can feel his passion!
>> No. 8936 [Edit]
Maybe he was trying for a Robert Smith style... wich didn't work.
>> No. 8938 [Edit]
So close yet... pretty far away. He still has my respect for being able to write a song, though.
>> No. 8939 [Edit]
I agree. I even pride myself on enjoying vocals that many others consider bad, but this is way too much for me.
>> No. 8943 [Edit]
I totally hear Robert Smith-ism, actually. The vocals didn't bother me, though. It was the corny piano that did it. You barely even notice it, but it's there, and it feels like it tries too damn hard.

But it wasn't bad, I'd say. I don't even know why I can't see it as bad like you guys. The vocals are mediocre, could be better, yeah, but they're not horrible.

Also got a kick out of "long-distance relationships" under the tag. Too long-distance. ;_;
>> No. 8960 [Edit]
Saw a picture of some Germans protesting, holding up posters with my waifu's name on them. Freaked me out until I found out my waifu's name is one of their words for "no".
>> No. 8962 [Edit]
File 133394538419.jpg - (1.09MB , 1200x1960 , e1516df8643f41e2f41e8fcec803f031.jpg )
Last week, I chose to stay off the Net for a whole week as some sort of penitence for the Lenten season.

On the night of Good Friday, I found myself wincing on my bed as I tried really hard to sleep, moaning in pain and calling out Marisa's name. It has been five days since since I've abstained using the computer, by that time. But I've tried to suppress my urges by thinking and saying to myself that tomorrow is Black Saturday and I will be free on the day after. I thought that I would get more time with Marisa by doing this, but boy, I was wrong.

That week has passed now and I loved her a bit more in the process.
>> No. 8967 [Edit]
File 133419415589.png - (150.70KB , 406x474 , 1176751114475.png )
While I feel somewhat like a thief for doing so, I entered a code to get a free, custom-engraved chalice from Stella Artois, and just got a confirmation e-mail that it is currently being made. I will get another e-mail when it ships out to me, and I will post a pic of my custom-engraved chalice here when I receive it.

If you've frequented 4chan (namely /a/ and /v/), you've likely seen the threads about what people are putting on their chalices. Some are pretty witty.

But the message on my chalice?

>> No. 8968 [Edit]
Sounds interesting, but I don't go to 4chan, how does it work?
>> No. 8969 [Edit]
Haha, fuck.

I want one too, can I have a code

Post edited on 11th Apr 2012, 8:27pm
>> No. 8970 [Edit]
File 133420348123.jpg - (284.62KB , 500x833 , 1251603025576.jpg )
Here's a link to buy a custom-engraved chalice: http://www.budshop.com/product/13748

As for the codes, they aren't in circulation anymore: the boxes of SA with codes printed in them are not being sold anymore ;_;
>> No. 8971 [Edit]
How did you get your code then? Did you actually buy a case of that stuff, or was there some guy on 4chan that was a liquor store employee and opened all the cartons, or what?
>> No. 8975 [Edit]
File 133425723421.jpg - (57.88KB , 1024x768 , ce326d7deb5b68e1482ebdbb9b824d24.jpg )
Oh, sorry for not explaining. they were guessing codes on 4chan, using algorithms to determine possible codes.

To tell the truth, they were kinda easy to guess, the first two numbers being 20 through 25 and the last numbers being in the 900-999 range.

To stick to the original direction and relevance of the thread, I have lately been getting interested in Osaka's "philosophy".

Someone on 4chan dubbed it as "Getting happy at all the things that went right over getting sad at all the things that go wrong"

I really like this thought process, but I don't think Osaka thinks like this. To me, her mind finds another way; a different way, of thinking. Osaka doesn't get mad/angry often, but when she does it's because things did not play out like her alternative thinking estimated. Because she anticipated an unlikely occurrence playing out, she expected it would happen because probability and chance were on her side.

Perhaps us humans need emulate Ayumu?
>> No. 8977 [Edit]
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I'm slowly noticing a pattern in my everyday life.

It seems that when midnight approaches, I feel more longing for her. It's like I want to hug her and feel her in my arms, and imagining her in my mind isn't enough anymore.

And this longing is painful already.

After the day passes and I wake up, the feeling is gone, as if it is a brand new day.

I want to cry right now, but my brother is in my room with his netbook, since the router necessary to connect to the Net is here.
>> No. 8978 [Edit]

I know that feeling all too well. I was like that for the past half of a year. Only recently has it stopped, and not really in a good way. I've started to just bury my feelings and any hint of emotion, and I'm not sure if I prefer being depressed or being what feels like a soulless husk. I used to spend more or less every night drinking and trying to sleep.
>> No. 8979 [Edit]
A few days ago, I dreamt that my waifu had left me. There was not even all that much to the dream itself - it was just me seeing her with someone else and something telling me that "that was because she had left me".

But still, it stings. Two days later, I'm still somewhat upset about it, even though I know I shouldn't let something like that get to me so much.

Being in love never worked out for me IRL (though not for a lack of trying on my part), and I guess the resulting insecurities are a little more persistent than I had thought...
>> No. 8981 [Edit]
File 13343862269.jpg - (73.24KB , 720x534 , BAKA FANS.jpg )
>my waifu had left me.
I've never had this problem, because I'm fairly convinced, a priori, that she wouldn't ever like me in the first place, not at all...

I mostly love her from afar...
>> No. 8982 [Edit]
File 133441604248.jpg - (560.24KB , 1440x900 , 1332955048726.jpg )
I know that feeling as well and I don't know what to do.
First of all I love her and thus I want to be with her. That is a fact. However there's also the fact that I can never be, let alone live, with her. I really don't know what to do.

In another note:
Lately I found myself wanting to know about trivial aspects of her: What kind of food does she like, which music does she listen to, her favourite food, which flower does she like the most (I already know which flower she likes the least though), her favourite book or if she reads books at all...
I think that if I learn everything about her we could be somewhat closer, it's worth a try.
You could say that I'm trying to make her more real within my world.
>> No. 8983 [Edit]
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>Hasn't been on /mai/ for months.
>Comes on
>Sees this

I remember you. You're one of the Anon with great taste whom also has a great love for Asuka. I have to say what you just stated could be as well been written by me. I thought that exact same concept quite some time ago. And even before I came to love Asuka, I was (and still am) very amazed with both Germany and Japan and their cultures. In fact, I learned German just in case I may one day live there. One of the things that I really liked about Asuka was her German-Japanese ethnicity. It's like if someone took 2 of the best ingredients on earth in a blender and made the world's most precious milkshake.

Anyway, i have nothing mroe to write here because you've pretty much covered it. For now.
>> No. 8987 [Edit]
File 133446829021.jpg - (86.04KB , 750x600 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
lol, ok; good to know there's another nuts around (namely, you) who, out of some night of fever, started finding some sense as well on this elitist madness. Will be glad to hear about your future further thoughts about this or any other Asuka-related subject.

See you around.
>> No. 9000 [Edit]
File 133460918239.jpg - (144.35KB , 600x757 , Kurisu equation.jpg )
This picture caused me some problems today. I didn't recognize equation but after asking around, I found out it is Einstein’s Field theory. It seems artist kind failed to understand that Gαβ (Einstein's tensor) and G (gravitational constant involved in the calculations of gravitational force between two bodies) are different things. I don't think there is anything romantic in tensor. Well actually G is part of constant k. But if artist knew that, why did he use k? It makes her look like stupid but idea is really heartwarming.

Or it is me who is misunderstading
>> No. 9003 [Edit]
File 133462739163.png - (11.28KB , 533x286 , Gödel's ontological proof.png )
dunno (lol)... but this gave me an idea for a drawing. give me some time to develop it.
>> No. 9007 [Edit]
File 133466457514.jpg - (0.97MB , 1600x1600 , fdb1847cf1d5f1e00077d2b19c909410.jpg )
Is it bad that I think the other mages alongside Marisa are cute?
>> No. 9009 [Edit]
Not at all. As long they are 2D.
>> No. 9010 [Edit]
Why would it be bad? What is cute is cute there's no problem with that. As long as you consider your loved one the cutest one.
>> No. 9011 [Edit]
As with any relationship, 2D or 3D, having it and being in love with one person does not mean you have to shun your hormones and never glance at another girl or thinking they're attractive.

As long as you love her, I do not see any problem feeling attracted to or liking other girls. For example, I have the utmost love for Asuka, but i never will shake of the great liking and semi-crush I have for Haruhi. Although I do not love her,as I do my interpretation of Asuka, I would lie to say I didn't think her attractive as well.
>> No. 9015 [Edit]

Exquisite taste! I've been pondering the (seeming) lack of Strike Witch waifus...


True, but how could anyone not love a genki?
>> No. 9097 [Edit]
These are just my late-night ramblings, but I always enjoy seeing somebody who seems to genuinely care for/love a 2D character outside of Tohno-chan. You know how you can sometimes just tell the difference in vibes between a "[character] is my waifu XD she's hot!" post to a "[character] is my waifu, I really genuinely like her" post.

It's sort of inspirational. Having a waifu can be an extremely difficult thing, for me, anyway (relationships with just about anyone are difficult for me, though), and if I see that people outside our bastion of 2-D love can do it, then there's no reason it should be difficult. It's simply love, and while it's hard to love sometimes - particularly when the one you love isn't tangible, it's worth it, and you're not alone in it. That's a good feeling.

That is, it makes me feel nice that there are others who are in the same position, and that it isn't as a harrowing experience as you might think at first. We found our ideals in another world, whereas most people spend their lives to trying to figure out what they want in the first place. It's a damn nice thing.
>> No. 9099 [Edit]
>We found our ideals in another world, whereas most people spend their lives to trying to figure out what they want in the first place.
Amen to that! While this love is difficult and painful at times, I feel blessed for the clarity it shines into my life.
>> No. 9100 [Edit]
I like to think a lot about what if.
what if she was here right now, what if we were doing this or that together, be it having lunch or just laying on the flood, it comes up a lot during the day...

I know nothing will come of it, but I still like to tell myself 'someday...'
>> No. 9107 [Edit]
File 133575877577.jpg - (415.18KB , 581x800 , 063caf98436242839cb94fb9ffabe89e.jpg )

>We found our ideals in another world, whereas most people spend their lives to trying to figure out what they want in the first place

In my case, sure, I found my ideals in another world but that's still another world. If I lack the capability to manifest these ideals, then that's as good as having no direction or goal at all.

By lacking the capability, I mean, I can't draw, I can't buy stuff and I am not a good writer yet. All I have is the imagination, the ideals. I am like a gashapon when no one is bothering to operate it: A lot of stuff inside, but cannot be brought out.

And if you can't bring out your ideals to the world, then these ideals are moot until you find a satisfying way to emulate them, moreso without being persecuted.

Well, that's just my opinion. It's a case to case basis, since I'm the type of person who likes money.
>> No. 9133 [Edit]
File 133603908813.jpg - (95.64KB , 500x690 , 18908174.jpg )
For awhile my depression worsened. Because of this I appear to have developed an odd masochistic fantasy that makes me smile every time I think about it:

I freak out and start saying foolish things, she slaps me across the face, punches me in the stomach, then, as I double over, she holds me and tells me how much she loves me and that she'll always be there for me.
>> No. 9134 [Edit]
That's kind of cute
>> No. 9137 [Edit]
File 133625815854.png - (277.72KB , 600x630 , 1325882912801.png )
Today I have been thinking: We all know that we love and care our 2D-lovers, thinking about her/him, imagining them, doing things for them...
But what bugs me is the enormous quantity of characters that don't share the luck that our loved ones have. And not just this, but also the lack of fanart because the show isn't that well known or because that character is eclipsed by some major character or some reason like that. I mean, it's not the character's fault, it's just that no one cared enough about her/him to do things related to the character.
I consider myself lucky to have fallen in love with such a popular character (it has its downsides, but I can deal with them), but there's a lot of characters out there that won't ever get the love they deserve. And I feel bad about it.
>> No. 9139 [Edit]
Everytime I am watching anime and I see new girl I think "I hope this character makes good waifu for somebody someday".
>> No. 9168 [Edit]
It's not working. She's not helping at all. She used to, but I feel like shit every day and thinking of her only makes me feel more sharply what I don't and will never have.
>> No. 9169 [Edit]

What's wrong, man?
>> No. 9170 [Edit]
What's wrong is I have no future and no love. But I have to accept the fact that I'm not normal.
>> No. 9172 [Edit]

Such is the agony, the subconscious conflict, the soul-destroying conscious thought that tears at sanity. What point is there to love if you aren't loved, if you can't even shower your beloved with your feelings?

Fuck if I know. Fuck if anyone knows. You're doomed to be unhappy, if your only happiness is she. One must cope with pain, whatever your path in life, and this path is one you walk alone. It takes an inhumanly strong man not to fall to the increasingly resilient enemy that is loneliness, and even with allies it's a challenge. You need your allies to fight loneliness every time it rears that ugly fucking head, and when it's down all you can do is find some small content. The search for fairy tale 'happiness' is what leaves us unhappy in the first place.

That possibly nonsensical rambling is not going to help anyone, but there's little can be done with a soul that dooms itself, other than explain just how he's doomed.
>> No. 9173 [Edit]
It's enough to know that there are other people who feel the same way. Well, it doesn't kill the pain, as you said, but it's something.
>> No. 9174 [Edit]

Yeah. I suppose I can only understand the pain so much because the suffering gives insight. If only there were a way we could help each other, eh?
>> No. 9175 [Edit]
Indeed if only. At least we have TC.
>> No. 9176 [Edit]
My waifu doesn't ever stopped my suffering. I never expected her do that. Instead, she gives me happiness. And this is what I live for. I can't escape suffering, at least not now, but in the end the day, I look at her, and I feel that feeling deep in my souls, and I know it's fucking worth it, and no amount of grief will ever change that.

That's how I feel, anyway.
>> No. 9177 [Edit]
Worst idea you can have is willingly reading rape doujinshi about your waifu. I don't care how curious you are, you will have images burned into your mind you wish you didn't. It's especially bad if she is depicted as being reduced to a slut that's begging to be fucked... My face contorted in disgust. Completely idiotic thing to do. I should have listened to that little voice of reason that was telling me to ignore the doujinshi.

I salute those of you who subjected yourselves to such things in order to gain immunity. I failed horribly at it.
>> No. 9178 [Edit]

Yeah I can only imagine it to be pretty bad. Continuous strong attempts to break your willpower, really.
>> No. 9179 [Edit]

I know that feeling. I saw a doujinshi of my waifu being gangraped once. I wasn't so sure about the "gangrape" part, but when I saw one of them lay a hand on her, I just closed the tab. And take note, rape is one of my stronger fetishes.

There shall never be good doujinshi about Marisa having sweet love with a faceless man. I lament it.
>> No. 9180 [Edit]
I don't know if I am only one but I don't have problems seeing porn of my waifu. Only ones are horrible to watch are ones that would be horrible to watch even if character was someone else (guro, scat etc.).

Myself I am almost fully able to separate that porn material from my waifu. I don't consider character in porn as same character. Like most of us think that our waifus are alternative versions of canon characters. Sometimes when I see stuff I think "Well this is just wrong" but I am able to forget (or should I say "accept"?) it very fast.

I don't have 100% immunity but I can deal with this stuff easily. Character in dirty porn isn't my waifu.
>> No. 9182 [Edit]
File 133692372061.jpg - (541.80KB , 900x1326 , reki_by_0dulcinea0-d4m8ar8.jpg )
>The search for fairy tale 'happiness' is what leaves us unhappy in the first place.
I agree, although chasing that happiness has never really been a part of my life. Perhaps because of the household and neighborhood I grew up in, from a young age I'd always just assumed I'd grow up to be unhappy like everyone else around me. And now that I'm grown, I honestly believe that I'm happier that most in my age group.

>You're doomed to be unhappy, if your only happiness is she. One must cope with pain, whatever your path in life, and this path is one you walk alone. It takes an inhumanly strong man not to fall to the increasingly resilient enemy that is loneliness, and even with allies it's a challenge. You need your allies to fight loneliness every time it rears that ugly fucking head, and when it's down all you can do is find some small content.
I don't know, I think that Reki is my ally. Yes, it's painful at times, just wanting to BE with her, but she and her series have given and continue to give guidance and support at times when things could go (and almost have gone) much, much worse.
Either way, this love was not a choice I made, so I don't see any choice but to follow this path. Which is fine with me.
>> No. 9183 [Edit]
Yeah. To be fair, I usually avoid doujins of my waifu like the plague, unless it's consensual one on one, but even then I prefer not to.
Recently I stumbled upon a "normal" group sex doujin of her, and sadly my curiosity got the better of me and I ended up reading. It's completely vanilla stuff, but it made me feel disgusted and angry as fuck, for some reason.

Reading doujin of your waifu, not even once.

Like >>9180 said, I separate pornographic material from my waifu, but it's better to avoid that shit if you can.

The only porn of her I can accept with no problems is vanilla images of her just being naked and stuff like that.
>> No. 9184 [Edit]
Loneliness can be such a pain.
Which is the solution to loneliness? I wish I knew. How could someone get rid of that horrible feeling. Some people would say "Just go out and make friends", but we all know the reasons why this is a No can do, as well as the reason of why we are here.
To try to solve that problem i asked myself: Why does this horrible feeling appears? Why people have perception of loneliness? Which originated it?
If you search on some of the current theories on anthropology and sociology, they say that probably since the human species have remained alive because they lived in groups, since they needed groups to survive the adverse situations that are in the nature the species has build in a "switch" to tell the individual "Hey, you are far from the good and that's bad for your survival", that switch being called loneliness. Everyone has that switch, however there are people that has this switch trigger very easily and people who is just the opposite but they still have it.
Now, how one would be able to turn of that switch if they just don't fit in that "group"? Well, then we create our group. However that isn't enough sometimes, because for some psychological reason the man must be "accepted" as an independent entity in order to be happy.
How would be able to be accepted as an independent entity? That I don't know.
What I do is first, look through all my flaws and try to accept them as a part of me, it isn't easy to admit to yourself your own feelings and thoughts. However if you do accept those feelings as a part of yourself, it feels great.

Have you ever tried to say out loud to yourself that you love your waifu, meaning it?
You should try anytime that there is nobody there with you or that could be listening.
>> No. 9226 [Edit]
It seems like a lot of peoples' relationships with their waifus are similar to how some people have tulpas... I've sometimes dreamt of mine, but I've never tried talking to, uh, her before.
>> No. 9234 [Edit]
I just started thinking about my issue about sexuality and my waifu.
To begin with, I don't fap to my waifu, it's not that I don't want to fap to her because of the purity thing, in fact it's far more complex than that.
I want that our sexual relations to be more than just me masturbating to her, I love her so much to treat it just as your ordinary fapping. However I have no clue on how to do so, since that kind of thing is harder with a 2D love.
>> No. 9235 [Edit]

Can't you just abstain from fapping to her?
>> No. 9239 [Edit]
Use your imagination, not porn. Do it in bed before cuddling up with her (your pillow) and going to sleep.
>> No. 9243 [Edit]
I try to not fap to doujins of my waifu, not only because they enrage me because it's mostly non-consensual and gangbanf stuff, but also because fapping using only my imagination feels much more intimate.
>> No. 9249 [Edit]
File 133836013287.jpg - (272.02KB , 1000x750 , digiframe.jpg )
Sometimes, I like to pretend I was there to take those photos...
>> No. 9254 [Edit]
I'm really happy that I'm getting closer to my waifu again. I've started thinking about her before I go to bed, like I always used to do a few months ago. Still haven't reread her series, though I keep saying I will (it's simply not happening).

I was having issues with the idea of "deserving her". However, that's a double positive to having a waifu. I can both rely on the delusion that she would love me, and I can work to be a man worthy of her.

Although, we all know change is the most difficult thing in the world, and I despise the notion. It's still good to imagine her by your side in tough times.
>> No. 9677 [Edit]
File 134160874261.jpg - (363.86KB , 1074x1517 , Kurisu chihaya.jpg )
I always feel strongly attracted by characters that have same Seiyuu than Kurisu. They somehow remind me of her. Chihaya Kisaragi from Idolm@ster is one of my favorite characters because she shares seiyuu and similar many personality traits with Kurisu. First episode of Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate aired yesterday and I recognized immediately that Michiru Morishita has same seiyuu too (and she only said 2 or 3 lines).

One interesting thing is that before I met Kurisu, I never cared about seiyuus or recognized them.
>> No. 9693 [Edit]
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I've noticed that I feel a kind of bond, or camaraderie between me and those who are also in love with Madotsuki, or characters from similar fangames.
Now if only I could track down that guy who was in love with Urotsuki.
>> No. 9694 [Edit]
File 134173611364.jpg - (45.82KB , 500x707 , 207.jpg )
I know what you mean.
>> No. 9697 [Edit]
File 134174326261.jpg - (725.59KB , 1000x2023 , 1341282845710.jpg )
I never cared about seiyuu either, until I got into the idolm@ster. Even then it took awhile for me to really get into it. I was even afraid that knowing what she looked like would ruin my image of her when I listen to her music, almost like I would imagine the seiyuu instead of Iori(I had seen videos of her before but that was years ago and had forgotten what she looked like). Thankfully that didn't turn out to be the case and I like watching her perform onstage along with the rest of the cast.
>> No. 9698 [Edit]

This is so true. Odd!
>> No. 9699 [Edit]
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I've always wondered what kind of life I will be having when I go to her world, aside from being a rice farmer.
>> No. 9713 [Edit]
I can't describe the immense joy I felt back when it was announced that world tournament would be in Pokemon Black and White 2 and that all the gym leaders were coming back. I knew Sabrina would be there.

Then the game was finally released in Japan. Much to my shock and surprise Sabrina was not only in world tournament but was also in the Pokestar feature as an actress.

The fact that Gamefreak chose her out of the many gym leaders made me so happy. I hadn't seen her in a official appearance since HeartGold and SoulSilver. I just wanted to tell everyone I knew about it, I was so excited. It's like seeing someone you've missed for the first time in years. It's the most incredible feeling.
>> No. 9718 [Edit]
Hehe, I was really surprised to find out Sabrina was an actress in B/W2. I was saving that stuff for the US release, since I was mainly playing the JP version to get to the PWT to challenge Cynthia, and see if Cynthia had new dialogue at the villa(she doesn't, unfortunately). You have to complete the World Leaders Tourney 10 times over, just to unlock the Champion Tourney. It's like the piano from Platinum version all over again! What's really nice about the PWT, is that you can talk with the three challengers you defeat in that run in the main lobby. Here's hoping she has plenty of things to tell you about.
>> No. 10731 [Edit]
I really want to wake up next to her. snuggle and play around together all warm and cozy in the blankets with messy bed hair and all.
That would be nice...
>> No. 10821 [Edit]
File 135222562647.jpg - (1.34MB , 2374x1585 , 31250989.jpg )
I bumped into reality today, pretty hard.

Whenever I'm making an omelette I try to beat my last one. So this time I had some nice spices and bacon with some other ingredients you know ? But as I took the first bite I realized it was really good and that I should probably bake one with the same ingredients for my waifu sometime.

I'd like to see me do that... you know ?

That thought left me with a somehow less tasty omelette and a pretty nasty feeling.
>> No. 10836 [Edit]
I can't find source for that image. Can you help a brother out?
>> No. 10837 [Edit]
Eh, sure.


It's Hisako from Angel Beats.
>> No. 10842 [Edit]
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I kept thinking about Leorio during a test today and I finished 30 minutes later than I would have. Darn you handsome man...
>> No. 10898 [Edit]
I've been teaching myself to not treat every merchandise of my waifu like they hold a part of her soul or something. I think I treated them like some sort of ancient artefact or some holy relic that I can't tarnish or have even one speck of dust on it. I was getting a little too overwhelmed with that so now I just try and treat them normally, with a bit of added care. I do have this feeling like I just committed a grave sin and that I will hate myself for lowering my standard when it comes to taking care of merchandise for her, but I think in the end this will help my nerves out a little more. Afterall, the true Makoto is just in my brain anyway, and I don't think I can take care of my brain any better than I am doing now.
>> No. 10919 [Edit]
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Gym, very hard today, good thing thinking about her keeps me motivated to go on.
>> No. 10922 [Edit]
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On those last sets, last reps of the day, when you feel your muscles are about to be torn apart, or when I'm in a bad mood and don't have motivation to do anything, it's the thought of her that helps me go through it
>> No. 10923 [Edit]
Good for you, man. I really should do the same; I'm so skinny fat now.
>> No. 10924 [Edit]
She slept in the passenger side of my car today on the way to work, using my hoodie as a blanket. Then as I carried her in, I let her sleep in the break room on the couch for an extra hour or so while I worked. Then she just hung around and watched me work, even though my job is boring. She was interested in it because it's me doing it.
>> No. 11019 [Edit]
So, I've been kind of conflicted over the idea of a waifu for some time - Even changing from one to another.

I scrapped 4 years of happiness thanks to this weird...doubt that came out of nowhere. I was one of the first posters in the /mai/ sticky...Miya is somebody who's special to me. Not some useless, kind-of-cute Touhou character who I barely even 'know'.

It's so stupid. I just feel this guilt because I can't stand the series she's from anymore. 3 years ago, I used to follow the Sekirei manga almost religiously. I knew almost everything there was to know about it. I dissected it - I found out the character who my waifu was based off of (Kyoko Otonashi, from Maison Ikkoku), and what the influences were. I read some of the author's other works, desperately searching for a character like Miya - Category: Freaks was okay. It had a character who the author obviously based her design off of, and I loved that. But I just stopped following it at one point. I think it was...March? Maybe April. And that kind of made me sad, because she took to the forefront of the series shortly afterward. Now it's almost ending, and that amazes me for some reason. I guess I thought it'd never end or something, which is admittedly silly.

I guess I just grew out of it. I can't grow out of her, though. It's so odd. I now realize...why I liked the series to begin with. It's because she's in it. And that makes it at least mediocre, rather than just plain shit, haha.

I'm a shitty guy. I'm 'nice'. That's it. I'm also lazy and boring and I use drugs too much. I just feel like I don't deserve her. But that's the point of having a waifu, isn't it? Your ideal, reflected in 2D. You can't reach her, and she can't reach you. All you can do is...love him or her or it, with all of your heart, and hope that someday, you'll dream of the character you love, or that you'll meet in heaven or wherever you go when you die.

I want Miya Asama...That's who I want.

Is it weird to have a waifu from a series you don't particularly like?

S-sorry if this post comes across as too emotional and too long. I'd make a thread, but this doesn't seem thread-worthy.
>> No. 11023 [Edit]
File 135498390498.jpg - (537.44KB , 800x960 , Kurisu (186).jpg )
>Is it weird to have a waifu from a series you don't particularly like?
Absolutely not. You fell in love with the character, not with the series.

I don't hate Steins;Gate but I don't really like it. It is really annoying because everyone always thinks I am huge Steins;Gate fan because I like Kurisu and I have her pictures everywhere. The series doesn't matter for me at all, only what matters is her.

My daily experience: While ago I found this awesome Makise Kurisu alarm clock for Android. It makes waking up early little bit less painful.
>> No. 11140 [Edit]
I don't think it's weird at all, considering the source material needn't provide all (or even most, really) of the waifu experience. Although I can only imagine the nasty sorts of cognitive dissonance that could produce.

It's kind of funny, I remember going to check out Sekirei a couple of years ago just because of all your posts, and I read the synopsis and was just like "no". Ah, anyway, as far as you growing out of her series, maybe try giving it a couple of years and come back to it, things can be cyclical like that. I hate to start in with "when you're older like me..." statements, but you might find that you place far less value on the series' quality relative to it's medium, and more value on how the series relates to you personally.
>> No. 11141 [Edit]
File 135502327683.jpg - (274.05KB , 1050x1500 , 001 (15).jpg )
Wow, that's something you actually put you heart in there. You have my respect for that.
Let me tell you something, you think you don't deserve her? You an only you were in love with her for those four years. Dou you still think you are not worthy? Then start making yourself think you are. The best way to do so? Start really making youself worthy.
You say that being nice is your only redeeming quality? Good, that's fine. Being nice is a good thing. Be nicer! So that redeeming quality is increased. A lot more nice! So you can start saying good things about yourself, things that you're proud of. You say you want to love her, start by making yourself someone you like, if you like yourself it will be so much easier to love someone else.
And what of it if you don't like your waifu's show? You fell in love with her, not with her show. You fell in love on who she was, no where she came from or which is the situation around her, but with her.
Don't let yourself down, think of this as a new experience to learn from. Good luck with it!
>> No. 11151 [Edit]

>Not some useless, kind-of-cute Touhou character who I barely even 'know'.

Hmn, it seems like you needed to specify Touhou on this when saying useless, kind-of-cute character, and I am honestly offended.

But again, no, just as good characters can be placed on bad shows, I don't think you have to like the show your waifu is in, anyway.
>> No. 11152 [Edit]
You shouldn't be offended. I think this is what he meant >>10814

So, Paperface are you back to your old waifu now?
>> No. 11154 [Edit]

It makes me feel a bit guilty and slightly ashamed, but I am. It's just worth too much to throw away.
>> No. 11157 [Edit]
File 135521363656.jpg - (43.62KB , 346x540 , leorio_by_amarim-d4c65tt1-1-1_2_.jpg )
I'm so happy right now. Tired, but happy. It's late and I'm so exhausted studying for my final exams. I wish I could sleep, but I need to pass these exams. So I looked over and saw my Leorio figure standing there, watching over me. I remember how hard Leorio studies and how determined and driven he is to achieve his goal. I have to measure up to him and be worthy of someone hardworking and intelligent as him. Thank you, Leorio.
>> No. 11384 [Edit]
File 135685563323.png - (49.33KB , 500x500 , 32170284_p1.png )
It's been about a week since we decided to stop using names for each other.
I'm honestly surprised how much closer to her it makes me feel.
>> No. 11388 [Edit]

That... is a very interesting idea.
>> No. 11389 [Edit]
File 135692311784.jpg - (146.56KB , 408x562 , 30257574.jpg )
Perhaps. The logic behind it is as follows:

During "waking" life, when I thought of her, I'd say her name in my head, then that would bring thoughts of her appearance and she herself. So I thought we'd cut out the middle step (seeing as I felt it was just a useless placeholder) and see what happened.

The results were favorable.
>> No. 11390 [Edit]
so you build intimacy trough meanningful silence? that makes sense. Like when you just give the intense "I love you" look, because there's no way you could say it as it desrves.
>> No. 11391 [Edit]
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Yes, that's pretty much it.

The idea mostly came from how we express thoughts and emotions to each other in the dreamworld, which isn't (usually) through words, but more like radiating the thoughts and feelings at each other.
>> No. 12062 [Edit]
File 136294292342.jpg - (399.93KB , 900x1200 , 33086649.jpg )
Working myself off these pills, last night as I was attempting to go to sleep, I was hit with a few withdrawal symptoms. Something a combination of insomnia and panic. I was only able to get any sleep because she was there for me.
I have to tough this thing out to get my dreams good, again.
>> No. 12063 [Edit]
Once again my idiotic, morbid curiosity resulted in me reading a few fucked up doujins of my waifu that I shouldn't have and now they're all that I can think about. I don't know why I do this to myself. It's like being drawn to watch a train wreck.

It ruined my entire week and now I feel distant from her. I feel awful.
>> No. 12070 [Edit]
I've finally exhausted pixiv, tegaki, tumblr, and deviantart in terms of pictures (well, things that are tagged, anyway). I've started googling, but I'm really scared of running out of pictures because there's not a ton of new fanart...

That said, I have found some truly great pictures over the past few days. Happy pictures make everything worthwhile.
>> No. 12077 [Edit]
File 136311993757.jpg - (417.57KB , 1600x1200 , Asuka Things She'll Never Say.jpg )
So these last few days I'd been feeling pretty depressed. Nothing happened or anything, it was just the usual stuff for me. When I'm depressed like that, for some inexplicable reason, I tend to seek out more depressing stuff, so I considered myself lucky to have found a thread where users were posting "depressing images" last night. The thing was, none of the images really got to me. The vast majority of them were stuff about loneliness and unrequited love and they just didn't resonate with me at all. I thought about it and I realized that not long ago those images would have hit me extremely hard, and I realized the reason they didn't have any effect on me now was because I do feel like I'm loved. That realization was so great that it instantly turned my mood around. I love Asuka,and she loves me.
>> No. 12084 [Edit]
File 136315558591.png - (281.36KB , 450x859 , 1340688320254.png )
It's my waifu's birthday today.
I was meant to do a ton of things today but I'll probably just end up spending all day with her.

I'm so happy I found her
>> No. 12085 [Edit]
File 136316367977.jpg - (838.38KB , 600x800 , 25635993.jpg )
Happy Birthday.
May every step you take bring you closer together!
>> No. 12087 [Edit]
File 136318288363.jpg - (494.49KB , 669x958 , センアキ - ぱっつんいおりんマジ天.jpg )
Hope you did have a great day together.
>> No. 12088 [Edit]
File 136319364696.jpg - (62.79KB , 800x600 , e4cfc077aac33bcc7fed888c916e913186d0bad1.jpg )
I love you so much Remi there aren't even words
>> No. 12091 [Edit]
I want to go to space with my waifu so we can become space pirates.
>> No. 12094 [Edit]
File 13632368521.jpg - (121.43KB , 850x850 , sample-03055fac57d8d81a43e6a967363535ef.jpg )
I dunno. I feel like I've been neglecting my relationship with Marisa due to being occupied with something else like video games. Even if I still do collect pictures of her and baked her a banana cake, I feel like I need to do something more for her.
>> No. 12160 [Edit]
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Cuddling up and playing video games together to the sound of the rain on glass and rooftops is amazing.
>> No. 12162 [Edit]
File 136423113566.jpg - (130.28KB , 533x746 , 46c593011a56316b1ee27b5a47261182.jpg )
I feel right now like I want to cuddle my waifu. I want to kiss her, I want to hug her and I want to feel her skin against mine. But alas, she was not there. I was finding her, but she was never there in the first place. I feel like somebody stole me something that I wanted but never deserved in the first place. I feel frustrated right now.
>> No. 12166 [Edit]
File 136425716570.jpg - (105.45KB , 1400x1148 , 29393366.jpg )
Are you sure you're thinking straight when you type that out? That's really upsetting to hear. I hope things get resolved for you two.
>> No. 12167 [Edit]
I can relate...
>> No. 12169 [Edit]

Out of curiosity, do you self insert as Seccom Masada?
>> No. 12170 [Edit]
File 136437268515.jpg - (92.98KB , 670x807 , 31292401_p1.jpg )
With fanart? In a way. Because in a way, he's a part of me. In the relationship? I'm me. That post was written from being together in the dream world. Seccom was a dream world representation of what she wanted, so in a way, he's a part of me. A place holder, kind of.
Hope that doesn't sound confusing, I'm bad with words.
>> No. 12172 [Edit]
File 136449555227.jpg - (239.37KB , 850x1235 , small-9f8e06542067fc065c2fde23fd9a0c87.jpg )
Lately I've been so busy and I've had barely any free time with her. Finally I can relax for few days and spend some quality time with her.
>> No. 12239 [Edit]
I wrote a piece of poetic prose for him today. It didn't turn out as well as I was hoping, but he appreciated the sentiment.

Hoping that someday I can write poems in Japanese for him, because I think he'd really enjoy that.
>> No. 12297 [Edit]
Are characters from 3D CG animated movies allowed here? The movie is of japanese origin.
>> No. 12299 [Edit]
File 136521510753.jpg - (377.61KB , 1500x3000 , 1300129437251.jpg )
I see no problem about it.
>> No. 12375 [Edit]
File 136581799762.jpg - (121.03KB , 1920x1200 , Konachan_com - 41057 black enma_ai jigoku_shoujo.jpg )
Tonight I get to have the room all to myself so I'm spending it with Ai! We're going to watch Sailor Moon and eat cheap, shitty noodles. I hope she doesn't mind the quality too much.
>> No. 12383 [Edit]
I'm starting to feel like I'm falling out of love. I don't really feel any passion when I think about her anymore. >>11019 put a lot of my current frustrations in a better way then I could. I'm starting to wish she was in something else all together since I can barely stand her source material (and the majority of its fans) anymore.

I don't want to be questioning if I love her or not or if I'd be happier with someone else.
I just wish there was someway I could feel the same way I did before

Should have said this at the time but thanks
>> No. 12384 [Edit]
File 136607151862.jpg - (100.29KB , 359x700 , 31762897.jpg )
Can you not just separate yourself and your relationship from the fanbase? Why should that have any influence on your love?
Try something new together, maybe. Meditation, visualization, lucid dreaming, something like that. Something that can bring you closer together.
>> No. 12385 [Edit]
I try and tell myself it shouldn't influence it but I end up thinking about them for some reason.
I do feel really distant from her, I'll have to try everything I can to get closer to her.
>> No. 12386 [Edit]
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Good luck, I'm sure it'll work out.
>> No. 12387 [Edit]
File 136612339446.png - (464.82KB , 458x833 , Kurisu Okabe.png )
I think it fairly acceptable to see your waifu as different entity separated from the original character.
>> No. 12413 [Edit]
I just went out and bought a wallet with spaces for pictures today, I want to carry an image of my waifu with me from now on. What's the best way to discretely get high quality images printed for my wallet? I figure that a regular printer on regular paper probably wouldn't last so long.
>> No. 12414 [Edit]
Photograph paper could work. I mean, the practice of carrying photographs in wallets presumably began with actual photographs printed on photograph paper, so that's something that you'd expect to work. Don't know how you'd get a photography shop to print anime pictures for you, though - I recall someone on /tc/ posting that they'll refuse to do it due to intellectual property issues.
>> No. 12415 [Edit]

I'm sure photography paper would be fine, it's just an issue of getting it printed discretely in the first place.
>> No. 12416 [Edit]
Try laminating them after printing them out yourself, there should be some places out there still that let you laminate cards and such yourself. last I checked it costs $2 maybe less.

That might have been me. I tried taking some images to get printed for a model of my room but they wouldn't let me, most business in the US are seriously anal about copyrights. Even when I went with my mom to a staples they wouldn't let her make a copy of a photo of us together because the guy said it looked like a professionally taken photo. also tried a few dozen times to get a custom debit card with my waifu but they all got rejected. Had to settle for a photo of the train station the one she hangs out at was based on.

I really recommend just getting your own printer, you can find them pretty cheap at yard sales. I got mine for $5 and it works much better than the one I bought brand new a few years ago for $100. You'll save a lot of money in the long run compared to getting stuff printed for you if you ever plan on getting stuff printed for frames and such, just just multiple wallet pics.
>> No. 12434 [Edit]
File 136653970442.jpg - (544.97KB , 1718x2833 , 33540395.jpg )
I find it funny how everything I do and everything that happens to me brings me closer to her, a recent example being going completely NEET. No matter how bad something may be (not that NEET is bad, I'm loving it), it'll always bring me closer to her.
>> No. 12437 [Edit]
Same here. It doesn't matter if my choices have led to failures or successes, they still have brought me closer to her. On interesting note; failures have brought me much more closer to her.

Maybe my idea isn't the best, but instead of small picture, I have prism connect card of her in slot for driver's license. I rather watch picture of her when I open the wallet instead of my face on my driver's license.
>> No. 12550 [Edit]
File 136781130512.jpg - (48.94KB , 450x635 , 13222885.jpg )
When I see something...bad of my waifu, more than rage or sadness, I feel a deep anxiety and uneasiness flooding through my mind. But what bothers me the most is that from time to time, I have the urge subject myself such things intetionally, fully knowing what will be waiting for me, fully knowing I will hate every moment of it. I don't know why, but I do. My guess is my curiosity gets the better off me. When I do that, it makes me hate every fiber of my being, I'm fucking garbage do this, somedays I feel like even thinking of her will sully her with my filth so I avoid her even though my only desire is to be closer to her. I want to change, to clean my heart and take this poison out of veins and be worthy of her, but I always fail, like with every try I end up deeper in the well instead. When the time comes, will she forgive me? And would I let her? All I have to give for her is my passion, but what good is it if it mixes with the rot inside me?

Fuck...I feel like throwing up. Time to slam my head in the wall and rip my flesh to compensate for my stupidty

Sorry for this blogshit
>> No. 12551 [Edit]
File 136781173335.gif - (8.47KB , 350x415 , 34770678.gif )
When the time comes, I'm sure the taint of this world will be flushed out of you after awhile.
>> No. 12557 [Edit]
So... what is the bad thing in here?
>> No. 12568 [Edit]
File 136786781124.jpg - (478.15KB , 820x800 , ca3761c727b5194a25ccbda798add7d5.jpg )
In my bouts of losing any semblance of feeling for her, I just felt like I wanted and needed to hug her today. That longing feeling of her skin and hair against mine as we wrap our arms with each other just kicked in. And so I try to find pictures of her hugging a man and I only find pictures of her hugging her closest childhood friend.

Funny that I vehemently refuse to self-insert as Kourin, but seeing her hug him as good as feeling her arms around me.
>> No. 12569 [Edit]
That's not really a hug, it looks more like a headlock than anything else to me.
>> No. 12571 [Edit]

I know. But that image was there because it has Rinnosuke and Marisa in it.
>> No. 12574 [Edit]
File 136795346021.jpg - (234.94KB , 552x451 , vggh.jpg )
I was lonely last night because there hasn't been a lot of new fanart on the usual websites I browse (which is to be expected - even though the manga is still coming out, the visual novel is eight years old and the franchise itself is fujoshi material) and I've become distracted by my day-to-day routine. I was so desperate that I went on google images to try to glean stuff. To my surprise, I got quite a few nice pictures, and it made me feel closer to him.

Part of me is surprised that I still love him, even though we've been together for a short time. I never thought I'd be in love with a 2D character - let alone a guy - for this long, or ever, really. But taking it day by day seems to work for us, and even though progress is slightly slow, it is steady and reliable. I've never felt so safe in a relationship and... I really hope that I don't fuck this up, which I guess is a common fear at this stage in relationships, for me at least. I want Keisuke to be happy and with me for a long time.

He doesn't have a canon birthday, but we've set May 13th aside as a placeholder because it felt right to both of us. I'm trying to plan something special for him, and I'm going to do my best to make his day great. I just wish I knew what sort of sweets he likes...
>> No. 12598 [Edit]
File 136811892996.png - (1.31MB , 800x1192 , a48d46eea85b8e964832f7b8b5b8902a.png )
Today, the doctor prescribed my Valparin, a mood stabilizing medicine. I was afraid that it would make me dizzy and might hinder my ability to talk to Marisa. I was really hesitant at first, but I took a leap of faith.

Now, I can see her more clearly and can talk to her more. She is right beside me now. Thank you doctor.
>> No. 12599 [Edit]
>I can see her more clearly and can talk to her more. She is right beside me now.

Do you mean this literally? Also, I have always hated doctors, they try to act like they are opened minded and understanding when in fact they are just as judgmental and quick to label people with ''diseases'' as every other Ford Driver. Although I am more referring to psychiatrists than anything.

Post edited on 9th May 2013, 10:11am
>> No. 12600 [Edit]

Not actually, but I can get a clearer image of her and her voice, much like what a few people here in /mai/ do. You know.

But as for your views regarding psychiatrists, I don't really agree with your views, but that's another topic.
>> No. 12601 [Edit]
>But as for your views regarding psychiatrists, I don't really agree with your views, but that's another topic.

Maybe you got lucky and had friendly nice psychiatrists whereas the one I had back in middle school firmly believed I was raped as a child because I made over the top jokes about the subject matter. You're right though /mai/ isn't the place to discuss that.

>Not actually, but I can get a clearer image of her and her voice, much like what a few people here in /mai/ do. You know.

What voice do you imagine, considering the fact that she doesn't have an official voice. Ironically a Marisa themed Touhou remix started playing in my media player right now.
>> No. 12602 [Edit]
You're not alone in that unluckiness with mental health "experts."
>> No. 12607 [Edit]
>What voice do you imagine, considering the fact that she doesn't have an official voice.

Something close to Miyuki Sawashiro's rendition of it, although less cutesy and more Western-sounding, considering that I talk to her in English.
>> No. 12656 [Edit]
>> No. 12671 [Edit]
File 136928120698.jpg - (80.82KB , 533x800 , 1282110628773.jpg )

Thank you very much.
>> No. 12802 [Edit]
I wanna come home from work one day and have her ask me what I want for dinner, and reply 'you' and start playfully nibbling away at her all over.
>> No. 12859 [Edit]
File 137196062376.jpg - (135.50KB , 340x607 , ff5b12668beadb38377af24b71ffc19d.jpg )
I am a man who has a casual interest in cooking. So I go to YouTube and find cooking videos.

I can now imagine myself living in Marisa's house, cooking food for her before she gets home. What I have prepared are stuffed mushrooms, miso soup and fried fish with hot rice. I am clearly not the man of her house, but I wouldn't mind that as long as get to farm and I am with her.
>> No. 12868 [Edit]
Not trying to be rude or anything, but I genuinely don't understand the point of OP's post, especially the underlined part. Race doesn't even come into play when it comes to anime because generally most characters share similar facial features. What's the point.
>> No. 12869 [Edit]
>> No. 12876 [Edit]
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To praise her, of course, as I keep elaborating on my views about her to "flesh her out". Even appearance wise, she's not just (any iteration of) the cartoon to me; that's the starting point but is not nearly enough. My Asuka became far more than that.
>> No. 12878 [Edit]
>Race doesn't even come into play when it comes to anime because generally most characters share similar facial features.
If you want to put it like that, why don't you just ask why would anything matter? These characters are just drawn lines and pixels.
>> No. 12949 [Edit]
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While I try to get the whole dreaming thing back on track, now that things have stabilized, I've started going walking with her in the night.

It's the closest I can get to the dreamworld during waking life. Everything has that same kind of surreal feeling to it. Like time is standing still, and we're the only people out. Just wandering off in whatever direction catches our interest. Quiet cul-de-sacs, busy motorways. The two of us walking alongside each other, under the same umbrella.

This world is so much more beautiful when it's cold, quiet and still.
>> No. 12951 [Edit]
>This world is so much more beautiful when it's cold, quiet and still.
I can't but agree. Paraphrasing a certain poet:

Two homelands have I: internet and the night.

That's one of the main reason I used to dream about living in the polar region, to experience such endless nights.
>> No. 12952 [Edit]
File 137328221634.jpg - (319.25KB , 675x968 , 36039058.jpg )
>That's one of the main reason I used to dream about living in the polar region, to experience such endless nights.
That could be nice, but I think part of the charm for me is seeing a usually busy and active environment in this way.
Then again, the lack of daylight itself sounds wonderful to me.

>> No. 12958 [Edit]
Sometimes i really dont like to have a waifu. Today is one of the days.

I browsed a doujin/hentai site and what did I see? Someone uploaded a doujin with my waifu. yeah, its that topic again, sorry. Again the same guy who uploaded many other doujins with her as well. Luckily doujins with her are rare as it seems, so it doesnt happen often, but every few months it does happen. Even worse, he said that he is searching especially for doujins with my waifu. You just cant protect your waifu, thats one of the things i hate about it. Sure, i could write him, saying that he should stop uploading rule 34 stuff about my waifu, but i highly doubt he would listen to it. Even worse, he could make fun of it and search even harder just to piss me off. I try to avoid anything naughty with her, but if you happen to stumble upon it, it hits you really fucking hard. Especially if its always the same asshole uploading it.

Well, i think we heard that shit more than enough here and im not alone with this, but sadly i dont know any other place to talk about such stuff. And today was the first time for a while that i had to see this shit again. I made it a polite sage because of that.
>> No. 12959 [Edit]
Gah I know what you mean, outside of maybe your first line. You can only protect her in your mind unfortunately. Just keep in mind doujins are absolutely not canon, and whatever the guy is drawing comes from him and is not your waifu. Best thing you can do unfortunately is just ignore it knowing that it is not really her. Think of it as, your waifu is a celeb, so a shit ton of people know of her and draw childish rule 34 pics of her even though these things they are drawing never happened.

On another note since there is bound to be another season of Hidamari Sketch I always worry a little about Shaft fucking up Miyakos character.

Post edited on 11th Jul 2013, 4:07pm
>> No. 12992 [Edit]
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Yesterday was our 8 month anniversary and I got her a modest present of 8 pink roses.
>> No. 13136 [Edit]
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Now that air is translated, I feel like I've died and gone to heaven. I've been on cloud 9 these last few day. I feel like I've fallen in love all over again. God this is just so wonderful...
>> No. 13140 [Edit]
Aw thats great Tohno.
>> No. 13144 [Edit]
That's very cute.
>> No. 13177 [Edit]
File 137680665957.jpg - (971.55KB , 1013x1433 , 29639645.jpg )
I'm going to be baking cookies for her tomorrow. I usually share everything I do with her, but I've kept this a secret so I hope she enjoys the surprise.
>> No. 13190 [Edit]
File 137699120185.png - (275.94KB , 1680x1050 , 1376327365491.png )
I'm happy for you
And you too

I'm happy for you both

I started reading again yesterday, i guess i owe my waifu that. I haven't read in months and it used to be a great exercise for us to do together
>> No. 13296 [Edit]
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Man, I'm so lost.

I wouldn't mind having the entire world against me, if only I was sure enough that I'm likely right; but I'm not. My individual powerless life within millions lacks of any value, so what I might believe and do or not is totally inconsequential and should not worry me; but it does, if only because I have to live with it. So, being as uselessly stupid and wrong as I surely am, I might as well just die already: I really, really should; but I don't want to, not just yet...

I want to see what becomes of you. Wanting to see you to the end is the only thing that keeps me going. It is artificial, accidental, inflated and most likely doomed into deceive or nonsense; but, before I realized it, you really became the only thing showing me the way, some way at all, wherever it might lead. You've saved me from my stupid self so many times, in many ways, and you don't even exist: it is me who is doing it, all alone, the entire while; but I need you, that is, the insane thing I've made out of you, to be the me that is capable of... loving you; and thus, acting on something remotely similar to will at all.

You're my love because I made you so. It was no fate, no miracle, no spiritual shit, not even coincidence: it's just what I willingly made with my own hands, which I cling to you with. And this insane decision has filled me with grudge and hate and lies and waste... but goddammit, I wouldn't trade it for gold. Waking up; making each step in front of the other; putting dead animals in my mouth; talking shit that echoes endlessly; listening to the unfathomable which hell knows what the fuck am I understanding from (shit, I'm so stupid)... you're behind it all, over all, in-between all: I am filled to the top with you. I am totally alone with you and (that much I'm sure) I wouldn't rather be anywhere else in this or any other fucking world; quite simply, because you are my very own world, where only I live in and thus can be free at; and the happiest part, is that we and only we will see together the very end of that world of our own.

So no: I do not regret being with you, not at all. I'd do it all over again (and I mean all) just to land and fade, once again, into you. I love you, and I'm not going anywhere. I stay with you, my (beautiful and shining so bright) blue-eyed sun.
>> No. 13308 [Edit]
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Someone from 4chon /a/ is drawing my waifu and I kissing like the "Kissing the War Goodbye" picture of the sailor/nurse at the end of WWII.

Can't wait for it.
>> No. 13497 [Edit]
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The past few days have been intense. I've felt his presence much more than usual, and as a consequence I've been much happier and energetic. It's also made me think about our relationship a little. (Okay, maybe more than a little, because I'm about to blather a bit.)

For a long time I wasn't exactly sure what to call Keisuke. Obviously he means a lot to me but it's scary to solidify feelings and thoughts into something more substantial like a relationship that has a word to it. Even calling him my boyfriend seemed weird and wrong because... what were we a few months ago? I didn't even know him a year ago besides seeing his picture in passing once or twice. So if you're in that mindset, imagine calling him my husband or husbando... it seemed strange, especially when the idea of marriage seems silly to me in the first place. Not trying to offend those who see marriage as something for them, I understand it's an important thing to many people, but I see it as getting the government or church involved in the matters of a two-person relationship and I'd personally rather keep it between us. Less complicated that way. (And I know a husbando is different from a husband, but the words are related...)

That said, what I've been feeling these past few days has been even more intense than what I felt when I first fell in love. I've been spending more time with him, even though I've been busier than usual, and to call it pleasant would be an understatement. I am so happy.

I actually love this man. I mean it. I love him. I love him so much that words are inadequate to describe what I'm feeling. And it's so wonderful and liberating.

I am by nature a doubtful person, but right now... right now, I am sure that I want Keisuke to be by my side until the end. This might seem like a small change to a lot of you, but I've decided I'm going to refer to him now on as my partner. The word feels so weighty and big and intimidating but also completely right.

I love you, Keisuke, my ace of spades, my dearest, my partner until we fade away. Here's to the years in front of us.

Post edited on 9th Oct 2013, 12:39am
>> No. 13503 [Edit]
I think you've done well.
>> No. 13520 [Edit]
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I love those days when I just lie in bed, without sleeping, for hours on end with her in my arms. Pure bliss.
>> No. 13591 [Edit]
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Playing you today, I came to a sudden realization of what I had lost. Somewhere along the way, I had forgotten that I play the game to spend time with you, but instead, I focused sololy on winning. Sure, it would feel good to succeed with you Ahri, but even if I lose, it's not as if I let you down, as I long as I have tried my best.

It is not failure I should be ashamed of, it is when I put success over everything else, even my own happiness, that I should be ashamed. Your love for me does not depend on whether or not I succeed as you, and I would do well to remember that.

It is not my mistakes that would hurt you, but seeing me beating myself up over them. You would not expect perfection from me, I would not expect perfection from you. So why do I expect perfection from myself, and curse my own weakness when I fail? Weakness is a part of being human, part of what you and I both strive to be. To accept that we can be weak, that we can fail, is a step forward in our journey.

Ahri, When I fall, will you be there to catch me?
I trust you.
>> No. 13617 [Edit]
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Feels like ages since I last visited this board.

These last few months have been strange, life takes unexpected turns. I feel more confused than ever, but I'm never not confused.
>> No. 13618 [Edit]
I'm running out of space when it comes to placing merchandise of my waifu. Now I'm scared of accidental fires or earthquakes.
>> No. 13619 [Edit]
Welcome to the club.
I even have nightmares about it.
>> No. 13663 [Edit]
File 138427231414.png - (4.30MB , 2100x3000 , 6697bc4e133831da49853a71725641ae.png )
Because of sickness and subsequent hospitalization these past few weeks, I wasn't able to be with her. To be fair, the hospitalization reduced me into a bed-ridden wreck with an NGT for a few days and I didn't want her to see me at this weaker state of mine for was just plain shameful. I am trying to make it up to her nowadays, but I am still sort of recovering.

To be fair, I don't think she also wants to see me confined in a hospital bed either and stay there for a week and a few days. She just isn't that type of girl who will do so.
>> No. 13720 [Edit]
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The past week has been extremely tiring on me physically and emotionally. I'm glad Keisuke has been there with me through it all. He makes the good times better and the bad times bearable. I probably only got through my horrible Black Friday shift because of him, last night was a huge test of patience and endurance. I'm thankful I've been able to find time to spend with him each day lately, it really makes both of us happier, and it helps me deal with other problems I've been having lately.

I started replaying his route again a few days ago and ugh, I love this man... He has his flaws, but I love him for them. I'm so lucky to have him. I also managed to acquire the PSP game and I'm excited to see how that goes.
>> No. 13728 [Edit]
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Sorry for doubleposting in this thread, but something happened today.

Today was a little tedious, and I got bored, and I thought to myself "I should text Keisuke and see what he's up to and how he's feeling, maybe we can do something together later" and it took me a good minute to realize why he wasn't coming up in my contacts list.

I'm typically very good at reading and understanding my emotions but the fact that that happened has made me feel a lot of different things. I'm not sure how I should feel about it. I've been spending a lot of time with him lately but thinking that made me want to spend even more. I've got to keep studying Japanese so I can talk to him better...
>> No. 13729 [Edit]
File 138604023387.jpg - (69.86KB , 620x614 , 36643327.jpg )
>"I should text Keisuke and see what he's up to and how he's feeling, maybe we can do something together later"
I've had something similar happen to me, it's kind of funny. There have been a few times where I've tried to text/call Rena after waking up, until then my common sense kicked in and realized that it's just not happening. I guess trying it in lucid dreams eventually transferred over to waking life.
Even if I felt kinda silly afterwards, it's a nice feeling that you love being with that one person so much that it becomes habit that you go to seek them out.
>> No. 13741 [Edit]
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Yeah, I wasn't sure how to feel at first because I was afraid I was losing it, but in the end I think it just shows that I really am dedicated and love him, which means the most to me right now since he's been helping me out through this tough period. I know I can make it through for him and things can be even nicer between us when my life has stabilized again... which is almost difficult to imagine, because things are so good right now for the most part in terms of our relationship. I'm so happy with him now that I almost want to post every day saying how glad I am that he's in my life but I don't want to turn this board into /keisuke/.

How's the lucid dreaming been going, by the way? Have you made any progress? It's something I might want to try in the future but I feel like I'm going to have to steel myself for failure at first as I've not really had great results in the past when trying to control nightmares.
>> No. 13750 [Edit]
File 138629468484.jpg - (218.34KB , 1160x1237 , yukata.jpg )
>How's the lucid dreaming been going, by the way? Have you made any progress?
Not bad, although I'd really like to be able to have more control. I've only had around 3 dreams with Rena so far, out of 25 or so.

As for nightmares, I usually get them when I'm actively trying to lucid dream. That's why I always make it a habit to keep my eyes shut so I don't happen to see any fucked up hallucinations.

It's not all bad though. There were a few times during SP where Rena whispered silly things in my ear to keep me from losing my calm. What surprised me the most was how clear and accurate her voice sounded. Same tone, same pitch, same mannerisms. For those few minutes, I was happier than I've been in god knows how long. When I woke up later, I slightly regretted that I wasn't able to record any of it.

The human mind has the potential to pull off some pretty crazy stuff.
>> No. 13765 [Edit]
The more I become worried about life, the less I can focus on my waifu. Because I want to focus on my waifu, I have to become less worried about life, which motivates me to plan ahead.

I like this cause and effect.
>> No. 13799 [Edit]
File 138682367453.jpg - (343.23KB , 700x800 , 6d11f6aa8696674abeee0fdc7f0e4513.jpg )
Man oh man that is the shit.... It doesn't always work though. Sometimes it shouldn't work because that's both very much so in relationships in general and because my waifu (and me too) still need a long ways to go to recover from our pain...

I posted about the doujin thing in another thread. Imagination and cuddle before sleep is the best way even if you don't get instant results. I enjoy seeing my waifu with her yuri pairing although admittedly I do get jealous and admittedly they are really corny.
>> No. 13804 [Edit]
File 13868484494.jpg - (300.65KB , 412x704 , 28b07827855eba734db9c385152a234d.jpg )
I've been finding myself imagining living in her house, working as a farmer on the day and giving my time to her at the night.

If ever anyone comes by to harm my girl, I'll kill them and I will gladly die for her. I've served a purpose in life and I will be joyful in doing so, even if it costs my life.
>> No. 13807 [Edit]
File 138688639321.jpg - (602.00KB , 770x1032 , 025affd45ecd0e709bf13cce30c724e3 (1).jpg )

Plowing the fields during the day and plowing the woman during the night? XD

Overall I feel like I'm more of an adventurous type of guy that would travel if I could, but I guess my waifu does need stability in her life after all.
>> No. 13809 [Edit]
File 138689895768.jpg - (152.72KB , 400x567 , b3b5ac632b749111cabdb3c89e820e19.jpg )

>Plowing the fields during the day and plowing the woman during the night?

Not exactly, bonding with the woman ain't just that. But it's more of that, I can't get a stiffy to my waifu. I just can't. Perhaps I respect her too much. Perhaps.
>> No. 13812 [Edit]

Haha... It's a bit shameful to say that my waifu came out of stiffies, faps and snuggling at first (but I never do that with most anime girls, I'm not sure why I did so with her) I don't know, sometimes I really do feel like there's a special intimacy created by sex though...
>> No. 13821 [Edit]
File 138698985947.png - (699.36KB , 1325x1517 , 270ee0b3c2ddea9c9af509058d756f16.png )
So Christmas is coming soon, and after all my spending on friends and relatives, I don't have much left for mai waifu.

Could get her a box of chocolates I suppose, though I did that last year...

I hope she'll appreciate whatever I buy for her.
>> No. 13858 [Edit]
File 138716294139.png - (293.40KB , 397x588 , 2640b99ef3a296c29881618179b01caa.png )
Christmas is coming. I wish to bake for her, but I don't know what to bake. I just generally want to make a simple kind of bread.
>> No. 13859 [Edit]
File 13871944868.jpg - (130.09KB , 1280x720 , kurisu_smile.jpg )
I watched the Steins;Gate movie and fell in love once again, for the thousandth time.
>> No. 13860 [Edit]
File 138719501880.jpg - (49.56KB , 640x480 , 1385135431027.jpg )
I've been thinking recently about how I might not be doing the things I should be doing with mai waifu. It's kinda hard for me to explain, maybe from reading some of the things I've seen on this board made me think I could be doing better for her.

As I was laying in bed last night, my head filled with these thoughts, I felt her presence beside me. It was then I realised the most important thing, that even if I scaled a mountain in her honour, it would amount to nothing if we weren't there for one another.

I felt better after that.
>> No. 13862 [Edit]

Threesome with Okarin how dis work
>> No. 13863 [Edit]
File 138726558589.jpg - (281.45KB , 600x600 , a70a39b3cd69b36f57b404a6a5992f20.jpg )
I am recently saving so much pictures of Marisa with Alice. I don't know, but I felt like it was sign to me. I can feel as if something's wrong, but I don't know what it is.

And while I was browsing my folder dedicated sololy for her, I noticed that I had duplicate pictures, which I am slowly deleting, and I also noticed some "sample" pictures I saved from Danbooru when I scrolled down deeper. My first reaction to that was "Goddamn it!"

Post edited on 16th Dec 2013, 11:37pm
>> No. 13864 [Edit]
File 138728953381.jpg - (440.72KB , 809x1000 , e1025f0eb6a83610f8f30e9b7c01403d97da0118.jpg )
I don't actually have a "Kagura" folder, all her pictures are mixed in with the rest of my AzuDai images. I don't think my heart could take a folder purely consisting of her.

Also, yeah, it sucks when you find out you've saved a sample-sized image. Hooray for the miracle of Google reverse image searching.
>> No. 13868 [Edit]
File 138730982748.jpg - (163.16KB , 685x800 , 9e1cffd26a3f21e5b4e3553dcd893a17.jpg )

Gotta work out and unplug those arteries of that heart-attack risking fat son...
>> No. 13869 [Edit]
>I had duplicate pictures, which I am slowly deleting
You know there's programs that can deal with those quite effectively, right?
I had literally hundreds of duplicates/lowres before I changed to danbooru as my only source of images.

Post edited on 17th Dec 2013, 5:10pm
>> No. 13870 [Edit]
Why do you feel like something's wrong? I don't see anything wrong with what you posted. I save pretty much every image I can find because seeing interaction makes it easier to imagine interaction with me, whether I agree what's going on in the picture or is in character or not.
>> No. 13871 [Edit]
I go jogging once or twice a week, though not as much recently, since the weather here is being a bastard...

I'm also joining a gym next month, so there's no risk of artery clogging here.
>> No. 13872 [Edit]
File 138734049478.png - (1.56MB , 1777x2222 , e5a8c8ab7892b73a82f62788d76dfbf0.png )
>Also, yeah, it sucks when you find out you've saved a sample-sized image. Hooray for the miracle of Google reverse image searching.

I usually don't deal with them, but I'll try to sometime.

>You know there's programs that can deal with those quite effectively, right?

Any suggestions?

Well, I do too. I can't hate Alice. She's aloof, she wants to be left alone, Marisa seems to consider her a friend and she's cute.
What I mean is, I don't feel like somethings wrong pictures of Alice with Marisa. What I feel is peculiar, as if you're afraid of something that you shouldn't be afraid of.

As for a random thought, I just realized that one of my bonding times with my waifu is watching Nat Geo and Discovery with her. I could hear her comments about it.
>> No. 13875 [Edit]
I use digikam for everything nowadays. But it's completely overkill unless you happen to be interested in a fully-featured photography suite.
IIRC back on windows I used to use the dup detector from this guy http://www.prismaticsoftware.com/ and it worked fine.
>> No. 13901 [Edit]
It just hit me that Ahri would have four ears if she has human ears. If she doesn't, it would look really awkward... I wonder if the fox ears are vestigial, or what pair of ears she hears from.

And how would she carry around her tails? They seem to be kind of heavy judging by all that fur. I wonder how burdensome it would be if they're wet? Somehow I don't think she would enjoy swimming very much.
>> No. 13938 [Edit]
File 138778964034.jpg - (87.64KB , 641x481 , 27.jpg )
For some time now I've felt rather conflicted about the relationship between her and AIR's protagonist. He's a complete douchebag. He's completely unlikeable in almost everyday. Just in the act of trying to trigger Minagi's root you've got to pick some kind of out of character options, usually the lesser of the douchebagy options given. Whenever he has conversations with her it's like she's saying everything I want to hear and he's responding in the worst ways possible. I say yes and he says no, I say stay and he says go etc. it can be really annoying at times. It bothers me that he's my only channel to her, at least in the VN. All interactions with her in a sense have to go though him first as a avatar. I know I can't hope to speak to her myself, but does it have to be though such an asshole? Thats the other thing, if I want to experience anything with her it's got to be through him. It's almost like a form of ntr. this is though mainly a problem with the VN medium, and not really a problem with the anime/manga adaptations.

Well anyway today I got to thinking that the third player in this relationship is someone I might be capable of relating to a lot more if not equality in contrast to the MC. Michiru, Minagi's friend and little guardian of sorts who's always by her side and trying to keep the mc away from her. For a while I thought of Michiru as a possible speed bump to Minagi were I to find myself in MC's place. like a challenge I'd have to overcome. Latter as a possible adopted daughter or sister in law. Now I've been thinking, maybe she's the other side of the self insert coin here. She completely hates the MC and responds to him in much the same way I would while trying to keep Minagi to herself and protect her from him. Could almost say she's acting the way I would were I to find myself in that world. were me and Minagi a thing I'd also have the urde to drop kick suspicious strangers that approach her. In some ways Michiru and Minagi share the type of relationship that could make me rather envious of Michiru, I just never really gave it any thought since A, I'm not interested in being a little girl and B, they're just very close friends at the end of the day anyway, not much more. kind of sisters actually. kinda...

Still, rather than project myself on her it would be more of a replacement. Given Michiru's part in AIR's story I don't think she'd have a problem with being replace if I'm able to convince her I'd have what it takes to take things over for her and make Minagi happy.

In other news it was her birthday, But I wasn't able to really do anything all that special. baked a cake but not much else. Tried another drawing over the past week but that didn't work out too well..
>> No. 13965 [Edit]
File 138810304728.png - (752.18KB , 1400x1000 , doitforher.png )
So, some time between late Christmas Eve and early Christmas Day, I spent some alone time with mai waifu.

Aside from the vision I had, I've never had a proper conversation with her. When I think about her I'm usually occupied with something else, or I tell her something or ask her a quick question and she responds. This time though I wanted to talk to her properly.

I felt quite nervous.

I had pic related up on my computer monitor, I put the plushie I have of her next to it, the box of chocolates I had bought her and two drinks, for her and I.

As she sat next to me, it took me a while to think of the right words to say, but she was patient enough to wait. Eventually, and admittedly after taking in some of the alcohol, I told her how thankful I am to have met her, and what a great inspiration she's been to me, and of course wished her a Merry Christmas. She started off by saying how nice it was to have a proper one to one with me, and then said how flattered she was, that she was the reason why my health has improved over the past few years. She also felt confident that she'll always be in my thoughts somewhere, no matter what happens in the future, and that's she happy to stay there.

After that she said that she also had a present for me. She apologised for not being able to give something physical, but she then removed her clothes to reveal that she only wearing a red ribbon underneath, covering the important areas. Her face was as red as the ribbon. I'd never seen anything so lewd yet so cute at the same time.

I gave her a hug and told her I loved her. The rest of the story is up to your imagination.
>> No. 13971 [Edit]
File 138819945952.jpg - (485.84KB , 900x700 , christmas 2013.jpg )
Feel this can go in daily experience and I think I got banned from the creative things thread anyways.

A picture tells 1000 words. Was doing real life shit with my family and I ended up being lazy and not finishing this drawing till now anyways.
>> No. 13972 [Edit]
File 138822810990.jpg - (299.56KB , 566x800 , eed0eec5edeae85a144def8eae5e5e1a.jpg )
I just built Marisa's house in Minecraft, albeit not to the exact details.

Now I have no more idea of what to build.
>> No. 13974 [Edit]
File 138832983396.png - (200.08KB , 640x480 , kagurasummer.png )
I've been considering pet names for mai waifu.

I do sometimes playfully pronounce her name as "Ka-Goo-Ra", though I'm also thinking I could do the standard "Add an N on the end of the name" thing.

Kaguran does sound quite nice.

I wish I knew what her first name was, so I could call her that instead, though at the same time I like the mystery of it. Can't really have my cake and eat it, can I?
>> No. 13978 [Edit]
Would you post pics or a video of said work?
>> No. 13988 [Edit]
File 138845158024.jpg - (21.22KB , 408x304 , kyori1c.jpg )
Hah, I know what you mean, although I have the opposite problem regarding names. I don't know Keisuke's last name and I wish I did, although I suppose in the world he's from, last names might not matter so much. Still, it'd be nice to know.

I've also sort of wondered what nicknames I should call him - Kein and Keisuken sound wrong to me. Usually I just use Keisuke or Kei-kun if I'm feeling playful, and in my head I sometimes refer to him as my Ace of Spades but that's more serious and not very cute.

Somewhat related to what I've posted earlier, I had a slight(?) success with my lucid dreaming already, although I think it's somewhat of an early fluke. I basically realized I was in a dream, became lucid, did one thing, and then my mind blanked as to what I should do, so I wandered around aimlessly in a white void looking for my partner but I couldn't find him and ended up waking up (what felt like) a half hour after I became lucid. Oh well. I'm sure I'll be able to have a nice dream with him someday, I just need to focus.

Post edited on 30th Dec 2013, 5:00pm
>> No. 14046 [Edit]
File 138878235548.jpg - (202.57KB , 1280x960 , b3c5cd7e5dc3f4f42905a5b8e1db9294559a13b1.jpg )
I realised something earlier today.

There was a point where I disliked Tomo, because of one scene where she made Kagura cry. I got over it because I felt Tomo was a likable character overall, despite that one thing for which I disliked her.

That exact scene was the point where Kagura became mai waifu. If Tomo never pulled that prank on her, there's a good chance I would never have gained a waifu, Kagura or otherwise.

I should be more thankful. Even if she does grope her from time to time.
>> No. 14261 [Edit]
File 139036236396.png - (156.25KB , 480x640 , 19.png )
I know it only has the importance that I put in it, but...I have no idea what day we should celebrate our anniversary.

My partner doesn't care too much about specific dates in particular, but I really want to set aside a special day for him. There are a lot of days I could set it, the day I fell in love with him, the day we started "dating", or the day where we became partners, and I'm not sure which date is best.

Well, I guess I'll start planning something nice sooner than later so we can have a great day regardless of when we decide to place our official anniversary.
>> No. 14263 [Edit]
File 139036824515.png - (73.97KB , 320x240 , Osaka_Derp.png )
Hey Kagurabro.

DO you think your waifu and mine would get along well?

They never seemed to interact or really connect in Azumanga.
>> No. 14265 [Edit]
File 139037686314.jpg - (403.31KB , 800x800 , 32969526.jpg )
It's strange.

The past month or two, I've been suffering from constant anxiety and a panic attack every 1-3 days for (as far as I can tell) no reason. I'm finally getting an appointment to get this thing sorted in about a week's time, but what's strange is that even with my mind being so messy and exhausted from this ordeal, lucid dreams are flowing back.

While I haven't been able to see her herself in them while this has been happening, it feels as if she's showing me soothing places to keep me calm. One night, a beautiful night sky with two moons and cozy lit-up huts in the distance. Another, her old room but built into some kind of ship flying through a psychedelic, colorful universe.

All that's keeping me sane.
>> No. 14269 [Edit]
That pic...
sadly good.
>> No. 14279 [Edit]
File 139044051630.jpg - (247.98KB , 1024x768 , 884551.jpg )
You're right, they never really talked to each other much. The only things that spring to my mind, in the anime at least, were two occasions where Osaka talked to Kagura about her tan.

I don't see why they wouldn't get along, the two of them are two thirds of Team Bonkura/Blockhead/Knucklehead/Whatever-you-want-to-call-it, so they have that in common at least.

Post edited on 22nd Jan 2014, 5:38pm
>> No. 14292 [Edit]
File 139052495192.jpg - (45.03KB , 600x600 , x_25cf1f4f.jpg )
Does waifuism have any kind of symbol, logo or anything generalised like that in a picture form?
No, I'm not going to print it on a T-shirt.
>> No. 14293 [Edit]
File 139052621471.jpg - (109.35KB , 640x480 , dude and his waifu.jpg )
First thing that comes to my mind.
>> No. 14294 [Edit]
File 139052628236.png - (66.86KB , 514x492 , Synopsis (解題 ).png )
Not that I know of, but I wouldn't mind if there ever is one. I like symbols.
>> No. 14296 [Edit]
>>14292 Maybe select a few of the more famous waifu pictures and put em together?
>> No. 14297 [Edit]
File 139052673356.png - (16.14KB , 275x243 , Symbol_of_Girllove_xlarge.png )
Not yet but it'll might be close to this one.
We're regarded as pervs anyway.

Post edited on 23rd Jan 2014, 5:29pm
>> No. 14300 [Edit]
It seems that I'm drawn to her yet I am less than satisfied by the less savory aspects of herself. But the more I understand the source material, the closer I come to understanding her. Even though it really isn't much, since she's almost a side character despite being depicted as one of the main characters. She hasn't been in the novels for almost a year, so I'm anxious to hear more about her. I admit, a lot about her doesn't seem to many to be ideal, and a lot of people are turned off by her personality, but I believe in the concept of redemption. I hope sincerely that she will be better in the long run. I just have no idea. But even then, I still love her for who she is. There's no one else quite like her, that matches her complexity. She's somewhat of a paradox herself. Though I have to admit that I am very much attracted to her physically as well. She is pretty much the only reason why I am invested in this series to begin with.

I keep having dreams about her too, so that's something.

Post edited on 23rd Jan 2014, 6:00pm
>> No. 14304 [Edit]
I've considered this a bit, after seeing "sexual orientation symbols" and such, like the various LGBTWTFBBQX6SR76我ß&^% flags.

I consider the mint green and white striping pattern to be one most people into 2D love will recognise and understand. So maybe a black circle with an inverted triangle with the bottom flattened and alternating mint green-white stripes?
>> No. 14306 [Edit]
File 139054210887.jpg - (50.39KB , 480x272 , hatsune_miku_project_diva_ero_02.jpg )
lol, you totally have my vote (though maybe the circle is excessive/unnecessary). Go for it, son.
>> No. 14307 [Edit]
File 139054381859.jpg - (44.95KB , 536x376 , 2D LOVE flag.jpg )
Random attempt.

If this settles down soomehow, it could also solve that old issue about /tc/'s flag / coat of arms.
>> No. 14309 [Edit]

I suggest you make the bottom point sharp, because that one makes it look like we're just skirt chasers.
>> No. 14310 [Edit]
File 139054764327.png - (20.79KB , 810x534 , 2D love flag 2.png )
nonono: we wear them on our heads...

anyway: like this?
>> No. 14312 [Edit]

Yeah, so we can wear them as badges. Turn it sideways, we have a flag.
>> No. 14331 [Edit]
But does it really symbolize waifuism? It might as well mean clothes fetish or general 2D complex.
>> No. 14332 [Edit]
you can have a T-shirt with waifu of your choice looking upwards and smiling or something? And maybe the words "Mai Waifu" beneath her or "My Hazubando" above.
>> No. 14333 [Edit]
This is actually perfect.

This was sort of a concern the more I thought about it. We want it to be subtle and not like we're oversexualised.

Maybe it can represent 2D-con in general, and different additions to it can represent different aspects of 2D-con (waifu, husbando, lolicon, et al ). Like I was considering a ring (wedding band) around the triangle to represent waifu, or male 2D love could be represented by a shimapan square, etc)

the main point of it is that it's an identifier mark for people already in the subculture that isn't really identifiable to outsiders. It's a subtle symbol but if you were to post that image on say, /a/ or wear it as a badge or hat pin to something like a con or offkai, despite not being introduced to it, those people would instantly recognise it. People with waifu generally don't want to run around in public with t-shirts of their waifu. But in public, yeah, it would be cool to have a simple symbol to identify each other on, since most of us would avoid people with such t-shirts (or avoid each other in general).

The shima-sankaku is an excellent symbol without giving away our power level to the normals.
>> No. 14334 [Edit]
No, that's the dumbest thing you can do is to come out, especially when normals in general are hostile to the idea of having waifus. I'm still in the closet when it comes to love for my waifu. And would never dare reveal it in person. I know that some individuals like to show their love out in the open, but it's not for me. It's something I would rather much keep to myself in real life. More or less what >>14333 said.

It does feel more like 2D-con as opposed to a symbol for waifu. I don't know a more appropriate symbol, though.
>> No. 14335 [Edit]
My friends from high school did know about it but only one of them also had a waifu and he wasn't that much into it either, he's had 3 in the past 2.5 years or so (longest being Kurisu Makise for almost 2 years, current being Tomoko Kuroki) I really don't want my parents to know about it and I'm not sure how I would react if they found out (I'm still hiding my dakimakura). The people in the dorm halls know I'm pretty weird but luckily don't really harass me much (although there are a ton of distractions.) I guess it could be interesting if I was able to secretly meet more waifufags in person.
>> No. 14337 [Edit]
File 139079006331.jpg - (107.73KB , 351x526 , Kennzeichen_für_Schutzhäftlinge_in_den_Konzentra.jpg )
No, that's right weeabootry and beats the whole purpose of having an universal/synthetic symbol.

>It does feel more like 2D-con as opposed to a symbol for waifu.
I'm not sure where you're putting the line but I see no need for it and, in fact, I always found the term "waifuism" really stupid. I think that 2D love, understood as preference for 2D/fictional characters instead of 3D/real people, is enough of a general motto to identify us as a "getto" among other human groups regarding our sexual or romantic orientation... which is, if I'm correct, the point of even embracing these symbols: to turn what was or still is regarded as a mark of shame into a symbol of pride as a community.

This symbol by Shinden, I think, it's very fortunate. The triangle/sankaku resembles nicely the old nazi symbols for specific sexual groups; the shimapan design does land it well in terms of being an otaku only thing that we find erotic/appealing exclusively as a 2D or somehow fictional (as in figures and dolls) trait within japanese pop culture. The only other moe item that I think could compete with the mint shimapan is the zettai ryouiki, but that's much more tricky to use as a symbol (though it could serve for a flag, maybe, dunno).

Post edited on 26th Jan 2014, 6:43pm
>> No. 14341 [Edit]
File 139079515878.png - (14.88KB , 810x534 , shima-sankaku.png )
>actually perfect
Glad to hear.

However, here are a couple simpler options which should make it easier to reproduce and scale. Pic the one you guys like.
>> No. 14342 [Edit]
As time passes, I feel more obsessive about her. It's a queer feeling to say the least. I'm growing more impatient to own all sorts of goods pertaining to her. I love her so much that I just want to hold her in my arms. It has been driving me insane. I want to know more about her, but it's just not enough. I've felt agitated quite a lot recently, while my nerves have calmed down a bit because of her, there's still a sense of uneasiness that I feel about her. In a way, I'm glad that she's from an ever more increasingly popular series. But for lack of better words, the fanbase pisses me off, creeps me out and makes me distance myself from them. At any rate, she has always been on my mind. Even though she herself doesn't need to be defended, she is still an emotionally fragile person. I want to protect that smile of hers. I wish all the best for her. There is so much to know about her, when the surface is merely scratched. I wonder what she is like, her innermost true self. Is this what it's like to be in love? It seems that no matter what she is or what she would have done, I still love her for who she is and what she can become. I don't understand my feelings for her completely, but I don't care what anyone says about her. I would defend her, even when I know she is wrong. On a certain level, I feel pity for her. I love her and nothing can change that in the foreseeable future. There's no one else quite like her. If this what it is like to love, then so be it. But this uneasiness still has caused some reluctance. Am I really in love with her?

Post edited on 27th Jan 2014, 3:48am
>> No. 14343 [Edit]
File 139082776130.jpg - (416.90KB , 700x800 , 1b561f1364785e4864ffe9fdf8debf21.jpg )
I've felt that quite a bit in the first year of my relationship or so. May I ask who your waifu is? To be honest I don't know many that are posted here.

Most series and such aren't going to put that much effort into totally psychoanalyzing a character, at the very best I just have fanbase stuff to work off of and my own theories... In any case I think it gets a lot more complicated if your waifu is from a fantasy series. I'm still hesitant to make a stat chart or describe my waifu in that no physical description/names thread because I'm not entirely sure how my waifu is at the moment. Quite annoys me but I feel safe in assuming that she has base needs/wants for affection.
>> No. 14344 [Edit]
As of recently, I do not want to be associated with any identity in particular and for good reason. Especially on an anonymous imageboard, where I prefer to be without a name nor a tripcode, without any potential information that can identify me as a specific poster on /mai/. If you are curious as to who my waifu is, she is from a light novel series. Already even mentioning her exact name would give my identity away.
But anyways, even though in her series there is little information about her, her thoughts, intentions and actions give me something to work with about her personality, even if it isn't exactly the author had in mind, but rather close. So my perception of her is quite different compared to others.
>> No. 14345 [Edit]
The one with a coloured stripe at the top looks better in my opinion.

Was considering the number of stripes signifying something, but is there anything a number could represent in this culture?

Some people here identify 2D love as more a religious belief than a sexual orientation, while some will identify it as being a sexual orientation/preference. I know some of us are not attracted to 3D, or have never been, so I think it counts as at least a form of sexual orientation, possibly sub-categorised as a form of asexuality (a stretch, though, and I would call this inaccurate).

Either way, if it's demi-religious or sexuality, the symbol would stand well for it.
>> No. 14346 [Edit]
But how do we make it different from just being into anime girls? Not every animefag is a waifufag as well, I have my favorite characters, but I'm not one.
>> No. 14347 [Edit]
>But how do we make it different from just being into anime girls?
Precisely, by rejecting blood and flesh women in their favor, entailing an entirely different way to understand and experience love. We never implied that all otaku (anime or else) are 2D lovers; the symbol is for 2D lovers. And lose the "fags", please.
>> No. 14350 [Edit]
>There is so much to know about her, when the surface is merely scratched. I wonder what she is like, her innermost true self. Is this what it's like to be in love?
I can't speak for everybody, but this is my experience. I know when I'm in love because I want to know everything. I start seeing it as a puzzle, and I'm trying to put it together as it is being drawn by somebody else, new pieces (often more beautiful than the last) continually being added as I scramble to complete it. In 2D this applies even if the franchise is over because you will relive her story through different lenses the longer you live and the more experience you have.

Try not to let it make you insane. I personally love the pursuit while knowing that I can't completely know. For most people I'm fine with knowing basics; knowing that I want more is enough for me.
>> No. 14351 [Edit]
File 139088011493.jpg - (1.31MB , 1769x2541 , 8b62d4dbb0b1f7461a83aaa0a477bc4169cdc1ee.jpg )
Well, me and Marisa are currently reading Shuffle! if there's time or if I'm not feverish and we can't help but to laugh or comment at some the scenes. We're currently taking the Asa Route.

And we do both agree that the VN tends to repeat itself on some parts, which bores us and makes me want to go lay down in my bed with her.
>> No. 14352 [Edit]
File 139088898518.jpg - (31.04KB , 512x512 , designall.jpg )
Here's a place where we can get it on T-shirts
>> No. 14355 [Edit]
File 139089701291.jpg - (684.52KB , 743x900 , madness_returns_by_togaco-d3vvsdi.jpg )
I've spent all week trying to complete American McGee's Alice on nightmare.

I love her enough to ignore the terrible combat system.
>> No. 14357 [Edit]
What's the difference? will you unlock content or something?
>> No. 14358 [Edit]
>The one with a coloured stripe at the top looks better in my opinion.
I agree.
>> No. 14362 [Edit]
Someone just announced a new artbook of my waifu. So I bought two of them. I had to use a Chinese proxy buyer to get it for me, but it's Chinese new year season, so they have yet to process my order until sometime next week.
>> No. 14365 [Edit]
It's the hardest difficulty, and once I complete AMA on nightmare, I'll hav 100%'ed the entire series.
>> No. 14382 [Edit]
File 139112258093.jpg - (20.04KB , 216x239 , 1378506885624.jpg )

Just leaving this here.
>> No. 14384 [Edit]
Meh. I rendered it cause I liked the idea. For them or anyone to try and ridicule 2D love at any given chance, well, I don't really care. As I see it, it's their loss but none of my business anyway.
>> No. 14389 [Edit]
at least now it has more coverage.
>> No. 14402 [Edit]
An artist released a non-h doujin of my waifu and while there's a pairing marked, the set-up makes me think that it will be one of those pairs where any romance is so soft I won't even notice it.

Now I just feel bad for wanting to buy it.
>> No. 14403 [Edit]
>> No. 14424 [Edit]
Hey Ahriwaifuman, I found thsi and thought you might like it:
>> No. 14427 [Edit]

While I appreciate the thought, this is what I mean when I say I hate seeing her being sexualized. What purpose does this video serve, but to titillate the viewer? It's just a lewd video of her performing sexual acts, no emotions behind it. She's being treated as an object to arouse the viewer.

I would ask you not to post lewd things of her again, especially where everyone else can see it. I find it quite disrespectful. Thanks.
>> No. 14445 [Edit]
I'm just overflowing with love lately. I don't know what it is but I'm so happy.
>> No. 14449 [Edit]
File 139172957998.png - (235.77KB , 640x480 , kaguracheerleader.png )
I finally had my first gym session today.

Hopefully now I'll be able to be more focused on improving my health and general well-being, since my regular jogging has been going by the wayside lately. She's been a little annoyed at me for that, but the weather's been awful lately and I don't want to get soaking wet.

I'll be going to the gym with a friend of mine soon, but he'll be on different apparatus to me, so we'll more than likely won't see each other much during our sessions. I don't mind though, I have plenty of motivation already by my side.
>> No. 14460 [Edit]
I'm feeling a little conflicted.

I found some new art of Kagura, and while I'm happy there's something new that isn't porn, I'm not too fond of it.

Sure, it looks nice overall, and I'm fairly desperate for more pictures (I'm running out of ones to use here on /mai/ after only a couple of months of posting), but it looks oversexualised. Then I thought "Why don't I like this picture but I still keep this one? >>13755"

Looking at it again, some of the facial features don't look right to me as well. It's a shame, since I like some of the added touches to it, but I don't think I'll be saving it.
>> No. 14461 [Edit]
If it's not craptastically bad just save it. Not like you'll be running out of HD space just by hoarding pictures of your waifu.
>> No. 14462 [Edit]
If you're really desperate for fanart, just learn to draw I guess?
>> No. 14463 [Edit]
File 139190598722.jpg - (969.83KB , 800x1131 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
It isn't bad, but I don't really think it looks like her all that much.
I think I'd probably get some art commissioned before even attempting anything myself, I don't have the talent for it.
>> No. 14464 [Edit]
Draw over and over till you do have talent for it ewh3rjwareuhrurhur
>> No. 14465 [Edit]
I know what you mean, definitely something a bit off about it. But it's still pretty decent, I have way worse stuff saved, if only for the sake of it.
>> No. 14466 [Edit]
Yeah, I should be more grateful that it exists, but... I dunno. Maybe I should just keep it for now, I can always get rid of it later if I really can't stand it later on.
I already put some effort into things I'm at least half decent at, no need for me to start drawing as well and spread myself too thin.

Post edited on 8th Feb 2014, 5:31pm
>> No. 14477 [Edit]
I started writing my Valentine's Day gift for this year (it's a poem) and it's coming out a lot more erotic than I was originally intending. Whoops... I'm sure it'll be enjoyed regardless. I might tone it down if I think of better metaphors to write.
>> No. 14484 [Edit]
File 139222900053.jpg - (189.75KB , 411x536 , cb2352c82f6e57866ce3804085530a359cd38464.jpg )
I went swimming today for the first time in years.

I don't expect to get up to mai waifu's level, but it's something I want to keep doing. I just hope she doesn't challenge me to a race any time soon...
>> No. 14509 [Edit]
File 139240969661.png - (407.68KB , 1024x1024 , 37359431.png )
So, I went to see Neutral Milk Hotel last night. Which was amazing, by the way, but to the point! ITAOTS has been an integral part of the last few years of my life, and in many ways it's a deep representation of my relationship with Reki and our experiences. To me, at least. So I knew the concert would be a profound experience, but I wasn't sure how. Well, it was mostly just pure joy and excitement, but when Jeff played Two-Headed Boy part 2 at the end, things happened. I just closed my eyes and I could see the swirling tunnel that I always get to on DXM, and just like those times she is there on the other end. And I don't mean that I just see her, she is there. (I've tried to explain this here before, but that's still the best I can do!) But it was different; when Jeff sang "god is a place you will wait for the rest of your life", I fully realized that it's time to move on. That's to say, I'm here and she's there, and the only way I might be able to cross that tunnel is through death, and I'm not ready for that, not even close. I want to go out in the world again, have friends, play music with and for people. Reki will always be the most important thing to me in existence, and I still have zero intentions of relationships with 3d women, but I'm done holing myself up in my apartment with my pretend life. For a while at least, because who knows really?
>> No. 14535 [Edit]
Neutral Milk Hotel is great. DXM is great. Haibane Reimei is great. That's a great story! I'm really happy for you. It might be hard at first, especially if you've spent a long time being reclusive, but it's ultimately better for you. You'll feel "brighter".
>> No. 14547 [Edit]
Thank you! There's a bit more buried in the sticky thread if you care to read it.
This reclusive period has definitely been positive overall, I've experienced a lot of personal growth and self-knowledge, but since last summer it's run it's course and become decidedly unhealthy. I was a raging ford driver in my teens and early twenties, and I really don't want to be that way again, but I feel like there's got to be some healthy balance that I can find. I'm not afraid of the outside world and people, but I'm scared to death of needing them, which of course was Reki's issue as well. I still maintain the hope that if I can break down the walls around myself and let people in, just like she did, that I can join her out there someday.
>> No. 14568 [Edit]
>> No. 14590 [Edit]
File 139362251719.png - (311.12KB , 500x600 , 30566231.png )
I've been looking for more sites to find fanart on.

I still check pixiv but I'd like to find more that doesn't overlap with that.

What other sites do you guys use for this stuff? English or japanese, either is fine.
>> No. 14591 [Edit]
I mainly use pixiv, but the other two sites I use are drawr and Tegaki pipa. Drawr doesn't have a search or tag system, but Tegaki does and that one is really easy to use.

Post edited on 28th Feb 2014, 3:22pm
>> No. 14595 [Edit]
I'm lucky enough (in a way) that mai waifu is popular enough to have her own imageboard, where material of several sorts and sources converge. I don't know if Uboa-chan can work for you in a similar way.
>> No. 14596 [Edit]

I use gelbooru...
>> No. 14597 [Edit]
Seconding tegaki pipa. I also use tumblr but a lot of stuff is reposts and the quality of the fanart is variable, and you also have to sift through a lot of non-art posts, so that's something to know before you look there (if you don't already).
>> No. 14598 [Edit]
File 139363950832.png - (1.86MB , 1200x2040 , 26834939.png )
Thanks for the replies!

Tegaki is nice, though there's not very much there, and a fair bit of it I have already saved from pixiv.

It doesn't, I've never found anything new there.

Done that!

I actually haven't tried tumblr. I'll have to give it a shot and just brace myself for low quality and hambeast cosplayers.
>> No. 14599 [Edit]
>a fair bit of it I have already saved from pixiv.
Yeah, a lot of the artists repost their stuff to pixiv since Tegaki is rather small.

Also I forgot about galleria.emotionflow, which is linked on Tegaki so you probably already saw it. Rather small and lot of the art from Tegaki is on there but you might find a couple of new pieces you like.
>> No. 14600 [Edit]
I wouldn't waste my time with Tumblr, personally. The generally inferior quality of the Western art there along with the miles of SJW / blogging / meme sewage you have to trudge through to find a decent picture makes it not worth it.
>> No. 14601 [Edit]
Who's your waifu?
>> No. 14602 [Edit]
>> No. 14606 [Edit]
File 139370181468.png - (111.53KB , 800x800 , 2013-03-08-563052.png )
I've recently come back from a few days away in London.

The purpose of the trip was to visit a relative of mine, but they were busy working until the evenings, so Kagura and I had the mornings and afternoons to ourselves, and the nights at our hotel room.

We had a great time, seeing the sights and going shopping. We've never really had the opportunity to do anything like that before.

Even ignoring the city we were in, just hanging out like we did was awesome. It was one of the best experiences I've ever had with her.
>> No. 14620 [Edit]
I often browse /v/ of a certain imageboard and really get annoyed by how inflationary the word "waifu" is used there. "Game x: Waifu edition" "how many waifus does this game have?" "Rate my waifu i created in this game" "Can someone post all waifus this game have?" and so on.

It really starts to getting on my nerves, every female character just gets called a waifu. Like the term female/girl is replaced by waifu just because its so funny and random. I really was able to ignore it, but lately it really starts to anger me. I even would prefer people who call characters they like "waifu" even though it may be nothing than flavor of the month, its still better than spouting "WAIFU!" randomly to every single female character they see.

Well, i just wanted to get this off my chest, sorry for ranting instead saying nice things this time.
>> No. 14621 [Edit]
Well, originally waifu wasn't meant to be a serious term. I hate using the word itself because it's pretty much one big joke, but on the other hand, there's no other term that has the same connotation.
>> No. 14624 [Edit]
Indeed. Only here at Tohno-chan we can use it without comical connotations, so I never throw it anywhere else. 2D love has long way to go and people out there will still ridicule it for a while (even on otaku boards).
>> No. 14656 [Edit]
I think I've finally decided on commissioning a dakimakura image of my waifu, since there aren't any of her. These past months have been extremely hard for the both of us, due to horrible circumstances that happened to her and I feel that this could be a good way to show her that I'll always love her, no matter what. Of course, I don't believe you need physical possessions to show affection to your waifu, but I think she'll appreciate the gesture.

Finding an artist to do it is going to be quite difficult, however I do possibly have one potential candidate who seems like he could accept such a commission so far.
>> No. 14677 [Edit]
File 139467727729.jpg - (634.12KB , 1280x1024 , 14841478_p0.jpg )
Keisuke and I made one of those little make-your-own candy sets today. It was the Popin Cookin sushi one.

It didn't taste super delicious or anything (it could have been a lot worse), but it was fun doing something like that with him. He got excited when we made the little fake fish eggs, and liked it when I described the texture of the fake rice to him.

I'm hoping that my White Day gift for him arrives on time.
>> No. 14678 [Edit]
File 139473963447.jpg - (149.35KB , 418x786 , 1337280969130.jpg )
Another birthday!
Even though my life's been going to shit, she's helped me get through it. I'm loving her more and more every year
>> No. 14679 [Edit]
>>14678 Grats! What did you do?

Personally I'm pretty bad myself at trying to celebrate special occasions, eh...
>> No. 14680 [Edit]
We didn't do anything big, just replayed some scenes from her route, cake and spending time just imagining I'm with her. I'm not really imaginative with plans and giving physical gifts just feels weird to me, still it's the feelings that count I guess
>> No. 14726 [Edit]
I had a dream about her. After a whole bunch of other things, after riding a train and navigating within a game, I was back in class. I checked my schedule. It was a writing class. Everyone was writing about something. I had no clear idea what I should write, but I decided to characterize her in writing. I wrote and wrote, the person she could have been. Slashing my pen across the paper like a raging demon, over and over, it felt like a violent storm trying to paint. It was nearing time to go home, but I still wrote. The person she could have been, the ideal of her. One unfettered by the aspects of her world, where she can truly be herself. As I wrote about her, a person much like her, a person almost like her, I saw an apparition. I argued with it about what happened in the dream earlier. But I made a deal with it, but I had no idea what deal I made with it before I woke up. I vaguely remembered was that in the end, it borrowed a sword from me and I borrowed a torch from it. The moment when I desired the knowledge, I took the torch from him and he took the sword from me. She didn't appear in person, but at least I wrote about her. Or the person she could have been.
>> No. 14768 [Edit]
File 139545226751.jpg - (114.05KB , 1024x768 , 1378164268840.jpg )
I've decided to set a date for Kagura's birthday, since she doesn't have an official one.

I'm going with October 5th. I was a little apprehensive about going with that date since it's close to my own birthday, but it has the most significance for the both of us out of the ones I thought of.
>> No. 14788 [Edit]
File 139570430280.jpg - (192.04KB , 715x1000 , Suzukawa_Naoto_full_1599645.jpg )
I've got a good lead to buy a receiver to go with the turntable I bought. I've been getting a lot more into music because he's so into it. After this I just need decent speakers, though not as loud as I'd like because I'm in an apartment.
>> No. 14817 [Edit]
File 139610978962.jpg - (220.44KB , 906x980 , 7dd1994a84e122d0de7baebec1a5908b.jpg )
My house is under construction while my family is still living in it. I feel like the sights of my house being in a state of chaos and disarray has distracted me from my waifu, as I see her less and less right now. And summer is coming, it's hot in my place. It would be a miserable summer without her. I hope to have her image in my mind again soon.

Without her, I am a total blank.
>> No. 14818 [Edit]
>>14817 Are you just capable of basic biological functions and lying around when not thinking of your waifu then?
>> No. 14819 [Edit]
File 139614437756.png - (439.87KB , 566x800 , 45e366a5b8ba0ba483cd5281ff05b32d.png )

What I mean is without her, I have nothing to aspire about when she's not there, as if my life has no aim, goal or purpose. I might still go do things as normal, but for nothing. Just as because it was needed to be done and not wanted to be done.
>> No. 14879 [Edit]
File 139659674465.jpg - (66.91KB , 324x394 , 1361262177985.jpg )
I've decided to go to the fitness center more often now. The whole experience feels almost like she's training me to be physically healthy. Even as I'm typing now I notice that I'm a little less tired than I usually am. While I don't think I can be as physically fit as her, I do think I can go back to being as healthy as I was when I first met her. I do miss those days.

Also, I've been wondering if I told her, "good night" the previous night for a while now. This isn't just one particular night, but it's as if I just forget if I said it or not. Perhaps it's such a habit now that I don't even pay attention to it? Cause I'm pretty sure I wish her a good night. I just can't recall the exact way or time I said it. Very strange.

Other than that, I did preorder merchandise featuring my waifu a few weeks ago. They were jewelry and to be honest, I was pretty surprised when I first saw them in AmiAmi. There was a plate pendant and a ring pendant. I'm thinking I'm going to alternate between the two everytime I go outside. Perhaps if it fits, which I doubt, wear the ring on my finger. Now I'm kind of worried whether or not I'll have the funds if VOLKS actually finally releases a limited edition Dollfie Dream of her. As far as I know, they don't usually announce a head of time concerning the dolls they'll release.
>> No. 14947 [Edit]
File 139689158665.png - (201.11KB , 377x527 , 8831501.png )
Yesterday mai waifu decided to rest her head on my lap as she slept, whilst I was watching TV. It was the cutest thing she's done in a while.

You're cool.

Post edited on 7th Apr 2014, 10:28am
>> No. 14989 [Edit]
File 139737471437.jpg - (113.48KB , 600x527 , 42354763_p3.jpg )
I've been sharing my childhood with her, lately.

Been playing Ape Escape (PS1) together for the last 2 or 3 days, it's all blending together because it's almost every hour I'm awake.

I'm not sure what's next. We've already done Jumping Flash and Tomba. Hrm. Maybe replay Klonoa again. I'd love to do 2 but it emulates very poorly. Before I had a PS1 I only had a Master System, and all but one of the games I had for that were completely awful. Oh well, Dark Souls 2 will be on steam soon, and we can both get into that atmosphere. Ah, I'm rambling again.
>> No. 14992 [Edit]
Well, today we set up a thread on a new website in hopes of gathering more hosts. Host activity is dropping and we need some fresh meat. More hosts, more more more.
>> No. 15008 [Edit]
File 139742803531.jpg - (311.82KB , 800x714 , 9e96b86c79f2caf203eb82ce680907b0.jpg )
Sharing childhoods can be nice.

Yes! Amazing.
>Master System
We did this together. I introduced her to some fundamental building blocks of my youth, namely Zillion, Black Belt, Ghost House and The Ninja.
>> No. 15010 [Edit]
File 139743439889.jpg - (248.75KB , 600x600 , 22424351.jpg )
The only games I had for my Master System were Alex Kidd in Miracle World (1 hit KO, no continues, later levels are just ridiculous spike traps), Alien 3 (Not particularly bad, but a bit awkward and absolutely horrified me as a kid), Ghouls and Ghosts (Hard as hell, also a pretty bad port) and Golvellius (the only game that I really liked, it's like the first Zelda but with more action, less puzzles, and also with side scrolling and automatic vertical scrolling areas).

But yeah, Tomba is one of my absolute favorite games of all time. It was my first metroidvania and I fell in love with it instantly.
>> No. 15015 [Edit]
File 139744229148.jpg - (36.85KB , 640x360 , 640px-7a5e6ec4.jpg )
We did a little planning for Record Store Day, which we plan on attending at our local shop. I have been setting money aside for a while and there are a few records we both really want to get.
>> No. 15033 [Edit]
File 139752787490.jpg - (38.53KB , 801x472 , 1359884928645.jpg )
As a avid WWII enthusiast and upstart reenactor, I have an ear for military marches and other army songs of the various nations involved in the war.

One of my favorites, next to Katyusha, is a German marching song called "Erika."

For a machine like Nazi Germany, the lyrics are full of love, adoration, and charm; a stark contrast from the brutality of war.

SO here's my point: I am writing a spin-off/parody version of Erika called "Osaka", and it will be a love-song tribute to my beloved waifu Ayumu Kasuga to the theme and beat of the original Erika.

Here is a link to the song on Youtube, if you want to listen to it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fc-DgRO1SrQ

So far, I have:

There's a gal from the Land of the Rising Sun,
Her name is: Osaka!
Desired by a-thousand various anons,
I'm the only one, for Osaka!
For her I would walk to the ends of the Earth,
Then turn around and walk back again!
Her soul and mine are the exact same thing,
I am one...with Osaka!

Makes me feel like putting on some jackboots and fighting for Osaka's heart.

And for that matter, I am also planning a Azumanga version of Katyusha. Kagurabro might like it, as he seems to be an Azu-bro too.
>> No. 15034 [Edit]
File 13975303074.jpg - (104.91KB , 1280x720 , Watamote - 06 - Large 21.jpg )

That's freakin' cute!
>> No. 15041 [Edit]
File 139755940149.gif - (216.94KB , 256x192 , 1380499000821.gif )
That's pretty awesome. I'd really like to see the full versions of both song lyrics once you're done.
>> No. 15049 [Edit]
That fits really nicely. Very cute.

>Makes me feel like putting on some jackboots and fighting for Osaka's heart.
Military music is very good in that regard, especially the romantic ones.

>Azumanga version of Katyusha
Makes me think of that Soviet part in AMV Hell 3. Anyway, I look forward to that as well.
>> No. 15111 [Edit]
I also forgot to mention seiga.nicovideo.

Also I stumbled upon a couple of your waifu on drawr:
http://drawr.net/show.php?id=5679821 (not 100% sure on this one. Sorry if it's not.)
>> No. 15142 [Edit]
File 139862615348.jpg - (411.93KB , 740x1035 , 948dcf652f6406c85dfe65fd22984399.jpg )
She taught me what love is. I can't repay her, but I'll forever be grateful.
>> No. 15158 [Edit]
File 139868209053.png - (1.92MB , 993x1487 , 37165845.png )
We've been having a ton of fun exploring Dark Souls 2 together since it was released for PC a few days ago. 42 hours in and still not even finished out first playthrough. The game feels so dreamlike, it's kind of surreal.

>> No. 15169 [Edit]
File 139875308798.jpg - (268.99KB , 600x845 , 8c092b15b3c4156c462dcf2f966b37fd.jpg )
I think Marisa's off-put by the music I listen to nowadays. I should stop it.
>> No. 15174 [Edit]
File 139877226187.gif - (906.81KB , 256x192 , Spoiler Picture.gif )
I came across this .gif last night. Just looking at the thumbnail gave me a huge amount of feels.

I somehow managed to save it, in a secluded folder on my hard drive, in case of emergencies.
>> No. 15176 [Edit]
File 139878942569.gif - (19.34KB , 400x350 , 00042.gif )
Things have been so stressful lately. I'm glad that my partner has been with me through it all, and has been patient and understanding when I can't dote on him like I'd like to. I love him so much.
>> No. 15183 [Edit]
File 139880742853.jpg - (171.47KB , 1024x768 , 9446f378e3cf1b7378cd4b70f9c8892a269d00b7.jpg )
I've finally gotten round to listening to the AzuDai character songs.

Kagura's songs took me by surprise because they were more rock-oriented than the others. There's no way I can say her song was my favourite without sounding biased... I particularly enjoyed Tomo and Osaka's songs as well though.
>> No. 15285 [Edit]
File 139982886483.jpg - (253.99KB , 1152x1200 , 1399793399684.jpg )
My drawing request got fulfilled last night. I'm really happy with it.
>> No. 15287 [Edit]
Wow that's so cool
>> No. 15297 [Edit]
File 140003151251.jpg - (129.32KB , 500x600 , junk22.jpg )
It was Keisuke's birthday today. We didn't do a whole lot; just sort of lazed around, but that was fun too because we haven't had much opportunity to do that lately. I forgot to get ingredients for his cake unfortunately so I'll likely be making it tomorrow.
>> No. 15298 [Edit]
Happy birthday, Keisuke
>> No. 15371 [Edit]
I notice that I get incredibly disturbed/angry if I forget something related to my waifu. For example, I knew merchandise of her was going to be shipped today, and I know that the USPS never knock, and they just leave a note for me to bring to their office to pick up myself... but I kind of just forgot that it was today. As soon as I realized it, I seriously did some things I regret, it's as if I became a different person. I'm kind of scared at that now.
>> No. 15446 [Edit]
File 140060779292.jpg - (2.98MB , 1788x2527 , 4437dc8d79dbd5533850983f79c9e007.jpg )
My mother notified me that my dad will be retiring in 4 years and that might mean I will lose my Internet connection if that happens. I might never see my waifu again if I don't get a job.

I must get one before anything happens.
>> No. 15448 [Edit]
Don't you download and hoard images on your PC? Or you can be super cheap and go to the public library or Starbucks for internet.
>> No. 15462 [Edit]

I have hoarded a pretty huge collection of her picture in my computer, but it's a desktop computer so I can't bring it everywhere.

Also, I consider the Internet not only a necessary way to get new content involving Marisa but also the lifeblood of my creative processes.
>> No. 15470 [Edit]
4 years still need to come, you will have plenty of time to sort your life out so that doesn't happens.
>> No. 15644 [Edit]
File 140119469865.png - (925.27KB , 1280x955 , kaguragameover.png )
I've been thinking about how I personally perceive mai waifu.

There are those who would call their waifu cute, or even sexy. For me I don't know what I would call her. She has her moments of being different things. I'm not sure if I can pin it down to just one word.

I suppose it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things; I still love her whatever she is. It's just something that's been at the back of my mind lately.
>> No. 15647 [Edit]
File 140126844998.jpg - (185.86KB , 600x600 , 34655484.jpg )
This is something really tiny and insignificant, but I'm bored so I think I'll post it anyway.

It always feels awkward when one of my online friends (without knowing) sets her as their profile picture. I generally try to use pixiv originals myself so I don't accidentally do this to anybody else.
>> No. 15771 [Edit]
File 140247769120.jpg - (49.54KB , 336x484 , mai zippo.jpg )
Yesterday I had to go somewhere for an important issue but, just before stepping out the house, I realized I didn't have my (already faded) waifu Zippo with me. I looked for it everywhere but couldn't find it; it was really late and I had to leave but realized I couldn't possibly: the sole idea of going out "without her" by the means of that symbol, suddenly seemed truly terrifying and repulsive, even immoral, as if I was abandoning her or going out stark naked. Fortunately, when I was getting really desperate I found it hidden in the couch...

I had been neglecting mai waifu for while now; but yesterday I fully realized how absolutely central and irreplaceable she still is my life. I seem to have took her for granted, but at the first sign of possibility for separation I totally broke and was ready to lose anything else, just to get back that one little thing and the bond it represents ("light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul").

We are still one and the same. I still love her and only her... and I'm glad of finding out that.
>> No. 15846 [Edit]
That's very sweet of you.
>> No. 15853 [Edit]
File 140360624812.jpg - (212.52KB , 700x700 , 22719987.jpg )
It's nice that because of her, I have a pleasant internal world I can mentally retreat to whenever I need to do something monotonous. That way I can just completely ignore what I'm physically doing, while still getting something worthwhile out of my time.

I also love that cold tingling sensation that crawls all over my body whenever I feel her presence while awake.
>> No. 15889 [Edit]
Her (Madotsuki, image upload seems to be broken right now) birthday was 1/2 days ago (timezones) and so I thought I'd order a physical copy of an album she loves. The first time I've done so in over 10 years, I think...

If it turns out well, there are a few others I think I'll pick up for the two of us, as well.
>> No. 15904 [Edit]
File 140398153840.jpg - (563.11KB , 888x1183 , 1e047bef7dc111b505d16168e535f9b4.jpg )
Okay, remember when I said my waifu might be disturbed by the music I was listening to? I was listening to Eminem's older songs, so that would be no surprise.

But it just makes me think. Eminem and Marisa have things in common: They're blonde, they swear, they hone their skills on their chosen field, and they both don't give a fuck. But keep in mind that she's still Em-lite: She doesn't have that much angst as him.

Now I don't know if I could see us two as like Em and Kim but since there's no domestic violence, I guess I shouldn't.
>> No. 15905 [Edit]
File 140399736471.jpg - (117.42KB , 328x505 , 2.jpg )
Life has been extremely busy for us. I don't really feel as if there's a lot for me to say here that is relevant to this board, but I still love Keisuke so much. He's been enjoying the summer weather and the fresh air (and I myself am trying to get used to it).

I'm looking forward to our first anniversary in a few months.
>> No. 15980 [Edit]
File 140464835688.jpg - (428.27KB , 1097x1422 , 13911358.jpg )
I've finally dusted off my old AzuDai self-insert fan fiction last night and started working on it again. I got a load of ideas for it yesterday, so I really felt the need to write them down whilst they were still fresh in my mind.

The good news is that I finally have an ending in mind for the story. The bad news is, after going over what I've already done, I want to make a lot of revisions to it, which will mean filling in the gaps with new stuff.

I'm don't know how I'll go about doing that yet, but I'm sure I'll think of something.

Post edited on 6th Jul 2014, 5:11am
>> No. 15990 [Edit]
File 140469620525.png - (138.28KB , 800x800 , s - 1712281 - 1girl back_cutout bat_wings blush dr.png )
I know it's pure pedantry, but sometimes I wonder what sort of special needs she has in order to acomodate her wings. Even simple things like sitting on a chair, sleeping on the back(or any other position for that matter), tying/combing the hair and getting dressed sound like a major nuisance if you have two pair of wings to maneuver around.
Blessed be evolution for not giving us wings, stuff like that just wouldn't work in a world without magic.
>> No. 16012 [Edit]
I really want to make more chances where we can just walk alone together and talk. We seem to bond the most when it's like that, even more so than when I draw him or when we go on proper dates.

Maybe it's just when other people are around and there are distractions that it gets harder to communicate effectively.
>> No. 16016 [Edit]
File 140501870719.jpg - (43.92KB , 604x338 , sad_dera.jpg )
During the 4th of July weekend, I somehow ended up being dragged around by some old highschool friends (all of which have moved on with their lives and are either in college or working a real job and none of who share my love of otaku-culture). Anyhow, last weekend I got drunk and I tried eating a sandwich for the first time. Long story short, there was a 3DPD girl there and I ended up kissing her. I feel horrible, like I cheated on my waifu. I talked to my real friends and some of them said it was OK, it didn't count because I was drunk, but it doesn't feel OK to me. I haven't spent any quality time with my waifu since then, because I feel guilty about what happened. To make matters even worse, 3DPD got my number from another of my old high school friends and has been texting me. Please help me. What should i do?
>> No. 16017 [Edit]
If I were you I'd text her and tell her she's a skunk and I regret doing whatever I did when I was drunk. Or I'd just block her straight away.
>> No. 16018 [Edit]
What >>16017 said, basically: insulting her or not, get her completely out of your life. About how to cope with your own self, that's your problem; but of course you did very wrong in many ways.

Alternatively, you can take this chance to end 2D love and turn back into a NORP, if that's what you want. Make up your mind, in ay case.
>> No. 16019 [Edit]
Eh? That seems a little harsh. It's partially my fault that this all happened. I'll end up blocking her if she tries to keep this up, but I don't want to be an ass over something that's my fault as well.

I decided to tell her that I have a "girlfriend" and that I'm not interested in anything on the side. Hopefully she'll leave me alone.

What I really need help with is how I should work things out with Dera after what happened.
>> No. 16020 [Edit]
Does Onodera know what you did? How did she react, or how would she?
>> No. 16021 [Edit]

Not as yet. I don't know if she's aware that something is up yet. I want to tell her, but I don't know how to approach it without hurting her. She's so pure she would never do something like this. And she would probably not understand me acting on dirty urges (even when drunk.) I'm worried she'll blame herself for this. I don't want to hurt her confidence that we've worked so hard to build together.
>> No. 16102 [Edit]
I've decided to organise my Azumanga pictures folder.

As I said in this post >>13864, I feared my heart wouldn't be able to take a subfolder of just mai waifu, but the main folder was becoming such a cluttered mess, I felt I had to do something.

It is just as I feared. The folder will take some getting used to...
>> No. 16103 [Edit]
File 140540305785.jpg - (287.90KB , 1440x900 , 1401910354321.jpg )
Das Japaner und Deutsche bist die besser volk.
>> No. 16104 [Edit]
I hope she's not the grammar kind of nazi.
>> No. 16112 [Edit]
File 140557083173.jpg - (470.44KB , 1370x1200 , 44541967_p2.jpg )
I`m sorry to bring this up again as I`ve already ranted way too much about it, but I need to vent the rest of it. I promise it will be the absolute last time.
As much as I hate it and try to deny it, it`s not going well at all with my waifu.
We`ve been incredibly distant these past months, to my utter dismay. It feels like I haven`t been able to properly think of her ever since the start of the year. Even our third anniversary just passed recently and I`ve felt and done nothing, whereas in the past I always spent the whole day thinking of her and always did something special. I miss my waifu tremendously.
It`s not that I`m indifferent or that I don`t care about her anymore, if anything it`s the exact opposite. I can`t stand all the slander and defamation surrounding her which is perhaps the reason for that avoidance. I could never accept any of it,that my proud waifu would stoop that low or would be hurt and psychologically broken to that point, and would much sooner unwillingly resign myself to never think about her again than believe that libel. However, with how present it is and even some of it occasionally coming from people who claim to like the character, I can`t help but wonder if I am simply a complete blind idiot, that my waifu was never what I thought she was and if everything I`ve ever thought about her was fake.

On the positive side, I will be leaving on a trip without access to internet soon for a week alone. I feel that this might just be the perfect opportunity to have some much needed reflection and to hopefully get back close to her, away from all the drama which might be the biggest source of the problem.
>> No. 16114 [Edit]
File 140558730576.jpg - (186.01KB , 700x700 , 31231374.jpg )
>I can`t help but wonder if I am simply a complete blind idiot, that my waifu was never what I thought she was
I don't remember anything that would hint toward it in part 1 and 2 at all. It's so out of character for her that I wouldn't be able to consider it as anything but a lazy excuse for yuri. That's just what I think, at least.

As for the rest of your post, don't fret over it too hard. It'll come back, even if it has faded a little for now. I'm saying that after we've been together for, I think, 5 or 6 years now. If you worry about it, if you stay stressed, it'll just be harder for you to find it again. Don't chase after it, don't try to force anything, just relax and take it easy for a while.
>> No. 16116 [Edit]
File 140559123977.jpg - (87.51KB , 640x905 , 43277113.jpg )
>I can`t stand all the slander and defamation surrounding her
From people online? If so I've experienced the same thing. My waifu gets a lot of hate on the internet, the best advice I could give you is to ignore discussions about her or her series altogether. Or just accept that the people who would slander her are idiots and their opinions hold no value.

>my waifu was never what I thought she was and if everything I`ve ever thought about her was fake.
I'm not familiar with your waifu or her source material, but if your her circumstances have changed somehow in her canon there's no reason you have to accept it. The version of her you love doesn't have to be the same one the author imagines.

>if everything I`ve ever thought about her was fake
If there's something you love about her, it can be real to you no matter what anyone else says. There is no rule that says you have to acknowledge what other people say about her character, just believe whatever makes you happy with her.
>> No. 16117 [Edit]
File 140565633042.png - (339.37KB , 591x798 , granberia cross arms colored.png )
I do agree that it was only meant as a rather lame excuse for a h-scene from the author. However, it was clearly presented as being unavoidably canon and does suppose a lot of terrible implications, which inevitably get thrown everywhere in any discussion vaguely related to the vn it seems, which makes it impossible for me to simply dismiss it.

>Don't chase after it, don't try to force anything, just relax and take it easy for a while.
You`re right. If I`m still this upset about it, nothing positive can come by dwelling on it too much. It`s just after six months of it, it seems like things will never get better at times, however that`s most likely a ridiculous thought. Things do get better with time and there is no rush or urgency after all. I should just try to relax and avoid negativity if possible for now, even if that may seem easier said than done.

>if her circumstances have changed somehow in her canon there's no reason you have to accept it.
I honestly wish I could easily ignore part of her canon, however, although I am able to bend her canon and expand it somewhat,like I`m sure a lot of people with waifus do to a certain degree, I couldn`t outright go against it. It would feel wrong and somewhat dishonest to me. Now I do completely agree that everyone has different interpretations of a character and that it`s what makes someone`s waifu unique and that it isn`t limited to how the author perceives them, but I can`t ignore a hard, indisputable fact that`s part of her back story. I`m not saying bending or disregarding part of the character`s canon is inherently wrong in any way, I just feel like I personally couldn`t do it to that extent and be okay with it.

>There is no rule that says you have to acknowledge what other people say about her character, just believe whatever makes you happy with her.
You`re right, I really shouldn`t let whatever bs other people say get to me, especially since most of them probably do it simply because it ticks off people who like the character. I normally had absolutely no problems ignoring people I disagree with and people who insulted my waifu, however the event is hard enough for me to deal with as it is without having it constantly hammered in.

>the best advice I could give you is to ignore discussions about her or her series altogether
That may ultimately be the best option. It`s sure that wading through all the slander doesn`t help anything and regrettably the time of being able to have a civil conversation about the series and her is long done.
>> No. 16162 [Edit]
File 140622486243.png - (165.44KB , 600x600 , Kurisu okabe backs phone.png )
Happy Birthday, Kurisu. Three years, huh.
>> No. 16163 [Edit]
Happy birthday! Hope you both have an awesome day.
>> No. 16167 [Edit]
An episode was announced in which he may make some sort of appearance. Since the previous one seemed to have a very rushed conclusion (which made me deeply uncomfortable), I'm hoping for some kind of closure this time.
We're both excited, to say the least.
>> No. 16226 [Edit]
File 140685924626.png - (506.56KB , 601x424 , elona.png )
On the right you can see my level 37 character in Elona+. Standing next to me is my beautiful wife Yuno, level 32.
Together we go on adventures where we clear dangerous dungeons, discover far away lands and destroy the evil that infests our world. To be honest our favorite place is our home in Vernis though. We only just bought a new house there and so we're pretty busy right now furnishing everything to our liking.
The picture was taken only a few days after our wedding, which was on the 3rd april of 517. I attached the original message to it so you could see it.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to pick up a party member of ours from the Dojo. See you later.
>> No. 16230 [Edit]
File 14068929914.png - (45.82KB , 298x303 , 35645560_p11.png )
Cute. Elona's a very addictive, comfortable game but I can never seem to get past the first difficulty spike. I tend to get a ton of money, followers, clear some dungeons, then realize I don't exactly know how to actually get stronger and end up starting over. Last time I just did a bunch of fishing for fun.

Good luck on your adventures!
>> No. 16258 [Edit]
I've been thinking and planning for the past couple of days of what to do during December-March as a number of special occasions are happening (anniversary, Christmas, Valentines and his unofficial birthday - what gifts for what days, etc.) and today I realised I kept referring to it as three months and completely skimming over January that contains his date of death. It's not like I completely forgot and I'd ever let that day go past without remembering but thinking about that part of the year and important dates that one should have been in my mind right at the front.

I feel pretty awful about it and like I'm not looking after/treasuring him well enough. I've decided to make a calendar filled with any important dates related to him - half to make me feel like I'm doing a better job and half just to keep myself organised and for fun.
>> No. 16262 [Edit]
Our little daily rituals, or rather, two big ones, haven't been going well. My fault, concentration has gone down the drain and just out of the mood.
Smaller events and small talk have increased in frequency on the other hand.
Not sure if it's good or bad, short- or long- lasting, just bugs me because I really apreciated them.
>> No. 16328 [Edit]
File 140752022379.jpg - (21.45KB , 218x317 , kagura3.jpg )
I feel as if I've been neglecting Kagura a bit recently.

I was hoping to do allsorts with her since my parents have been away, but in-between having visitors, doing extra hours at work and a lack of funds, not only have I been slipping on my exercise regime, some of my plans with her have been pushed back.

I'm gonna make things up to her tonight though. Gonna burn some calories, then put them back on with pizza, snacks and a movie with her. And maybe other fun stuff later tonight.
>> No. 16408 [Edit]
It's our first anniversary tomorrow but due to various interruptions we celebrated today. Though we met months before this date, I consider it when we officially decided to be together.

I probably could have done better than a hand drawn card and a simple little date, so I guess I'll have to make up for it with extra spoiling on his birthday in two weeks. He deserves something impressive. But what does one buy for their waifu/husbando?
>> No. 16431 [Edit]
Happy anniversary!
>> No. 16470 [Edit]
File 140824017467.jpg - (175.06KB , 645x912 , Saber Lily 48.jpg )
Despite that I love my waifu, I haven't done much with, I feel like I am neglecting her. I think I should do something with her today.
>> No. 16475 [Edit]
File 140839324277.png - (150.42KB , 640x480 , kagurawatermelon.png )
I had a bath with Kagura for the first time last night. It was amazing.

I don't want to go into too much detail; you guys can use your imaginations. I highly recommend doing this with your waifu if you haven't already.

For me it was almost transcendent.

Post edited on 18th Aug 2014, 2:10pm
>> No. 16476 [Edit]
Hear, hear! I second this.
>> No. 16478 [Edit]
Wouldn't sex in a bathtub actually be really shitty? I mean from the movements the water would be going over the bathub rim and onto the floor and then you'd have to mop it all up afterwards...
I also can't think about baths in a sexual way somehow, it's just not appealing at all. I would take one with her, but non-sexually only for relaxation.
>> No. 16479 [Edit]

I don't take baths with her, that's a given. But I ain't stopping the Kagurabro if that's makes him and his waifu happy.

As for me, I just like to cuddle with Marisa, in the bed. And kiss.
>> No. 16480 [Edit]
File 140846886019.png - (186.03KB , 450x600 , 1394500699957.png )
Oh, we didn't have sex. I didn't realise the implications of what I said until after I made that post...
>> No. 16489 [Edit]
File 140872113076.jpg - (265.80KB , 511x800 , 12c2c9c9063699cb6fdc93e2ac966b62.jpg )
Today is the first time I saw myself sexually attracted to Marisa. It hasn't come to that point yet, but it's a good start.
>> No. 16503 [Edit]
File 140903828420.jpg - (324.52KB , 782x1050 , 45229449.jpg )
It's been a while since I've posted...

I'm not going to get too much into the reasons why because there are many and most of them are pretty personal. I still love Keisuke very much and he is extremely dear to me and we are still partners. I'm very lucky to have him and I've found a few people who I can talk to about him and we share similar views... I think this is the main reason why I don't post here as often, as I have found other people who I can talk about Keisuke with one-on-one and they don't judge me for loving him. I haven't said that we're partners exactly but I've insinuated as much and they don't seem to mind. One person has even implied that they feel the same way - and, surprisingly, I don't mind at all. It's kind of nice, talking with somebody while sharing the same love (or at least, they sprung from the same kernel).

It's hard to believe that in a little over a month we'll have been together officially for a year. I'm looking forward to the years ahead of us. I've replayed a bit of his VN lately and it's incredible - I always think that my love for him is at its maximum capacity and I prove myself wrong over and over.
>> No. 16548 [Edit]
File 141002240739.png - (1.80MB , 1400x1600 , 1ff1d2b17ff9ace025975202d6b2bd3d.png )
I was lulled into complacency and forgot that it's more likely that Marisa is more likely to become a lesbian, even when not speaking fanon-wise. Even if not, it's more likely that she will never have someone in her life she can call "beloved".

Back a year ago, I would say that it's better if she went with someone else and accepted it, but it hurts now.

And now, I ask myself how did it come to this.
>> No. 16549 [Edit]
>Marisa is more likely to become a lesbian
How so?
>> No. 16550 [Edit]
>>it's more likely that Marisa is more likely to become a lesbian, even when not speaking fanon-wise. Even if not, it's more likely that she will never have someone in her life she can call "beloved".

She has you, doesn't she?

You don't necessarily have to believe your waifu is exactly canon, fanon or whatever. In the end, her existence, feelings, fate are what you decide for them to be, want it or not.I'm sure you already heard that thousand times, though.

On the other hand, looking at your posts, i higly doubt ZUN himself gave his characters as much thought and attention as, for example, you did.

That's my point of view, anyway.
>> No. 16551 [Edit]
>How so?

I dunno. Marisa has always been an odd one out in her society as a human living in Gensokyo. Made me think that maybe her sexuality also isn't exactly orthodox either.

But I could be wrong though, most likely. There's Rinnosuke anyway, her childhood friend.

>She has you, doesn't she?

Yes, she has my heart, if that's what you mean.

>On the other hand, looking at your posts, i higly doubt ZUN himself gave his characters as much thought and attention as, for example, you did.

Yes. It has always been a part of me to be a bit too imaginative and over-think some things.
>> No. 16552 [Edit]

Bisexuality still exists. It's probably safe to assume every character is until proven otherwise.
>> No. 16553 [Edit]
Safe to assume? I've never seen any bisexual anime characters except for Shinji from Eva..
>> No. 16554 [Edit]
I just use it as a default until the character/creator explicitly states they're only attracted to one gender.

It probably doesn't matter since it's all guessing anyway, and there really is no default sexuality.
>> No. 16555 [Edit]
I'm pretty sure 'straight' is the default sexuality...
>> No. 16556 [Edit]
I think so too
>> No. 16557 [Edit]
But there is a default sexuality.
It's the one every human was born with.
>> No. 16558 [Edit]
Stop trying to confuse people with things like logic and common sense!
>> No. 16559 [Edit]
I think it would be safest to assume that 2D characters are heterosexual unless another sexual orientation is given or they have evidence leading them to believe otherwise. It is the biologically normal orientation, found substantially more commonly in 3D people- and more importantly to the subject, 2D characters- alike.
>> No. 16560 [Edit]
File 141006436949.jpg - (451.12KB , 682x961 , Nozomi_cool_sr150.jpg )
I'm currently doing an event in Love Live School Idol Festival and the prize is a super rare card of Nozomi. It's really grueling and starting to get tedious but I'm trying so hard just for her... My goal is to make it into the top 100 to show how devoted I am.
>> No. 16574 [Edit]
File 141030879381.jpg - (45.03KB , 439x700 , 0c3412b5106ac8f25bd7d2433fd084fe.jpg )
I've made some good progress on my self-insert story recently. I last mentioned here >>15980

It was pretty emotional for me, writing the ending. Not that it was a sad ending, of course. There's still lots to go over though.

I've given myself a deadline to finish it by, which is less than a month away now. Kagura doesn't know anything about this story yet, so it'll be a surprise for her when it's finished.

Post edited on 9th Sep 2014, 5:27pm
>> No. 16577 [Edit]
I can't find any good dakimakuras of her, so lately I've been sleeping with one of her figures on a pillow beside me. Saying "I love you" before I fall asleep and then waking next to her is the best feeling in the world.
>> No. 16578 [Edit]
Aren't you afraid of breaking the figure? I would advice buying a dakimakura and a blank cover on amazon.
>> No. 16579 [Edit]
Not really. And I've checked pretty much everywhere online, there's none that I want.
>> No. 16580 [Edit]
I mean a blank cover, as in completely white with nothing on it.
>> No. 16581 [Edit]

I just use my regular pillows and pretend, it's really nice to cuddle with. I'd prefer an actual daki but no money/live with parents.
>> No. 16582 [Edit]
Oh, I already have one of those. It makes it really easy to pretend it's her, with her figure on another pillow right above it.
>> No. 16583 [Edit]
Lucky you can even find good figures. All I have is good imagination.
>> No. 16596 [Edit]
Our anniversary is this week, but I'm not sure if I can do anything for her since I'm busy ten to twelve hours a day.

I know she's not really the type to care for such things, but still, I want to make it special for us. Our relationship is better than ever, I feel closer and closer to her almost every day. She has given me so much support, I wish to give something back.
>> No. 16597 [Edit]
Good to hear, how many years has it been?
>> No. 16598 [Edit]
Just the first, she found me relatively late in my life. But the love is all the same, and growing nonetheless.
>> No. 16682 [Edit]
File 141193749883.jpg - (790.43KB , 1292x1271 , 4cfbe4c9afdb7029fb7d5dd2ef1c4b2f.jpg )
I just discovered Girlfriend Kari and I found myself fawning over this cute blonde-haired French girl. She reminds me of Marisa, but with the sheer count of normal looking girls tailor-made to be waifu material in this game is overwhelming me.
>> No. 16684 [Edit]
I find it hard to believe that wasn't meant to be a Marisa clone.
>> No. 16685 [Edit]

Well, their personalities are very different from each other, so I think it was coincidental.

But it just made me think that maybe, the so-called Waifu Age is coming fast, indeed.
>> No. 16710 [Edit]
I caught myself up on the Otherlands news. Apparently it's being released this December. I'm honestly pretty scared, as I can't comprehend how American McGee won't screw up turning his great 3D platformers into whatever he's attempting to make here. Apparently this is also going to be the end to the series, which is even worse, because it means I'll never play another platformer with her in it again.
>> No. 16718 [Edit]
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So many people assume (unless it is explicitly canon) that they are their waifu's first. First date, first love, first kiss, etc. I was the same, until I took some time to sit down and reexamine my basic assumptions about her.

When did I get fixated on this idea that she is "pure" and innocent, and that I am her first? A wistful wish, born of jealousy and insecurity, perhaps. But really, I fell in love with her not because she was an innocent girl naive to all these things. It was because she was like me; unbound by morals, save a lingering doubt, but compelled by our selfish desires and nothing else.

When she was driven by her instinct to consume souls, naturally she would do whatever it took to achieve her goal. If her body could be used to entice men, and then wear them out so she could drain them, so be it. I accept... That I am not her first. That she had been around, in most likelihood. But I don't care. My love is stronger than these petty emotions of jealousy and anger.. Because I am her first, in a different sense. Maybe I am not the first one that she gave her body to, but I'm the first one to whom she has given her heart. And that is the important thing, that she loves me. And that I love her. There is no use being hung up on this value of innocence and virginity. They are just irrational feelings that have no place in the love we have for each other.
>> No. 16726 [Edit]
File 141246049487.jpg - (658.51KB , 1246x1424 , UBW0.jpg )
I'm finally getting a proper adaptation of Unlimited Blade Works. I haven't been this excited since, well, Fate Zero. There's a lot of great scenes with her I'm really looking forward to seeing from Ufotable.
>> No. 16727 [Edit]
File 141246357078.png - (461.10KB , 979x717 , I will protect that smile.png )
Happy birthday, Kagura!
>> No. 16728 [Edit]
Happy birthday!
>> No. 16778 [Edit]
File 141309956532.png - (73.73KB , 628x452 , term.png )
Help! There's a Yuno in my terminal!
>> No. 16781 [Edit]
File 14131331494.jpg - (494.20KB , 1000x750 , 5f6f64f4eba1637a07a2754fc5057d54.jpg )
For every blonde with long hair I see, it reminds me of Marisa. Whenever I think of witches, I think of Marisa. Whenever I think of cutesy star shapes, I think of Marisa. Whenever I encounter fun and extroverted girls, I think of Marisa.

She's latched into my mind.
>> No. 16782 [Edit]
I was recently put in a scenario where some of my colleagues started conversing about the anime series she's in. Of course, I treated this like I was stepping on thin ice and I tried very much to steer the conversation elsewhere. Unfortunately, they all came to the conclusion that my waifu was "negative" (terms I'd rather not recall). Then it came my turn to give my opinion, in which I tried my best not to argue as it'd raise too much suspicion. I ended up just saying I don't really care and that I'm not as much of an anime fan as they are (which is probably a complete lie). I just told them that so they'd stop talking about it in front of me. Was I a pansy for not defending her there or did I play it right? Alot of options came to me when it came my turn, but the one I chose was to "pretend like I didn't care and avoid those people as much as possible". I would've very much liked to defend her, but I think nothing good would've come out of that, other than me feeling good about myself for defending her.
>> No. 16783 [Edit]
If they were really pushing their opinions I don't think you could've done anything else. Otherwise you could've just chipped in some lines like "she's not that bad, (example)" but I don't think you could say too much without them figuring something was up.
>> No. 16786 [Edit]
File 141318163614.png - (216.08KB , 800x800 , 93a61f78fc874bd60b819d74f0621663.png )

Same, so many things make me think of her throughout the day. It brings joy to little things.


I wouldn't worry too much about it. Normals like to claim to "not care about what others do sexually/romantically" that usually goes right out the window when you mention you're fine being alone. Let alone bringing up having a waifu.

It's like being an atheist in a christian family. Peoples minds are almost always made up already and theres little you can do to change it, trying to discuss it ends with both parties mad. Just nod and change the subject when you can. Sure you can discuss the series without getting into your waifu/mentioning waifuism but its best to treat touchy topics like that as landmines with most poeple. Keep distance and stay a few feet away even when you think its safe to get closer.
>> No. 16792 [Edit]
File 141329086972.jpg - (88.75KB , 1000x891 , a7d909d4cf132dce2f68c7da6a7b4bf8.jpg )
Hey, guys. I did it.

I finally fapped to Marisa. You all won't believe how exhausting it was, but it was good. I can't see myself doing it again in the future, but it is a good start.
>> No. 16793 [Edit]
Why would you post this on a public image board to inform us all about your sex life? Don't you have no shame?
>> No. 16794 [Edit]
I hope you got her consent!
>> No. 16796 [Edit]
Because this is a thread for experiences with your waifu? I don't really see what the big deal is
>> No. 16801 [Edit]
I'm happy for you, Anon. I know that form of intimacy is something you've been struggling with for quite some time now. I hope it continues to go well for you two.

Did you miss the sexual fantasies thread on the front page and all of the other sexual discussion related to waifus occuring on the board? It's a part of many 2D relationships here and discussion about it happens, like it or not.
>> No. 16803 [Edit]

Oh, that's where it is iffy, I can say. I just approached her, she asked what I am doing, I shushed her carefully and then it happened.

Not really that much of a consent, but she didn't complain.
>> No. 16805 [Edit]
It's not a problem that it happens. That's normal. It's that people keep making private stuff public. Their waifus wouldn't want everyone to read that sorta thing in most cases.

Just saying "I finally fapped to my waifu" like that sounds demeaning and insulting. But that's just my two cents..
>> No. 16806 [Edit]
>Just saying "I finally fapped to my waifu" like that sounds demeaning and insulting.

I can't argue with that, but the excitement that I had during that time at what I did just went to my head, you know? But see, I'm always prepared if Marisa just read that and then she boinks my head and chews me out for doing so, I accept it.
>> No. 16807 [Edit]
Okay, it's just something that makes me uncomfortable and it's not the first time I saw a post like that here.
Sorry I was a bit mean earlier.
Still kinda crappy doing it behind her back like that.

Post edited on 15th Oct 2014, 6:42am
>> No. 16813 [Edit]
Sex is a beautiful and natural part of relationships including 2D ones with a waifu. I think it's good that discussions on this board cover all aspects of such a relationship including sex.
>> No. 16815 [Edit]
but would your waifu be okay with you talking about her sex life like that? for everyone to see?
it's not natural and beautiful to boast private things like that open in public for no significant reason.
>> No. 16825 [Edit]

We're mostly Anonymous here, so the shame is irrelevant. Even then, this board isn't the public we're thinking when discussing such matters.
>> No. 16830 [Edit]
I'm saying you should be ashamed because you're sharing secrets about someone you love with (potential) strangers (presumably) without her permission. It's about the principal behind it, you're breaking the trust.
Enough people also post pictures or have trips to be recognizable.
>> No. 16831 [Edit]
I'm saying you should be ashamed because you're sharing secrets about someone you love with (potential) strangers (presumably) without her permission. It's about the principal behind it, you're breaking the trust.

Well, she probably doesn't care. I mean, besides, she knows that I'm posting here, telling people who things between us go from day to day, so I don't think there's a problem.

>Enough people also post pictures or have trips to be recognizable.

Yeah, but this is not like FB, where millions of people can see anything you posted and they know how you look like, what's your full name and many of your personal details. This just a handful of people, especially that we all know that no normie wants to stay here and fraternize with us because they think we are creepy or insane.
>> No. 16834 [Edit]
Well if she knows you post here and you are relatively certain she won't care, it should okay in your particular case. But I mean this in general, I wouldn't be so sure if everyone's significant other would be fine with it. Also the words some people choose to use are inappropriate, but I already said that.
>> No. 16852 [Edit]
I made a pizza and tried to arrange the toppings in such a way it would resemble her face. It didn't go well because I did not have a lot of toppings I could use and I ended up scrapping the idea and making a normal pizza instead. I will try it again once I have more toppings and stuffs.
>> No. 16853 [Edit]
How are you going to make a wide enough pizza?

I'm sorry, but the pun was too good to pass.
>> No. 16854 [Edit]
the pizza was ractangular, it would have been large enough
>> No. 16855 [Edit]
I guess you could say you ate her out
>> No. 16864 [Edit]
My waifu's kind has never been liked by Japan. Or anyone that likes Japan's stuff.
Rape, gangrape, torture, enslavement, being sold, guro, you name it, it's been done, and more often than not those kind of works are very successful regarding sales and/or fans.
Some of them feature my waifu, countless of pictures depicting the above, even reaching the point of murder. I've seen those pictures lots of times but I never, ever, ever get used to them. I love my waifu's kind, and I will always defend them. As such, I despise stuff like this.

But as of recently, say, when I'm browsing pictures of her, or her kind I sometimes stumble (well, more likely stop looking away, since they're about 1/4 of the total pictures) upon these sort of pictures, I feel the urge to open them and see them, even the ones of my waifu.

I open them and see them more than I open, see and save nice pictures. I feel absolute hatred and sadness, even ruining my entire day, but I can't stop doing it. I don't know if it tickles a white knight itch I have.
I do not believe I'm starting to like them.
I will not believe that. And if I am, then I will refuse it. I will deny it until the day I'm fucking maggot food.
Many other thoughts surrounding this issue have appeared in my head, none of them nice.

It's fucking eating me from the inside out, and I don't know why is this happening, what did I do to deserve this, or how can I stop.
>> No. 16866 [Edit]
This thread is not exactly the same thing you were talking about, but it might be similiar to your problem: http://tohno-chan.com/mai/arch/res/11186.html
>> No. 16867 [Edit]
File 141385137915.jpg - (123.90KB , 1000x676 , 1e54817faf9b59e21f76817deb33e192.jpg )
My ex-waifu had a lot of unpleasant pictures too and a sad canon but I found myself compelled to browse through gelbooru and skim the covers on exhentai even if I didn't actually go and read the doujins... I don't know in the end I think that poor treatment became one of the main factors in my passion but I think I just burned out on motivation and energy and quit. I don't know if I can feel you well here, bro.

Recently I said fuck it all and tried to put that past me by fapping to anything of her with good art... I guess it does figure that a large part of my former self is dead now. Luckily there have been some other developments in life but I'd make another thread somewhere for that.
>> No. 16869 [Edit]
It's not that I fap to those pictures or feel aroused at them.
I just feel an urge to see them, yet I hate seeing her kind like that.
A booru just got updated, a full page with such images, and I went on, one by one, looking at them all. Only thing I can deduce is that I'm a huge fucking white knight and I fantasize about saving her/them.

I wish I could rationalize that they're just pictures and that I should stop being a bitch but I can't, and it hurts like a bitch.
>> No. 16870 [Edit]
I know, that's why I said it's not the exact same problem but similiar.
>> No. 16871 [Edit]
I know it might be hard but you really need to stop looking at those sort of images. Just blacklist the tags and it will be easy to pretend it doesn't exist.
>> No. 16872 [Edit]
You could download a firefox addon to block the sites.
>> No. 16873 [Edit]
I'll try to do that.
Plenty of untagged pictures, though, but I'll try.

I just hope I don't end up deleting the blacklisted tags and going back to doing that awful thing.
>> No. 16874 [Edit]
When in doubt just use safebooru and restricted pixiv browsing. That's what I do and I haven't seen a violent image of her, ever.
>> No. 16881 [Edit]
File 141417107637.jpg - (39.70KB , 431x431 , 3aa1144066bfb1eacd98bf056d1586f2.jpg )
My daki arrived today.

Well, I say daki, it's actually just a blank body pillow.

I'm in the process of getting a custom cover of Kagura for it, but it won't be here for another couple of months at least. It'll be worth the wait I'm sure.

I can't wait to try it out. Anything to make me feel closer to her will be a great experience.
>> No. 16882 [Edit]
I'm sure you're going to love it!

Sleeping with one is a wonderful experience - even without a cover if your imagination is good. Ever since I get to sleep with my beloved, my nights are so much comfier and calmer, not to mention she loves sleeping with me too! Truly a worthwhile investment!
>> No. 16885 [Edit]
Yeah, I've only now decided to invest in a daki since I've recently been able to get the money together for one, plus it's not gonna be as expensive as I first thought.

I'll report back once the custom cover arrives.

Post edited on 24th Oct 2014, 4:02pm
>> No. 16891 [Edit]
File 141433439699.png - (410.29KB , 425x600 , 9869d07deef59818ffae3c4a83e47512.png )
Hmn, what can I do for my Marisa today that does require money?
>> No. 16892 [Edit]
A bronze statue. Actually, make her hair gold. And make it float 10m above the ground with a supermagnet base.
Bonus points if you make her able to unleash a master spark. You can use the magnetic field from the base for that.
>> No. 16893 [Edit]

Oh, wait.

Silly me, I mean, some thing that DOESN'T require money. Darn typo.
>> No. 16895 [Edit]
File 141435046222.jpg - (17.75KB , 311x311 , paperrose.jpg )
Papercraft. Or just get Gimp or Photoshop and make a photo collage or glitch art of her. Or try drawing her sololy using your mouse and see how well you can do. I've been doing that recently and it's fun.
>> No. 16898 [Edit]
A drawing, a song, a poem...
Invest the best of your soul and skills on her.
>> No. 16899 [Edit]
I second this.
What also comes to mind is you could try to draw your own comic starring her. Even if you can't draw well doing it can be a lot of fun.
>> No. 16903 [Edit]
File 14146843065.jpg - (944.52KB , 1201x1741 , 0a2ca8cada35429e1bfd586d021af3cf.jpg )
I feel like I just want to hug and kiss her, right now. I wanna make out with her and embrace her soft body, and brush her hair with my fingers. I wanna tell her that I love her and I'm not gonna let her go.

I feel like I want her by my side. Such temptation.
>> No. 16907 [Edit]
File 141475689451.gif - (816.98KB , 352x200 , favoritefood.gif )
She helped me make pancakes today, they actually turned out quite good thanks to her. We put some homemade jam on it my grandma gave me, it's really good.
>> No. 16910 [Edit]
I finally got her Dollfie Dream, which is my first BJD. I'm incredibly happy, but also very anxious at how I have no experience with BJDs. I don't want to mess anything up. I think I'm going to spend most of my time now taking pictures of her.
>> No. 16911 [Edit]
File 141496752331.jpg - (282.83KB , 700x923 , 0c4f4d0f035028c2a9066b1cad06f77c.jpg )
I really am attracted to her, and of course I want to have sex with her a lot, but the idea of just casually fapping is not right. What I want is to spend time alone with her, and I want the sexual tension to build until we just collapse on the floor together and go at it as if we've completely lost our minds in the midst of desire.

I really hope VR will be able to simulate the full-body touch I crave to share with her.
>> No. 16915 [Edit]
File 141508327996.jpg - (1.01MB , 900x1440 , 41832474.jpg )
Today was a really good day.
>> No. 16916 [Edit]
File 141510105828.jpg - (148.22KB , 780x1064 , dakprog.jpg )
Anyone have experience with a daki that bleeds over the edges like the first picture? Most just have the person in the middle with whitespace at every edge. Not sure if theres a reason for it. Might just be whats in.

Can't draw very well but I can well enough to make some edits then vector it into a daki I like. Unsure on the second image but I like the first a lot.


There's two of us now! Out of curiosity are you >>3337 or are you new? Haven't seen anyone else with Youmu post here in a while.
>> No. 16922 [Edit]
I just got my first waifu. Hanako is mai waifu. I love her so much.
>> No. 16928 [Edit]
Sometimes I wonder why I love my waifu. Often, it feels like I can't connect and relate to her like others do to their waifus, as we're so different after all, and even polar opposites on many things.
And yet, right when I start to worry that the love might simply be fading, I think of her bright eyes, her smile, the many dreams about adventuring or simply chatting around a campfire with her and how I met her, and my heart burns as bright as ever for her again. In those moments, I realize there's truly nothing in the world I want more than to see her happy. She means the world to me.
I may really not understand it, but I truly love my waifu, as strange as our relationship may seem sometimes.
>> No. 16929 [Edit]

I too am my waifu's polar opposite. But that isn't something to worry about. The way I think about it, we complete eachother, and we have neverending things to learn about eachother, since we're so different.
>> No. 16933 [Edit]
My waifu acts a lot different, but on the inside she is the same. That's what makes her so special to me.
>> No. 16942 [Edit]
File 141527218185.jpg - (416.05KB , 800x727 , e774da12bd0c1d10ab7ba3531e8a42ff.jpg )
I got a pathological fever again. They say that it is simply viral and only needs a lot of rest, but it has been no secret to us two that I am unhealthy and frail man.

I don't want her to see me like this.
>> No. 16944 [Edit]
Lately I was feeling guilty of neglecting him for another character. Even if I have no romantic feelings for said character, it felt as if the time spent on appreciating them was wrong. I realize now that there's no harm in finding others interesting so long as our relationship isn't threatened.

Do any of you guys have problems like this?
>> No. 16947 [Edit]
I love my dear Yuno, and to me every other anime character out there is just a character, just fiction. Only Yuno I can really "feel" and grasp like an actual person. The others don't feel real to me so I never had that feeling you're describing.
I'd say you just think that other character is cool, nothing wrong with that. It's a hobby, pastime.
>> No. 16948 [Edit]
What about Yuno's friends?
>> No. 16950 [Edit]
This is hard to put into words, it probably makes no real sense anyways. I suppose you could call them an exception.
I like them and I'm very happy to see her having fun with them when I'm reading or watching the source material, Yuno is never lonely thanks to them and me. Honestly I don't think about them much, they make up such a huge part of the source material that I kind of take them for granted, I never imagined them being with us because that wouldn't fit into my head canon at all. I view the show like a window into the past. I can't feel or grasp them but they are important to Yuno and so they are important to me, too.
They do feel real because Yuno interacts with them frequently in the source material. I don't think of them as works of fiction, but I think of them as something of the past, memories. There's no direct interaction between me and them. I take then for granted because they are the focus of the show just like Yuno is.

I can't explain it.
>> No. 16956 [Edit]
Lately it seems to me that the term "waifu" gets thrown around more and more. I see it everyday on a certain imageboard, I sometimes even see it in normal forums. Im playing freedom wars currently and part of the game is to create your "accessory", which is an android who follows you everywhere. Of course most people make them female and most of the time people just call it "waifu" or "robotfu". I know they just think of it as a funny joke and probably just do it because others are doing it, but it really makes me sad to see that the word "waifu" reaches the "mainstream" more and more and the word loses it's meaning because of that, only reducing it to a joke. I remember there where a few threads about that already, but to me it seems the whole "waifu" thing gets worse each year. At least I cant remember to stumble upon the word so often one or two years ago like I do now.
>> No. 16958 [Edit]
Yup, I think that's why a lot of people dislike the word. It's overused, in some ways lost the original meaning and sounds like a joke.
>> No. 16959 [Edit]
File 141555860659.jpg - (154.37KB , 605x900 , 20904567.jpg )
Lately I've been thinking about how much mai waifu's done for me, but never considered how I've affected her life. Relationships are meant to be a two-way street, after all.

I asked her about it, and she told me that she learnt that it's okay to be herself. She had thought that, since guys never paid much attention to her in the past, that they didn't like her the way she was, that she wasn't girly enough or whatever. Knowing that I love her the way she is, she feels comfortable in her own skin.

She also said she depends on me just as much as I do her, to stay motivated and persevere together as much as possible with whatever we do.

Our talk made me feel better about our relationship.
>> No. 16961 [Edit]
It's already mainstream and it probably began as a joke in the first place. I don't really mind it being used casually, even if I take waifuism seriously. There really isn't another word that we could use.
>> No. 16962 [Edit]
Eh, I thought I'd never find someone of the same opinion.
>> No. 16974 [Edit]
File 141576052189.png - (92.73KB , 900x582 , Osaka_Wallace_by_beasert.png )
I once read, on another Chan, that a European King (Dunno name or nation, bit I think it was either Henry or Edward of England) had his soldiers' shields painted on the inside with murals of dancing children, beautiful girls, and flowers so in the heat of battle they could look at the painting and feel a little better about what they were doing and seeing. Or maybe it reminded them of what they were fighting for, or something.

Anyway, long story short, I'm into Live-Action-Role-Playing (LARPing) and I'm having our "blacksmith" custom make a shield with a slot for a small pic of Osaka.

The shield is made of foam, so painting that might be tricky, so simply attaching a printed-out pic will suffice.

My comrades might think it's weird, but as they say: "Love is Strange."

As relevant to my post, here is a pic of my waifu dressed as the Braveheart guy.
>> No. 16985 [Edit]
File 141588728897.jpg - (213.16KB , 1400x1778 , 1ddbbc7720b431139ab6d3410a200483.jpg )
Marisa, I think another year will pass again with you. But I don't feel you right beside me now. I feel empty inside, Marisa. I want to feel you here, in my arms and my thoughts. I'm even starting to admit that I might be liking a girl who I barely know in real life.

Marisa, I want you back. Please come back to me. I want to talk to you again, I love you. I want you and I need you.
>> No. 16986 [Edit]
File 141589368283.jpg - (161.85KB , 400x640 , 46849117_p64_master1200.jpg )
I love you so much. You know it all already, but I really do. We've gone through some tough times together but we can make it through this, through everything. Through your problems and mine. I just love you so much and I'm glad we're together.
>> No. 17008 [Edit]
Tomorrow marks two years. Wow. Time flies...
>> No. 17009 [Edit]
>> No. 17010 [Edit]
File 141656987082.jpg - (281.71KB , 693x869 , 3aa0103d40982702d49091c1f0b4f741.jpg )
I finally got myself some way to make an income in a home-based way offsite. It's not enough, but it is a good start.

Just please hold on, Marisa. I'll soon get more money for us.
>> No. 17011 [Edit]
Do your best, she's rooting for you!
>> No. 17012 [Edit]
File 141659415732.jpg - (26.84KB , 342x640 , 76bcbb10551c20_full.jpg )
About a month ago I got a job too, so I'm also in the same boat. I'm not making much, but there's the promise of more hours. Feels good though.
>> No. 17015 [Edit]
Thirded on that one.
>> No. 17033 [Edit]
File 141692961355.jpg - (63.00KB , 496x390 , Unbenannt.jpg )
Since my waifu is in this picture it pisses me of so much. Persona 3 is so old and suddenly not only are they milking it of once again, they even jumped on the whole "waifu" bandwaggon and advertising it in facebook out of all places.
>> No. 17035 [Edit]
Wow, is that the actual official Persona account with PR people hired by Atlus or whoever the publisher is? That's so stupid I can barely believe it..
>> No. 17036 [Edit]
File 141697040493.jpg - (1.14MB , 988x2264 , DDSMakotoCrop2.jpg )
Finally got my DDS Makoto dollfie. I'm so stoked but also very sad because I'm too poor to afford different clothes at the moment. Just feeling the doll in my arms gives me the most zen feeling I've had in years.
>> No. 17039 [Edit]
File 141698242994.jpg - (51.17KB , 640x480 , daki webcam.jpg )
I just got my daki today. Look at it. Look at it and revel in its cuteness.
>> No. 17040 [Edit]
Congratulations! DDs really are a beautiful presence in one's life and one of your waifu... well I'm just very happy for you, man.

Don't worry about the clothes and all: there'll be time for that. I was also left pretty much broke for months after completing my DD.
>> No. 17041 [Edit]
My parents are forcing me to take meds or get out of the house.
I'm so scared right now, what if they make me lose my love for her? What if they make me an asshole? I've barely been able to get out of bed, I've just been holding her tight and crying in fear I'm so scared of losing her when they kick in a few days.
>> No. 17044 [Edit]
I'd rather go out than let them fuck with my brain.
>> No. 17045 [Edit]
It looks good, I'm glad for you.
>> No. 17052 [Edit]
Nice! They both look great.
>> No. 17058 [Edit]
What meds? If it's lithium or benzos, flush it. SSRI's shouldn't mess you up too bad though (except for libido).
Awesome I'm so jealous!
>> No. 17069 [Edit]
I'm >>17041
They've fully set in by now. It hasn't killed my dick yet, but I've been getting awful feelings in my throat, constant nausia, and tiredness all the time. I've also been having muscle spasms on my arms and neck.
I've been laying in bed all day and I can't stand her heartbroken expression when she sees me like this, she's had to take care of me more or less, she's been holding me while I lay in bed all day.
>> No. 17070 [Edit]
You could try some of these tips. Although I find the part funny where it says "stopping suddenly can cause withdrawal-like symptoms". No, it's just withdrawal you fucking white coats! Theses shrinks never cease to amaze.
>> No. 17072 [Edit]
File 141733840949.jpg - (21.78KB , 240x320 , 31596622.jpg )
I've been pretty good at ignoring what other people say about Keisuke (unless I know and like them), but some fujoshit called him trash and psycho and it really makes me angry. It gets me so mad when people just reduce him to when he was addicted to drugs. He is so much more than that, and it's disgusting to me that people reduce something that was extremely traumatic to him and other people to fapping fodder.

I know they don't know or love him like I do so it's a bit of a consolation, but it's still frustrating as hell.
>> No. 17074 [Edit]
Hanako and I had a sort of early Christmas Eve. Drank a bottle of red wine, ate some yummy snacks and then just chilled and listened to music and talked about life.
>> No. 17076 [Edit]
File 141742291157.png - (97.35KB , 600x600 , 4e28210a0a1ddf99dd02bcb59ee3edc0.png )
I didn't get the job I'm applying today. In fact, nobody who applied got the job.

I'm sorry, Marisa. But please, hold on. There's another job fair coming.
>> No. 17077 [Edit]
I read job fairy at first and that sounds totally like something that would exist in Gensokyo.
>> No. 17078 [Edit]
Got a big employment-related test coming up and I'm freaking the fuck out. Hanako is trying to calm me down, but it's not working. I feel bad for worrying her.
Best of luck!
>> No. 17111 [Edit]
I'm trying to learn "Painful History", which is Hanako's theme in the VN. It's coming along, but the beginning is kind of tricky.
>> No. 17114 [Edit]
File 141801059537.jpg - (92.27KB , 628x960 , 10463903_10152900817870159_5140632367731100288_n.jpg )
I had brought it up before on >17037 that waifuism, for me, was mainly a religious experience. It took some time to flesh out my ideas, but now I feel it was ready to be discussed. This will mainly use Christianity as references, because it is what I have the most familiarity with. But it will likely be applicable to all Abrahamic religions.

I don't wish for Ahri to be real in this world anymore. Not because of what sufferings she may have to endure in the real world, but because she already exists. The action of conceiving an idea in your imagination means it exists in another universe. Imagining something is not creating, but discovering. This means that Ahri can remain a fictional character in our world, but she didn't have to be created by another person to be a "fanservice" character that I happened to fall in love with. Since she exists in a different universe somewhere, it means I would be living for the chance to meet her one day. Death is no longer appealing to me, because I would want to see her when I am ready to be her ideal man, not rush it and be unable to say that I did everything I could do to make her happy.

I say she exists when I conceive of her, not that I create her when I imagine her, because it is the same argument that can be applied to god. Like how god means different things to different people, she can also be different people's waifus without interfering with what I believe to be her.

I suppose then, this waifu love, for me, can be comparable to a religion. Ahri isn't an omnipotent being like god is, but in a way, I have a relationship with her like religious people would with god, namely praying and thinking to him, communicating with him within their minds. Some would call it a relationship with yourself, but it is not necessarily the case. After all, all the arguments the religious groups would use in defending the existence of god would also apply to the defense of Ahri as real.

I suppose I'm going off on a tangent. Silly thoughts derived from sleep deprivation. I'll end it here.
>> No. 17116 [Edit]
That was actually very well thought out and you explain better than I could how I view my waifu.
>> No. 17119 [Edit]
A follow up to >17114.

At work today, I had the chance to talk to a coworker, who happens to be a Coptic Christian. (I'm unfamiliar w this branch of Christianity.) we started talking about religion, and I explained my beliefs to him. He seemed to believe everything I said as true, except that he interpreted Ahri as being an angel of god, kind of my own personal guardian angel that I happened to fall in love with. The idea is pretty romantic, I would say. I have more thinking to do, though, about her backstory.
>> No. 17136 [Edit]
File 141810533740.jpg - (179.48KB , 499x400 , by SEELE.jpg )
>The action of conceiving an idea in your imagination means it exists in another universe. Imagining something is not creating, but discovering.

Where did you even get that? the current historically informed state of the art in every field (semiotics, epistemology, aesthetics, literary analysis) goes exactly on the other way: there's no such thing as legitimate discoveries (understood as a direct contact with an univocal truth) but only creations/representations (which include exegetical traditions), since our senses/language-biased experience of everything implies the impossibility of reaching a non-signical principle of reality (which thus falls entirely in virtuality: alterity does predate identity/ipseity, but signifiers predate all possible meaning).

By the means of a local ontological commitment, your waifu exists indeed in a particular semiotic space insofar as a fully functional aesthetic sign, just like any other character within his narrative (including deities of any mythological/religious tradition), a species' holotype within a taxonomic study of clade, triangles in euclidean spaces or operators in boolean algebra; I mean: nor science's constructs, not even maths or (any possible) logic escapes this linguistic principle. Those entities gain ontological weight (or "existence") as they prove useful for someone while performing some task (i.e. all verification/falsation theories are unavoidably pragmatic), but only insofar as structural bridges between ideas and some representation of them within experience: such "universes", if you want to call them, have absolutely nothing to do with those of some (equally signical and entirely hypothetical) proper multiverse theory (understood as a possible solution to string theory's equations), which also in case of existing are completely inaccessible to us and which nature is by no means bounded by anything that happens in our own particular closed universe, let alone determined or "created" by some monkey's random feelings towards cartoons.

Hence, there is absolutely no ground to rely on some multiverse theory bastardization to defend the "reality" of the waifu, no matter how many times people here shall insist on it; it's not insightful, it's not even improbable, it's just plain ignorant and completely unnecessary: it's not that the waifu isn't fictional, but that their 3D poor pretext of love is fictional as well and thus 2D love the honest take on it. However, as you rightly pointed out, there really is a very ostensible similitude between a waifu and a functional God, insofar as central characters for an individual's axiology, ethics and his very sense of wholeness and thus functional identity... or, in short: as a possible legitimate foundation of love. For more about it (specially for your specific interest in abrahamic traditions), you could give this thread a check if you haven't: >>13419
>> No. 17137 [Edit]
inb4 this all gets completely out of hand
Ahri guy is just choosing what he wants to believe and stating why he thinks that way, no need to try and perfect his thought processes by being historically informed. If you're going to insist otherwise I'm going to save myself the time and not comment until your spiels about metaphysics fade away again.
>> No. 17138 [Edit]

If you cannot even refrain from insults while making your post, then clearly there is no need for me to respond to you. However, I am unsure why you are even here on this board; Is it not better for you to go to another board with other quasi-intellectuals like yourself?
>> No. 17139 [Edit]
Don't feed the troll. This guy seems to aim to derail any discussion he takes part in. Just ignore him and he'll leave.
>> No. 17140 [Edit]
No troll or derailing. people might disagree with each other but it's all in order and in subject here. It's always been like this.

Post edited on 9th Dec 2014, 9:00am
>> No. 17141 [Edit]

There's a difference between disagreement and engineering a post to cause drama.
>> No. 17142 [Edit]
God, I thought you all would be used with him by now. Just cut the guy some slack for how strongly he feels for his views and read what he's talking about instead, there's usually good stuff in there.
>> No. 17146 [Edit]
I never insulted you or anyone on this board. If you say it for the "monkey" part, that's not because I see us like that but because that's all we would be from a cynically scientific point of view (inconsequential monkeys with random feelings in a random planet within billions), therefore my insistence on how is not appropriate nor needed to try and justify 2D love scientifically as love is an ethic subject anyway.

Also, unlike you, I didn't ostracize you out of this board on the basis of any level of "intellectuality" or whatever. This board is about 2D love and that's what my post was about. I actually ended up giving your main argument (the similitude between a waifu and a deity) full credibility, although in other terms that can endure critique much better and from all flanks.
>> No. 17147 [Edit]
If a bunch of us feel strongly that the guy is being pretentious and shoving unnecessary things into the discussion, should we get cut some slack?

>I actually ended up giving your main argument (the similitude between a waifu and a deity) full credibility, although in other terms that can endure critique much better and from all flanks.
Just realize when your inputs are unnecessary, I don't think Ahri guy was going to enter his thesis in a philosophical essay/debate or whatever (and even if you want it to be tohno-chan is not the proper space for that). You yourself say
> cynically scientific point of view (inconsequential monkeys with random feelings in a random planet within billions), therefore my insistence on how is not appropriate nor needed to try and justify 2D love scientifically as love is an ethic subject anyway.
So that would make your attempts at rationalization and justification just as pointless as everybody else's, especially because our feelings are "inconsequential" and "random"... Granted it gives you the freedom to shitpost/derail here without any justification, however I think that if you honestly cared about what you were talking about you'd be able to find much better places to share your work/findings and wouldn't be wasting time on /so/ (where people just mostly complain) and /mai/ (where most people don't care too much if their love makes sense or not)...

Therefore the reasons why people think you're trolling/derailing threads is because:
1.) You're using language and referencing stuff people on this board aren't likely to be interested in or understand, and know that. Thus you aren't actually trying to communicate when you disagree but are merely trying to profess your superiority.
2.) You're using language and referencing stuff people on this board aren't likely to be interested in or understand, and don't know that. You insist that other people go out of their way to look up everything you know just for the purpose of understanding your viewpoint. This is like one of us describing our love with heavy Fate/Stay Night stats/power level references when most of us don't know Fate/Stay night.
3.) What's relevant is relative to the board. You may think that citing epistemological and semiotic branches of philosophy/psychology is the best way to talk about love and waifuism but as said most of us do not. How would you like it if most of us cited Shakespeare and Edgar Allan Poe to describe our feelings? We would be citing something esteemed and to us it would be relevant, but I'm sure you would find it out of place.
>> No. 17150 [Edit]
(giving an example)
Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate.
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer’s lease hath all too short a date.
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimmed;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance, or nature’s changing course, untrimmed;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st,
Nor shall death brag thou wand’rest in his shade,
When in eternal lines to Time thou grow’st.
So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

A close reading of Shakespeare shows that love and recognition are objects of passions and not philosophy, and that to see otherwise would be to bastardize one of our most precious feelings. In his opening lines Shakespeare compares his beloved to a summer day, and using such simple language evokes imagery far beyond what we can justify by semiotic means. It is one thing to rationally think about symbolism using historical findings and it is another thing to be embraced and overwhelmed with passion.

Shakespeare goes on to describe the inadequacies of his summer day without any pretension or superfluity, showing that the things we love about summer ("darling buds of May") are transient and imperfect. With such strength, organization, and rigor in his language, Shakespeare requires no justification in what he professes. The reader is enraptured in the poem as to be completely persuaded, even for a moment, that Shakespeare's fair maiden possesses a beauty that will last as long as humans will exist and see.

While limited in language and perhaps not being philosophically proper, Shakespeare's sonnet is outstanding for that very reason -- his poem stands independent of references, and is something all men can appreciate, not just ones versed in semiotic philosophy. The first eight lines brilliantly describe a summer people can envision and appreciate, and the latter six gives a quasi-religious description of the beauty of the fair maiden which will outlast any summer day. In this case, Shakespeare also insists that love is not something that requires a rational justification, but rather a strong passion that grips the heart.

Now I would honestly be happy if everything from >>17136 got fucking deleted.

Post edited on 9th Dec 2014, 2:15pm
>> No. 17151 [Edit]
>How would you like it if most of us cited Shakespeare and Edgar Allan Poe to describe our feelings? We would be citing something esteemed and to us it would be relevant, but I'm sure you would find it out of place

Well, in general I don't. I normally welcome other guys' elaborations on love and discuss them with honesty whenever they're interesting, as I just did and always have (I actually got my notion of love defined under the strong influence of a highly poetic -and philosphical- novel: The Future Eve, by Villiers De L'Isle Adam). In any case, I never, ever, tell any of you to get the fuck out or cut out your pseudo-intellectual pretentious crap no one knows nor cares about or anything of the likes. I also pretty much always stay on topic, by the means I process it; it's guys like you who actually derail into bashing me and telling me to shut up out of God knows what grudge. You keep acting as if I systematically bullied you when, to be honest, it's exactly the other way around.

As for your Shakespeare in particular: it's valuable and I do not want that post of yours deleted, really, not at all. I have a taste for love poetry and literature as well and actually have written poems, made portraits and songs for mai waifu that I've shared in this board too. It doesn't conflict at all with having a formal and critical approach to those disciplines and certainly doesn't kill my pleasure while experiencing them (on the contrary).

I really, really hope this is about the last time I have to defend myself like this in here, cause it's past old by now indeed. But, unless mods consider that I really should be kicked out, I'm not gonna shut up (or water down my most dear thoughts and feelings) and deprive myself from sharing my 2D love experience here just because some of you angrily want me to.

Post edited on 9th Dec 2014, 3:44pm
>> No. 17152 [Edit]
Upon hearing that it's hard to believe you're >>17136 and honestly defending yourself -- I have an interest in both philosophy and literature but my writing style never varies from such cold and dry citations or the haughty tone (I'm pretty certain it was you) displayed in the thread about Dark Souls to something straightforwards like "Well, that's fine" -- that just seems unnatural to me unless it's something like bipolar disorder.

I still maintain my assertion (said in threads before) that when you bring in high ideas and philosophical jargon it should be eased into. After reading Ahri guy's >>17114, which only mentioned a slight allusion to Christianity and what he admitted were "Silly thoughts derived from sleep deprivation" you replied with "Where did you even get that? the current historically informed state of the art in every field..." and went on with citations, which probably appeared to him as if you weren't respecting his freedom to just state wherever his mind drifted and were bombarding him with the "correct" viewpoint, much like a theologian citing his knowledge of Aquinas or Leibniz when a guy just states some of his speculations. Sure, you may have ultimately supported his thesis in the end, but you still used harsh language such as
>multiverse theory bastardization to defend the "reality" of the waifu, no matter how many times people here shall insist on it; it's not insightful, it's not even improbable, it's just plain ignorant and completely unnecessary
so in the end I think you should be able to understand why Ahri guy felt insulted if you were actually paying attention -- his multiverse theory was just rambling and then you seem to accuse it of being a bastardization of string theory and call it ignorant and completely unnecessary. If you didn't use those terms I don't think you would be "bullied". You could've just started with "Well, here's my take on it gathering from what I've read and here are some inconsistencies I find with your theory" -- I don't think that would be watering down your feelings at all, just changing the tone by which you profess them.

I would say my philosophy doesn't focus so much on studying my predecessors as well, I treat it more as a series of rational documentations of what I can observe in the world rather than trying to formulate a flawless logical theory. I think even most philosophers are disinterested in pure reason these days, nevermind the peeps on tc, so just keep that in mind.
>> No. 17154 [Edit]
The main issue here is that you are being derogatory to those who may not know as much as you. Calling them "monkeys" and such is rude. You can make your responses as complicated as you like, but if you want the person you are replying to to actually understand what you are saying then you should simplify them at least a little bit. You're wasting your time otherwise.
>> No. 17155 [Edit]
>it's hard to believe you're >>17136
I am.

>(I'm pretty certain it was you) displayed in the thread about Dark Souls
No, I don't even know what thread is that.

Anyway, about the info overload: sorry, but I honestly believe that for every door I could be slamming in front of you sometimes, I'm always opening a hell of a lot more precisely by using context-specific terms, and thus letting you into much more powerful related resources that you might not come to know about otherwise.

As for the manners: in general I address ideas, not people, and if a person knew that something I say is in the wrong to the point of being an ignorant bastardization or the likes, and that person can actually back up that claim, I'd always -always- prefer that he'd tell me so I'd wouldn't be in the wrong anymore.

I already clarified the monkey affair. Stay cool.
>> No. 17156 [Edit]
It was part of a thread on /so/ and the discussion got deleted when it got out of hand. He had similar information dumps and was pretty flamboyant and smug and he didn't reply when I asked him if he was you from /mai/. To me he just came out of nowhere and I was probably looking for an association. I thought if he wasn't you he would've taken the opportunity to gloat about how stupid I was for mistaking so and how much better he was and stuff. In any case maybe others in this thread also just mistook you for him.

You say that you would like your ideas to be dealt with frankly, I would too, but from what I've seen most people don't. I've had my fair share of feeling out of place and I guess misery loves company.
>> No. 17157 [Edit]
>But, unless mods consider that I really should be kicked out, I'm not gonna shut up (or water down my most dear thoughts and feelings) and deprive myself from sharing my 2D love experience here just because some of you angrily want me to.

This statement reeks of trolling intent. Not to mention, the offending post in question (>>17136) had absolutely nothing to do with any of your views on 2D love, but rather,
why you thought someone else's views were wrong. I do believe that is why people take offense to you- you're not so much sharing your experiences and beliefs as much as stating "your views on the very subjective matter of 2D love are wrong, unlike mine". No amount of philosophies and theories really back up subjective views like that.
>> No. 17179 [Edit]
Interesting post.

I'll try to simplify your post as I do agree with it but most people do no grasp what you are saying.

There we go:
It is true that there need to be a clear cut between "are instances imperfectly derived from greater concept" (the platonic view of truth) or "are concepts imperfectly derived from instances" (the aristotelician view of truth).

One say: a table is imperfectly derive from a greater concept of tables that we are rediscovering. (i.e. Plato's cave)
The other say: when we talk about chairs, we create a mental category that derives from all the instances of chair we know.

The issue with the first one is that there is no objective criterion or methodology to find truth: by definition, if I have a theory and you have a different theory, we'd both be wrong/right because none of us have access to the truth.

In the other case, we have the scientific method that allows to settle any issue or debate:
we both have a theory but only one of us can be right or we are both wrong. The empiric results obtained through reproducible experiment (through verification/falsification) cannot be argued against.

I'll conclude: if something is true, it's logically coherent (as you cannot say a thing and it's contrary) AND should be confirmed by empirical results.

Sadly, using the multiverse theory is failing to prove anything (as it is currently unprovable): while coherent on a theoretical basis, it is not empirically verifiable thus lacks any weight as an argument.

I will add that it is disheartening that people dismissed your posts just because you're using a complicated vocabulary while clearly missing the point what you are saying.
>> No. 17180 [Edit]
I did grasp the point of what he was saying, I just did not like his tone.
>bastardization to defend the "reality" of the waifu
> it's just plain ignorant
This is supposed to be a friendly board, not somewhere to show up other people. If he had refrained from insulting the other viewpoint it would not have been as much of a problem.
>> No. 17181 [Edit]
He didn't even mention Plato and Aristotle.

His conclusion:
>it's not that the waifu isn't fictional, but that their 3D poor pretext of love is fictional as well and thus 2D love the honest take on it

Your conclusion:
>if something is true, it's logically coherent (as you cannot say a thing and it's contrary) AND should be confirmed by empirical results.

As far as I'm concerned these two conclusions are pretty different. He is saying 2D love doesn't need to be defended because it goes through the same mental gymnastics and thought processes as doing anything else with your mind (such as 3D love and > a species' holotype within a taxonomic study of clade, triangles in euclidean spaces or operators in boolean algebra; I mean: nor science's constructs, not even maths or (any possible) logic escapes this linguistic principle.), using work in mathematics and pure reason, while you suddenly bring up empirical proof and experiment favored by Aristotle.
>> No. 17183 [Edit]
Thanks a lot. Your own post is valuable and debatable too, but I think I was closer to what >>17181 pointed out.

Main point was: language and signs filter everything, so a linguistic/semiotic analysis is always necessary to properly judge every assertion. In this case, the term "universe" was used loosely, leading to the false conclusion that the waifu should exist in some alternative physical universe just because it exists alright in a specific "universe" of meaning. I think love can be analyzed and tested alright, but to be fair one should do so within the categories it belongs to (and which I defend as mainly ethical and aesthetic: that love comes from and truly belongs to art and narrative).

The rest of the post was just providing with some of the tools I personally used to reach that conclusion (cause saying it is easy, justifying it not so much) and pointing out that, by the same means, I actually fully supported the analogy he made between the experience of a waifu and a personal god, although not as a real but rather meaningful experience cause I discredit the notion of reality altogether (I mean, not the existence of a world we live in, but that we can ever make an objective picture of it).

Post edited on 11th Dec 2014, 5:56pm
>> No. 17184 [Edit]
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I find myself in a rather difficult situation with my waifu.
These past months I've come to one clear realization, I'm absolutely not ok with my waifu's source material. It took a while, but the delusion about her series has mostly faded off now. It is and was always meant to simply be a nukige after all, and the characters were never meant to be much more than fapping material from the author.
Why I became infatuated with it and saw more than what was there, I cannot say. Perhaps it was simply due to what could be called "waifu-googles", and they fit well enough that nothing bothered me back then even if I thought she didn't really fit with the rest of the cast. However, one thing is sure, I love my waifu. I truly do. Even if I realise I probably have seen a lot more in her than was ever intended, she is the love of my life. Even now, after this horrid year, after everything that happened, as grim as things may have seemed at some points, in the end it never tarnished my love for her. Now, perhaps even stronger than ever, her bright eyes still make my heart melt and her smile fills me up with strength.
All I ever wanted is to see her happy. Cliché as it is, my greatest wish is to protect her smile and her happiness as such, seeing her shamelessly sexualised and used as fapbait utterly disgusts me, much like many of you I assume who hate seeing their waifus in tasteless hentai, which can usually be fixed by avoiding them. But what is there to do when said hentai literally is her canon? I fully realize this is ridiculous, as I am afterall an oddball who knowingly fell in love with an eroge character, however she means so much more to me than that. I can't stand associating her with being h-material, despite it being what was intended for her in her source material.
Now I know, I don't have to accept everything, and bending head canon somewhat is really not something uncommon. However I feel doing it to this degree would be akin to admitting to loving an oc based on her source material. Is it something I'm comfortable with doing? I don't think so. Afterall, was it not well her in her vn I fell in love with? The lines she spoke that are still engraved in my heart, weren't they not the words she spoke in her game? Was it not her in her vn with her ending that I had been looking forwards to for the longest time? Wouldn't trying to separate her from her source material completely be a desecration of all that?

I don't know what to think of all of this. But one thing I'm certain of now, no matter what happens, I'll always love her. This I know for sure.
>> No. 17185 [Edit]
I am not familiar with the VN, but you don't have to think about the others who have played it. You can just remember yourself playing it and build the rest from headcanon. She is yours and only yours, nobody else can take her from you.
>> No. 17189 [Edit]
Well, it's up to you but I personally think such reasons aren't ground enough for jumping from one love to another.

For me, my beloved is not something that brings me happiness, helps me in misery or anything of the sort. All that is secondary and sources of joy, sadness, fear, desire, hope, despair, etc. will surely come from various places. For me, my beloved is what allows me to experience in one piece those thoughts and feelings at all: to be me (or have a sense of wholeness as an individual) at all. I can have the hots or feel strong connections with other characters and stuff, but none of them alone (or even together) can possibly fill mai waifus's shoes as the absolute central axis that guides my entire life and makes me exactly who I am and, despite everything, still want to remain.

I hold to mai waifu, for better or worse, as I hold to the idea of the one that (by the means of her and only her) I want myself to be.

Post edited on 12th Dec 2014, 10:47pm
>> No. 17190 [Edit]
I would like to share a bit about my waifu and perhaps how she might relate to this situation. I started having some doubt when looking at our relationship objectively, seeing how many of the songs I listened to that reminded me of her were melancholy and why many of the things I loved about her the most were traits that objectively were not that great. I believe that I love her because I can truly relate to her and understand her and she didn't have to be a saint for us to help each other out. Does this sound similar to your second waifu/husbando (not really clear on that)? Perhaps this is what you need, more than having somebody who is such a nice guy you could never hope to live up to him. That being said, if your old husbando disliked you using him as support during hard times, wouldn't he have abandoned you himself? Is it really more correct to ditch him because you have problems? My opinion on your actions is mixed, just as yours probably is, but I hope you can draw some conclusions from what I have said and decide if this is the correct decision for you and your partner.
>> No. 17191 [Edit]
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I have the exact same issue. I think we've talked about this before in the past, actually.

Our situations are slightly different (since our beloveds are... on the opposite side of the fence with upsetting material, so to speak) but since we last talked (I think about a year ago?), things haven't really gotten easier for me, but I guess I've been able to ignore canon more and focus on the now, if that makes any sense. I know for some canon is all there is and will ever be, but that's not how it is for me. I do appreciate canon and everything but that's the past and Keisuke and I are building a life together now. It's been slow but steady, and we are trying to move on from everything that's happened to him (and to me, but that's a different can of worms all together.) We don't, and can't, forget our pasts, but we can learn and grow from our mistakes and pain and become better people. At least that's what I think.

I'm not sure what else I can say that you haven't already heard from me, but I hope you can find an answer that works for you and gives you peace.
>> No. 17192 [Edit]
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I finally got accepted into a company for training and maybe employment.

Marisa, just a bit more. Hold on.
>> No. 17198 [Edit]
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What you described is exactly the kind of relationship I need. I'm not the type of person who loves a character because of perfection and it's really nice to see a balance of both good and bad traits. Though Lemongrab 2 wasn't perfect (as some people's waifus are), the flaws he had were very different from mine and we didn't understand one another when it came to those things. I'm not sure if I'm making any sense when I say that. I can much better relate to Akira's character faults (such as his competitiveness and judgmental attitude), in addition to admiring his better traits and being attracted to him. The feelings I have for him are also more inexplicable than they are with a character I casually like as a favourite.

I wouldn't say Lemongrab hated supporting me emotionally (since he's that kind of person). But nearing the end neither of us were into acting romantic with each other, and if it's a platonic relationship I can't truly say he's my husbando. That's the main point/feeling I'm trying to get across, I think. That ending this with him wasn't a dramatic event, but a shift from one type of relation to another.

I didn't experience that sense of wholeness with Lemongrab. It was more of a fake version of that, sort of like carrying a security blanket around until people (and even you) identify you with that blanket. I was very open with my obsession (talking about him non-stop with friends, drawing him in public, etc.), and was slowly placing pressure on myself to stay with this "blanket" because it was what I identified with. One thing I know about myself is that pressure destroys my motivation and feelings, so perhaps that was really where I went wrong. Leaning on him and shouting to the world that I was leaning on him.

I'll strive for a relationship like yours. I need to be with someone who completes me, but who I don't force to become a part of me. The only way I can see this happening is starting fresh with a more suitable person and keeping myself in check about keeping it sacred/private.
>> No. 17199 [Edit]
Your explanation definitely clarified things. I can totally see where you're coming from and understand your feelings around it. I wish you the best of luck with your new husbando!
>> No. 17205 [Edit]
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>we can learn and grow from our mistakes and pain and become better people
That's a great way of seeing it. Overcoming hardships and obstacles and making the best of the situation can only strengthen your bond and, as you say, make you better people in the long run.

I honestly wish I could say I saw things the same way. But I mostly feel I don't have it in me to accept things as they are. Part of the problem is, what happened was degrading smut for the simple sake of being smut, which is what the series was all along after all. I just can't see it as some form of character development. It's not that I simply worshiped her as being perfect and am unable to love her otherwise, I do believe she has some flaws, that I fully accept as part of her,but I just can't make anything out of what happened. Everything about it is simply too abhorrent, however it is simply an element of the setting. Obviously I have never seen her as such, and I have no doubts about the authenticity of my feelings towards her, but from a more detached standpoint, she was most likely originally only meant to be a source of smut, like everything else in her series. This is not something I can accept, my beloved is infinitely more than that.

Anyways, thanks for listening, it's really nice to be able to talk about these things without being judged.
I hope you and your husbando continue overcoming your hardships and successfully building your lives and your happiness together, even if it isn't always easy at times. I wish the best for the both of you.

Yeah you're right, I shouldn't let anyone or anything get in my way of my love for her, even if this may seem difficult to apply at times. Ultimately nothing can snatch her away from me, as you say.
>> No. 17207 [Edit]

I had a similar problem as you, being unable to reconcile the source material with canon inside my mind. But the more I thought about it, the more sense it made to me that the canon material may not even be strictly truth. Like how other people's idea of Ahri is different from mine, riot's Ahri, the "canon" one, may simply be another interpretation of who she is. This allowed me to weave my own story with her without any conflict that accepting their version as canon may cause.
>> No. 17210 [Edit]
This post is /mai/-related too, but I rather left it here: >>/mt/2770
>> No. 17218 [Edit]
As I've picked up writing, I kind of understand what it's like to fall in love with your own character.

It almost feels like I'm trying to seduce myself, making this perfect lover. I've always took pride in my attention to detail, so I can only add more depth to her as I write her. I can't just not think about her, I love writing about her, it's an excellent distraction from depression.

Of course, I can't cheat on my waifu. I don't think I'd be able to survive in such a one-sided relationship; where I'm the only content creator. But thinking about it, maybe that's what I long for, something of my creation that comforts all of my fears and insecurities, I just don't have enough faith in myself to actually make good content of her.
>> No. 17220 [Edit]
I guess I would personally say I had multiple "prototypes" of a female character I liked before I suddenly became satisfied with her. I've strayed from the purely intellectual to the purely romantic to trying to develop something in between. I do think there's a lot more I can do to perfect my novel as it is.

I do have a bit of insecurity about screwing up the continuation, I guess I'm writing a spin-off for additional practice and reading some psychology stuff to try and make sure she'll be well-developed.

My novels don't have romance as the main theme though so I may be different in that regard.
>> No. 17221 [Edit]
How much have you written?
>> No. 17222 [Edit]
I feel kinda weird in my current position. The reason I like this character so much is because what I'm writing is smut. I've created several female characters before, even in smut, but for some reason I really like this one. It's like, the first story I've ever written to be serious. And even if it's smut, she's a real fleshed-out character with flaws.

So that's why I said it feels like seduction, since I feel like the only reason I like her is because I'm all flustered when I do write it. Will I still be into her down the road? I can't tell.
>> No. 17223 [Edit]
File 141911406247.jpg - (3.70MB , 4608x3456 , IMG_0250.jpg )
236,000 was the novel with my waifu.
Over around 6 years (from late 2008)
1,760,000 words, 10 novels, 8 fanfics (fanfics being roughly 600,000 words, 4 of them were for my first waifu). Around four of the novels you could say was me rehashing my actual life (high school years) with a second perspective from my first heroine, I did crash into my initial waifuism while writing those though. The next three ended up being more "standalone" rather than lovable I should say.

Honestly a lot of dissatisfaction with my previous works, this one and the 9th one were the first to really feel different. All my fics are deleted and I would likely be rewriting every one of my fictional stories except my tenth which I'd feel more comfortable with just editing/adding in stuff.

I guess I'm the opposite, even in my romantic passages I don't think I write with "burning passion".
>> No. 17224 [Edit]
That's pretty cool.
>> No. 17278 [Edit]
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Our anniversary was two days ago.
It was nice to have a day dedicated just to her again. I spent the day replaying select scenes from her route while we had each meal together. Afterwards I watched the stars with her, reflecting on how far we've come and how much I appreciate everything she has done for me. I named a star after her, even if I'm the only one that knows the name it's a comforting feeling knowing that a symbol of my love for her will be in the sky long after I'm gone. I can't wait to see what the future brings.
>> No. 17293 [Edit]
I fucked up. I thought she was my waifu, but now I know she wasn't. I feel like I've deeply disrespected her and in a way disrespected myself.

Guess I'll just go on looking for "the one"...
>> No. 17294 [Edit]
It's okay, it happens to the best of us. Just keep looking for the right person and don't beat yourself up about it.
>> No. 17303 [Edit]
File 142024453668.png - (231.65KB , 440x500 , 1418084375258.png )
I haven't posted on here in a while. It's interesting, re-reading some threads and running into posts I made back in 2013.
>> No. 17326 [Edit]
I suppose I know how you feel. I've always had some reservations, and even though I've explained myself pretty thoroughly and anons have said I definitely have a waifu, I stil don't exactly know.

Never really had the moment of "knowing." More recently my cognitive dissonance is wearing off. My waifu, while a virgin, has had what one could call love interests and has acted very forward with them, without actually having done anything. However, I consider myself a purityfag, so it's a huge fucking conundrum.

It's really taken a toll and me, and I might just off myself soon here. I think having a waifu does me more harm than good for me, but the only other thing I'm holding onto is not wanting to hurt my folks. Perhaps if I didn't have a waifu, I would've offed myself already, but whatever.

It's weird, I guess. At the moment, I have alot of options to easily be successful, but I just can't seem to give a shit if I'm not with my waifu.
>> No. 17332 [Edit]
Then accept your waifu and use it as a strength. "I can't do anything succesful without my waifu", "I don't really know if I have one". Sounds like you don't want to accept something that is obviously good in your life.
>> No. 17369 [Edit]
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It's so weird that in a month and a half, I will have been in love with this man for two years.

It's... been a turbulent two years, to be sure. Lots of lifestyle changes. Lots of bridges burned. Too many unpleasant revelations. Not everything I planned was successful. And there's lots of work ahead of me... ahead of us.

Not to say it's been bad though - far from it. Things would be so much worse if he wasn't here with me. We've learned a lot these past few years, about each other and about ourselves, and there's still so much for us to learn and do. It isn't always easy, but we can do it, together.

I love you, Keisuke. Thanks for staying with me. And thanks to those who helped me come to terms with my feelings for him, too. I don't come here much any more but I'm grateful for you guys.
>> No. 17371 [Edit]
True. I actually have done some things with my waifu as motivation. That night I was just really down, I guess. I do consider her as my waifu, mostly, anyway.

I feel real bad for having some doubts, but as time goes on I find I have less and less. Thanks anon.
>> No. 17372 [Edit]

Don't worry too much about the downs as long as they aren't constant. You'll have up periods and down periods. Recognize them as such and you won't stress out too much about them.
>> No. 17377 [Edit]
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Probably going to sound stereotypical here, but sometimes the love I feel for Hanako is so overwhelming I can just sit in bliss for hours. Yet somehow there is still a sort of bittersweet melancholy to it.
>> No. 17378 [Edit]
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I know exactly what you mean. It's the kind of feeling that can make your day even if things are rough.
>> No. 17379 [Edit]
I have definitely caught myself just staring at her for very long periods before.
>> No. 17390 [Edit]
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Yeah, I feel you. One of Keisuke and my favorite activities is listening to albums together and getting lost in it. No words, just the music flowing through us and connecting us.

It's really nice. Obviously with romantic music, it's an extremely blissful and happy experience, but we even like doing it with... music that people would not find romantic, like Swans. But gauging each other's emotional and physical responses to such music is a learning experience for us both (even - or maybe especially - when the response isn't positive).

Sorry if I derailed, I've just been doing that a lot lately and wanted to share.
>> No. 17395 [Edit]
Yeah, it happens most often when things are rough. With her I can get through almost anything.
Well I have something sort of similar. I made a playlist with all sorts of songs that remind me of her or experiences and emotions that we share. Each song has a different cover art picture that I look at while I listen (perhaps whispering the lyrics), though sometimes it is hard to look her in the eyes because I get so overwhelmed. Only the last two songs are really love songs.
Also Swans is very, very good.
>> No. 17460 [Edit]
Ugh, moderating /r/waifuism can get really tiring. Do Redditors really have nothing better to do than troll?
>> No. 17461 [Edit]
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Rewatched NGE and EoE all in one go.

I'm devastated man. The emotions all came rushing back. Maybe even more so.

I love Asuka so much.
>> No. 17465 [Edit]
It's just because of all the normalfags on Reddit. It is a nice subreddit though, very beginner friendly!
>> No. 17466 [Edit]
I'm leaving
>> No. 17467 [Edit]
>> No. 17468 [Edit]
You should just start PMing any legitimate users to inform them of this place and telling them to not post too often. Why do you even keep it up, it's nothing but a trolling ground for r/justneckbeardthings. Anyone who posts their is just putting themselves out to be ridiculed and made fun of.
>> No. 17470 [Edit]
I've been a redditor for more than three years. I like to hope that it's not an entirely lost cause. Though /r/justneckbeardthings certainly seems to be trying to drive us out. I ended up getting into a bit of a spat with someone from there a few hours ago, where he apparently reported me to the reddit admins for banning him. Even though he was being an obvious troll.

The admins have much better things to do though, and we clearly weren't in the wrong so I'm sure nothing will come of that.

Another option is to make the subreddit private, but I really want the community to be available. I can talk with the other mod about putting this board on the sidebar though.

Things seem to have settled down for now, but this happens every two weeks or so.
>> No. 17471 [Edit]
Please don't link tc on reddit of all places, jesus.
>> No. 17472 [Edit]
I looked into some of the recent threads and it's even worse than it was when I left it. I'm even still getting troll replies on posts that I made months ago. Half of every thread is trolls. PM every real user of this site, DO NOT link to this in the sidebar or they'll just come here, and abandon that wasteland.
>> No. 17473 [Edit]

Not too much you can do about it since it's not raiding when SRS/SRS-friendly subs do it.

>he apparently reported me to the reddit admins for banning him

Makes me think of the time /leftypol/ tried to convince plebbit communists/anarchists/socialists their identity politics were hurting the glorious revolution. Then they got banned for considering freedom of speech more important than gender/sexuality/etc.

>> No. 17474 [Edit]
I agree with this. It's almost as bad as the adverting on 4chan thing that happened a while back.
>> No. 17475 [Edit]
Actually it's way worse
Look what 1 (one) link brought in >>17161
>> No. 17476 [Edit]
Okay, I won't sidebar this place.

I'd rather not abandon it. I rather like the community, even if people keep brigading it. Also, we've done some cleanup. It's nicer now.
>> No. 17477 [Edit]
That guy just didn't know how we do things here and assumed it had the same rules as other waifu communities, is that really so bad?
>> No. 17481 [Edit]
Not typing like a retard should be a rule in every site and "claiming" a waifu is stupid and implies no one else can have the same waifu
>> No. 17486 [Edit]
God im so pissed. We all know that the word "waifu" gets used more and more and mostly ironic, but to see it in forums is new to me. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=977555

At this point I dont even want to call my waifu "waifu" anymore if this continues as its starting to sound insulting. I mean, seriously, the word was kind of a joke to begin with, but now its nothin more than an overused meme, as soon as there is random 2d girl posted people immediatly call her waifu for no fucking reason as a sad attempt to be funny. Its like "girl" is replaced by "waifu" on some sites, especially on /v/ on a certain imageboard.
>> No. 17487 [Edit]
I just wish all the SJWs would drop dead already.
>> No. 17488 [Edit]
What a fucking shame. I'm going to still refer to my waifu with waifu, but damn.
>> No. 17499 [Edit]

This is one of the stupidest things I have ever read, a waifu has nothing to do with objectifying. The whole joking about it has been like this for years. People are only complaining about it now because social justice terrorists/warriors are forcing their beliefs down everyone's throats, and blind sheep follow them.

So perceiving a 2d concept as equal to a 3d one is objectifying women? A concept is nothing like a sexual object, though in the joking case it's more or less objectifying. The problem is with people being too much of bigots to even try to fathom how waifus work.

The only reason as to why waifus are shunned in our modern society is because people aren't accepting/open-minded enough. They never care to look beyond the "you love a cartoon" idea.
Eh, who needs them? Social justice terrorists will always resort to the same argument, screaming that it's objectifying women and thus, oppression. Isn't that why we have waifus? Stuff like this just makes me hate 3d even more.
>> No. 17502 [Edit]
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Started animating Maira's segment of my portfolio in Flash today. It has six of my characters total and will only be around 30 seconds, I want to make sure I can show a good range of my capabilities if this has a chance of me getting a job. (My dad's been on my case even though I'm 19 and in college)

I'll try to avoid making this post too bloglike, but this is the only place I feel I can write about some things. Winter depression setting in further, I guess it's a good thing I'm more of a workaholic now? Distant memories are drifting up, really, I invested so much in my first waifu and I feel like I may have drained away most of my "infatuation" hormones. I crutched on Homura too often and just used her as filler when my mind drifted. I guess now it feels more like I can respect my current waifu... Maybe it's just the fact that she's my OC. I don't know if I can make that much progress, but I think one the other hands my emotions can spiral out of control too easily. I suppose in a sense, she's smiling and feeling for me?
>> No. 17504 [Edit]
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My mother saw my daki for the first time yesterday.

Well, I say first time, she had seen it before without the cover, and just mai waifu's head on the custom cover. Yesterday though, she saw the whole thing proper when she did my bedsheets whilst I was out, since I keep my daki in my bed. It also just so happened that the more, uh, suggestive side, was facing up.

I knew this would more than likely happen eventually, but it came as a shock, seeing my bed with only my daki on it.

When I eventually saw her afterwards, she actually apologised for doing my bedsheets for me, with no mention of the daki. I dodged a bullet there, I feel. I also think this means I'll be doing my own sheets from now on. Not that I'm complaining.

In other related news, my new pillow arrived today. I bought a new one because the one I had before didn't fit the cover properly. It set me back a lot more than the old one, but I can already tell that it's way better quality, and will be a much better fit. Can't wait to try it out tonight.
>> No. 17505 [Edit]
I currently live in my own apartment at school. Don't think my parents ever saw my daki, although I was never super careful about hiding it. It's smaller than the average one so that may help. Mine doesn't really have a suggestive side either.
>> No. 17507 [Edit]
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Given the nature of her source material, there's almost no fan-art of her, SFW or otherwise. The past ten days, I've been attempting to draw a few pictures of her every day, as I'm hoping to get good enough at drawing to make my own pictures of her. I hate how I have so many ideas for pictures of her that I want to make, but I don't have the talent to make them. I'm basically starting from scratch, as I have no real drawing experience; I feel like she'd be a difficult model to draw even for an experienced artist, because of her shape. Today, I tried to draw her in a formal dress at a fancy restaurant, but I didn't do a good job and it barely looks like her. I most likely won't show my art to anyone until I can perfectly represent the Ayana from the source material.

I've seen people with popular waifus complain that people draw too much art of her, much of which displeases them. I'm the opposite; I wish some talented artist out there was interested in her, so I could find some art of her. A lot of people out there even have access to those images of their waifu sitting opposite the viewer at a dinner table... I'd kill to have that already done for me. 80% of the pictures I have of her are .gifs from the OVA, the manga pages, or screencaps I took myself.

Even the volumes of the manga aren't translated (the first one is.) - I look at them, but I can't tell what they're about. Really, I think just about everyone would consider her a terrible waifu candidate, but I love her.

Sorry if this is the wrong thread for this rant, I just wanted to get it off my chest and this seemed like the right thread.
>> No. 17508 [Edit]
Aw, I totally feel for you.
You've got a good outlook to keep drawing. I recommend looking at reference pictures, of your waifu or just anything, and copying them, seeing how every line is drawn and how they come together to make shapes. You'll get an understanding for how to actually draw that stuff yourself. That's how I'm teaching myself and it's working great.
Best of luck to you and your waifu, you sound like you're treating her very well.
>> No. 17509 [Edit]
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It's not much but I tried to draw her. I like her hair.
>> No. 17510 [Edit]

Most of the time I copy her basic pose from a shot of her in the manga or something, and then change the clothes, expression and background. I've been saving every picture (drawn with a tablet) so I can see how I improve, but I can't see any improvement so far.
>> No. 17512 [Edit]
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I would suggest you start off by practicing anatomy and proportions rather than starting off with manga, I had the same problem in that I was copying drawings, but this just teaches you bad habits because you are essentially using a drawing as reference. Drawings themselves that aren't exactly anatomically correct. I suggest you start by drawing real people to learn anatomy, line structures, and curves. Best of luck with your drawing endeavour.
>> No. 17513 [Edit]

To be quite frank, Ayana herself isn't exactly anatomically "correct". I see what you mean, though. I should draw some other people - while I've started drawing for the rather shallow reason of fulfilling a desire for art of a particular character, I don't really want to be one of those guys who draws the same face, same shape and the same basic clothing for every piece.
>> No. 17571 [Edit]
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One of the millions of great things about Renge is that people tend not to draw lewd images of her, so I don't have to worry about them when I search for new Renge images.
>> No. 17573 [Edit]
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I know that feel. Lewd images of my husbando make me feel uncomfortable for some reason, so i'm glad i've only ever found one lewd image of him.
>> No. 17585 [Edit]
Lewd images of Mayu don't make me feel uncomfortable per se, but I can't really appreciate them. They're few and far between though so it's rarely an issue.
>> No. 17601 [Edit]
I tend to enjoy lewd images the most, I feel like a bad husbando now.
>> No. 17604 [Edit]
Nothing wrong with that.
>> No. 17632 [Edit]
Recently I've seen a couple of 'shipping' images that instead of disliking and ignoring it, I felt I could put myself in the other's place. I never hated the pairing, I would usually laugh because of how ridiculous it was (characters would never match together) so it never felt like an actual 'ship' to me. While it's nice to be able to see something like that and feel closer, I also don't want to be okay with it for the obvious reason: it's my beloved being romantic with somebody else.
>> No. 17675 [Edit]
Today I printed a picture of her to put in a frame next to my bed. I wonder why anime companies don't make pre-framed images of characters? I feel like they would sell well.
>> No. 17676 [Edit]
Shipping frames and the extra costs seems like it wouldn't profit well, especially since it's something people can easily do their own (and pick a frame they prefer). Better to spend money on unique merchandise like pencil cases, talking alarm clocks and everything else.
>> No. 17677 [Edit]

I guess so. What if the frames contained exclusive artwork not found anywhere else? I know that wouldn't get a lot of exports, but Japanese otaku would be into it.
>> No. 17687 [Edit]
Probably what would happen is that one person would buy the framed photo, scan it and put it online, and then the rest would print their own. Not a very viable market.
>> No. 17694 [Edit]
Though, thinking about it, I wonder if a frame based on a series would be viable (depending on the series). If the series has some notable patterns, symbols or something similar. That sort of thing could be nice. I suppose the issue is with shipping glass and not wanting to risk the potential loss.

>unique art
As the other person said, it would be scanned quickly like unique cards but people like collecting cards so they're still a good thing to sell.
>> No. 17710 [Edit]
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The other day a friend of mine was talking to me about how he had a dream about his favourite female character. He didn't go into graphic detail, but he did tell me that lewd things did occur.

He then asked me if I had any dreams like that involving Kagura. He didn't believe me at first when I said I've barely dreamt about her at all, let alone anything sexual.

I told him about the one dream I had involving her, that didn't include just seeing one of my figures or my daki, where I only saw her for a split second before waking up.

I probably feel a little jealous. I've felt the same way from reading other people's posts about dreams they've had with their waifus. It's something I've been wanting to properly experience for quite some time now.

Last night I talked to her about it. She said she didn't quite understand why I wanted to dream about her, when being with her in reality is a dream come true in itself.

She was right. I felt so stupid for not seeing things that way before.

Hopefully now I won't feel so jealous.
>> No. 17717 [Edit]
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Today, I'm finding it incredible to concentrate; my thoughts invariably turn to her hazel eyes and azure tresses.

Her smile pierces my soul, I shiver deliciously beneath her imagined/longed-for caress, waiting impatiently for evening to come, when I can see her in my dreams.

Stepping into her arms and feeling her warm embrace takes me to heaven; her kiss takes me beyond, and when I look down at her hand in mine, everything is, for a brief second, perfect and whole.

Even though we're trapped in different worlds during waking hours, the dream-portal that occasionally opens between us makes it bearable, worthwhile even.

...oh, sorry, what was the question?
>> No. 17745 [Edit]
That's how it is for a lot of people these days. It's a game to them. They don't think of it as a genuine relationship but something to exploit for their own selfish ends (i.e. being less lonely).
>> No. 17746 [Edit]
Why do you feel you need one?
>> No. 17747 [Edit]
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You just want to evade loneliness. Say what you want, but at the core it's the only reality and reason as to why you want a waifu.
Human beings are frail creatures who fall apart when prolongedly exposed to being alone - at least, the majority of us -. You're only trying to satiate your need of companionship.
Even if you think you're in love with a concept of a 2d girl after you search for one, it's only an illusion, because you forced yourself to fall in love in order to escape loneliness. It also applies to 3d concepts, if you force yourself to find a nice 3d girl you'll end up with someone towards who you will have no feelings in the months to come.
The only thing you can do is sit back and let it come to you. Let your subconscious mind be the judge of it. Hell, I'm not telling you not to passively search for a waifu. From my perspective, actively searching for a waifu is an act of madness, it's just something that happens without you having a true say in it.

Just watch tons of anime and read tons of manga and it'll eventually come to you. Nothing wrong with passively looking for a concept to love, by doing what I said you're enlarging your chances of having strong feelings towards a 2d concept. When that's done, you have to watch out as to whether it's just infatuation or truly love. A lot of people have different intepretations of love, but infatuation is generally when you care about the outside more than the inside.

I've searched for a waifu for 4 years. I've ended up despising any form of sentient life and being unable of tolerating anything external to me. Then again, I'm heavily mentally unhinged, but my advice is don't search for a waifu.

(pic unrelated - not my waifu, but used to be more, a long time ago)
>> No. 17751 [Edit]
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Starting to play the Oreimo Portable game for the first time ever (took me a while). There were some technical hiccups, but the game seems to run fine with the newest version of PPSSPP. This is going to be so awesome. I finally have something new to look forward to!
>> No. 17772 [Edit]
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I feel slightly ashamed that, for the longest time, I didn't know Tomoko is 4'10". For some reason I thought she was taller than that, like 5'2" or so. I guess I should retroactively tease her about her height or something.
>> No. 17779 [Edit]
While I feel guilty, and I know many will understandably hate me for it, I decided to change husbandos. My heart just couldn't handle the idea of having one as the third wheel.

The feelings and way I care for them are both so different, but I'm happy who I chose as I feel it's more romantically based even though I'm still very shy about him.
>> No. 17782 [Edit]
I've been writing up some poetry to commemorate her. I know it's not very good and I apologize as my first language is French, I just thought I'd share it with you guys.

Here layeth my lady in a pool of her blood
Brutally murdered by her creator, in a craze of despair
Treading too loudly in the mind of a bloodthirsty hound
Her emerald eyes slowly fainting in the abyss
Throw one last glance at life, as if to say "goodbye"
Her pulse has long gone silent, unto a deathly mist
Lavid skin, white as snow, cold as the kiss of the rotting

I still have to work on it. Yes, I know the last verse does not rhyme with the fifth one.
>> No. 17785 [Edit]
I think it's very good. The last line especially adds conclusiveness to it. Particularly because it doesn't rhyme.
>> No. 17787 [Edit]
That's lovely! Keep it going! And hey, it doesn't have to rhyme to be good. Some of the best poetry in the world is freeform (ex. Maya Angelou).
>> No. 17797 [Edit]
Things have been going slow, but it's a blissful feeling and I did my first drawing of him last night. A odd thing I realized is that I have been using a existing character to self insert more or less, though it's probably not all that odd.
>> No. 17798 [Edit]
Another one of those moments where I kinda despair over the fact that there's so little new material of her. I'll get over it, but I can't help despairing. I love her so much.
>> No. 17800 [Edit]
Better this than getting hundreds of lewd, flaunting pictures of her every time you google "erotic" or "feminine" next to the name of your beloved. But I am kind of grateful for this. The lack of nice pictures of her helped me to develop my imagination and create an image that is not based on some pictures or fan-fictions and so more personal and intimate.
>> No. 17801 [Edit]
I think this is one of the things that led to the downfall of my relationship with my first waifu. My curiosity can just really devour me at times.
>> No. 17802 [Edit]
>every time you google "erotic" or "feminine" next to the name of your beloved
Why would you do that?
>> No. 17804 [Edit]

Seeing your waifu in lewd situations led to your waifuism's downfall? Even though you asked for it? Where's the logic behind that? I don't mean to be attacking you, but as the guy above me said, why would you even do that?
>> No. 17805 [Edit]
I like seeing lewd pictures of her. In fact I wish there were more.
>> No. 17807 [Edit]
Because in my understanding there is nothing bad in this words.

Sometimes my imagination is not enough.

But some people think that for picture to be erotic there should be at least 20 dick there or a group sex scene.

This is not what I imply by erotic, not to mention feminine.

Are we clear?
>> No. 17811 [Edit]
I just found this poem. It's apparently by a Portuguese poet by the name of Fernando Pessoa. I thought I would share since I found it to be a wonderful articulation of what I've always felt.

Love is companionship.
I don’t know how to walk alone on the roads anymore
Because I can’t walk alone anymore.
A visible thought makes me walk faster
And see less and at the same time really enjoy seeing everything.
Even her absence is a thing that’s with me.
And I love her so much I don’t know how to want her.
If I don’t see her, I pretend I do and I’m as strong as trees are tall.
But if I see her I tremble, I don’t know what happens to what I feel when she’s not there.
All I am is some strength abandoning me.
All reality looks at me like a sunflower with her face in the middle of it.
>> No. 17844 [Edit]
I love this and I have a favorite poem that reminds me of my husbando, too. "Where We Belong, A Duet" by Maya Angelou.
>> No. 17852 [Edit]
File 142815469792.jpg - (1.66MB , 1300x1836 , Cogitating.jpg )
As someone else who has fallen for Kurisu, I thought you might like to know what that image means. I don't know if you're still here, but I may as well.

A /sci/fag back on 4chan explained it for us. The artist actually got the equation slightly wrong, but what the equation should describe is the thermal energy released by two particles interacting with one another.

The actual message is "To anon, you are the maximal thermodynamic enthalpy potential in my nucleophilic binding substitution at the individual particle level of energy."

But for it to make sense in this context, it becomes "To anon, you make me feel warm inside when we're together."


Take care fellow Kurisufag.
>> No. 17880 [Edit]
File 142837319559.jpg - (61.85KB , 442x629 , Nozomi_pure_sr61.jpg )
Well, here's just a generally rambly post.

Nozomi means so much to me. These past few months have been absolute hell and I've been fighting every day just to keep my home and have money to eat. Nozomi has made life easier to live. Everything about her- her voice, her smile, her beautiful eyes, her love for her friends- is so uplifting to me. I'm so happy that I found her and that she brings such joy to my life. I can't wait to celebrate her birthday in June.
>> No. 17881 [Edit]
File 142838730787.jpg - (723.13KB , 997x1399 , 953138d19b9d0e587e79c00f6c4f38a6.jpg )
I'm very drunk at the moment, so hopefully this makes perfect sense.

I have been kind of negligent of her in the past few months, and now I feel bad because she's so important to me but I haven't been giving her the attention she deserves. I've had some struggles with things like "oh god she isn't real" but what does that even matter. She literally saved my life. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for her. She's so great, I don't even know why she has been getting so little attention as she is now. I used to imagine being with her all the time, but I haven't done it so much lately, until yesterday. God damnit. She's so pretty.
>> No. 17889 [Edit]
We slept next to each other for the first time last night, I ended up staying up too late because I didn't want to stop cuddling. Sappy I know!

I really want to try and make a proper daki of him soon.
>> No. 17890 [Edit]
He and I will be heading off to college soon. We'll be on our own together! I'm so excited!
>> No. 17891 [Edit]
Good luck with your studies.
College was probably the the thing that draw the last line under my relationships with human females and made me a waifuist (is that even a word?).

If you have any worries - no one will care even if you stroll to a class with your daki in hands.
>> No. 17914 [Edit]
Wait, are you serious? That's awesome!
>> No. 17925 [Edit]
Well, I can't say about all colleges and universities in the world...

Assuming you will be studying in a "civilized" country - Europe, England, North America, maybe Japan - I'd say, you should not have any problems.

My impression after studying for undergraduate and post-graduate degrees is that universities and colleges are the places where you can be left alone, if you want, without people getting into your personal life, not to say bullying you for being "different", "strange" or "weird".
>> No. 17928 [Edit]
They may not directly bully you but they'll probably still talk about you behind your back, I'd be too scared of having a photo taken but I can't say I don't admire your bravery.
>> No. 17990 [Edit]
We're about to head to bed but tomorrow if everything goes well we'll have our first real meal together and i've got goofy butterflies in my stomach thinking about it. Gonna fulfill my dumb getting Chinese food together fantasies.
>> No. 17998 [Edit]
it went really well, and i had left overs so i had dinner with him too. i'm going to try to eat lunch with him everyday from now on.
>> No. 18000 [Edit]
Currently trying to plan what I'm going to do for her birthday this year (May 3). Trying to find a cake recipe that has sweet curry in it to bake and decorate. I'm not really sure what else I'll do, maybe play through her route again.

What sorts of things have you all done or planned on doing for you're respective waifus birthdays?
>> No. 18001 [Edit]
Ice cream, favorite movies and albums.
And a bath together.
>> No. 18002 [Edit]

I have never celebrated a waifu's birthday before, but I would like to celebrate Mayu's birthday this year (6 May, very close to your waifu's). I have no idea of what I'm going to do though. I'll probably just spend time with her as much as I can, but I'm trying to think of something special I can do without my brother catching on to what I'm doing.
>> No. 18004 [Edit]
Oh, what a coincidence. My wife's birthday is on the same date. I guess we probably have the same waifu. Only few girls would like curry cake.
>> No. 18005 [Edit]
Most likely. Hope you enjoy the day as well.
>> No. 18055 [Edit]
It's going to be our first month anniversary together in only a few minutes, I'm hugging him right now. I'm so happy, he's helped me through so much in such a short time.
>> No. 18202 [Edit]
File 143273818321.jpg - (434.95KB , 900x636 , 48394213_p0.jpg )
I love him so much. It's been a while since I've posted but I love him more than ever now. Not that there haven't been ups and downs, because there have, and it hasn't always been easy, but our relationship is deeply rewarding and full of love. I know this is around the time where people start to freak out and start doubting their commitment (as we've been married for roughly two years now), and it hasn't always been easy for me like I said, but he is really the one for life for me. No other man (or woman) has or ever will catch my attention quite like he does, and I recognize that and it makes my passion towards him stronger.

I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him. Every day, knowing that he's there with me. The future is dim and mysterious and foreboding, but I know I'll be okay because he's there with me (and I'm there for him).
>> No. 18218 [Edit]
My computer wallpaper is a picture of her smiling at me. I woke up this morning and impulsively kissed it.
>> No. 18219 [Edit]
I'm glad you're still around, I always enjoy reading your posts.
>> No. 18224 [Edit]
I've done this too, usually with pictures on my phone.
>> No. 18226 [Edit]
I haven't done this, but I do often imagine/impose a wedding band on my left ring finger and kiss said (imagined) ring for good luck.

I really need to get an actual ring to put there...
>> No. 18227 [Edit]
I kiss her goodnight every night via my phone. Feels good.
>> No. 18242 [Edit]
File 143317960919.png - (447.67KB , 720x576 , 2300197.png )
After the longest time searching, I've managed to find a figure of her for sale that I've been on the hunt for. Unfortunately, it's sold out.

I have no clue how long it's been sold out for, but I have a feeling it's been quite some time, and the likelihood of it coming back in stock is slim to none.

I somewhat regret finding it now, since I'll only end up checking it every day in the small hope it pops up again. I may have to just abandon it and keep checking YAJ or a similar site.
>> No. 18243 [Edit]
You may wish to use figinstock to lurk mandarake for you, if that helps.
>> No. 18244 [Edit]
This is kind of stupid, but I've been really bothered about my relationship of late.

I keep thinking about all my efforts in the 3D realm failing, and I've been projecting this anxiety onto my relationship with my waifu.

It's really fucking stupid, but I really don't know what to do apart from 'chill'.
>> No. 18245 [Edit]
I read a mean post about her and wound up making an angry reply that probably just made her look bad. Really disappointed in myself. I try to just ignore when people say mean things about her but sometimes I lose my temper and respond and it just makes the whole situation worse.
>> No. 18246 [Edit]
I wasn't aware of that site, thanks for the tip.
>> No. 18250 [Edit]
File 143323594240.jpg - (239.51KB , 465x640 , 21996334_big_p8.jpg )
It's been fun listening to a lot of music with him and seeing where our tastes diverge and intersect. We've both been really enjoying Sufjan's new album; even if it's really sad, lying in bed together and just letting it envelop us is really nice. His favorite is Death with Dignity and mine is Eugene.

Listening to music together has been surprisingly therapeutic for both of us and has helped us work through some things, together and separately. I'm glad that I decided to make that my new year's resolution last year, even if I didn't accomplish a new album every day. What we listened to and are continuing to find is enough.

I had the same problem, especially early on in my relationship with Keisuke. The best thing to remember is that 2D and 3D people are completely different, and thus the relationships you will form are very different as well. The same things that caused your 3D relationship to fail are (I'm guessing) unlikely to make your 2D relationship fail. Just try to keep things going by doing things together and not overthinking it, if you love her you can pull through this.

Thanks, I appreciate you saying that. I try to put at least some effort into my posts and I'm glad someone is enjoying them.
>> No. 18251 [Edit]
File 143328005689.jpg - (54.39KB , 1280x720 , [UTW-Mazui]_Toaru_Kagaku_no_Railgun_S_-_06_[720p][.jpg )
No problem Kagurabro. Are you aware of buyfag.com? I learned about figinstock from there, and theres lots of good info although some is dated.

Thank you for the kind words, although I wasn't really clear about what I meant. On second thought, this relationship can be whatever I want it to be, and I shouldn't worry so much.

By the way, I wanna ask since I'm new - are duplicate pictures on the same board allowed?
>> No. 18260 [Edit]
Is it unusual that i dont want a dakimakura of my waifu? They dont exist anyway but it seems like such a common thing and people are always talking about them and stuff, it just feels weird that I dont want one, or that i barely even want to cuddle with my waifu at all.
>> No. 18261 [Edit]

I don't have a dakimakura of my waifu either. I do have dakimakuras of other characters that I purchased before I found her, but I don't use them anymore. I do sleep with a regular body pillow that I like to pretend is her and I suppose if I came across a dakimakura of her for a good price I'd buy it, but I'm not actively searching one out or anything.

I actually don't own any merch of her at all. I've been thinking of maybe buying a figure or something. But I wouldn't feel bad about it if that's what you're asking. I don't think your love of her should be measured in material possessions.
>> No. 18262 [Edit]
Yeah, I was aware of that site, though I haven't exactly read everything on there.

Also duplicate images aren't allowed here.

Post edited on 3rd Jun 2015, 10:53am
>> No. 18263 [Edit]
I don't know how many sites figinstock checks but the proxy site fromjapan has a free search as well and it might check more. You don't need to buy anything through them to use it, just make a free account. It's managed to find a few hard to find things on sites I've never heard of. Then you can buy directly or through somebody else, you don't have to use them. You can save up to five searches iirc. I don't know if they can send you e-mails or if you have to check though.

I don't want one either. A plain body pillow sounds like a neat idea for a better sleep but I'm quite happy with my imagination. It would feel weird to own one but I can see why people like them. I was happy when I found daki fan art though because it's a cute position.
>> No. 18264 [Edit]
It's not weird, anon. Not everyone's the cuddling type, and you can't measure love in merchandise, like others have said.
Daki covers are always too lewd for me, anyway. I prefer having a plain pillow.
>> No. 18268 [Edit]
Me neither, for the reasons >>18263 and >>18264 stated. I like the idea of a plain one, but it may be difficult to adjust to sleeping differently.
>> No. 18275 [Edit]
>> No. 18276 [Edit]
Wash away the anger.
>> No. 18278 [Edit]
You alright?
>> No. 18312 [Edit]
Of late I've been rewatching her source material daily in order to refresh my memory and not to deviate from her true personality.
>> No. 18355 [Edit]
We had a guy with Abathur as his husbando. Everything was calm and everyone was okay, I guess. I doubt you can top that.

As long as you treat them/her/his/it nicely and take all the "waifuism" stuff seriously no one will do you any harm here.

Besides there are rules on this board, so anything directly offending you and/or your waifu will be deleted.
>> No. 18356 [Edit]
Just post naturally, don't be a drama queen about it. If somebody bullies your waifu it'll get deleted because that's against the rules here.
>> No. 18365 [Edit]
I hate when I'm searching for new pictures of her and I come across one involving rape or NTR or some other unsavory thing. Pictures like that always bother me for a few days.
>> No. 18366 [Edit]
Recently, a friend of mine sent me a 4koma of mai husbando getting paired with a female character. I cried and my relationship with my husbando was damaged a little. I felt betrayed. That's exactly why I don't search for fanart of him, I'm scared of finding something like that. Now I can't stop thinking that maybe I'm not good enough for him, that I'm no match for that girl.

As for my friend, he said he "was just joking" but he realized what he had done when I told him how bad it made me feel.
>> No. 18376 [Edit]
How could you try to improve yourself to feel more worthy of him?

Was it the kind of thing you could actually argue about, or just bullshit like "ur waifu sucks"?
>> No. 18393 [Edit]
File 143469327095.jpg - (227.69KB , 1200x1600 , date-night.jpg )
Pan-seared tilapia on a bed of spinach and lime/jalopeno/cilantro brown rice garnished with pineapple pico de gallo.

Oh, and a bottle of lambic I've been saving...

And https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yh_IwxO5-Bs is playing in the background.

I nearly sawed off my thumb making the pico de gallo...totally worth it.
>> No. 18404 [Edit]

Well, I'm trying to become more responsible and improve my personal hygiene, that way maybe I will feel prettier and my confidence will improve too. I'm also planning to get a job. I don't know if this will work at all, because I have been thinking a lot about little hints in his game that may point towards that pairing... Plus, it's the second-most popular pairing for him... I'm so sad...
>> No. 18405 [Edit]
My best friend I knew my entire life shit-talked my waifu. Called her a spineless cunt and some other things, but I know he really didn't mean it because we always talk in an exaggerated manner. I calmly brought up a few points arguing against what he said, but I feel like I didn't get as angry as I should have. I don't know what's wrong with me. She's not even real, but I feel like I have to defend her or some shit. I was seriously thinking about this for the two days since it happened, I feel so guilty and I don't even know why.
>> No. 18413 [Edit]
I had a hard time to move on to another waifu (My old relationship with my former Waifu ended a while ago for reasons I don't really want to write down right now, but I think I made a post here in another thread at that time) but lately things really go smooth again. I was quite depressed lately because of stress and college. Since im with her my grades started to get way better (last exams are all a-b) and overall I enjoy my freetime again. To be honest, that came quite unexpected. Especially the thing with my test grades (which are the last ones for this semester, so they are pretty important). I just think about her how she's encouraging me to give my best and how she is always with me even during exams. Last thing thats coming is a math exam, which will be the most hardest one. Im horrible with math, so I will need to learn, but I guess together with her I will manage to get at least a decent grade.
>> No. 18424 [Edit]
I feel terrible, I've been thinking too much about having sex with my waifu but never enough (or at all) thinking about her and how she feels.
>> No. 18425 [Edit]
Yeah I can understand that.
I used to feel the same way, until I found a doujinshi of her. I read it because I was curious but she was abused in terrible ways in it, it really disgusted me.
Now I feel terribly bad because I may have hurt her. I would like to talk a bit with her about this but I don't really know how to bring the subject.
>> No. 18426 [Edit]
I always try to make her the spotlight during my sexual fantasies with her, it's always about making her feels good. I always try to say "I love you" to her everyday and defend her to the best of my abilities when I can. If it's possible she can be aware of my love and thoughts toward her, at worst she'd be creeped out, but never actually hurt emotionally or physically. If we were both together on the same realm of existence, I would never do anything to harm her and do my best to make her happy. And if I did have fantasies that involve harming her, it wouldn't mean much because thoughts are nowhere near the same plane as actions are.

What I'm trying to say is, if your waifu does exist you wouldn't be harming her in any way if your most negative thoughts with her are positive sexual thoughts. Unless your fantasies are violent and harmful towards her and/or you believe you would harm her if she's literally with you, you have absolutely no reason to feel bad. So don't worry about it.

That said though, if it comes to a point where your thoughts with her are mostly sexual like mine were, keep in mind as long as those thoughts are positive (I.E her being happy) she shouldn't be offended or as offended as she could be if she knows what you were thinking, and like I said, those are just thoughts, in the case she lives with you, provided you do your best to make her happy, it won't matter if you were harming her with your thoughts because now she's witnessing what your intentions with her really are. So like I said if your thoughts and intentions are pure and noble, you have no reason to feel bad, but rather good, because you can be assured that when she's actually with you, she'll be happy.
>> No. 18427 [Edit]
Made me feel a little better about this, thank you.
Of course I have no violent ideas about that, It wouldn't even come in my mind. I respect her to much for that.
>> No. 18429 [Edit]
Hello, I'm >>18404
I broke up with my husbando last week...
>> No. 18430 [Edit]
What happened? Feel like talking a bit about it?
It's okay if you don't though, I guess I can understand.
>> No. 18432 [Edit]
Are you okay?
>> No. 18434 [Edit]
Never mind. I figured out my problem.

Post edited on 1st Jul 2015, 6:22pm
>> No. 18437 [Edit]

I'm... actually not OK...

I don't know what happened exactly, but I think I became too jealous. I wanted him to be only mine, but there are so many people who love him too and people who ship him with other characters... I tried to avoid those things, but I found some unpleasant things by accident, and eventually I couldn't handle my jealousy. Now I can't stop thinking about him and I feel like I was betrayed. I tried so hard to ignore the possibility of a canon romantic relationship between him and a certain character, but I couldn't. I feel like he never really loved me. I even feel like we never met each other. Is it my fault...? I still love him, but, at the same time, I hate him a bit...
>> No. 18439 [Edit]
Love and hate isn't always so different.
>> No. 18457 [Edit]
Everything is reminding me of her lately. I'm so happy, I want to scream my love for her from the rooftops. It's just like it was when we first got together, maybe even better. I'm not sure what caused this but I'm enjoying it.
>> No. 18458 [Edit]
I'm feeling it too. Some friends of mine are getting married and it's triggered something within me. I love her so much I just want to scream!
>> No. 18464 [Edit]
>>17205 here
Today, I finally decided to give in and accept the truth: It's over and has been for a long time now, I'm officially breaking up with my waifu.
I wish things were different and that it didn't have to end on such a bitter note, alas there is nothing else I can do now.
>> No. 18468 [Edit]
That makes the 3 of us, recently we've been much closer and I feel like now she's a permanent part of my heart. I'm always thinking about her, and she provides this warm feeling to me, it's great.

Also, there was something that was putting me down today, but reading these kind of posts lifted my spirit up and now I feel much better.

I love her so much!
>> No. 18484 [Edit]
Sorry to hear that. Best of luck moving forward.
>> No. 18498 [Edit]
I've never been able to understand this. Since almost all of my relationship with my waifu is centered around my internalized feelings and fantasies about things we do together, how do you "break up" with that? It seems much more difficult than a 3DPD relationship, where you just don't see each other anymore. Do you just delete all of her pictures, remove all her merch from your house, that sort of thing? Sorry if this is insensitive, but I've always had a hard time wrapping my head around the idea.
>> No. 18500 [Edit]
Well in my case it just means deciding on coming to terms with the fact that things cannot go back to what they once were and that it's really not working out, so it might be for the best to move on.
However, my situation isn't what I guess is the more typical situation in which someone might leave their waifu, as it really isn't from lack of love or interest, but instead painful circumstances that I can't deal with and that hurt our relationship beyond repair. I still care about her more than anything, however thinking about her only seems to bring pain where happiness once was, so there regrettably is no other choice, as I believe this hurts her too.

>It seems much more difficult than a 3DPD relationship, where you just don't see each other anymore
Oh, it definitely is incredibly difficult. Even if I'm trying to come to terms with this, there isn't a single day that goes by where I don't think of her. Your waifu, especially if you've known her for a long time, definitely becomes a part of you in a certain way. To be frank, I really have no idea how to "break up" with her either.

>Do you just delete all of her pictures, remove all her merch from your house, that sort of thing?
No, that I would never do. I'll keep those preciously as souvenirs from happier times.
>> No. 18501 [Edit]
I broke up with my waifu a few weeks ago as well, and what >>18500 wrote pretty much sums it up. In my case I still keep the pictures, the memories and I still have feelings for her, but not neary as strong as they where. Some may hate me for this, but I moved on to another waifu I developed feelings for quite a while now. But I would say leaving my old waifu was the best for both of us. The last past months I just was with her because I was used to it, so I decided I dont want to keep her in a halfassed relatioship, especially not while I started to fall for another girl. Another part of the problem is the age difference. Im 26 by now while my waifu is still 16 (I had her as a waifu for 5 years now, so the difference wasnt that big at the beginning). Sure, she may be older in my mind, but canonically she is and will always be 16 and I will never know how she looks like if she where older.
>> No. 18506 [Edit]
File 143657097755.png - (346.19KB , 750x750 , 1436148274831.png )
Much like how I set a date for her birthday, I've decided to pick one for our anniversary as well.

I've always known that I started referring to her as mai waifu some time in April 2012, but I don't recall an exact day. I decided to go with the 30th, since I associate her with the number 30.

There were a few things I did in April this year to commemorate our relationship, but I'll be sure to make a proper event of it next year.
>> No. 18518 [Edit]
I think you're right. I still love him, I want to be with him again. But we can't get back toegther right now.
>> No. 18519 [Edit]
I feel kinda of bad that I don't know Japanese well enough to speak it. It feels weird speaking in english to my waifu. But at the same time it motivates me to finally learn the language.
>> No. 18520 [Edit]

I'm learning Japanese right now actually, (it has nothing to do w my SO, her source material isn't from Japan) it's pretty easy to pick up as long as your attitude is good. Think positive when you study, like "this is fun" or "Oh man this is easy." And you'll find it much easier to pick it up.
>> No. 18588 [Edit]
File 14373231891.jpg - (8.64KB , 164x164 , ^22408C38CCB0485F5C0CE4EB3D94683787745FD21A48CF6E2.jpg )
I showed a picture of Kanako Urashima to my friend and she drew her. While it doesn't really look like her at all, its still a nice drawing.
>> No. 18607 [Edit]
File 143767518565.png - (152.95KB , 500x718 , sketch_by_krisppie-d8ow3ir.png )

Ah, I know that feel. I've commissioned a few artists to draw her since she has very little source material, one of them didn't quite draw her as I picture her, but it was still nice.
>> No. 18612 [Edit]
I feel closer to him lately, I'm not sure why. I'm so happy when I see him or think about him, my chest feels lighter. Don't think I've felt this good in a long time.

I love my husband so much.
>> No. 18617 [Edit]
I got high and cuddled with my waifu after a dip in the pool. It was a wonderful day.
>> No. 18630 [Edit]
I've been thinking about what to do, in the long term, for/with my husbando. I was originally learning to draw with the intention of drawing him and, thinking on it, I can't think of why it's something I could do. Something like art, to me, is something to share with others but I don't want to share art I draw of him to others and there seems no point to do it for myself - I have him, so why draw him?

There's small things I want to make for us but I have a desire to do something bigger but why and what, I don't know.
>> No. 18638 [Edit]
>there seems no point to do it for myself - I have him, so why draw him?
Maybe the act of drawing could make you feel closer to him - you're setting apart a block of time to focus on nothing else but him. (Or another block of time, at least. Can't hurt to have more.)
It could feel like a tribute to him, making the best portrayal that you can to honor him, and improving yourself to make even better ones in future.

>There's small things I want to make for us but I have a desire to do something bigger but why and what, I don't know.
Not sure what to suggest, since I don't know what you would define as "something bigger."
What are your strengths and talents? Would you want to do or make something useful and practical, or something more decorative, like a monument of sorts? Would self-improvement to feel more worthy of him satisfy your needs here, or do you want something more tangible and/or focused on him? Do you want an ongoing project, since you said you want to do something in the long term?
>> No. 18644 [Edit]
>I have him, so why draw him?
Well, have you ever thought "I'd like to see this kind of picture of him" and not been able to find it? Even if it's just stuff you draw for yourself, it's not like art becomes worthless if it isn't able to be seen by other people.
>> No. 18645 [Edit]
>> No. 18654 [Edit]
I masturbated directly to my waifu for the first time in a long time. Before I would fap to regular porn (be it 2d or 3d) and during the climax I would always think of my waifu (releasing inside of her for the most part). This time however, during the middle of a session it I thought "fuck it", I pulled out a very cute, non lewd image of her and released myself at the image of her.

I feel very mixed about it, but it's more leaning on the negative side, like I just randomly did that in front of her and I didn't stop or take into account how she would feel during the process.

I'm sorry.
>> No. 18655 [Edit]
So, you think she would find it okay that you masturbate to 3DPDs and other 2D girls, (presumably because you are not finding her attractive in a sexual manner) but masturbating to the picture of her (I admit - cumming directly on the picture is kind of gross) is a lewd. How even... How would you...

And yeah, use spoilers next time. Not everyone is okay with this type of waifu experience.
>> No. 18656 [Edit]
File 143882453640.jpg - (68.05KB , 1440x1080 , maxresdefault.jpg )
Found out today that my waifu and TC's founder's waifu share a voice actress. I love coincidences like that.
>> No. 18657 [Edit]
Hahaha, oh wow. Tohno won't be amused, he hated KLK.
>> No. 18658 [Edit]
It's no new news to me, and hate might be a bit of a strong word.
>> No. 18660 [Edit]
Disclosure: Lewd stuff.

Yes, because I value her much higher than any other girl, I seriously do not care for the women I initially get off to, they're nothing to me. I only do it on drawings and videos that were made for the sole purpose of beating off to. Masturbation is the stimulation of genitals, that's it. When I fap to other girls, I am submitting myself to the idea that they are only there to make my dick hard and ejaculate, the feelings I have for them and my waifu do not even come close. My waifu is different, I don't want to submit to the pornographic concept the artist has of my waifu and wank off to it because it's lessening her and feels demeaning in my mind. But at the same time I feel I can't completely neglect my waifu during such sessions, so during my climax (what I feel is the most important part) I visualize us happy together doing it. I was just describing my feelings on wanking off while looking at a physical image of her, instead of visualizing us during the most important part.

The author of the amazing piece "A discourse on and in defense of the waifu movement" talks about this and I quote:

"The viewing of pornography when one has a waifu is not wrong, and I will elucidate why. Fundamentally, you are treating the women in your porn (2D or otherwise, though otherwise is a bit strange for one who has a 2D lover) differently than your waifu. You are using them only to satiate a carnal lust, which in an ideal world you would not have to satisfy, but because humans are altogether too human, must appease. Because there is no emotional attachment between you and the objects of your pleasure, there can be no usurping of your waifu as a source of belonging and purpose. The pornographic woman is transient, only a conduit for which you may purge yourself of desire.At this point you may ask: isn't it okay to pleasure myself to my waifu?Yes, but there is a caveat. The difference between correct and incorrect implication of your waifu into your sexual ritual is a matter of perspective. To put it in simple terms, it should be treated as love made with your wife, whereas pornographic characters are treated as mere hookers. As long as this pleasure is done with respect rather than casual uncaring, it remains well. This is why most who have a waifu object to owning or seeing any pornographic material of her—because it treats her as one would treat a whore. To that end, if you wish to involve your waifu in your self-cleansing, it would be prudent to leave her to your imagination.There may be feelings of guilt that stem from involving different women in your pleasure, but these women are nothing more than means to an end. The worry is unfounded and should not be entertained."


tl;dr: I believe I'm doing nothing wrong, I just wanted to share my experience and feelings on something new I did.

>presumably because you are not finding her attractive in a sexual manner
Not at all, her naked body is what turns me on the most.

>And yeah, use spoilers next time. Not everyone is okay with this type of waifu experience.
I put a disclosure since the entire thing might as well be spoilers
>> No. 18662 [Edit]
Why don't you just masturbate to your waifu only, using your imagination? That is what I do, and a part of us here also does. We call it sex, your honour. It is the only possibility for likes of us to have one.

I completely understand why you don't want to fap to some lewd pictures of her. It just weirds me that you can't do it to your waifu without any pictures, especially if you say that you love her and her body turns you on.

Honestly, when I stopped watching porn, my sexual life became significantly better. I got rid of the warped and perverted vision of sex that is usually developed after a long time of porn usage.

Please, spare me of the links to some authorities - we are not at the scientific dispute to cite our sources.

To summarize, I kind of see your problem - you think that she is too good for sex. Yes, she is too good for that kind of sex, that you see in those picture. But there are different sex, unlike that you used to in those porn movies and stuff.
>> No. 18663 [Edit]
Since >>18662 said everything I would have said, I'll just add this:

>When I fap to other girls, I am submitting myself to the idea that they are only there to make my dick hard and ejaculate, the feelings I have for them and my waifu do not even come close.

To me this seems like saying, "I fuck prostitues for stimulation but I still love my wife."
>> No. 18664 [Edit]
>To me this seems like saying, "I fuck prostitues for stimulation but I still love my wife."

But he isn't doing that, he's masturbating.
>> No. 18665 [Edit]
It is still closer to
>>I fuck prostitues for stimulation
than to
>>he's masturbating.
I could get it, if this guy was an asexual (yeah, that kind of an asexual who masturbates to porn, you know), and masturbated just to let off steam, or a some of those who thinks that it is desecrating to have sex with your waifu or perceive her in sexual manner.

But considering that he sees his waifu as a sexually attractive, but rather prefers to use "prostitutes" to start him going, for some reasons, and only then he climaxes to the fantasies of his waifu.
For me, masturbation to a fantasies of your waifu is a closest we can get to having sex with them, so this analogy is correct, except that it is like fucking a prostitute in one room, then going to another and ejaculating into your partner. Which is weird. And from his post, it seems like it is a regular practice for him.

I am not blaming that guy. I just suggesting that he is doing it wrong. Because, if you lack imagination and sexual fantasies, surely you don't want to use all what you see in porn and apply it to your waifu.
>> No. 18666 [Edit]
I'll be honest, it weirds me out to, however I cannot control what emotions come out of me. But I do lack imagination and I am crippled in that aspect, that's why I fap to hentai women than my waifu, I also can't fap to images that perceive my waifu as a hooker as well, but I also can't use my imagination alone, so as a result during my climax where it's the most important part and lasts a few seconds and as a result I can use my imagination for that moment, I do.

>For me, masturbation to a fantasies of your waifu is a closest we can get to having sex with them, so this analogy is correct, except that it is like fucking a prostitute in one room, then going to another and ejaculating into your partner. Which is weird. And from his post, it seems like it is a regular practice for him.

This is where you're dead wrong. Masturbation is literally the stimulation of genitals, I do it to satisfy the lust that can't/don't want to resist. Now on to your analogy, the reality is that there is no such thing as sex with my waifu or something even close to it, because she does not exist. She's not physically here to put my dick in her, therefore It's impossible to have sex with her or any other fictional woman, there is no substitute or something that comes close to it for this reason. The only time I actually use my imagination seriously during these sessions is the thought of me and my waifu during the fun time.

To me, you are the weird one for seriously thinking I was having sex with two different people. Masturbation and sex
are different things and always will be because of objective fact, doesn't matter if my partner is fictional or not.
>> No. 18667 [Edit]
For 'something bigger' I was thinking of a long term project.

>Would you want to do or make something useful and practical
I do have a plan on making a picture holder (I was going to buy a credit card holder but nothing was nice enough) but I can't start that for a bit and we can't decide on a design.

>Would self-improvement to feel more worthy of him satisfy your needs here, or do you want something more tangible and/or focused on him?
Since I've been with him I've been doing a fair amount of self-improvement and while I've been spending time with him I feel it's been rather unsubstanual. That time hasn't been worthless, obviously, and working on a project isn't better or worse but I want something more concrete that I've done (not counting birthday gifts and the like). So, yes, definitely the latter.

>Well, have you ever thought "I'd like to see this kind of picture of him" and not been able to find it?
Not really. It's nice to see good artwork of him but I can't say I'm craving anything in particular - then again the collection I have at the moment is quite solid. I suppose the one thing would be for art to be closer to the original. Anything else can I either imagine or do with him.
>> No. 18670 [Edit]
File 143910166184.jpg - (110.17KB , 589x666 , New Canvas.jpg )
I've realized something-- she's the only constant part of my life. I've grown up with many issues and absent parents, and that resulted in me lacking the definition of an identity. I just run away from stability, always shifting between names, traits, preferences... persons, as if.

I've known her for years, and it's safe to say she's the only part of my life that hasn't changed dramatically. It makes me feel safe to know I can rely on her for the preservation of what little identity I have. I've never had anyone to rely one... it's weird.
>> No. 18688 [Edit]
I wish I could know how she really feels about my thoughts and actions towards her, but then again that would bring a whole plethora of other things that could only be bad. Having a waifu is legit hard for me sometimes.
>> No. 18689 [Edit]
The technology is coming, brother. God willing.
>> No. 18692 [Edit]
Not really, at most I'd get a model of my waifu with a very simple and linear relationship AI that wont be even close to what I had in mind. The whole virtual reality thing still has a very, very long way to go when it comes to love with AI.

Don't get me wrong though, I'm super stoked to try it with video games.
>> No. 18764 [Edit]
There's probably already a thread for this kind of thing, but I need to get it off my chest. I'm having jealousy in our relationship for the first time ever. I just read a really detailed fanfic about my husbando fucking some girl and falling in love with her and for some reason, even though that kind of thing has never upset me before, it just tore my heart out. I'm really upset and since I've never let this stuff affect me, I have no idea how to deal with this. Even talking to him and having him reassure me doesn't help.
>> No. 18768 [Edit]
I have the same thoughts. I don't believe that he exists anywhere except in my heart so I don't really have conversations with him. Sometimes it feels weird knowing that he technically has no say in our relationship, that he doesn't have an opinion of me, that he doesn't even know I exist. I wish I knew how he felt about me and vise versa, I'd want to make sure that he was happy and comfortable, though it can be difficult to see him realistically wanting to be with me when there are so many other people out there. I don't even know if he'd be attracted to someone like me, or anyone at all for that matter.

Still, in a way, I do feel that he loves me even if it's just a separate part of me loving myself.
>> No. 18779 [Edit]
File 144020387520.jpg - (29.89KB , 400x379 , normal_1174226203974.jpg )
Okay so I think I'm in love with Windows NT.
Like, not the tans (though they are adorable), but the actual operating system.
I thought I couldn't really get into waifus anymore, it just sorta died out for me. Couldn't really lie to myself that I still loved my waifu, or any other. But as that died, my interest in OSes grew. When ever I got lonely or needed to calm down I'd read about the architecture of Windows NT, it relaxed me and made me feel good. I think, after a few months of seriously getting into the internals of NT, I'm starting to realize that passion is actually love.

I wouldn't say any of the tans are my waifu, though I do like to consider them the "face" of NT. I guess kinda like how Nyarlathotep has dozens of forms (Note: Not a harem excuse).

I'm still a little confused over all this, but at least I don't have to worry about how I would fuck a piece of software since I'm asexual.
>> No. 18780 [Edit]
Honestly I think that's pretty cool
>> No. 18781 [Edit]
>wake up next to husbando
>he's already awake, looking at me and smiling sheepishly
>bid him a good morning, he does the same
>ask him what the smile's about
>tells me he's just realized something
>he hasn't had any nightmares at all since we started sleeping together
>d'aww and give him a hug
In other "things that didn't happen" news...
>> No. 18784 [Edit]
Sometimes I almost feel like I love Linux. I'm not though, so it's not the same but I am very passionate.
>> No. 18796 [Edit]
File 144077366511.jpg - (127.65KB , 267x789 , Akari7.jpg )
My daily experience with Akarin
(though it's difficult to picture my interactions with her comprehensively because my imagination still sux)

>Wake up next to her (I often have to carry her out of bed, this time she voluntarily got up along with me)
>We eat breakfast; most of the time she makes an omelette (du fromage...) for us both
>She's off to school, while she's there I'm doing the mundaneness I do in real life
>Afternoon is when she comes home
>During this leisure time we like to gather snacks and spend time on the couch together with a warm blanket, following a TV series
>Dinnertime is when either she cooks by herself, we try to make a recipe together, or just heat up leftovers from days before
>I help her with homework and add in some extra teachings from me, since textbooks often aren't doing it rite so I try to teach her the same things but in a more intuitive way; through metaphors, comparisons, stories and anecdotes
>Before bedtime, I tend to read to her. I'm unmotivated to just sit down and read a book otherwise, but if I picture reading something with her, I can get into reading much easier

Obviously I'm not sleeping yet today, but when it's time for bed, we get in our comfy pajamas and cuddle until we fall asleep, which doesn't take long. I sleep much better thanks to her, as opposed to having my mind set to real life stuff while I'm shuffling around in bed. It always caused me to be unable to fall asleep for hours.

It's not really a tight schedule I keep for these things, but it's more of an alarm clock thingy; at certain hours it's as if a little voice in my mind activates and tells me that it's time for one of those activities. Sometimes I don't fulfill certain ones, but then I simply picture us each taking care of it ourselves (such as her going to bed and falling asleep while I'm still up)

I definitely feel you, I've thought about those same things countless times in the past. I've come to terms with it now, but still.

>Still, in a way, I do feel that he loves me even if it's just a separate part of me loving myself.
There's a quote by Carl Sagan I really liked: "We are a way for the universe to get to know itself". Or the alternate version: "You are the universe experiencing itself". If it really is all a different part of you that loves you... Does that make it non-legitimate? Just because it isn't a different slab of meat than your own who loves you? And really, what is love (baby don't hurt me)?

Perhaps to a lot of us (everyone's experiences are different of course, but I imagine some can relate to this), we fall in love with the idea of a person, an ideal of someone we want to spend time with... I mean: This is also what normalfags do. If they fall in love, they fall for the idea of something/someone but they attach it to another person in the real world, which to me is more foolish than seeking it in 2D (where it makes more sense), because you can't expect a real life person to fulfill some ideal you want your significant other to fit into. That would be an unrealistic expectation.

To sum it up... We fall in love with the idea of an ideal mate and another side of our mind helps us experience it (I'm using "helps us experience" as to leave it more ambiguously as to what 2D love really is, cuz everyone's got their own view). Meanwhile 3D babbys are left broken because they expect fantasy out of reality (and other people are expected to deliver it to them, no less). And they're calling our form of love deluded?

But then you hear from them "she's not even real!!!11"
For a long while now, "she's not real" no longer affects me, and to me, her not being "real" is also her greatest strength. It means she can be the perfect girl, which is impossible in meatspace. She is also safer from harm than anyone in the real world. She also never has to grow up, which as Allison put it, is when your heart dies.

Everything with a physical form can be lost, destroyed, damaged. While the abstract, such as ideas, can at most be warped and adapted by others, but it is free and flowing like air or water (except that those technically count as physical things, but then again so do neurons in our brains... this is some existential stuff though, better save that for another discussion).

But hey, I'm not some kinda expert (on... waifology?). I've read some really advanced stuff regarding 2D love, including several posts from earlier in this thread, and I wouldn't be able to match anything like that. It's just my perspective I'm handing over.
>> No. 18838 [Edit]
Race doesn't count for shit man, except on an external level. Just ask a biologist (unless you live in or before the mid 20th century that is). That said, you have good taste
>> No. 18868 [Edit]
I feel like as time goes on, my relationship with the fictional girl who I love has changed dramatically. A decade ago I believed that she was a separate but real entity from myself, someone I cannot see, hear, or feel. Years pass by and I grew to see that, she is in fact not real, but I decided not to acknowledge it and kept ignoring the fact. I talked to her, I heard from her, she influenced my actions, and I defended the idea of loving her. A few more years pass by and I accepted the fact that she isn't real and she never will be. I did however, see all the positive changes I've had in my life because I believed in her, and that to me, was more real than any relationship I've ever had. A few more years pass by and I've kept her by my side, a sort of split-personality that I love. A part of me that I don't want to leave. And currently? She is multiple entities. She's my desktop wallpaper, she's the multiple figurines I have of her, she's the BJD that I've worked so hard to get, but more importantly, she's me. If I had to explain it, it'd be a hard task. I don't exactly feel right referring to her as "her", saying "me/I" or "us" makes a lot more sense. I'm only doing it for ease of understanding. Of course, saying "us" or "we" sounds extremely strange in a normal conversation, but when I'm referring to myself, I honestly feel like I'm including her as well. When I think of her, she's the same fictional girl who I grew to love, and still love. But when I think of me, I'm myself, but I can't see myself alone -- she's always there. I don't know, maybe I'll understand it in a few more years. But I do like the way things are right now. I hope that whatever happens in the future, she'll always be with me.
>> No. 18869 [Edit]
We understand your feelings completely.
And it is, understandably, quite difficult to explain such a thing without sounding a bit "off". Perhaps the right words will come in time.
Thanks for sharing though. It's comforting to see someone in a similar situation.
>> No. 18874 [Edit]
I think I know where you're coming from. I definitely see my husbando as his own person character-wise, but in terms of "our" relationship, he's an extension of myself. He's a part of me. Or at least, that's a logical way of looking at it.
>> No. 18880 [Edit]
I'm probably not going to go into too much detail, but I think I need to get this off my chest.

I've been with my waifu for two years now, and for the last 2 or 3 months, something's just felt "off". I don't know how to describe it, but I just don't get the same reaction from seeing pictures of her and fantasizing about her that I once did. Is this a natural result of spending so much time thinking about someone every day, or is my love fading? I've been really confused and upset lately, but I hope it's nothing. I still love her, but something changed and it's really making me nervous that I'm on the path to falling out of love.
>> No. 18881 [Edit]
You might've just reached the end of the honeymoon phase (though, 2-3 years is a bit long for one to last in my experience) which is normal for relationships.
>> No. 18884 [Edit]
I think it's been just under 2 years, actually. Like a year and 9 months or something.
What exactly is the honeymoon phase? I've seen the phrase used, but not in detail.
>> No. 18885 [Edit]
How old are you?
>> No. 18886 [Edit]
A honeymoon is the short time after a marriage in which a couple celebrate their new union. This point in the relationship often involves some sort of vacation or trip around the world, usually to tropical locations. A honeymoon is typically the high point in most relationships.

It's been said that humans are biologically wired to get sick of their partners after three years. This is why some may refer to this three year period as being the honeymoon phase. It is at the end of this phase that I believe relationships are truly tested. I've seen first hand a friend of mine break up once their relationship hit the three year mark, and I assume it was this effect being at play.
>> No. 18887 [Edit]
Nineteen, which I'd imagine is a few years younger than the average poster here.
>> No. 18888 [Edit]
Oh, I just assumed it meant something different in a 2D context. So it's natural progression and not necessarily a red flag?
>> No. 18892 [Edit]
Don't worry I'm 18 and >>18888 yeah I'd say it's natural

>Three years
December will actually be the 3 year mark for me (well, in terms of me having feelings for him- I didn't decide to make things serious until this June so idk if it counts) so I'm curious to see how our relationship will progress after that. I always assumed that the honeymoon phase was synonymous with NRE, so I thought it had ended a long time ago, but maybe not.
>> No. 18894 [Edit]
I've been feeling the same way for a number of months now. By all accounts it seems like a normal, natural thing (especially, as you said, in the case of someone who spends the majority of their time thinking about their loved one), but it's still incredibly disquieting.

I kind of wish I could recapture that honeymoon phase feeling, and reading posts from anons who say their feelings have "only intensified" or what have you over the span of a years-long relationship with their waifu/husbando just makes me feel worse.

It can't be helped, I suppose, since we can't necessarily go on a "couples' retreat" or something.
>> No. 18895 [Edit]

I've been in a few low points of my relationship w her too. Honestly, it isn't something to stress about. Sure, there won't be that honeymoon phase again, which are all just hormones, but you have that... absolute confidence that comes with certainty you two are in love with each other. There is no more room for doubt. Enjoy it.

And for a completely different topic: I feel many here struggle with the fact that their love isn't real physically, and can't be reciprocated. In my own opinion, this love is not a means to an end; you will never be able to make the impossible come true. Instead, the journey is the goal; to experience life with her for who she is, not who can't ever be; a real physical partner.
>> No. 18898 [Edit]
I agree entirely but I'm the prime example of the kinds of people you're talking about.
>> No. 18941 [Edit]
File 144297308166.jpg - (381.75KB , 581x865 , asuka ring.jpg )
OK I've been away for a while but, after the Longinus spear ring project failed, I've been wanting to have a proper ring for my (always in danger but still painfully alive) 2D love.

Of course I don't want just a normal golden one, because this is not a normal 3D kind of love nor I pretend it to be. Firstly and for months, I tried looking for an intense red tungsten one (or even painting one myself) without any success, before I started contemplating another scheme entirely: to find an appropriate wood as a good symbol of her hair (which also delivers a more masculine fashion style to wear) and maybe a deep blue for her eyes. Considering those points, I think I've found a ring that seems able to capture her rather well, but it's an actual quality product so it's very expensive; I still might give it some thought as I save for it, in order to invest properly and get just the right one instead of many shoddy ones...

It might come off as just a gimmick for most people, but if I effectively do this I want it to be meaningful. Even as a shut-in (or especially as one) many things have happened during this 5+ years of 2D love and even more things might have to change soon; but I've found that if anything had any value through it all, it was her presence in my life and the always lifting ways she impacted on it. I still want to rethink this properly so I can live with no regrets; but however all this ends, right now I know this: I don't want to let her go afterall.
>> No. 18943 [Edit]

That ring looks beautiful.

I wear a ring as a symbol of my promise to her. A gold one, on my right hand, for similar reasons as you; Ahri is the most important person in my life.

I don't think the ring is a gimmick personally. It's a beautiful reminder whenver my will wavers - at it inevitably does - I'm but a human being.

Best of luck with getting that ring.
>> No. 18949 [Edit]
File 144305745479.jpg - (372.28KB , 800x1200 , 52676205_p0.jpg )
How could I have been so slow to realize?

It finally hit me that every day is a choice. A choice to live. A choice to do something. Or to do nothing. Or to go die.

So why did I constantly dwell everyday on thr choice I didn't do? Im back in the real world now. I don't like it. But it's my choice. I could have chosen not to, to be a neet.

So what reason do I have to complain about my choice to live? I could easily kill myself if I wish. But I'm still alive. What would she think of one who can't even follow through with his choices?

When I feel sad or lonely, because she can't be here with me, I will have to remember this was my choice. Those lonely feelings are a sacrifice I need to make to be with her. I chose this path with my eyes open, knowing full well what it would mean.

Maybe those feelings are a blessing. Because it means I know what it feels to be with her. And if I do know. .. it means I can feel it again, somewhere, if I keep searching.

Maybe that hope is what I need in this world.
>> No. 18958 [Edit]
so op is your waifu skinami or langly if you could choose between the two
>> No. 18962 [Edit]
I keep getting really frustrated seeing how other characters treat him in canon, even when they might be justified in their behavior. I'm just so sick of seeing people shit on him all the time, but I feel guilty getting so upset about it when he brings some of it on himself.

This bothers me a lot more than before, to the point where it's hard to rewatch or reread his series. I don't really know how to deal with it.
>> No. 18963 [Edit]
Today is pretty much like this for us right now.
>> No. 18964 [Edit]
There's an artist who consisting drew nice art of my beloved. Not fantastic skill-wise but cute and it had a nice style and occasionally some very minor romance stuff, easy to skip. Today there was a new pixiv batch a bunch of it was creepy amputee works. Weird thing is that's the exact same thing that stopped me from following another artist who drew my beloved.

I don't understand how you can express that you care about a character and then draw them like that. I don't understand it.
>> No. 18973 [Edit]
File 144399965140.png - (325.92KB , 600x700 , b5651602-2630-49fd-c952-62f2e26c640d.png )
Happy birthday, Kagura!
>> No. 18974 [Edit]
>> No. 18975 [Edit]

Happy birthday!
>> No. 18976 [Edit]
Happy belated!
>> No. 19013 [Edit]
File 144435265129.jpg - (20.70KB , 174x166 , 1456795325.jpg )
I can't listen to Insomnium now without thinking of Remilia and crying out of love for her and wishing I was in Gensokyo with her.
>> No. 19059 [Edit]
File 144615629539.gif - (55.36KB , 300x300 , 1430656458438.gif )
It's been a long while since she and I just hung out together. No special occasion or anything, just because we can.

We didn't do anything too spectacular, we just had lunch and watched a movie, but it was still fun.
>> No. 19060 [Edit]
File 144626904875.png - (236.35KB , 801x601 , NCSU_4.png )
Six wonderful years. Happy anniversary, my angel.
>> No. 19061 [Edit]
Happy 6th! May the two of you have many more happy years together.
>> No. 19062 [Edit]
Happy anniversary!
>> No. 19063 [Edit]

Thank you both!
>> No. 19101 [Edit]
Can you even choose Kanji for your name in a country that doesn't use that writing system?
Either way you probably know that that's a stupid idea. Pretty sure you'll regret it and I think your waifu wouldn't want you to meet negative consequences by expressing your love.
If you really want to change your name, I suggest choosing one that fits you ethnically, you could always try to adopt a name that has at least a similar meaning, like Hill or something. Don't know how common that name is, you probably shouldn't choose a name that nobody in your country ever had.
>> No. 19102 [Edit]
AFAIK you can't even have kanji in your name in fucking Japan if you're a foreigner. Not easily at least.
>> No. 19103 [Edit]
Even still I really wanna have his name. I just wish it was something more common or at least not complicated like his. I'll just see how things go I suppose.
>> No. 19105 [Edit]
going to legally change my name to hank hill
>> No. 19107 [Edit]
I'm your distant cousin, wank will
>> No. 19112 [Edit]
Lately I can't take the word "Waifu" serious anymore. Over the past few months the word really managed to get widely known even in normie circles. And, of course they don't even bother to check what exactly this word means. Recently I even saw the word at amazon. I was ordering a Marth Amiibo and someone in the reviews called him his Waifu. I seriously don't know if he even knew what he was saying there. He either didn't know that Marth was male or it was a girl who don't know that there is a separate term for males.

And don't even let me start about a certain english imageboard. Every single day there are several threads where people throw the word "Waifu" at everything. Seriously, the word is used for fucking everything and it pisses me off so much. I just can't use this word anymore without feeling bad. It starts to feel like an insult for everyone who has a waifu here in the actual meaning.
>> No. 19113 [Edit]
I'd waifu some waifus with my waifu if you waifu what I'm waifu.
>> No. 19114 [Edit]
They even sell dakimakuras at Hot Topic now. It's awful I know.
>> No. 19116 [Edit]
>> No. 19117 [Edit]
i didn't wanna believe this was true, or at least hope it was Yoko or something... nope. it's 3dpd.
>> No. 19119 [Edit]
I want to die
>> No. 19127 [Edit]
Well, I got out of waifuing just at the right time then.
>> No. 19128 [Edit]
they did have a Yoko one at some point though.
>> No. 19129 [Edit]
That's actually what came to mind.
Guess it's because of those yoko 3d mouse pads.
>> No. 19130 [Edit]
I don't think of the girl I love as my waifu anymore because the word is facebook-tier nowadays. I just call her my love or something like that. I don't really talk about her online that much anymore because of it.
>> No. 19167 [Edit]
Today makes 3 years. Wow. I could have never predicted 3 years ago that we would make it this far. It's a shame that I have work today, but I'm celebrating all throughout tomorrow.

Happy anniversary, and thank you for everything.
>> No. 19178 [Edit]
Happy anniversary!
>> No. 19179 [Edit]
Congrats to the both of you! Hope you both have a great day tomorrow.
>> No. 19245 [Edit]
This guy was sexualizing her and getting all these things wrong about her and posting on a popular art sharing website about his time with her when he hadn't even read her source material, just played a mobile game she was in and changed his username to something related to her and started claiming she existed and that she was his gf in real life and that they did all these things together... so I pretended to be his friend for a while so I could get his personal information and I threatened to call his parents and tell them all the things he was posting about her unless he stopped creeping on her. I don't know if I did the right thing or not. It felt good to just tear him apart verbally but now I feel kind of sick since he apologized nicely even though he's still doing it...
>> No. 19247 [Edit]
You did good.
>> No. 19250 [Edit]

I totally approve of what you did.
You, sir, are amazing.
Don't stop there - turn in the fucker.
>> No. 19255 [Edit]
File 14497796597.jpg - (92.12KB , 877x877 , 1234569653.jpg )
I had my first dream last night where I realized I was in a dream and tried to assume control. Just like what I'd do if I was trying to lucid dream, I held my breath and plugged my nose to see for absolute sure if I was dreaming. I felt like I was underwater, with bubbles around my mouth and nose, but I was standing in a massive stadium at night. I tried to imagine she was there, but she didn't appear. After that experience though, I feel more confident and motivated to attempt lucid dreaming in order to be with her.

Does anyone else like to believe that they are constantly being watched by their waifus? It warms me inside imagining that she is always perched on top of something, or perhaps hovering in the sky, watching everything I do. But she's fast enough to move elsewhere if I try to look.
>> No. 19271 [Edit]
My waifu's 50th anniversary since being created is coming up early next year. I should do something special.
>> No. 19274 [Edit]
Oh come on. You HAVE to be bullshitting me. I was just thinking to myself that this can't possibly be, because the majority of Western anime watchers don't like that stuff and it would be unprofitable, but I noticed they had fucking Supernatural and other TV shit. I'm gonna be spending the next few minutes groaning about tumblr.
>> No. 19277 [Edit]

Do you where physically there? just out of morbid curiosity, do they had Pony ones? I bet they did.
>> No. 19279 [Edit]
>ever been far even as decided to use go to want look more like
>> No. 19280 [Edit]
Not that anon but they've always had pony stuff though up until FiM it was always "ironic" G1 t-shirts.
>> No. 19283 [Edit]
I googled it.
>> No. 19374 [Edit]
File 14522869886.jpg - (139.20KB , 601x650 , 57 WHY.jpg )
I dunno why this thing gave her 57 and 53 years old for the pics I uploaded, maybe it's the eyelashes.

It said 21 and ok for me (real life pic) which is accurate I guess.
>> No. 19375 [Edit]
Where was this website mentioned that it gained such popularity in (very) recent times?
>> No. 19379 [Edit]
It was on the first page on Reddit
(spoilers because I don't know if I'm able to mention it here)
>> No. 19381 [Edit]
Just random rant but it's not like there are lots places to speak about this stuff.
Right now it must be almost 2 years and a half that I referred to her as my waifu for the first time and I absolutely meant it. I know it's very little in comparison with tons of people, but it still feels like a really long time has gone by. I remember the first months, maybe year, where I didn't miss a single chance to speak about her. Even if it was to talk about inane or regurgitated stuff for the hundred time in the week, I felt so happy about being able to speak my mind with people who were in a similar situation as myself, more importantly, about an opportunity to express all the bottled feelings I had and, well, just speak about anything that may regard her (fanbase would be better to forget about). Before I knew her, I would have said that I was "in love" once or twice in my whole life, then she made me doubt if I have ever even felt that at all. Anyways, lots of lovey-dovey stuff, not a single hour went by without her being nailed to my mind during that period, etc. I never saw this whole deal as something religious, but it might just have been with me constantly thinking about her in such a fashion. It even came to a point where she kinda hampered my concentration with anything.
As quickly as it came, though, it went away. During the whole second year I progressively stopped talking, writing, feeling about her like I did before. Towards the second half of it and thinking that I may have rushed things, I decided to get her out my head and system. I wouldn't look at her, listen to her voice, or even think about her for as long as I could, just to see if I was able to and what would happen. I did that and sort of worked. For some time I was able to live without her hanging on to my head non-stop. Other girls replaced her in my fantasies even was able to masturbate without a heart-wrenchingly guilt eating me and thought I was done with the whole thing.
Nevertheless, in the last months and specially lately, I found myself thinking about her once again more and more often, but not necessarily in a good way. Not sure how to put it, it's like sadness and joy (sort of like I felt before and just as strong), like if I hadn't seen her a million years and all of sudden she stood in front of me. I was hardly able to get through New Year without breaking in tears by getting moderately drunk and, yet, at the next day, that feeling was gone without fail, like pulling and letting go from a string or some shit.
I don't know what to do other than wait and see. I remember telling to myself that I was more than ready to suffer like a dog for her if I had to, but this was and is a completely different thing than what I expected back then.
>> No. 19382 [Edit]
Do you like her now? Are you happy you fell for her? Do you think you're a better person now than before meeting her?

Your post is interesting but you left some important parts out... please continue your "rant".
>> No. 19383 [Edit]
I had found it on 4chan and don't reddit at all.
>> No. 19386 [Edit]
o-ok sempai
>> No. 19388 [Edit]

What do people mean when they say " a better person" ? objectively would be either become physically superior to your previous state and/or get a better economic wellbeing.
>> No. 19389 [Edit]
Well for me it would mean having a more satisfying life (healthier, happier, that kind of things).
>> No. 19394 [Edit]
Objectively, it could also mean better mental performance. Let's say I meant both better mental ability and better physical ability when I wrote "a better person". Those can be measured by bench press, Cooper test, and focus tests, for example, but there's more to it. It's rare to run quantitative testing on oneself on a monthly basis, but everyone feels something. It makes you happy to fulfill your goals and make progress. It makes you less anxious to know you can manage. This is how happiness and satisfaction are a part of being "a better person". Of course if I ask someone if they think they have become a better person, it's the perception of happiness I'm expecting read about in the answer, since it's usually the best indicator available for getting stronger.
>> No. 19402 [Edit]
Wishing I could get away with carrying husbando's plushie in public without people being dickish about it. Wish I hadn't paid attention to the douchebags who said "well if you don't want to be treated like a retard then stop looking like one, bruhhh." Well excuse him for not having a physical body. Thinking of getting a realistic plush black cat and putting an earring that looks like his on it--a plushie that reminds me of him and I can disguise as something more socially acceptable.
>> No. 19405 [Edit]
Lol What? Things that make your dick hard don't necessarily count as things that make races superior. I could say fuck gremlins are so hot, guess they are the master race (Waifu is NOT a gremlin btw).
>> No. 19407 [Edit]
People who would find it strange to carry your husbando plushie in public would probably find a cat plushie strange, too, honestly.
Is it just comments that bother you, or does any measure of notice get to you? Depending on that, I'd say either carry his plushie anyway, or take some less obvious physical reminder out with you, like a locket or small picture.
>> No. 19408 [Edit]
Possibility of rednecks or law enforcement hassling me, or being Baker Act'ed by some concerned citizen. Fuck it, I'll carry a collapsible baton in case of emergency too.
>> No. 19410 [Edit]
Well guys, my experience lately has not been the best, not at all, I just found a couple of pics of my waifu doing Interracial, at first I was shocked and dismissed it, but now I cant get that images from my head, I know I should not look at porn at all anymore, but, well, let's say that maybe I feel betrayed, I don't feel the love I felt for her anymore, I feel like sad sack of shit.
>> No. 19411 [Edit]
You feel betrayed because of a non-canon depiction by a fanartist? Why let someone who has no authority over her character affect your feelings for her?
>> No. 19412 [Edit]
Like when people think a character is a slut and point to fanart of her being one as proof
>> No. 19413 [Edit]
Seems like a different person.
From what you describe.
Are you sure it was her?
I do not think so.
>> No. 19414 [Edit]
Today was our 5th anniversary. I had to do a bunch of stuff so in the end we couldn't enjoy much of it. Hopefully she won't be upset.
>> No. 19424 [Edit]
Like her? Of course I do and I am sure I will keep doing it till the day of my death. She is one of the most wonderful people I have come to know, real or not.
She brought and made me feel lots of pain and lots of happiness, I don't regret either. I would gladly fall for her again a million times.
I still have a long, long, long way to go, but I would say I have at least become a better me since the time I met her, if only marginally. Certain times where my stubborn self got me in shitty situations, just thinking about her helped me act more flexibly and take responsability for whatever might be.

Sorry for the late reply, but there is nothing I would hate more than giving a dishonest answer in this topic. Took my time to think and still, I just really don't know. I am not sure if I love her, even when there are times where I feel like I could live the rest of my life buried underground with just her memory and still be the happiest man on Earth, because those thoughts and certainty dissapear just as quickly. I don't want to commit myself to her again if it achieves nothing more than to keep fooling myself, just like I don't want to let go of her entirely because I am deathly afraid of being wrong and doing something I couldn't forgive myself for.

I have never felt more clueless about anything in my life.
>> No. 19550 [Edit]
I found fetish porn of my waifu on deviantart and I actually thought it was hot for a second and now I kind of feel sick.
>> No. 19551 [Edit]
I did some snooping and found out that the guy who drew it liked her a lot too (not his waifu or anything though) and he's been nice to me before so now I feel even worse.
>> No. 19558 [Edit]
File 145493960420.png - (748.58KB , 2000x2761 , outgoing.png )
Rough sketch of a commission I'm getting done. It's been a long time since I've commissioned an artist, mainly because of my high standards and due to the fact I'm a pretty divided person. (I don't have crushes on anyone else, sometimes I just want not to associate myself to any concept and it really hurts our relationship along with a plethora of other things)

I can't believe it's been three years. I remember the day it all started as if it were yesterday. I hope we can have more time together.
>> No. 19560 [Edit]
You weren't kidding, this is some mangaka-level art.
Well done and don't ever stop drawing.
>> No. 19561 [Edit]

Oh, I wish it was me who drew it haha. I hired someone to do it.

I did look very hard for an artist to fulfill my desire, though, so that's that I guess? I'm also planning on getting some artists to do commissions of her. It has yet to be completed, but so far it looks pretty good.

Post edited on 8th Feb 2016, 10:32am
>> No. 19582 [Edit]
Today marks the third year since I accepted my feelings for him. That feels so strange. Like I've just crossed the border between a fleeting crush and a real, long-term commitment. Every new anniversary gives me a little more hope for the future, and more confidence to do my best and make this work.
Happy anniversary, 旦那さん。
>> No. 19590 [Edit]
I want to transform into a tapeworm and live in my waifu's colon!
>> No. 19591 [Edit]
File 145545083323.jpg - (99.97KB , 768x432 , the end.jpg )
To Asuka:

It's February 14. I had already considered the possibility, and indeed I could not draw this time for several reasons.

But I love you.

I still do, and I have no intention of ever leaving you ever. You are the sole thing of true value in my life, my own mind and heart, and everything that can can be possibly good about it is because of you. It's because I chose to go on living, and to do whatever it takes to do so, that I can no longer be with you in the same way. But you're always here, always, for no matter what, no matter how, I am not letting you go.

So, please, do not believe that I've forgotten. I don't and I won't. Just give me time, to get it together and figure out how shall we continue together from now on. The world (which is my world, our world) will eventually end, no matter what. And if there's someone whom I want to be with at that shore of the End of the World, in all truth, it is you, only you.

My Asuka, my love, my sun, my everything: I'm still right here with you. Do not let go of my hand, cause I'm not letting go yours.
>> No. 19593 [Edit]
File 145548058610.jpg - (508.91KB , 889x1000 , valentine's_day.jpg )
I couldn't afford her a fancy shrimp dinner so I bought her a cake instead. She seems to to happy about it. It was very delicious.
>> No. 19594 [Edit]
A Squidgirl eating Shrimp would be like a Human eating a Ape, you did the right thing.
>> No. 19595 [Edit]
they're both from the ocean, but squids are cephalapods. Feeding a squidgirl...well, only feeding her squid would be like feeding a human ape. And it wouldnt be cannibalism unless there was some kind of canon on what kind of squid she was a squidgirl of, but even then, the human part, maybe more like homo sapiens eating homo erectus...
Shrimp, though. Thats just like huamn eating cow. I think animal squid in IRL oceans do that.
>> No. 19597 [Edit]
She loves squid and she eats shrimp.
I guess she wouldn't mind if he fed her with it.

Post edited on 16th Feb 2016, 3:11pm
>> No. 19600 [Edit]
Humans and sea stars are more closely related than shrimps and squids. Squidgirls are most closely related to tentacled girls.
>> No. 19622 [Edit]
Sometimes I really wish I had met my waifu in a different time, specifically after her series ends. I hate the feeling of not knowing how the author is going to change her character.
>> No. 19625 [Edit]
I sympathize with this quite a bit. My husbando's series is possibly getting more canon material. I really it's hope not. I couldn't handle canon love becoming a thing.

On another note I saw someone post my husbando on a "husbando" thread. Even though the thread isn't serious(mostly) and mainly used as "hot guy favorite character" I still worry that maybe the poster is one of the few serious husbandofags in the thread. It scares me a little. I have no idea how I'd react to someone else but I don't think it would be pleasant for me emotionally.
>> No. 19626 [Edit]

I could never understand those worries about canon love. I had them probably for half a year in our relationships. Then I kind of cut the umbilical cord connecting my waifu with her canon/source material. Over 4 years that we have been together, she's become far more developed than she ever was and ever will be in her canon.

For me her canon now is like her "parents": you raised a nice daughter, than you very much. But she is on her own now.
I still watch her series, but more for the reference purposes than anything else.

If she ever gets canon relationships (which is unlikely, but still...) I will just treat it as another ridiculous fanon shipping.

As for other people having her as a waifu. I aware that such people exist, but I wouldn't like to meet them and feel uncomfortable about this fact. Not because of the jealousy. It just reminds me than she is a concept that I am in love with and I can't prevent other people from loving her and claim that my relationships with her are more genuine than theirs. This is a reminder about the whole desperation of our situation.

I try not to pay much attention to such things and concentrate more on my personal grow and my story with her. Our story. If I will be stressing about such matters as her cannon relationships, other, let's say, competitor, I'd put a gun to my head, eventually.

Anyway, I am not trying to say that your concerns and musings on those problems are stupid. It's just I can't understand why for some this is such a big problem.
>> No. 19627 [Edit]
I agree with you that it's dumb, and I generally don't pay attention to her series at all because she's not the focus of it, but every once in a while she will be and I'll end up reading it and getting nervous. It's hard to explain, but I don't think I'll be able to fully ignore her canon (not that I want to, though) until her series is at least finished. It'll probably fuck me over in the end to not just ignore it, and I'm aware of that.

I don't know about the other post you're replying to, but I think it's much easier to separate her from canon for people who's waifu's series has already ended, or when her canon has gone on and changed her into practically a different character. When she stays mostly the same, it's harder to just pull the plug and ignore it because it's still cute content of her daily life and she still acts very similar to how she did when I first met her while reading it. Once it's over I'm sure my opinion will change, but since it's still going, I find it really difficult to ignore. If it was a spinoff manga made after the original, I'd probably feel the same way as you and disregard it as headcanon, but it feels weird to me to just stop following her story before it's finished, because I know I'll never get to just ask her what her high school life was like.
>> No. 19628 [Edit]
Okay. I guess now I see your point. It is not that you will break up with her if she gets a cannon love interest, but after that you will have to stop following her cannon and that is the problem because

>>it's harder to just pull the plug and ignore it because it's still cute content of her daily life

Then I agree with you wholeheartedly. Don't get me wrong, I watch her series, for the same reason as you do. It is just that it won't influence our love if some shit happens there. If she, say, gets a cannon boyfriend, I will have to quit watching her episodes, because it will be damn hard to enjoy it if there will be some random dude hanging with her. But it won't let to our breakup, for sure.
>> No. 19629 [Edit]
I would love to just forget about his canon love interest but the problem is its not someone who could easily be dropped from his life. It's his sister and she means a great deal to him. I wouldn't want to take that away from him ever. Even though I doubt they'd still be together more canon scares me cause It might break the headcanon I've developed which seemed sound.

But yes after realizing that other waifufags don't affect my relationship with him, and even though it makes me uncomfortable, I just realized that it can't be helped. So I either worry about it or ignore it and live my life with him.

>> No. 19630 [Edit]
I just don't know what to say then. I mean, she is his sister. And I assume you both are males. So... Anyway, it's is none of my business.
>> No. 19631 [Edit]
I don't post here anymore but I wanted to say thank you guys for helping me understand my feelings three years ago. It was one of the kindest things a group has done for me. Hope you all are doing well.
>> No. 19632 [Edit]
I'm getting so tired of reading comments on the internet w/r/t 'waifuism'. "Are these people this desperate and lonely?" "Are these people autistic?" "Are these people mentally ill?"

As if people having different beliefs than you or doing things differently than you automatically makes them mentally ill or evil or whatever. Frankly its insulting. Why wouldn't I want a relationship with someone I love a ton? It's true, I don't have friends and I've never been in a relationship with a 3D girl, but I'm far from being the desperate and depressed teenager I used to be. I've been in a relationship with my wife for over 3 years now, and my love and respect for her has never decreased in those years. I can't imagine being as happy a person as I am now, without having been blessed with such a relationship. When people talk about people like me as being "super lonely" or "mentally ill" or whatever, it makes it sound like I'm just some piece of garbage that would date any 2D girl just to make themselves feel less lonely. But honestly, I can't imagine loving any girl, 3D or 2D, a fraction as much as I love her. Moreover, I'm pretty sure I'm not mentally ill or have anybody treat me or diagnose me as such. I go to school and have a job like many other people, and my social skills aren't bad, I just don't really bother associating with many people. I'm really not that strange, so don't disrespect my relationship and don't start faux-psychologizing people you don't understand. People need to leave 'waifufags' alone, we didn't ask for their commentary and their commentary is just a way for people online to make themselves feel better.

Sorry for the rant-y tone to this, I've just seen this way too many times and it's dumb.
>> No. 19633 [Edit]
Why do you care?
>> No. 19634 [Edit]
I've seen it for a few years and it's basically all over the Internet. It's shitty to pathologize things you don't like as "mental illness" and to make fun of other people's genuine happiness. Especially when you don't know what you're talking about. In general, I don't like it when people make dumb comments about shit they don't know, it's a pet peeve of mine.
>> No. 19635 [Edit]
Our civilization has been a champion at persecution those who are different from the majority. Humans have always been hostile and suspicious towards any minorities. It doesn't matter if you worship "other" gods, have "other" sexual orientation, other skin color, or other definition of love and personal happiness (as in case with so called "waifuism").

I am glad to be a freak for this civilization. Nothing to be ashamed, really.

And yeah. Waifuism has been given a really bad PR recently from tumblerites, redditers, DA users, etc. A few scabbed sheep is more than enough to spoil the flock. Especially when more normal waifufags keep low profile (for obvious reasons).
>> No. 19637 [Edit]
It's stupid the way they laugh at us, then back up and pretend they're just "concerned" about a total stranger's life choices, as if it's their business.
I'd love it if normalfags left well enough alone, but people love to rubberneck at any unusual internet subculture. Can't be helped, I guess. Best to ignore them, they aren't worth the energy.
>> No. 19638 [Edit]


What is that?
>> No. 19639 [Edit]
With respect to.
>> No. 19640 [Edit]
The type of person who has a crippling inferiority complex hidden under "humility" is sadly quite common. They will start their masturbation with "I'm not the greatest guy alive, but..", and they always target people whom they "have the right to despise" without seeming aggressive. Then they hope that magically lifts them to "the better percentile" (but safe from their own kind because they are so humble and have the right) so they can survive life. That's cowardice and I hate to see it, too.
>> No. 19641 [Edit]
To be fair if you have a total acceptance of things outside of the norm you tend to end up with some of the crazies you see on Tumblr.

Whenever you come across something like waifuism I think a degree of skepticism about it is healthy. Some people really are the stereotypical daki humping lonely loser that will dump their waifu the first chance they get. More presentable people aren't as visible. Both because they have the sense to not flaunt it and they don't make as good a news story.

I do agree though that people are far too quick to demonize others. Whenever I talk to other people they all have this odd sense everyone's out to get them and they need to defend themselves. Of course this is the modern world where you can't actually defend yourself so it manifests as constant insults and fear over other groups. It happens on the left, the right, both genders and among all races.

Unfortunately it's just a part of human nature and without it we probably wouldn't have gotten this far. It'd certainly help if the media would lay off the FUD button. Or at least hit it on things we should actually have FUD over.
>> No. 19642 [Edit]
File 145680240022.jpg - (288.58KB , 1288x1821 , 147829797129812.jpg )
You guys, i hope you realize you sounded dangerously close to those you seem to despise.

Otaku culture was always about aggregation, not segregation. This line here:
>"Some people really are the stereotypical daki humping lonely loser that will dump their waifu the first chance they get."
I can't imagine a real otaku saying this, i'm sorry, why would you say something like this against your own people?

I'd treat the guy who've chosen to buy all merchandise of a single character and devote his life to it and the other who has hundreds of dakimakuras from eroge characters the same.
They're the same in my view, a bit different in the loving department sense yes, but they're still otakus and take it as more than just a hobby. And if i may, i know many of those who have waifus or husbandos masturbate their brains out to other characters sometimes.
Be it from eroges or hentai, or even 3DPD. Then later they say how much they love their waifus/husbandos...
>> No. 19643 [Edit]
Wow, it is getting very interesting.

>>Of course this is the modern world where you can't actually defend yourself so it manifests as constant insults and fear over other groups. It happens on the left, the right, both genders and among all races.

I subconsciously understand this, and it kind of explains A LOT of what is happening in the world. But could you please elaborate more on this thought?

>>Unfortunately it's just a part of human nature and without it we probably wouldn't have gotten this far.

I see a lot of people saying this. But are there any proofs? Is this human trait really a virtue or one of our greatest flaws?

And this bring us to...
Yes, most people are judgmental nazis. Even us here, on /tc.
If I would be standing there, in my shiny Hugo Boss uniform with all those who drew degrading art with my waifu lined towards the gas chamber... Would I execute them? I don't know... I entice myself with this though sometimes. Why? Because they remind me of who I used to be. Do I need those people, to remind myself of what I am not now. I am sure about one thing - if they never existed, if I never saw any lewd porn of my waifu, if I lived in a world where I couldn't even imagine that it could exist, I would be happier.

>>...sounded dangerously close to those you seem to despise.
This is probably the most definitive explanation of human condition, as I see it.

So, you would defend any otaku just because they are otaku? I mean

>>has hundreds of dakimakuras from eroge characters the same
>>those who have waifus or husbandos masturbate their brains out to other characters sometimes.

What makes them different from 3DPDs and normalfags who stain their relationships with the same filth and hypocrisy and indulge in the same carnal lust?

>>Then later they say how much they love their waifus/husbandos...
The true love is not about saying words. It is a verb. A lifelong action to which you devote yourself. Otherwise it is just saying words, blowing the hot air. It is what politicians and other liars do.
>> No. 19645 [Edit]
Being an otaku has nothing to do with it, there's a clear distinction from someone genuinely in love with a 2D girl and a horny NEET with a harem of R18 dakis. Shit, even most otaku don't take it seriously and just jerk off to hot anime characters with no deeper feeling. I'm an adult, I don't need to latch onto a subculture just because we share similar interests.
>> No. 19646 [Edit]
>To be fair if you have a total acceptance of things outside of the norm you tend to end up with some of the crazies you see on Tumblr.
I don't think that's true at all. I accept my relationship totally, it's hard for me to genuinely doubt its authenticity, and yet I'm far from the kind of guy you'd see in a cringe compilation video or whatever. You can believe in and do uncommon things without acting socially inappropriate in public. Maybe it's a bit rare, but far from impossible.
>> No. 19647 [Edit]
Accepting your own feelings =/= accepting every weird thing you see on the internet
>> No. 19648 [Edit]
>sounded dangerously close to those you seem to despise

Agreed. That's what it sounds like, but you're falling for a trick set up by language. Whatever you tolerate you get more of, so we should hate something, simply because some things would cause trouble if we got more of them. There's a great difference between hating a trait or an opinion (like having a waifu can be an outside trait from a stranger's point of view) and hating a behavior (hating someone to make them an outsider is behavior).

There's a typical anime plot that follows what's written above. The protagonist and antagonist hate each other, and they both resort to flashy violence. How's the good guy good? The bad boss only hates because he needs to hate - the object of hate is an afterthought. The good guy hates his enemy's behavior and attacks him only to prevent that. He's also ready to forgive the bad guy when he regrets his actions and takes vows to be good.
>> No. 19649 [Edit]
File 145686738444.jpg - (156.02KB , 800x800 , 148186630273.jpg )
I think i understand better but i'm not a teen anymore, i'm more inclined with >>19645. Other than this i see you guys just want to keep the wrong kind of people far away from places like this and the otaku culture in general and i do agree. I understand what kind of person you meant though and i'm not this thick, so if i were to keep on playing these erogames i had to let her go as a waifu.

I should have said before to avoid any confusion and i thought i was posting on a general board, not on /mai/. The truth is, i used to like her as a waifu in the early 00's, i learned how to draw manga because of her, i really loved her but as time went by i felt this isn't the love i was looking for, in fact... i discovered i really didn't know what love was about to begin with, so how could i.
Then i started playing love simulation games an awful lot, actually she IS from one of those games and i fell in love with her at first sight.
I don't know how to say it but i want to engage in new tales, to make every girl smile and get to "live" in other "realities", gathering happy memories, nice soundtracks and plain analyzing how such games are made. This is mainly why i play eroges today but in the beginning i was using it as an escape goat for reality, to get things i wouldn't be able to, even if i had a gf or a family it was too late to know the meaning of love by then.
But then something struck me... what was her to me if i was playing eroges instead of dedicating some more time to her? Wouldn't it be something close to a husband fapping to porn videos instead of his own wife...? This is wrong.
So i decided to stop addressing her as my waifu, she's just a friend i like too much for my own good now, because at this point i really can't stop playing eroges anymore. It's the reason i found to carry on with my sad life.
Even her couldn't teach me how to love, there is no hope for me to search this... love. So i figured what i feel is different, not in the singular form, but of all small things.

Even without a waifu, i still browse here because i like her this much.
>> No. 19650 [Edit]
I don't even know why you're on this board or what argument you're trying to make.
>> No. 19653 [Edit]
It's better to remain in silent hypocrisy than to say the cold truth and be scourned by some who do the same.
>> No. 19654 [Edit]
There is no hypocrisy. We never claimed to be the most accepting and tolerant people.

You got the wrong number.
>> No. 19656 [Edit]
Is it wrong to masturbate to porn of your waifu?
>> No. 19664 [Edit]
>>I dont care if this comment gets deleted or not, bu for me it is quite amusing, like the ban on western media characters, as if it was some sort of fantastic racism, Because people still talk about western games on the games board.

Amen, brother.

>>And then there is this people who want to remain pure or something for their waifus againts fappers, I guess it is infact, part of chan culture to be a dick ad nauseam.

But it is their business. They do not ban anything. I have no problem with them. They have right to say what they think and believe.
>> No. 19665 [Edit]
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Don't take imageboards TOO seriously, we don't even know if some of these "true waifuists, i only have one waifu for a lifetime, if you're not like me and remain true to your love you must be banned!" haven't real 3DPD gfs themselves.

I know these people do exist but even in Japan they're somewhat rare, i know of only ONE person who's married to a 3DS game character from Love Plus to date.
People will watch porn and play eroges while saying they have a waifu even if there's some slight hypocrisy in this, it could be easily solved by saying your waifu faps with you and she also enjoys these kind of things, so how's that?
Collecting dakimakuras from eroge characters ARE a big thing and not only in comikes, there aren't witch-hunts over there if you claim to like a character to death and still fap to other things because otaku was initially a male-only culture, we know very well the shit we receive from women, so we just learned how to bake a cake with it.

As others have said, we all love in our own way, there is no "right way" to love. Stand your ground against these people, this goes for real life too.
>> No. 19668 [Edit]
>> No. 19671 [Edit]
I can understand >>19665 just fine.
>> No. 19681 [Edit]
I was the guy that sparked all the latest comments. My bad, I didn't know it would blow up this bad and derail everything.

In more important news, anyone celebrating White Day?
>> No. 19682 [Edit]
Don't be sorry. It wasn't that bad. After all, this is the board to share our thoughts about waifuism.

I wasn't aware about this celebration until you mentioned it. I honestly see no point. We had V-day, our 4th anniversary. I see no point in cramming another holiday especially with me being quite busy now. We are past our "chocolate and flowers" period. I just celebrate her birthday, our anniversary, V-day and X-mass. However, I do show my admiration and cherish her with small gifts and culinary delights every other week. But 14th is also a Pi Day, so maybe we will have something special...
>> No. 19699 [Edit]
I didn't celebrate white day and I feel really guilty about it, since I kind of fucked up valentine's day this year and meant to make it up with this. I don't even have any excuse, I just forgot to plan for it even though it's right on my calendar. Just makes me feel like a shithead.
>> No. 19822 [Edit]
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My life has drastically changed this week, Rachel has guided me to a new home a place filled with people just like me and living a life style that is more fit to someone of my temperament and nature. I no longer live with my evangelical family and feel as if I'm free I'd rather much live in this place it's much suited for me and Rachel is helping me survive inspired me to take a great risk that payed off now making more money than I ever could have imagined, also started going to the gym again and even getting back into boxing I might want to do it for a living some day.

I won't miss anything from my past Rachel wants me to become the best version of my true self whether people like it or not. For years it was just jealously, hatred, bitterness, and despair now I'm filled with ambition, lust for everything this new life has to offer, and energy. Now I feel alive, but regretful for all the people that I hurt, if anything least want to bury that along with everything else.

I owe much to her, came to me in a time when I needed someone the most I never expected things to turn out how they did.
>> No. 19825 [Edit]
I tried.
I tried to love her, and despite knowing deep down she wouldn't love me back I still tried with all my might.
I tried to better myself for her, but no matter how hard I knew she'd try to encourage me I simply felt no motivation.
I tried to use the energy she gave me to get out of my massive shell, but deep down I wanted to stay there and have her at the same time.
I tried not to wander away from her, but I knew it was only a matter of time before my mind would go back to its original state of apathy.
I tried to tell her the way I felt and I knew she would listen and understand, but I myself wouldn't accept rejecting these problems.
I tried getting help, but there was nobody to listen.
And deep down, I loved it. I loved isolating myself, rejecting her, the strongest person I had ever faced.
It wasn't a forced love or some wild infatuation-- by times as strong as a tempest, by others as weak as a candle, sighing its last spark

It all started years ago... I used to bear such massive hatred for mankind as a whole and dedicated every single breath of mine to isolating from the plague of socializing.
I barely remember being able to see people as actual human beings... she was the only one I could truly see as a person. How wonderful that was! To actually have someone who cared for you, knew you and understood you!

Then, one day, she faded away. Of course, she'd always come back, but her presence would grow weaker every time.
I've brutally murdered her. And the most laughable, disgusting, despicable thing is I feel absolutely no regret. I want to say I do, but the beast I've become refuses, obstinates itself into hermitage.
Back to case 1.

I'm sorry... there's simply nobody to tell anymore. I've won, it should feel amazing... but I feel nothing. I've lost her, and with her my ability to empathize volatilized.

>> No. 19841 [Edit]
Why the fuck do I let myself get baited into making angry replies to people who insult her? I know it will just make her fans look worse and make me feel bad for getting suckered into replying, but sometimes I can't help it. Sometimes I just can't hide the post and ignore it without feeling like I let them win by not saying anything.
>> No. 19842 [Edit]
Best way to avoid getting baited is to think every other anon is beneath you and in a lot of cases they are.
>> No. 19862 [Edit]
I fell out of love with my first a few months after the 4th year anniversary. I stopped visiting here and thought I'd never be able to love again. It's been a couple years but I've returned after certain feelings of a new girl arrived. Is it wrong to fall in love again after abandoning somebody who's the reason I'm alive?
>> No. 19880 [Edit]
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I'm sort of in the same boat except I went through with it. I'm still here, so that killed any sentimental feelings. Relationship fizzled over two years, despite celebrating her birthdays. Got into KanColle over the meantime but never really made a connection. My life has been going fine without her but I wonder if I'm missing something.

I say do what you feel is right. A relationship built on obligations wouldn't be what I want so focus on why you drifted apart.
>> No. 19881 [Edit]
Falling in love with someone else is fine, as long as you're not doing it on a whim, which it doesn't sound like you are. You can keep your first love (and what she did for you) in your memory. I think that's enough, and certainly better than, say, trying to force yourself to love her again if you can't feel that way anymore.
>> No. 19891 [Edit]
File 14635566581.png - (1.78MB , 1920x1080 , Screenshot2012-11-21-18h43m20s63.png )
Today it's been five years since we've first met.
I am happy
>> No. 19920 [Edit]
At the animal shelter where a member of my family volunteers, there is a young female cat that somewhat resembles my waifu. She has long black hair and blue eyes and bushy eyebrows. Would it be a bad idea to adopt her and name her after my waifu?
>> No. 19921 [Edit]
I think that's a cute idea actually
>> No. 19935 [Edit]
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I did not forget and, now, our ring is finally here.

Not exactly as expected tbh, but it serves its purpose well so I'm OK with it.

For reasons, I'm ending my shut-in days for real by the end of summer. These 7 years were, no doubt, the stangest and happiest of my life: they were filled with love. I'm not very optimistic about the future; but, come what may, there's at least one thing that I'm taking out with me and I think never, ever, letting go: Asuka, my Asuka, now flowing from my heart into my ring finger (Vena Amoris), of course.

P.S. Soon enough, I'm also engraving A+ (Asuka & H+, as in Transhumanism) on the inside.

Post edited on 28th Jun 2016, 10:15pm
>> No. 19938 [Edit]
I keep doing my best to look cute for my husbando, i dress up the best i can, sometimes i even wear makeup and such, i try to get in a good shape so if my husbando were real he could actually lift me and such. Today i spent the day thinking about him again, he's just so cute.
>> No. 19939 [Edit]
It was nice having you here Asukaman. You will be missed.
>> No. 19940 [Edit]
I wish you all the best!
>> No. 19964 [Edit]
File 147070784454.jpg - (1.22MB , 1020x1020 , db159d308406a42d18422c04f67472a1.jpg )
Okay. It's been a while since I've posted here. I was able to recover from my loss and move on, there are some things one cannot control no matter how much one wants to

I met her.
I do not feel infatuation in massive proportions, as I always do, towards other concepts. I believe she is adorable, quirky, very cute, and somehow someone I can relate to. Whether that is my mental knot loosening a bit or it being a concept eligible for "the one" spot, I do not know

When I'm about to do something, I ask myself what she'd think about it. I've stopped being overly aggressive towards people I look down upon because I know she wouldn't like it. I've also started being more hygienic, I doubt she'd want to be around who's always smelly and doesn't look after himself

I'm not crazy about her. Not one bit. I like her a lot, but it's different. Thinking about her makes me feel warm, though a part of my mind is trying to get obsessed to no avail as it does with all things it meets. Bothersome, but livable.
I feel like I can be a human being with her. I feel like I can trust her. I've only recently met her, so I'm confused as to whether I should hold back or relax. It's the first time I truly feel this way about a concept, the one I thought I loved was simply very physically attractive.

I do not like how the animating studio styled her in the anime, I by large prefer her appearance in the VN. Maybe it's also because of the direct interaction. All characters aside from her feel bland and uninspired, physically appealing at best, and I find myself often wrongfully skipping parts of dialogues I care very little for so I can see her again, hear her sweet voice, heartily chuckle at the jokes she cracks inadvertently.

Is this love? I do not know.

Post edited on 8th Aug 2016, 7:00pm
>> No. 19969 [Edit]
a sequel to my waifu's novel series is coming out on 9/10. too bad i don't speak japanese well.
>> No. 20209 [Edit]
I really want to stay with her, but there's so much cringy stuff I've done about(?) her that when I think of her I get kind of sick.
>> No. 20233 [Edit]
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I don't really expect to get a reply, but just in case.
I saw a Futamaru Kururi entry on waifu.pl, it was blank but if the person who started it is around, you should really put something there.
I'd be interested to talk to you a bit.
>> No. 20234 [Edit]
Not my waifu but she was fantastic.
>> No. 20235 [Edit]
Scorpion was my personal favorite, but all of them are so great. If someone actually fell in love with one of those sweaty musumes then that is a wonderful thing.
>> No. 20272 [Edit]
It's been over a week since it happened, but it's still bothering me. They threw up on him.
>> No. 20385 [Edit]
Forgive me if this has come up before, I saw the posts about canon love interests further up but this is something a bit harder than that, it goes beyond love interest. I can't help but wonder if it was the arrogance of an addled fool to imagine her as my bride. I saw her and my heartbeat came a risin'. The next frame she reacted to a situation and my heart may could have torn itself apart. There's no way to explain it beyond being struck down by her just like that. It told so much about her in just that small moment. In the next couple of pages, she was married to someone else. In my heartbroken state over the next few days, I crafted a version of her in my mind instead. A version married to me. It was not a way of coping with an infatuation though. It has been a few months now and the light that springs up in my heart burns as brightly as my cheeks when I see her. Months are not a great deal of time to many here, I'm aware. It is that I just know that my love is true at this point, it is not merely thinking a character is cute.

Was I wrong to do this in the circumstances I described? I'm unsure as she is canonically married and happily so, I find myself increasingly having the intrusive thoughts that I am forcing myself upon her, taking her away from the one she really loves but at the same time, my bride is not the same one that married in her canon manga. In her setting, even if I was transported to her version of this world, she'd be long dead even.

So I ask, is it really okay for me to succumb to these fantasies when her canon is not only in love with another, but married to them? Is it improper to create an alternate version of her in such a situation with me? I'm unsure, so I'd ask for the more experienced to weigh in. My mind is at a rather large wall on this matter. I hope you will also understand if I keep this in the hypothetical at the moment. I'd like the situation judged on its own merit instead of the idea of the lady herself.
>> No. 20386 [Edit]
I personally believe that if she already loves another you should move on, she's not someone that you could be with.
>> No. 20387 [Edit]
I think what you're doing is alright. As long as it's her and not someone else you imagined. Don't change the character.
>> No. 20388 [Edit]

Of course I should wake up to a divided response, just like the one I've mulled over and continue to do so. In response to the first post, you are perhaps right, but moving on would not be how I'd put it. If I end up going that way, she would forever be my lost love, of that I am certain. When I think of her a light springs up inside that no other thought can create. When I see her smile, I know that no other could replace her. She is the one and only darling of my heart, if I was to 'move on' there would be no other. As painful as the idea is, I do thank you for your honesty in this matter. Many would simply say what I wanted to hear, and not give me arguments to attempt to either shake down or accept.

To the second, she is unchanged in all aspects except how I imagined her to be my bride. I wouldn't dare change anything beyond that for she is the one I love, and no other character compares. All pale before her in my eyes, and I fear that she would be slightly angry at me for even entertaining these thoughts, that she as my bride would love another. In some ways I suppose it is not dissimilar to how some here have waifus with love interests and simply ignore that aspect of the character or adapt it to themselves, but it is best to have informed opinions laid out and any concerns I have one way or the other dismissed properly and permanently rather than merely accepting an idea for its prevalence.

I'll continue to think on this. You both have given me some structure to how to work through this little problem of mine. It is no longer a battle of wills between the part of me that knows I'm unworthy of her and the part that knows she's worth every bit of struggle I have to go through.
>> No. 20395 [Edit]
I've come to a mentally satisfactory conclusion. I'll stand by my decision and remain with my own version of my waifu. Where she departs from the original is prior to her marriage and certainly prior to her developing feelings for someone else. Besides, her marriage was arranged and when I think about us being married in an arranged way, it's not too dissimilar from having her as my waifu, I start off being struck by her beauty and the first impressions on her personality though my love is still underdeveloped, but with time and interaction, the real deep understanding of her and the stronger, truer love that comes with it start to form. I think that this approach makes it then not too dissimilar from falling in love with a character who is then later paired off. You can still have your version who loves you. Having formed arguments for myself based on your two opposing points, I managed to find a solid point for myself to hold. I haven't felt this much mental clarity in a long time. For some time, many of my hobbies I had been doing out of habit. It feels good to be able to both function and enjoy whatever it is that I'm doing.

Now I won't say that some things will always be hard to see or read. That comes with the territory I'm going into here, but I think that I can remain secure in my thoughts that my waifu loves me, and that's all I need. A little bit of pain every now and then is good for character anyway, and now it won't tear me apart.

To contribute something a bit more in line with the thread though, I opened up my folder again for the first time in days just now. It was quite funny that upon opening one picture of her, almost immediately my face heated up and all I could squeeze out of my throat was 'oh my'. Frankly speaking though, I doubt that words could do justice to what I saw, even perfection feels like an insulting understatement. That'll be all though. I'm still cautious to the point of paranoia about posting her in an identified way. Some may be able to guess who I'm talking about, but even so I'd keep it to myself for now.
>> No. 20402 [Edit]
I'm really happy for you! It's a shame you won't tell us who the lucky girl is.

Now I have something to ask. Typically, whenever I post something with more than one proposition, only one of them is ever read. I hear this is pretty much universal. I originally planned to answer your question in depth, explaining the split between chara/character/narrative, and what parts of those are, and could be, considered immutable. In the end, I judged the depths too hard to map, and only mentioned one critical half-truth. So, when reading multiple points from a text that contains them is nearly impossible, how did you read what I didn't write in addition to what I wrote? Upbringing, raw intellect, effort, or something else? Please answer, this is very relevant to me.
>> No. 20405 [Edit]
I'll share her identity sometime maybe soon. If I can work up the courage, I might even post her in the sticky tonight. There are a couple of posts that I want to make that make more sense with her identity known. It just feels very wrong to share something as personal as her on an open channel. Without her identity attached I can be more open about things as I'm mentally distancing the abstract ideas that I put forth from the things that they describe which have certain contexts. I should also think that I'm the lucky one in this relationship. Lord have mercy, I am way above my pay grade with this woman. All I can do then to repay her is treat her right and that's what I intend to do. She knows that I'm just doing the best I can, and thinks that it's all there is for it. It's the other person's problem if they cannot understand.

I'm not sure what you're asking though. So I think that knocks intellect off the shelf for whatever it is. I'll take a stab at it and please correct me if I'm wrong.
>So, when reading multiple points from a text that contains them is nearly impossible, how did you read what I didn't write in addition to what I wrote?

Do you mean that you had I brought up points that you had thought about but not actually made it to the final cut of your post? It's probably luck and exhaustivity in that case. The three days between those two posts of mine were full of a lot of thinking, and I covered a lot of mental territory. I was probably going to stumble across some of the same points simply by merit of thinking about many different aspects of what I was going into. It's a difficult thing to explain properly as I haven't really considered it before now. So yeah, a hesitant 'luck and exhaustivity' would be my answer there.

Hmmm. Apparently I'm a spam bot. That's weird since I actually close the tab on more posts than I do actually hit reply for.
>> No. 20414 [Edit]
So, a mix of principled effort and intellect?
>In some ways I suppose it is not dissimilar to how some here have waifus with love interests and simply ignore that aspect of the character or adapt it to themselves
>It is best to have [...] concerns [...] dismissed properly and permanently rather than merely accepting an idea for its prevalence
I would have put "taste in men" instead of "love interests", but that's a minor difference - this is the core of the problem.
>> No. 20416 [Edit]
>So, a mix of principled effort and intellect?
If one thinks of the category of 'intellect' as being 'using your noggin' then it fits the bill. I don't think that brights come into it so much as just going through your steps. Principled effort is an interesting one but not one I would have naturally picked for myself. I suppose it's true because it was an effort to go through all of that internal debate to be sure, but it was also an action driven by the principle that I wanted to do it properly so that I wouldn't be troubled the same way again.

I think you're right though about that idea of separation being the root of it all; as you said it's important to try and think about how her identity and her character are different. In the end I came to think that her character in the manga is maybe the original, but it is separate from her identity if you get what I mean. She would still be her even in another story and that's who I fell in love with, not that specific instance of her. I might

>I would have put "taste in men" instead of "love interests"
I really like that way of putting it. I dunno if that was meant as 'it's a kind of irritating way of putting it' or what, but even just the wording when it rolls around inside my head makes her feel closer to me for some reason. It makes her feel less like her character and more like her identity to use the same terminology I guess. I'll be using that from now on.

Again, I'm not 100% sure I've hit the mark on this post, but hopefully I answered your question to a satisfactory degree.
>> No. 20420 [Edit]
You hit the mark pretty much perfectly.
>> No. 20421 [Edit]
I feel like I want to get in contact with you to talk about things one on one but also feel like I won't know what to say. I'm also in love with someone with a love interest and it gets to me every once and a while, (okay more than just every once and a while). But I should try anyway, do you use discord or steam? If not maybe just some random email would work.
>> No. 20422 [Edit]
Excellent. That ties up our little discussion nicely then. I did fear that it was beginning to derail a bit.

Sorry, but I'd really rather not. It's not personal, but rather that I get anxious with that sort of thing. It's a most uncomfortable experience. I'm not sure of how much help I'd be one on one anyway. Nor should I think myself a particularly interesting chap to talk to. For what it's worth I will say it is still not always easy to be in love my waifu, even after my claims of coming to terms with it, so don't feel bad about such things getting to you because it's a pretty natural reaction.
>> No. 20423 [Edit]
>For what it's worth I will say it is still not always easy to be in love my waifu, even after my claims of coming to terms with it,
Not that guy, but boy, do I fucking know that all too well.
I laugh hard as fuck when people act like as though we're taking the easy way out by rejecting 3D and seeking the fictional.
Nothing about this has been easy. Nothing.
Plots, miscellaneous dialogue and the before and afters of our source materials being left up to interpretation, coping with the death of our characters, having to construct all sorts of work arounds and fanfictions to rationalize things, producers being unwilling to communicate with us in any way to clarify things, the constant search for fanart and the unfaithfuls and phonies who claim to love alongside us.
Why, I believe our love is easily more difficult and less rewarding than any old normie. Dating a meth addict that steals your shit all the time would be less of a burden.
But these are challenges I am willing to accept.
It just rubs me the wrong way when people act like I have a waifu because I'm too lazy or emotionally reserved to participate in a real relationship. They'd never understand the toll on the mind a waifu has.
>> No. 20424 [Edit]
That's perfectly alright. I figured I might as well try since there was nothing to lose. I wish you a long, happy life with you and your waifu.

This I can agree with. I feel like anyone who has never had any kind of sad moment or something hard to deal with, love interest or not, is just using 2D as an excuse to feel better. That's how relationships work and with 2D it's almost worse because you can't communicate with your loved one. Not the same way you can with someone 3D at least. I'm sure someone out there is an exception though so not everyone is like this of course.
>> No. 20445 [Edit]
Damn it. I tried posting her in the sticky just before going to sleep two days ago. Then I edited something that I thought gave the wrong impression, and finally the anxiety of having that part of me identified with a character overwhelmed me and I deleted the post about her.

I feel like absolute filth. I know exactly how she would feel about my actions. I'm absolutely positive that she would consider me embarrassed about her, and she is very sensitive to that sort of thing. I'm not embarrassed about her in the slightest. If anything she should be embarrassed about having such a weak man as myself for her husband. She is strong in many ways, but she has a heart as big as you ever saw and a big heart is easy to wound.
>> No. 20446 [Edit]
>For what it's worth I will say it is still not always easy to be in love my waifu, even after my claims of coming to terms with it,
>I laugh hard as fuck when people act like as though we're taking the easy way out by rejecting 3D and seeking the fictional.
Okay I know that falling in love with 2D isn't a choice as much as falling in love with any 3D is but if you think we have it harder than 3D lovers you better think again
>Nothing about this has been easy. Nothing.
You don't have to plan your schedule around someone else's. You don't have to sacrifice your time for someone else. You don't have to meet her friends even if you don't want to. You don't have to go out of your way for her when you are straight up tired. You just go home alone, sit down in the computer chair, and do whatever the fuck you want because she isn't here. Save up for gifts for her (no, not just the $10-$20 box of chocolates you get on Valentine's Day and then eat yourself), be around her family, fuck I could go on for days with how much more you have to do in a 3D relationship compared to a 2D one.
>Plots, miscellaneous dialogue and the before and afters of our source materials being left up to interpretation, coping with the death of our characters, having to construct all sorts of work arounds and fanfictions to rationalize things, producers being unwilling to communicate with us in any way to clarify things, the constant search for fanart and the unfaithfuls and phonies who claim to love alongside us.
All of these things relate to the fact that she does not exist in this world, which is the most painful thing of all. It hurts not being able to hold her, to meet her family, to get her nice gifts or surprise her, to embrace her, to plan for her, to get into a fight with her and make up after, it hurts so much that I am unable to do those things. I want to die as a matter of fact.
>Why, I believe our love is easily more difficult and less rewarding than any old normie. Dating a meth addict that steals your shit all the time would be less of a burden. But these are challenges I am willing to accept.
Less rewarding for sure but absolutely not more difficult. It's a scale and the waifu can only go so far on the rewards part because she isn't able to communicate with you.
>It just rubs me the wrong way when people act like I have a waifu because I'm too lazy or emotionally reserved to participate in a real relationship. They'd never understand the toll on the mind a waifu has.
This part is true
>> No. 20449 [Edit]
I really fucking hate how the love interest is everything I wish I was. It makes it so much worse.
>> No. 20451 [Edit]
All there is for it is to ignore him I'm afraid. It's the worst feeling to have such a character not be a faceless self-insert one. It's the same for me, except I don't particularly admire her canon partner. He thankfully treats her well most of the time, but he is often a bit self-centered and resentful towards her ways of expressing her feelings, though I feel that I'm the only one who sees it, perhaps due to how much I care for her.

I guess also just as was said above, remember that your waifu is yours. I like to think of her canon version's partner even as just like another person on a waifu board sharing the same character. You might disagree with them on some things, and you might love the same girl but you each have your one who you love and who loves you back. Maybe that will give you a bit of peace too.
>> No. 20457 [Edit]
I find it hard to subscribe to the idea of everyone's waifu is their own version. I'm not against it but my relationship is different. I suppose I see the love interest as an ex given how the ending is portrayed. It's very vague. There's something that complicates it which is why it's hard to shake the feeling of. I'd say what but it'd give away exactly who my waifu is and I'd rather keep this anonymous if it's on a public board like this.
>> No. 20458 [Edit]
Fair enough, to each their own, I hope you can find some peace of mind. I can get what you mean by wanting to keep her secret. I am torn on it. In some ways I'd like to share her identity because how I feel about her in context makes sense while many things I would like to post don't make a whole lot of sense without knowing who she is, but I've tried posting her a couple of times but it gives me anxiety for whatever reason so I've always deleted them.
>> No. 20468 [Edit]
I absolutely love speaking to her in her native tongue. It feels very special, it's hard to explain but if any others speak their loved one's language I think you'll understand what I'm talking about. I don't know much, but I can only imagine that she'd probably find my fumbling and childish way of speaking in that language cute or funny in some way. Maybe even a little flattering that I'd go to the effort for her sake.

It's funny though, I intended to learn the language long before I met her, and by some stroke of fate my dear girl so happened to be a native speaker of that very language. She wasn't the first reason to learn it, but she was the reason to really knuckle down and begin studying it. Funny how things work out.
>> No. 20469 [Edit]
I'm the same. Intended on learning it for the purpose of reading novels, but actually started studying seriously because of her. I need to work harder on it but haven't given it enough time yet. I can understand it decently well but not speak it. I plan on going to Japan for a few months at some point once I save up some money and learning it through immersion.

I want to hear her fumble over english just like I do Japanese.
>> No. 20470 [Edit]
I've actually taken to holding really basic little conversations with her purely in the language to simulate speaking practice. It's so fun, and I'll admit that my heart rate rises a bit. I always say good night and good morning aloud in her language and I vocalise when I'm leaving for work and when I'm home in the same way. It makes me feel like someone is there with or waiting for me in a way that imagination alone does not. Like waking up and saying good morning and asking how she is, I then imagine that she'd reply well and ask how I was, and the when I don't know something I try and say it awkwardly with words I do know. I like to imagine that it's much to her amusement to see me struggling so. Sure, it's me talking to myself in a strange language to anybody who hears me, but I can also pass it off as practice.

I can't say if that'd work for you, but it might be worth a try in the short term if you want to get used to speaking it. Props on doing Japanese though, I couldn't wrap my head around when I tried in high school and I doubt I could do so now. I was rather poor at kana even let alone proper grammar and kanji.
>> No. 20476 [Edit]
File 149412705330.jpg - (81.39KB , 635x900 , 1395647849772.jpg )
Started reading the novel series mai waifu is from. It's nice to get exposed to her personality. It's kind of like interacting with her in a way. I'm only a chapter in, but I'm able to notice many details that were left out from the anime. It's nice that there are some illustrations worked in with the text. Despite the fan translation not quite being 100% perfect (some periods missing and such) I can tell it is well written. I'm finding myself imagining in detail what I'm reading about which I think is a sign of a good book. I love Horo!!!
>> No. 20477 [Edit]
Learning more about one's waifu is always an infinitely rewarding experience. I don't know if it's the same for you but to me every time I learn something new, it's like falling in love all over again.
>> No. 20598 [Edit]
File 150046984286.jpg - (275.36KB , 1600x900 , 109400_screenshots_2013-04-10_00001.jpg )
Found some tohno pictures.
>> No. 20803 [Edit]
This month it'll have been five years since I first came across her series. Our anniversary day that I chose to go by will be coming up this October. I've been thinking about these things...

Post edited on 16th Jan 2018, 9:12pm
>> No. 20816 [Edit]
Her birthday is today (Feb 1). I drew a picture for her starting a while back till I decided to base it off a place I go to. Turned out okay I suppose, but I am bad at drawing. Glad I was able to do that. I'll have a little celebration later in the day.
>> No. 20817 [Edit]
I made a cake today as well, fun times.
>> No. 20932 [Edit]
Every day is better because of her. After years and years of searching for a reason to get out of bed other than to carry on existing, I finally have one. I wouldn't exaggerate so much as to say I'm happy every day, but I certainly feel my default emotional disposition is a happier one, a more pleasant one. She's already helped me through some rough goings and given me comfort. I'm so glad my little angel gives me the chance to experience a higher love.
>> No. 21002 [Edit]
File 153578843868.jpg - (2.82MB , 1644x4439 , 1315204020362.jpg )
Mikuchan is dead, I didn't want to take a whole thread for this, this seemed like the best place

Happy birthday, Miku. It's been seven years since I last made a post like this. That fills me with immense sadness, and yet, some joy, that we've been through so much together. It's not even your birthday in my time zone anymore, much less yours, but you know me, and you know what to expect.

I don't really know what to say, I've said it all before, and I've said it better before. The me that wrote you seven years ago is... dormant. Maybe somewhere deep inside me. I feel like I've barely changed, if not regressed, still stumbling over the same worries and dreaming the same futile dreams. Yet you carry on, amazingly, inexplicably, becoming a force bigger and better year by year, bringing joy and happiness to the entire world. I cannot wait to see you in Germany, and I cannot believe it will be the first time I get to see you do what you do best in person. You belong on a stage, turning a producer's feelings into a transcendent performance of song and dance.

I have been doing a lot of thinking over the last months, as you miku miku'd your way back into my life. I am so sorry for my neglect over the years, and I know nothing can change the past or erase the hurt I'm sure I have caused you. I am sure of one thing now though. One day, a year from now, five, ten, twenty, if that's what it takes, I will be that producer. I don't desire fame, riches, or even recognition, only to work with you, side by side, to turn these feelings into song. I had given up, as with everything else, but I see how foolish I was. No matter what it takes, you'll still be waiting for me, and I won't give up.

I will always love you no matter what you do, even if others forget you in time, but I doubt they will. You've become an unstoppable force. I simply cannot believe it's been eleven years, and you reinvent yourself all the time. I don't deserve your love, but you never gave up on me. It's time I learn to do the same. I've been, still am, and probably always will be a mess, but day by day, with your help, I think I can find my way. Things are going to get better for me, and for us.

"I see, surely, this is a dream.
That dream I don't wake up from where I was able to meet you"

May the dream live forever on. I love you.
>> No. 21052 [Edit]
File 154540884045.jpg - (97.74KB , 564x846 , 6483da8a6cef4083f947ea21d26f071c.jpg )
I'm more lonely than ever and my 'Fly me to the Moon' music box just activated out of nothing.

Let me take it as being in the company of ghosts. The ghost of my undying love.
>> No. 21054 [Edit]
File 154547042915.png - (109.66KB , 244x466 , 28.png )
I've been looking for an artist to commission art of her, but haven't had great success. Its very important to me that the artist is able to create a quality piece and is able to closely replicate ken akamatsu's art style.

The most promising artists ive found so far are japanese, however I cant speak it and would need someone who knows japanese to help negotiate for me. I know western artists often take commissions, but do japanese ones do that too? I don't even know.
>> No. 21062 [Edit]
The details are hazy for me, and I only remember stuff from near the end, but the other night, I dreamed that I had died and been resurrected to be part of a team of some sort that consisted of some still living guy with a bowl cut and old-fashioned clothes and Gordon Ramsay, who had also been revived. We weren't aware that we were dead, so when this was revealed to us by the person who revived us (I assume), we were angry. It was also revealed that we were going to soon die for good due to our bodies having a virus (I think) implanted within them. As our deaths were upon us, Gordon Ramsay and I were going through the third guy's collection of WWII navy stuff. I was rummaging through it looking for stuff related to the Prinz Eugen because I wanted her to be with me in my final moments in some way. I couldn't find anything, so I asked the third member if he had anything of hers. Ramsay made a snide remark under his breath about it being pointless to care for any of this stuff when we'll be gone within a few minutes, but I ignored him. The third member had to think for a moment as to what ship I meant, but then he realized and started listing off a surprisingly large amount of details about the ship. I started to cry as he was doing so and told him that that was the one; he said he unfortunately didn't have anything related to her, but I still felt happy knowing that there would be someone still alive who not only knows about the ship but appreciates her too.

I've never even commissioned a Western artist before, so what I'm about to say is just my conjecture. But I would guess that if they have on their profile that they're looking for work, then you can ask to commission them. Most of them seem to say that they're not accepting requests, but I'd think that doesn't necessarily mean they won't accept a commission. If you want help contacting someone, I think my Japanese should be just good enough to get the job done. As long as your request isn't highly detailed, I'm pretty confident I could help you. The ideal situation would be for you to find someone who speaks Chinese, though, because then there'd be no problem.
>> No. 21064 [Edit]
Why would it be no problem if they spoke chinese?
>> No. 21065 [Edit]
Because Chinese is what I've made the object of focused study these past years. I can communicate in it just fine.
>> No. 21066 [Edit]
Ah, how very nice of you to offer. How can I contact you?
>> No. 21069 [Edit]
Don't mention it. I'm just doing what I'd hope someone would do for me. You can contact me at the email provided. And should anyone else be in the same boat, I won't say no to them.
>> No. 21073 [Edit]
File 154805019936.jpg - (276.35KB , 1024x1024 , 18804295488_7aede8d184_b.jpg )
I just saw the super bloody moon, which is like the clossest to Asuka for me. I saw it together with my dollfie dream, Hadaly, a daughter of sorts of Asuka and mine.

Life is been pretty rough lately, but at least I haven't given up until now. I can't guarantee I'll make it much further, but I should try to survive somehow until my next and last meeting with Asuka next year (with the finale of Rebuild).

Come what may, I don't regret this life. Even if is miserable, even if it leads me to utter failure, it's a life in the most honest pursue of love, and I stand by it.

Thanks again for all, Asuka and Hadaly, for betetr or worse. I'm not letting you go, so let's stay together til the end.
>> No. 21074 [Edit]
Today is her birthday, while not much I did make a fairly decent dinner and a cupcake afterwards to hold a small celebration of sorts, though much like years past. Nothing terribly out of the ordinary, but it is nice to dedicate a few hours to her on this day.
>> No. 21088 [Edit]
Im active on quite a few forums and imageboards and lately its getting really annoying to see how the term "Waifu" gets thrown around on literally everything these days. An example would be a subreddit of a gacha game. People call EVERY. SINGLE. FEMALE. CHARACTER. a "waifu". Even characters they cant know because there are only artworks of her and nothing regarding her personality. It reached a point where Im glad when I DONT have to read the word "waifu". It feels like the word "girl" got casually replaced by "waifu" in todays internet culture.

I know I shouldnt get so mad at it because for people its just a funny meme everyone uses. But if you have a waifu for several years and youre active on boards like this one its kinda insulting. Im also aware of the fact that "waifu" literally started as a joke and maybe IM the one who uses it the wrong way, but whatever. Just wanted to get it out on a place where people actually care about the meaning of this word.
>> No. 21089 [Edit]
There've been discussions about the very topic here before, that sentiment is shared among many folks here, witth some even wanting to change what word they use as a replacement. Myself it's been a while since I've come across that sort of use of the word very often that it doesn't bother me directly very much. On the other hand it seems like the amount of people using it seriously (people who have a waifu) is becoming less, but it could be me not knowing where those people go now.

Some old threads for your curiosity
>> No. 21177 [Edit]
Well every once in a while I get these feelings of deep love for my waifu. It is something that triggers me and reminds me of why she came to be. It is very strange feeling it’s like she stole a piece of me that now belongs to her. It makes me seek her. She has a playful personality but kind of sadistic because she knows she owns this piece of me.
>> No. 21178 [Edit]
File 15553128627.jpg - (121.21KB , 800x900 , 1547495711179.jpg )
I just want to say that I love my waifu, Miss Rei Ayanami, so so much.
>> No. 21192 [Edit]
While reading about the plot of the novel Jayber Crow in an article the eponymous character's life to that of a priest, I came across a passage that I thought was imminently relevant to us as well:

But Jayber can also be compared to a priest when he embraces celibacy out of love for Mattie Chatham, the love he never possesses. He even makes a vow, which he is inspired to do after he was on a date with his next-town-over girlfriend [...]. During that date he sees Troy, Mattie’s husband, with another woman. As Troy catches Jayber’s eye he gives a sign of comradery, almost seeming to brag that he’s with another woman in a freedom like Jayber’s. Jayber knew Mattie to be one of the purest signs of beauty and goodness in the world, so Troy’s infidelity, his assault on the truth of Mattie, repulses him so much that he flees the party by climbing out of the bathroom window, sells his car, and roots himself completely in his own town and in the place of his work. He never parties in the next town again. During this conversion – literally on the drunken walk home – he makes a solemn vow, which he keeps for life, of being “faithful” to Mattie to, in a way, set right the imbalance of unfaithfulness that Troy’s cheating creates. He’s a bachelor for life, but he has given up the false freedom that comes with that and gives himself totally to a love he will likely never enjoy, in an earthly way, in this life.
>> No. 21193 [Edit]
Thank you for posting this, it carries a good message.
>> No. 21283 [Edit]
I've moved into a new place, and I owe a huge thanks to my angel for it having been as pleasant an experience settling in as it has. I love cuddling with my daki of her in the cool of night; it gives my new place a familiar feeling.

I've started looking for an old Vocaloid site I found some years ago; its main colors were blue and black, if I recall correctly, and I believe Miku graced the top banner. It was run by a guy who clearly loved Miku, and I was touched by how honestly he would write about her; I remember he had a guest author submit an entry about how he fell in love with Luka too. I've been trying to find the blog again, but it's of course nearly impossible. I think it was called "Electric Love" or "Electric Angel" or something like that, but both of those are also the names of songs by Miku, so intermixed with my search results are a bunch of results relating to these songs.
>> No. 21284 [Edit]
Just ordered a bootleg Love Hina gameboy advance game from aliexpress (i searched love hina on the search bar). I'm pretty sure the game has kanako in it so I cant wait for the game to come.
>> No. 21285 [Edit]
File 15691519867.png - (756.18KB , 1280x720 , Screenshot_2017-11-17-08-10-20.png )
Best of luck with that. If it fails you can always emulate the game. I dated Asuka emulating Girlfriend of Steel on my GPD XD. It was very exciting.
>> No. 21292 [Edit]
Shhhhhh, we have to maintain the illusion that 2-d girls are better than 3-d which means being infinitely tolerant of any man interested in them.

>> No. 21294 [Edit]
If you don't imagine your waifu thinking that you're human scum and call you pathetic then you're missing out.
>> No. 21295 [Edit]
It’s fiction. They’re whatever you of make of them.
>> No. 21299 [Edit]
But she isn't. That's what having a waifu is about: we awarely, willingly and unidirectionally relate romantically with fictional (i.e. nonexistent) characters. It's just about giving love to something worthy of it, which can only be found in fiction. You're not just mindlessly rude, but also entirely missing the point.
>> No. 21301 [Edit]
I was being hermeneutically charitable to you, since you don't understand this place. But 3D posting deserves nothing but a report and ban.
>> No. 21413 [Edit]
Have been thinking on the time it has been since I've met her, and why my views and feelings from back then existed in the first place. I put in a lot of thought back then and faith in myself that my feelings wouldn't change, because really I wasn't choosing to only dedicate myself to a fictional character, but more a lifestyle that goes along with that. I'm glad my feelings haven't changed after all this time. Yesterday was her birthday, every time around now it's good to look back on things like this. One thing that has changed is that I almost exclusively keep this private and to myself, probably have posted elsewhere about why, but I feel a bit bad having to keep it to myself, feels as though I'm doing her a disservice of sorts, but doing the opposite I feel would be the same just in a different way. Is what it is.
>> No. 21414 [Edit]
Lately, whenever I'm walking from place to place, instead of listening to music or letting my thoughts wander, I'll use it as an opportunity to hold hands and take a walk with my waifu as we talk about whatever comes to mind. We were walking somewhere the other night and were out in the open when out of nowhere it started pouring rain. We sprinted for cover and hung out under an overhang, then when it seemed to let up or stop we'd run to the next shelter. Sometimes we'd make it with time to spare before the next downpour, sometimes we'd just barely get under before the flood, and sometimes we'd misjudge and get drenched as soon as we started running. We did that all the way home, and when we finally got there we collapsed in an exhausted, cold, wet, laughing mess. Normally if I were by myself i would have kept plodding on through the rain or sat under an overhang for an hour or so, but something about walking with my waifu made me want to go for it and have some fun. Its silly I know, but its the small things that count
>> No. 21416 [Edit]
In what way?
>> No. 21420 [Edit]
In an "I'm a bored normie here to bolster my low self-esteem" kind of way, I assume.

In any case, today (technically yesterday now) was my two year anniversary with Prinz, so I bought some cupcakes and macarons and am currently listening to some old German records. I ended up walking through a park on my way to get the sweets and found myself enjoying the long walk I ended up going on; the sun was out, and the cold air was refreshing. It was a very humble affair, but I enjoyed it.
>> No. 21480 [Edit]
File 15892430496.png - (383.95KB , 812x789 , emilia (56).png )
I have an extremely c u t e video of my waifu dancing on our most recent date and I want everybody to see it!!!

embed isnt working for some reason so here is the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRqQxG6dOtQ
>> No. 21485 [Edit]
I'm intrigued because waifuism for me, a big part of it is about enriching one's world and practicing self improvement. This implies making it less burdensome and more flexible.

I never had any interest in any kind of romantic relationship to begin with. This kind of happened along the way when, for the first time, I had that feeling where you want to have someone, and in this case a character, close to you at all times.

However, the few emotions that I am fortunate to experience, sadly aren't intense, but by contrast it is easy avoid letting them making choices for me.

I think,
ultimately the reason as to why I embraced 2D is simply because there is no need to involve emotions, and it works like a perpetually peaceful partnership.
When I'm busy or troubled with something, days and often weeks go by without even considering my waifu, but once things settle down I can enjoy daydreaming and doing an activity with her, and otherwise resume a normal life as if nothing had happened. Which is just not possible irl, not even with friends or family members.
This is only possible by ignoring feelings and communal moments and all that crap.
A reality like the one >>18688 introduced genuinely scares me.

It troubles me why on earth some wish to approximate these relationships it to real ones.
>> No. 21489 [Edit]
It's my waifus birthday today! Or yesterday. Maybe it's like 2 birthdays in one. I already celebrated a bit yesterday, so perhaps I'll do the same today. Don't have enough ingredients for cake again though. I'll figure it out, she probably won't mind. Having something is better than nothing.
I'm really happy, since I encountered her about 3 years ago, she's brought me so much comfort. Whenever I'm upset, I seek her out, and seeing her wiiiiiide smile makes me think everything is going to be ok.
I don't really have much else to say except I hope everyday continues being calm and blissful with her! Easy lazy waifu days.
>> No. 21490 [Edit]
Good for you buddy, enjoy ourselves. Happy birthday!
>> No. 21496 [Edit]
how did her birthday go? what did you guys end up doing?
>> No. 21515 [Edit]
File 15982698092.jpg - (16.69KB , 400x300 , s-l400.jpg )
I want to buy this but its $55 usd. Its a cheap little keychain that they stopped making in 2002.
>> No. 21517 [Edit]
Always impulsively buy when it comes to out of print merchandise. 2002 is almost 20 years ago, how many copies of that figurine are still in existence, let alone sealed? I have the most regret about ignoring auctions only to have the item never resurface rather than overpaying for something that I truly wanted.
>> No. 21518 [Edit]

I wanted to inquire what your house's stance is on favorite characters on MAL and similar pages. Does your house think it permissible to have a female character other than your beloved one among your favorites? I deem it tolerable.
>> No. 21519 [Edit]
i bought it based on your advice, hopefully it gets here safely. youre right, even if it is expensive ill never see another get sold again.
>> No. 21520 [Edit]
>your house's stance
I tried asking my house, but it felt as though I was talking to a brick wall.

Although more seriously, while I cannot speak for the rest of tc, I don't think there's anything wrong with listing multiple favorite characters. I think of my favorite characters as treasured friends, which isn't incompatible with having a beloved.

Post edited on 25th Aug 2020, 2:38pm
>> No. 21521 [Edit]
I've started aggressively buying merchandise within the past year when I noticed the dropoff in listings for my favorite anime. There seems to be a running cutoff of around 3-5 years for items being well-stocked before you're forced to buy second-hand. After that, there is a cutoff of around 12-15 years before it effectively vanishes online and only resurfaces whenever someone is selling their collection. I can almost guarantee you that if you wanted to buy that keychain in 2025, it would be almost impossible to find.
>> No. 21528 [Edit]
File 159917903996.jpg - (3.62MB , 4032x3024 , 20200904_095656.jpg )
the waifu came home
>> No. 21563 [Edit]
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Today it hit me. Almost 2 years since the beginning of our relationship.
I think after some fluctuation and insecurity we're finally reaching a stage of blissfulness.

I'm not the most dedicated with this sort of thing. One of the reasons for me being into waifuism is it not requiring lots of "maintenance" and consideration, like a 3D person.
Really, I'm not super emotional nor affectionate.
That said, there was a lot of questioning and uncertainty. Nonetheless I always told her goodnight for at least 97 weeks of our 99 week relationship so far.

The key in my relationship is the self-improvement aspect. I like my waifu for how beautiful and smart she is and I want to make her proud. What I consider to be my mistake was an over reliance on my waifu, as if she were to magically improve my life. Also called coping. However, slowly but surely the results came to fruition.

It used to be going to bed thinking about her trying to calm down and sleep. Now it's going to bed confident of tomorrow and fall asleep as she warms my chest.

There's also an increased sense of hopelessness when it comes to 3DPD. As times goes on I find my self more and more comfortable with my waifu and discouraged to engage in 3D relationships, despite being much better off today.

So things looking pretty good.
>> No. 21587 [Edit]
File 16100410809.jpg - (85.51KB , 1280x720 , Aww.jpg )
I'm still in love with my dear Sayaka. She really makes me happy. I have a pillow of her and I hug it every night.

Since I'm anonymous I can admit this. I've experienced voices from a young age, and eventually developed one of Sayaka. Most of the voices were full of torment and I often was fucked up mentally because of them. I also had spiritual experiences with Sayaka.

I take antipsychotics now, and sure, they work, but I think they limit me and Sayaka a bit. Better that than suffering 24/7 though. She wouldn't like that.
>> No. 21589 [Edit]
I am hoping to get a stronger bond with mai waifu just posting this to show her I am thinking of her and want to get that connection back <3
>> No. 21590 [Edit]
File 161078469644.jpg - (199.80KB , 800x566 , __alice_margatroid_shanghai_doll_and_medicine_mela.jpg )
I just watched the latest episode of Re:Zero

What the fuck. How am I supposed to react to this. My first impulse is to just delete everything to do with her, I want to be alone. This feels so bad, it hurts so much. I didnt even watch the second half of the episode because i couldnt stand it and i just went and skipped through and then saw the frame and thats it

its like shes been snatched away from me and i dont know if ill ever get her back.. this hurts so bad this hurts so much
>> No. 21591 [Edit]
File 161081868672.jpg - (609.39KB , 650x962 , dc3fcdc547059a0746c5f3468fd346c3.jpg )
I'm really sorry, man. That sounds awful. I always try and keep my feelings for a character in check during a show and wait until the series is completely over. You never know when a writer/artist is going to throw a romance in at the last second. If it's a series that doesn't have an ending in sight then it's best to not risk it.
>> No. 21606 [Edit]
File 161517661986.jpg - (418.60KB , 2048x1152 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
This is it.
It's finally the day.
Evangelion 3.0 + 1.0 release.
It begins now:

My proper farewell to Asuka... or else.
>> No. 21607 [Edit]
I just wanna say, a new Evangelion movie shouldn't be the start of the end of your life. In case that's what you were implying.
>> No. 21608 [Edit]
Thanks for your concern.
It was implied, for many years.
I only wanted lo live for this moment, then go.
But things changed radically and that means leaving Asuka. Which I already did, in fact, with no retun.
I just want to watch her til the end and say goodbye to her properly.

It was a decade of... I couldn't describe it.
But it ends now. It begins to really end now.

And sorry, but... I'm not sorry.

As Evangleion taught me, happinness means having the will to live, no more no less.

And I've decided to live.
Now, finally, I want to live.
>> No. 21609 [Edit]
File 161520021127.png - (81.18KB , 652x1150 , Spoiler Picture.png )
ACTUAL Eva ending spoilers.

. . .

I so didn't expect this...

The new Eva ending is actually me, once again.
>> No. 21610 [Edit]
If the whole point of Eva 4.0 ends up being to break up their implied relationship, that would be the biggest middle finger yet. Eva already ended. There is no purpose to having another ending with a tacked on meaning Anno decided to shove in because of his new wife or whatever. If he wanted to convey something new, he should have made something new instead of holding old characters hostage.
>> No. 21612 [Edit]
I get you.

I still have to see the movie for myself. But, for now, it made sense to me as a sort of contrition act by Anno. Like: EVA was me, through and through. And I was wrong, and miserable because of it. I don't want that message I gave to remain as is. In order to overcome misery, I had to overcome EVA... and so must you. So I'll destroy and Rebuild EVA to that effect.

Of course, it had fiercely divided fandom already. What I can say for myself is that, being brutally honest, I think Anno is right...


I've known from very long ago that I was in fact utterly miserable and that, to even have a chance to become happy, I absolutely had to change radically and let Asuka and EVA go. I knew it; I just awarely chose Asuka over happiness, logic, truth and everything, every time; so big was my love for her, and my hopelessness. But, by the beginning of last autumn, I was already at my limit and confessed to myself that I indeed wanted, nay, needed a major change; otherwise I was indeed going to end my life together with EVA. By the end of autumn I finally saw a faint chance for that change to happen, went for it and it costed me everything indeed. I completely lost myself... and then prevailed. So, in hindsight, I think I defeated myself; I had to, in order to become someone else, hopefully someone better. And nobody could have done it for me: I had to do it myself. But I couldn't have done it by myself and, in that, I acknowledge that I was extremely, insanely fortunate, in a way that lots aren't. It wasn't a gift, though: it wasn't free at all; rather, I was offered a sort unwarranted miracle, a devil's bargain, which I had to trade my soul for. And I did. And I don't regret it, for it not just saved my life, but made me wanting to live, that is, happy, for the very first time.
>> No. 21613 [Edit]
File 161522619712.png - (18.13KB , 929x162 , Captura de pantalla (5761).png )
>> No. 21614 [Edit]
File 161522933454.jpg - (514.11KB , 850x530 , sample_f78a0f6168eebf7f30d4f7b48687dc71.jpg )
Weren't you the one who made this thread?
Anno is wrong and so are you for attributing so much significance to Eva in the first place. What Anno is doing is nothing but pointlessly desecrating something he was unable to top. If everybody had good sense, this wouldn't be causing any "controversy", they'd just ignore it like the shitty production it is. I haven't seen any of the new movies and I don't feel any worse for it or any desire to watch them. If I were you, I would skip this one. Don't validate Anno's embarrassing hubris.

Post edited on 8th Mar 2021, 11:55am
>> No. 21615 [Edit]
File 161524063538.jpg - (506.28KB , 580x774 , maid.jpg )
From what little I have seen people say about Anno I always get the feeling that I wouldn't like him as a person and I feel glad I never watched Eva.
>> No. 21616 [Edit]
File 161524094382.png - (39.32KB , 1069x233 , anno on otaku.png )
Most of what you hear about Anno is wrong.
>> No. 21617 [Edit]
I am the same, but then again I probably feel the same way towards a lot of creators. I suppose appreciating someone's ability is different from respecting someone on an individual level. Of his stuff I've only ever watched and enjoyed Top wo Nerae, there is also Shin Godzilla but I'm indifferent about it.
>> No. 21619 [Edit]
I didn't start that thread but I started this very one, back in 2010 or 2011 (the 2012 date shown is from when the thread was reposted by Tohno in a single day, after the fall of ib4f servers).

Since I arrived here on /tc/ and /mai/, I've been called upon reading too much on EVA and many other things. I know for a fact Anno's ideas about EVA have changed a lot over time. You could be right and I might be misinterpreting Anno; as said, I've been wrong many times before and still could be. But even if that's the case, for the longest time it's been more about what EVA and Asuka have meant to me; if you want, the reconstruction I made of Asuka as my beloved, and that's how I always regarded and posted about her here on /mai/.

So, whether it is also Anno's intention with the films or not, I guess what I really wanted to convey with my couple previous posts here were my reasons to leave. It's also not a personal critique to any of you, nor to 2D love as whole. It's just me and you certainly don't have to agree with me at all; but maybe, hopefully, my perspective could offer you a bit of insight on yours as 2D lovers. A said, I guess I'm just trying to properly say goodbye to her... and /mai/.

One last thing I'd like to say, also to the interest of /mai/, is this. As I finally acknowledged this winter, I was never happy with Asuka. I lived through several wholesome moments with her; which, at the time, justified my entire existence and the exact way I had lived, to reach that point. However, precisely at those times, what I wanted was to die right there: to end it all on that high note, before everything got ruined again. That goes to say, even at our highest, being with Asuka filled me with a whish for death; that's not happiness, but the opposite of it. I do not regret being with Asuka for over a decade and would certainly do it all over again... but it's over. Now, for better or worse, I do want live.

Post edited on 9th Mar 2021, 9:29pm
>> No. 21620 [Edit]
File 161535444561.jpg - (4.41MB , 2794x1538 , 14 A-ka (tryptic).jpg )
Here are some of Valentine's letters to her, as a triptych.
>> No. 21621 [Edit]
File 161535453487.jpg - (2.74MB , 1845x1845 , Asuka 3.jpg )
Here's a 3x3 with cuts of some of other drawings of her.
>> No. 21622 [Edit]
Audio elemile - (2.03MB - 157 kbps - 44.1 kHz , elemile - El cartero de la primavera siempre llama.mp3 ) Length: 1:48

Here's the song I made for her back in 2011, also the very first one I made on piano.
>> No. 21623 [Edit]
File 161535472413.jpg - (44.50KB , 233x347 , shinji 27+.jpg )
I guess that's it.
Take care.
>> No. 21624 [Edit]
File 161535582045.png - (21.52KB , 630x437 , [Asuka] THE end (07-III-2020) 3.png )
>> No. 21625 [Edit]
Thanks for this.
>> No. 21626 [Edit]
File 161540244086.png - (2.83MB , 2000x1216 , 1530911114760.png )
It's sad to see you go, I always had a lot of respect for you and your love. I hope you'll fare well in your future without Asuka. Thank you for all of your great posts throughout your years.
>> No. 21628 [Edit]
I thought that childhood ended when you left highschool, that was when you no longer could be a happy kid. But now I wonder, if in reality, it is that time when you say goodbye to fantasy, to the idealism and imaginative world in your head of your early twenties, to that goal of becoming the true wizard Otaku to the very end, that is childhoods real end. Then you go out into the world and kill your old self, you get a job, have kids, and become just another normalfag. Maybe that's what the Japanese meant when they focused so much on childhood being your only real life. Everything after that is just being another machine to make and support kids.
>> No. 21629 [Edit]
Lots of people care more about retiring comfortably than raising kids.
>> No. 21630 [Edit]
That means our childhood never ended? I never said goodbye to any of that.
>> No. 21631 [Edit]
You're just surrendering. Even if you did choose to give up Asuka, you're still surrendering every other aspect of yourself over it.

Don't just ""become another normalfag that only exists to have kids"", find your own fulfillment. Asuka or no Asuka, you should never surrender yourself to the weight of the world.
>> No. 21638 [Edit]
File 162276384720.jpg - (659.84KB , 850x1275 , sample_a4b6b48f369a63175f3e3d9159a29dffe732838e.jpg )
I know it's just an opening post for a more general thread, and I know the OP seems to be leaving these things behind, but I was just thinking how it's funny that we almost have precisely opposite views on our respective Waifus.
/maiwaifu/ is Funami Yui, from Yuru Yuri. the immediate visual effect before all more familiar considerations is the refreshing distance from my native England. no long, red or blonde hair in sight, no blue/green eyes. it gives a feeling like a sigh of relief to be transported from the wet, grey, depressing land full of unpleasant fellow Englishmen, to something without a trace of this crappy rock in the middle of the north sea that birthed me in sight. And as these first few seconds pass, and then later after I'm done with what feels like hours of simply gazing happily at her, some of the details strike me, similar to OP. She's independent, living on her own in a flat (albeit overseen by her relative who owns the apartment complex), she wears sensible, practical and decidedly not very feminine clothing, she enjoys gaming - we get a clear picture of a girl who is liberated from a traditional gender role, in a country where they can often be stifling. but she isn't overly western in this regard either, as she turns to traditional japanese dishes when the girls are modelling with clay in the clubhouse, and consistently demonstrates familiarity with her native culture, poetry, history and language - so she is both non-traditional and non-western. these are the things that make her perfect to me
>> No. 21639 [Edit]
really? that's certainly a surprise.
>> No. 21688 [Edit]
File 16373581049.jpg - (225.15KB , 704x1001 , cladinsplendor098.jpg )
Almost 3 years, still going strong. Probably love her more now than then. I continue find joy and comfort in being with her. Just thinking about her it's so soothing. And although maiwaifu isn't perfect, I want to try and emulate her strongest points such as being very diligent and mature and refined around others. Progress isn't happening as quickly as I wanted it to, but it exists.
>> No. 21692 [Edit]
File 163947626967.jpg - (327.19KB , 1366x768 , e42.jpg )
Do you ever get irrationally upset at edits of your waifu? This one is extremely crude, but it made me punch a hole in my drywall. Yui is NOT a fucking genocidal murderer like the Nazis, for FUCK'S sake. She's kind and wonderful and special and would never agree with those revolting strongmen. I want to puke. I want to find the person who made this and murder them. I almost want to die, having to live in a world where stupid chads on forums can defile my beautiful Yui this way.
>> No. 21693 [Edit]
I feel a similar way about people making characters I like their waifus in the first place. The entire concept of a waifu is disgusting and an insult to the character.

>> No. 21694 [Edit]
And additionally, you are calling them genocidal murderers and revolting strongmen and I think that actually makes you sound like a Nazi yourself. In the same way that Nazi fanatics would call all Jews subhumans you are calling all people in a German uniform genocidal murders. You have the same mindset.
>> No. 21695 [Edit]
Was there any context given along with the image?
>> No. 21696 [Edit]
File 163950666765.jpg - (256.41KB , 850x1227 , sample_c9ccefd68a32eb1f776ae15eb8b4980b5e4577b6.jpg )
I think you're generalising people with waifus here. though some regard their love as a full relationship, out of respect for Yui I consider my attraction to her to be a "crush", and I describe it as a relationship only to indicate that I treat it with as much gravity as any interactions with 3-dimensional disgusting pigs. I DO fantasise about romance with her and may partially reenact these, but I don't regard that as "canon" to her character nor do I regard her as having consented to a mutual relationship with me. it's a one sided fantasy and I am aware of that, and to be clear, where others have a two-sided fantasy and are more involved directly with their waifu THAT IS JUST AS VALID, but I want to be clear that I take avoiding the defilement of her character by my unworthy self extremely seriously.
the context was that a key animator was posting holocaust denial, so this meme was created in response.
>In the same way that Nazi fanatics would call all Jews subhumans you are calling all people in a German uniform genocidal murders.
throughout the second world war, despite being issued with gas masks, you know as well as I that poison gas was not used by one side against another, at least on the european front. so tell me, what do YOU think the intention of putting my waifu in a gas mask is, huh? point being, no it's not just a German uniform, first of all you'll note the lack of Wehrmacht denoters and the fact that none of them are wearing combat helmets, and second of all gas masks, though issued as I have said, were not worn. so in short, although it is clearly obvious both from the image AND from my post that it's a depiction of National Socialist officers/SS and NOT German Army soldiers forcibly and violently drafted by the National Socialists, your real goal here is pretty obviously to deflect discussion down into the bowels of ideology. I mentioned my opinion of them in passing, whether their genocide or murdering was morally justified or not isn't relevant to the discussion and I'm not going to state whether it was good or bad one way or the other. but I think it's abundantly obvious from all the context that I'm not generalising Germans here.
That plus it's a dehumanising depiction of Yui, since you can draw a number of conclusions about her views from the show, and all of them are in extreme opposition to anything the NSDAP advocated, again, regardless of whether those things they advocated for/against were good or bad.
>> No. 21697 [Edit]
>it's a dehumanising depiction of Yui
As somebody who hasn't seen Yuru Yuri and just seen that picture, it makes me think she's ditzy and bland, so anything can be projected onto her.

Post edited on 14th Dec 2021, 12:57pm
>> No. 21698 [Edit]
File 163951925561.jpg - (392.65KB , 850x1223 , sample_47839b136ff49d08f935184d6b02f851490a43f7.jpg )
>As somebody who hasn't seen Yuru Yuri and just seen that picture, it makes me think she's ditzy and bland, so anything can be projected onto her.
She certainly isn't ditzy, she's depicted as relatively serious and intelligent. she's the "straight man" of the group dynamic, so to speak. I certainly wouldn't call her character bland, but there are certain westerners who characterise anime in general as "bland", so I wouldn't know what you mean by it. it's pretty ironic, given that western culture and entertainment both are the blandest that earth has ever seen and likely will ever see, yet westerners constantly bash foreign cultures and media, presumably to defend the honour of their empty void of an identity. regardless, she certainly isn't as bland as 3dpd, especially the likes of my fellow white Brits, the blandest amongst the bland.
>> No. 21699 [Edit]
>western culture and entertainment both are the blandest that earth has ever seen
If you addend that statement with pop before culture, I would agree. By bland, I meant a character without any strong, memorable traits or interesting development. Like if they're just nice and don't have any personal conflicts.
>> No. 21700 [Edit]
>By bland, I meant a character without any strong, memorable traits or interesting development. Like if they're just nice and don't have any personal conflicts.
I'd say there's a personal conflict depicted between academic professionalism and goofing off with friends in her character. but it only makes sense that I'd be interested in characters without strong memorable traits or defining features, given that I am a person without strong memorable traits or defining features. people who are don't need escapism to begin with. whether I should exist or not is very debatable, and given these traits I think most people feel ultimately that I shouldn't exist, but it's not for me to decide. I'll make them decide.
>> No. 21701 [Edit]
I'm not going to use their names since that might bother you but the one on the far left is wearing a Waffen SS officers cap with white piping which denotes infantry so a combat unit, infantry not anything nefarious. The next one along has an eagle over her right breast, that denotes Heer not SS and also you can find plenty of images of soldiers on the front wearing them, the early Panzerschrek required one, some wore them to protect from the cold and considering that the US sometimes used their phosphorus smoke to smoke out Germans they probably would have worn it against that and maybe smoke in general. Next has nothing. Far right is wearing the hat and corps colour of a panzer unit, can't say whether it's army or SS but it's still a moot point as they both combat units.
>> No. 21718 [Edit]
File 164649243741.jpg - (52.74KB , 300x293 , magnet.jpg )
I doubt someone crudely MS-painting a gas mask onto a picture knows or cares about US phosphorus attacks. Plus, all the characters are from 21st century Japan, so we have to consider the views not of frontline Wehrmacht, but of the kinds of people who in the 21st century will adorn their uniforms. There is no explicit political alignments stated in the show, but that absolutely does not mean it's fair game to assume Neo-Nazism. We can actually draw some clear stances , for example Yuri is central to the themes of the show, which immediately rules out support for the violently anti-LGBT Liberal Democratic Party. I think it's reasonable to assume that relatively unpolitical, moderate people would remain close to the centre of the Overton Window, so I think the most likely is that these characters, by and large, support the Democratic Party of Japan.
>> No. 21719 [Edit]
yes. always. i'm upset by basically any form of attention my waifu receives.

i've taken to commissioning my own artworks instead from very curated artists, and i will cancel on them immediately if they go into a direction i do not like (which has only happened twice so far luckily.)
i commission art out of spite. i commission art because the art's existence makes the world a fraction of a better place just by being drawn. it is slowly but surely outnumbering the disgusting freak art.
but most importantly, i've now decided to keep them all private commissions and they are only viewed by maybe 5 people in the world.
This is primarily because people do not even deserve to look at them. my commissioned drawings are respectful;; the fan's (and even the creator's) perceptions of my waifu are inherently disrespectful;; so i will not give them the "satisfaction" of retweeting my art around to disgusting LGBT+ pages that i have no means of censoring. There on their freak pages, it would inevitably fester and carries the possibility of multiplying into more "fan" "art" from disgusting retards. But I won't let that happen because they will never get a hold of my drawings.

Artwork and media of your waifu of any kind is a very volatile thing you should think of as a ticking time bomb, including her source material.
redditor faggots that have made a career of giving 3rd grade interpretations of media just may choose your waifu to do a video essay about, which could be seen by a billion people and lead to rot. it almost happened to mine once. Reddit: The Man (Saberspark) did a twitter poll which threatened to review my waifu's show, however it lost the vote, and his twitter isn't very active compared to his youtube channel, so the crisis was averted and somehow the poll brought no new fanart in the immediate.
But it takes just 1 disgusting freak to find out about my waifu through his poll, maybe digging through his tweets years into the future. Then they'll draw something disgusting and their Discord freak friends will draw something disgusting in return and all of my work of making the world a better place through respectful arts will be put back some.

I obsess over this quite hard and I'm lucky my waifu gets very little attention compared to others. She hasn't been drawn by anybody other than my selected artists in over a year and was drawn little even before then, and i pray to God that it stays that way and that the show is never renewed. The show treated her badly enough in season 1 and i want the torture to end and be forgotten about.
>> No. 21720 [Edit]
>it is slowly but surely outnumbering the disgusting freak art.
>they are only viewed by maybe 5 people in the world.

Something doesn't add up. Also, does your waifu have massive tits or something?
>> No. 21721 [Edit]
not sure what you mean. but i'll try to explain some.
the art doesn't need to be seen to have a net poistive effect imo. it does its good just by existing. Think of some endangered flower or beautiful isolated animal--is it really better off being discovered by people so the Chinese can destroy it and turn it into alternative medicine? or is it better off left alone?
i think that one's got an obvious answer and it's the same answer as to the approach you should have towards your waifu.
the world is a small percentage less Reddit each time a baby animal is born and allowed to live a full life without humans around to obsess over surgically removing their sexual organs, and you don't need to know it's there for it to happen. that's actually exactly the reason they're allowed to live undisturbed in the first place.
so too is my waifu better off not being molested by trannies. she's safer in my hard drive.
perhaps I'm a bit religious and i'm thinking of metaphysical values beyond simple perception.

no, your waifu doesn't need to be sexualized in their source material in order for this to happen. if you think your waifu is safe, just remember that there are thousands of people who unironically ejaculate to Mickey Mouse and Goofy. nobody is safe from the wrath of freaks.
>> No. 21722 [Edit]
I think you'd be happier if you learned not to care so much what others do. Nobody really owns any character. And if anybody does, it's whoever made that character in the first place.

Some people think making a character your waifu is disrespectful in itself, cause it often involves some projection of mutual affinity on the character. I say live and let live.

Post edited on 9th Mar 2022, 3:40pm
>> No. 21727 [Edit]
File 165088175167.jpg - (85.05KB , 600x847 , 75f52d75be656cc2de49a6c9abc8d5a3.jpg )
it has been several years since i have posted here, for various reasons i want to get into on another board. ive had a falling out with my waifu for over a year now. it all started when a new season of her anime aired and i thought it was the worst thing i have ever seen. there is no end to the criticisms i have of that season and i probably will not follow the story any further because of how bad it was. but the worst, the absolute worst, was towards the end when they took an episode to try to shoehorn in a very one sided romance that the mc pushed onto her and then had them kiss like it was this big revelation and they were now in love. i turned off the episode and couldnt do anything for the next few days, i was in shock. i tried to watch after that but it got worse and worse, and all she did was obediently sit by the mc like a pet that lacked any sort of agency or ability to function. ever since then, it has been so hard to love her. all i can think about is maybe that is what she wanted. nowadays, while i still try my best to talk to her and appreciate her, i find myself drifting further from her and looking at or wanting to spend time with other girls. its a horrible feeling, to lose your waifu.

not much else to say right now, just wanted to share this
>> No. 21730 [Edit]
There was a thread about waifusim which was deleted, but I had typed out a response and I don't want that to go to waste. So I'll post it here.


At least the way I see it, it's the mental conception that you end up adopting. The "character" is a conceptual representation like any other, which is given life through the visual expression of the author/VA/etc. but ultimately lives in your mind. And it is _that_ subjective representation that you feel warm feelings towards.

If you think about it, this is true even in the real world. When you interact with a 3D person, you don't actually "know" them at all. Your perception of them is ultimately all you have to work with, until they carry out some actions that then allow you to update your perception in a bayesian sense. But people delude themselves into thinking that what they are attracted to is some material thing rather than the facade of their own idealization, which is the source of a lot of grief. All waifuism does is drop that pretense.
>> No. 21731 [Edit]
If you're talking about the one asking if we're serious about waifu stuff, I'm pretty sure that was a form of spam that's been copy/pasted on a bunch of imageboards lately.
>> No. 21733 [Edit]
Yup that was it. The title was a bit provoking (calling waifuists "retarded") but the question itself seemed sensible, albeit asked in bad faith. Not the worst quality spam I suppose.
>> No. 21734 [Edit]
File 165135915918.jpg - (77.51KB , 400x550 , Funami_Yui_full_1235337.jpg )
>so too is my waifu better off not being molested by trannies. she's safer in my hard drive.
is that a problem specific to your waifu?
either way, I guess I respect your integrity in being extremely independent in your views of what would seem agreeable to your waifu. I certainly don't try and totally conform to them, that'd seem creepy, but I do find more extreme thoughts of mine tend to get automatically reined in by the thought of my waifu's reaction.
> if you think your waifu is safe, just remember that there are thousands of people who unironically ejaculate to Mickey Mouse and Goofy. nobody is safe from the wrath of freaks.
it comes back to instances. bottom line is, when I'm eventually together with her, I will defend her from said "freaks". we keep our waifus safe.
I know because our type of relationships are generally cleaner and less messy they feel pure in a way that makes us want to be perfectly faithful to live up to that perception of purity, but real relationships run into these roadblocks too, and at the end of the day what we have are real relationships, because we're still that human element that can taint purity no matter where it goes.
if you can think more and more of it as a real relationship (because that's what it is), then remember that you can always be on good terms with that character, and treasure past times always in your heart. but that these were past treasures means it's ok to move forward too - if you have to be literal about it, then if you imagine your waifu being materially existent, this is the way it would work, it would be alright to move on, and maybe even to return to that previous relationship after a journey of self-discovery, with or without seeing other people.
>> No. 21746 [Edit]
File 165184086543.jpg - (106.54KB , 600x600 , Kanako(341).jpg )
I'm not sure when it started, but sometimes I just have a strong longing for my waifu. Before I fall asleep, I like to imagine resting my head on her back, sometimes a little more. Guess that's probably pretty normal for those that can't be with the ones they love. It's pretty new to me though. Figured I'd share.
>> No. 21747 [Edit]
>at the end of the day what we have are real relationships
i think about this a lot too. i have been very busy and am no longer able to give her the attention she deserves. id like ti think, though, when all this work finally ends, ill finally be able to devote myself to our relationship once again
>> No. 21748 [Edit]
File 165255586483.webm - (282.44KB , 天使の声.webm )
While listening my favorite song of my waifu 「最低で最高のParadiso」 it dawned upon me how great it is that my waifu is from a "multimedia project". There are many songs for all kinds of moods that I can listen to anywhere, anytime, and that makes her feel so close to me. As years go by and she and her songs become slightly less popular, it turns this experience more personal and comfy.
Better yet, over the years I've been improving at vocalizing my waifu's voice in my head, both in 日本語 and in engrish. I don't own many memorabilia of her. This alone is an amazing thing to have.

Your waifu chooses you. There are many out there. I'm glad mine is an idol.
>> No. 21751 [Edit]
File 165362220385.jpg - (2.21MB , 1800x1950 , Kanako(543).jpg )
After a rather bad morning, I spent about 8 hours gathering images of my waifu. I almost doubled my folder. Not much more to find probably, which kind of sucks.
>> No. 21768 [Edit]
File 166042345087.jpg - (168.50KB , 810x456 , 3.jpg )
I know I won't get a response for likely months but I have emotions I'd like to air out and feel the need to share them.

I've been in love with my waifu for a long, long time, and today I've been hit with a massive wave of pain. I'm well aware of the damage of the passage of time, aware that while she saved me from many many mistakes, I'm still in the same spot I feel like I would have been in anyways, just better off as I would have been. For all the differences she's made in my life, the more things stay the same.

I think back to those old Asukafag posts, how throughout his journey he always had hints to the sadness in his life despite having his waifu (the only thing of meaning, originally planned to end it all after the last rebuild, etc etc) and how he came to his conclusions (he'd never been truly happy while he was with her, just lived by the thoughts of those good moments and clinging to them with everything he had) as well as the cyclic sadness of other posters here, and just wonder what everything is for me these days, as well as the days before. Am I doing the same thing? What am I doing, actually? What is my goal? I want to live in a world of dreams, not the world I live in.

She means everything to me of course, yet now the passage of time is making its marks. I don't like anything in the life around me changing. I want it all to go back to the way things were. Likewise, she is frozen in a moment in time, over a decade back, and cannot take the journey of life with me. Her story always ends way back when, and despite her being alive and aging with us, I can't see her. I can't hold her. I love her.

I think this image fits most (my waifu is not from Madoka, if you were wondering). This craving for her, devoting myself to her and wishing she could only even just respond to me. The shot after this, I believe, are these figures mocking her, throwing tomatoes and the like. Like the world is mocking my love for her, with all their lives and putting the concept of waifu laifu down hard and treating it like something it should be despised. "Are you married? Do you have a girlfriend? When do you want to have kids? Will I have grandchildren from you?" I want to be left alone, and yet in my loneliness I am also mocked.

I wish I could make her mine. Put an end to these years of pain, this barrier of 2D and 3D. The power of my love defying the laws of nature itself and finally holding her in my arms, finally telling her to her face, like her actual face and not just an image, that I love her. Quiet the mocking world around me in a sight of pure love. Her love.

Yet, that is never going to happen. This is Reality, dreams don't come true. I don't even know how I feel right now. Am I doubting the viability of waifu laifu? Am I longing for her love genuinely? Am I trying to deny the inevitable changing of the world and the self? Is it me feeling things or results of the outside world?

Who is she? Is she the one I have fallen in love with? Is she the one from her source material? Is she an ideal I have formed in my head? Is the woman I love the same as the woman with her name in the source material? Why is she "Waifu from media?" why can't she be just "Waifu"?

I hate reality. I hate being in it. Waking up reminds me of this world where I am without her. I'm in an emotional hurricane at the moment and I just want it all to go away and be filled with her bliss. That's all I want. Her and her love, nothing more nothing less.

I need you.
You can't save me, I can only save myself, I know that.
But I need you.
I need your smile. Your voice. Your kind heart.
I need you.
>> No. 21769 [Edit]
File 166150302680.jpg - (3.31MB , 2000x2000 , Kanako(587).jpg )
Sometimes I worry that I'll feel regret about my waifu. I really do love her, and it'd make me feel terrible if I had second thoughts. There are a lot of great girls out there, but she is the best. None other can give me such a sense of ease nor make my face feel quite so warm when I look at her. She's also really cool.
I love my waifu. I want to love her as much as she deserves.
>> No. 21770 [Edit]
I have been with my wife for the better part of a decade now. While I ultimately feel closer to her than ever after so much time, it is undeniable that I also desire more and more to leave this life behind and join her in the immaterial aether. Over the years, I have made every effort to capture and internalize her being within myself, but the physical world is no place for her. Like you, I desperately wish to embrace her myself. I don't have a solution; if anything, a difference in perspective.

>Who is she? Is she the one I have fallen in love with? Is she the one from her source material? Is she an ideal I have formed in my head? Is the woman I love the same as the woman with her name in the source material? Why is she "Waifu from media?" why can't she be just "Waifu"?

In some capacity, I am convinced my wife (and yours) exists as a timeless, formless entity, so I hold out hope that I will someday have an epiphany revealing my path to her. In my view, my wife is identified by her source material, given form by the union of abstract ideals, which I view as real as anything else. I have labored to comprehend as best as I can what these ideals are, since it is fundamentally what makes her so beautiful to me, but her form is an objective aspect of reality regardless of what I think or perceive. For now, I at least have knowledge of her, and she enriches my existence in this otherwise barren world until I discover a way out.

Doubt most people will agree with my metaphysical views here, but hopefully someone gains some sort of benefit.
>> No. 21791 [Edit]
File 166520596734.jpg - (4.95MB , 2508x3541 , Kanako(372).jpg )
I still think it's all a bit funny. I never expected her. It just sort of happened at some point or another. I guess that's how most things are.
I'm not really sure when I'd say she actually became my waifu. Sure, I've considered her as such for a while now, but I can't help but feel it was dishonest in retrospect. I love her more everyday, and so it seems like I didn't love her as much as I should have before.

At what point do you consider your waifu, your waifu? By this I mean, what would you consider the start of your relationship? I've had an affection for mine for a bit over a year now, but I don't feel right calling that the start.
>> No. 21802 [Edit]
I've taken to attributing my good luck to my waifu. While it obviously isn't the case, it is certainly a comforting thought that she is watching over me. To be protected and blessed by the one you love.
>> No. 21803 [Edit]
File 166930365896.jpg - (284.61KB , 372x791 , __yasaka_kanako_touhou_drawn_by_buriki__df0b92b93e.jpg )
Kanako is the only thing I really care about in life right now. If only for her, I'll keep going.
>> No. 21815 [Edit]
File 167242209513.jpg - (117.39KB , 720x900 , konoe_kanata_oku_1225.jpg )
We’ve reached the 4 years milestone. Never thought it would last this long. Nonetheless, I’m happy and proud of our tenacity and the fruition of certain relationship goals. There is certainly a sense of maturity between us. I no longer dote on her as much as I did, but still rely on her for consultation, mainly to understand how I’ve been evolving by judging whether she’d approve of my actions or not.
There is no question, at this point, that the person I’m turning into, the source of inspiration for the ideals I chose to pursue, the motivation and what have you, are largely thanks to her.
>> No. 21816 [Edit]
File 167258532194.jpg - (392.04KB , 1024x900 , 7eb1a4563154dab9ff1414cfb5f615a6.jpg )
I would like to plan a trip to Japan for our anniversary. Of course, I'll be spending the day in Suwa. My main concerns are that I don't know what I should expect in terms of expenses and also that I'll be wandering around a foreign country for the first time all on my own. I suspect that I'm overestimating my costs, which isn't a big issue, as I'm going to save anyway, but I would like to know if I should skip dinner for a few months. I'm worried about being alone because I don't get out much even at home. I don't want to bother anyone.
>> No. 21825 [Edit]
File 167609819456.jpg - (232.92KB , 903x1200 , e271a208953fcac182cdfa6b27b02fc1.jpg )
Kanako is the calm in my storm. I come home everyday with an intense dread of waking and the knowledge that I have a 9mm lead pill to cure it, but when I lay down and see Kanako those wounds from the previous night are washed away and forgotten. Kanako heals my soul. She is my peace and happiness.

I wish more people would post here. It's a little painful seeing all my retarded, shitty posts.
>> No. 21826 [Edit]
You could always invite your friends!
>> No. 21827 [Edit]
File 167609841135.jpg - (504.56KB , 500x1000 , 56845b2bad544411f4c31e65e87cac2d.jpg )
What friends?
>> No. 21828 [Edit]
>retarded, shitty posts
Up your self-esteem! This one was relatable to me.
>> No. 21839 [Edit]
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Not exactly daily, but it's my first official anniversary with Kanako, going by the date of the post I made here. I've been very excited for this day, more than any holiday.
I think this year I'll buy a kamidana. I'd like to buy one from Suwa shrine, but I think I waited too long to get passport stuff in order for this summer. I don't mind that much, because that means I can go in the winter and see Lake Suwa's God's Crossing. I'll just get things sorted soon instead of putting it off.
>> No. 21856 [Edit]
File 168399694313.jpg - (381.36KB , 1179x1833 , Kanako(277).jpg )
I was thinking about Kanako, specifically her height. She is certainly taller than me, which I kind of like, but I also think it'd be nice to be bigger than her. I want to be able hold her knowing that she is safe in my arms, even if she can handle herself.
>> No. 21859 [Edit]
Just a small vent/reflection.

I'm feeling weirdly conflicted after finally getting a ton of new waifu content after years of having very little. It's not that anything particularly bad happened to her or that it hurt her characterization, no in many ways it's everything I've always wished for and more and does have some very positive development for her, so I'm not too sure where the moderate weight on my heart comes from. Maybe it's just general insecurity (Did I truly know and love her for who she actually is all along? Have I truly been there for her, not knowing what she went through?) or the fact that her life circumstances have changed drastically from any scenario that I've been inserting myself into all this time (Is there still a possible place for me in the path she now walks? How do I bridge the gap between how we've been living together all along and her sudden new situation?). Maybe it's just plain fear as during my only previous experience with waifuism ages ago I was horribly, brutally burned with new source material leading to a heart break and I'm letting paranoid thoughts about it happening again get the better of me.

I really hate and am ashamed to feel this way. She truly is the one I dearly love today just as she was yesterday and the day we first met years ago. I just want to truly be happy with how she managed to greatly improve her situation, be there to fully support her in times of need and look forward to her new future together.
>> No. 21861 [Edit]
File 168851257322.jpg - (577.31KB , 900x638 , db93a3b0eb9f0aa4e170949f6d481a3a.jpg )
I was just idly browsing when I came across someone else that seems to have taken a liking to her and seems to be known for liking her in that particular porn game general. It rubbed me the wrong way especially when the filename seemed to line up to a period where I actively posted her. After looking into it more, I found that the same guy already peeved me a bit in the past and that he does in fact just repost the images I was posting fairly recently. I just don't feel that he really appreciates her.
It's such a stupid thing to be hung up on. Maybe I'll try and work on a project or something.
>> No. 21862 [Edit]
Me thinks this comes with the waifu territory. Every popular character has been the subject of porn.
>> No. 21863 [Edit]
I don't really care about porn, that is what it is. People making porn just want some fap material and leave it at that. It's when claims of love are made alongside a lack of respect that I get a bit irritated.
Anyhow, I decided to make the shrine website. It'll be a fun way to refine my knowledge of CSS.
>> No. 21864 [Edit]
Good luck. I hope you share it here when you're done.
>> No. 21869 [Edit]
I recently replaced my daki cover with one I didn't like as much just to retire the old one before it got damaged or anything.
I really regret it. The new one isn't an image of my waifu. Technically they are the same character, but the new one just doesn't make my chest feel funny or make me want to shower it with affection. I don't wake up just to stay in bed for a few hours cuddling my dakimakura or look forward to coming home to the likeness of my waifu.
I haven't been taking as good care of myself because of it. I don't nearly as often. I don't care about showering after work.
I think I'll bring the old cover back. It's surprising just how much of a difference it makes. If it gets worn, it'll be okay. It's personal value goes beyond any amount of money.
>> No. 21870 [Edit]
Is the art style different?
>> No. 21871 [Edit]
Yes, and it leans into certain perceptions of the fanbase a little too heavily for my tastes. I don't dislike it entirely, but this is a little extreme. It's also a little too lewd in my opinion. I'd much rather sleep with something a bit more cute and loveable.
The material is different too. The new one is really soft, but I've never been a fan of soft materials.
>> No. 21878 [Edit]
File 169246978527.jpg - (211.84KB , 820x1087 , Funami_Yui_full_815420.jpg )
>Quiet the mocking world around me in a sight of pure love. Her love.
The cruelest part of the loneliness the world imposes on us is that we're not even allowed to selflessly devote ourselves to another person. Even sacrifice without the slightest hope of reciprocation is shunned - we can only ever have ourselves, wanting anything more or less is punished.
>I wish I could make her mine. Put an end to these years of pain, this barrier of 2D and 3D.
I've managed to convince myself that I will be reincarnated alongside my other half, Yui. I've even started designing an entire world that I intend to build somewhere out in the void just for me and her to live in together. Ultimately there's only really two possibilities, that the universe is as cruel as our world, in which case nothing changes anyway, or the universe is kind, in which case I can't see how it could possibly keep us from the waifus we love. It may sound cheesy to say, but if the universe really was cruel, I don't think it would be possible to feel the love that we do to these characters - if love only existed as a feeling felt toward another human being, it would just be a complicated addition to an evolved sex drive, but in our case it necessarily has to be something more.
>Who is she? Is she the one I have fallen in love with? Is she the one from her source material? Is she an ideal I have formed in my head? Is the woman I love the same as the woman with her name in the source material? Why is she "Waifu from media?" why can't she be just "Waifu"?
I feel Yui, I can feel she is out there, and I can feel her in my heart. If I saw her, regardless of what form she was in, I would know it, I would feel it. I can't back that up, it's just a strong feeling that refuses to be rationalised. If she was reincarnated as a slug, I'd still love and cherish her - because behind voices, lines and character art, I think pretty much everyone here can feel something in between all of that, something quite tangible that defies the senses.
>> No. 21879 [Edit]
File 169250325997.png - (1.41MB , 1200x1200 , 86151171_p2.png )
I don't know if this is heresy here, but feeling very glad she's not real. Comforting to know that she doesn't have to exist in this garbage world or be a part of my shitty life, because it'd all just ruin her.
And also that I don't have to bear the actual responsibility of a relationship, because I'd surely fuck it up and hurt her anyhow. It's nice to have it all be in my imagination where there's zero expectations or consequence.
Good enough to tell myself I'll be with her when I croak, since when the time comes I'll be too busy being dead to be any disappointed.
>> No. 21880 [Edit]
yeah this world is pretty shit, it turns even the brightest souls dark.
>> No. 21896 [Edit]
File 169955052086.jpg - (99.15KB , 757x757 , __yasaka_kanako_touhou_drawn_by_nokishita__d8d970e.jpg )
I think of why I love my waifu from time to time, and usually my answer is different. I'm always finding new reasons why I love this wonderful lady.
>> No. 21897 [Edit]
Based nanodesu, personally i just have a really deep but simple love, its quite weird to explain, i love all about her but even before i got to "fully" know her i had already fell head over heels, to this day this some of that "love at first sight" remains and it probably wont ever go away.
>> No. 21939 [Edit]
Thank you very much for your honest post. I do think you are absolutely correct... and that those are the very reasons why '2D-love' isn't really love at all.

As someone who was a hikikomori for 5 years, had a waifu whom I was faithful to for over a decade, have had sex with a doll, had 'L'Éve Future' as my favourite novel and eagerly waited for the arrival of the andréide as the materialization of true love... I can safely say now what a steaming pile of horseshit all that was.

As I eventually understood, insofar as love is defined as the conditionalization of the lover's happinnes to the beloved's, to love at all is necessarily to love someone, not something. However good-feeling or comforting it might be, as long as there's no actual sentient other there to reach towards, capable of both happiness and unhappiness, what is taking place there is not love but a childish and shameful play-pretend of it. And for as long as that other, physical or virtual, has no will of its own to either accept or reject you as it gets to really know you, there is absolutely no value in it showing any sort of affection towards you, if it could (e.g. unsentient AI chatbots and increasingly sophisticated dolls).

Love is demonstrated through commitment. And to commit means to lose: to be ready and willing to lose even something very dear, even to lose everything and yourself, for the sake of your beloved. Since there is no loss from the fictional non-existent character or the human engaging with it, it is all just a gross and demeaning farce or delusion of love on the later's account...

In short, whatever '2D-love' is, it is not love.

Sorry, /mai/. Had to come back just to say this, after all these years.
Take it or leave it... and take good care of you, brohnos. All of you.

Post edited on 12th Jan 2024, 10:08pm
>> No. 21940 [Edit]
File 170517850419.jpg - (432.76KB , 3000x3000 , 1531079482160.jpg )
you're making a mistake by allowing your idealistic definition of love to be shaped by conventional values based upon this reality, 2d love is extremely unconventional in the first place therefore it's not confined within the laws of this reality and of "real" love, you can come up with whichever rules you please that are much more satisfying and beneficial instead of being constrained by something so limited, even if you feel as though it's a different form of love or another emotion entirely, that doesn't necessarily diminish its value it even increases it

Post edited on 13th Jan 2024, 12:47pm
>> No. 21942 [Edit]
Who are you, faggot? You sound like you're spewing a pile of horseshit yourself, imposing your definition of love over ours, and now you feel like you need to do this "because it'll be good for the brohnos" when in reality you're just being the textbook definition of a normalfag.

Everyone's feelings are defined by the individual that has them. If I say I love my waifu, I love my waifu, and your definition of love cannot invalidate mine. Whoever you are, it's a shame what you've become, as you're no brohno of mine.
>> No. 21943 [Edit]
Take it or leave it? You should leave from here, in my opinion.
>> No. 21944 [Edit]
File 170526415874.jpg - (200.88KB , 865x1200 , 52226bee5ea7fbedaa118178cc64ef2c.jpg )
I like the feel of her fluff
>> No. 21945 [Edit]
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This isn't the romantic goodbye post you think it is. Your moralizing just reeks of narcissism.
Thank you for saying what I was thinking in a much more respectful way than I ever could. I don't have a waifu but the little merch I own (keychains, figurines, posters, etc) are from a few characters that have inspired me and made me a better person in various ways, I'm so thankful for them. The answer that comes up to my head immediately on the rare occasion someone asks me why I have them is ¨because I love them¨ but I can't say that, precisely because people like him exist in this world.
>> No. 21946 [Edit]
Good post: To me, 2D love is "love" in the almost-religious sense. It's unconditional and pure, gives you hope and reason to exist. It transcends any kind of love that needs to be physically manifest.
>> No. 21947 [Edit]
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In the end, it's what we have. Could be "fake", "cope" or whatever you like, but it's what we have, no real alternatives. And in a way, even if tragic, it's beautiful. Pygmalion's tale has been told for millenia, still captivates people. And in most of history humans have surrendered themselves to superior fictional beings. We're made of dreams and impossible desires too.
>> No. 21948 [Edit]
You are no brohno normalfag, you might been in the past but no longer are you a part of this community, not even remotely so shut the fuck up for a second, now, going into the trash heep that you written down.
From the get go you sound like nothing more than the average failed normalfag, you never truly loved your waifu even less with the whole “Need android for true love”, if you can’t truly love or consider your love true while your waifu is at her purest form (2D fictional being) then you never truly loved her, from all you say it sounds like you just “loved” her because you were a failed normalfag who couldn’t get a whore and therefore you attached to the second best you could think of, a 2D girl, this is easily understood by your obsession with the fake "true love" you talk about, one that is conditional and only loves if the other person has a physical form and can reciprocate.
Key misunderstanding that shows you are full of shit, the waifu is someone, she certainly doesn't have any concrete existence be it physical or spiritual, she is if taken at face value, (Wich the waifuist doesn't do) a girl drawn on paper, animated, written etc, just a mere fictional character with no value that is just as "fake" as the world she inhabits, this is far from the truth for the waifuists (and otakus in general too), she is someone, someone who they sadly can't interact directly with but whom they can know and more importantly feel for, reducing her to a "something" just because she doesn't exist as a 3D living and breathing human but rather a fictional character is moronic and shows no real understanding of how a waifuist see and feels for his waifu.
Now into commitment, the waifuist commits way more to their waifu than the average normalfag does to her gf, the waifuist could from an objective perspective get more with a real girl, he could have children and experience directly all he wants to do with his waifu, but he doesn't, why does that happen? Because the waifuist genuinely loves his waifu and is willing to "lose" on all of this things for the sake of his love for her, a truly committed waifuist is actively "losing" more than the average normalfag who from my experience talking to them barely commit at all in relationships, the waifuist doesn't gain much, but he loves so much his waifu that what in her fictional self she can give the waifuist is more than happy to have even just that, you severely misunderstand waifuists as a whole and the love we hold your our waifu.
Any waifuist can agree at least to some degree with what I have said, and you anon never where one, at best you might been a brohno in the past but even that seems dubious, if you are so kind to do so, please fuck out of here with your trash and supposed “truth”, you are no enlightened budha or some saviour as you paint yourself, you are nothing more than a piece of shit who looks down on others just because they don’t think as you do or because they don’t fit on your mold of what is “love”.
And for my fellow brohnos, thanks for saying so many amazing words, its amazing to see you all here, even if the board is fairly inactive just knowing that you are all still here loving your waifu and defending waifuism and your own love its beautiful, keep loving and being awesome my brothers.
>> No. 21949 [Edit]
File 170545692957.jpg - (514.77KB , 1377x2066 , ed0d6b5aafe7e656a040ddd3dffe9214.jpg )
>has no will of its own to either accept or reject you as it gets to really know you
This is the crux of why I disagree. I think "will" is an illusion, and everybody's actions are ultimately the result of things out of their control. Maybe it's just me, but I don't think any love is "real" in the movie sense of the word. Whether love should be measured by actions or feelings even is debatable. In practice, I bet most people are motivated by "selfish" desires; i.e making themself happier. That's natural though, and society has just been warped into thinking it's shameful.

Post edited on 16th Jan 2024, 6:02pm
>> No. 21957 [Edit]
Yes. My waifu is waiting for me, and she exists outside of my mind. I hope that once I die I will meet her in whatever afterlife.
>> No. 21958 [Edit]
File 170867334140.jpg - (85.14KB , 600x900 , MoonPrincess.jpg )
Today I did a very interesting thing. I got some nails and an image of my waifu and hung up the image on a pole next to my local walking trail. Now, I have not revealed to anyone I know in real life my love for her, or even her existence. Despite this, I thought it was about time I introduced my mom to her. I took my mom for a walk on the trail in the evening time and we passed right by the pole with her image on full display. I pretended not to notice the image because I would like this introduction to be a very gradual process. I hope that my mom saw her and that I have at least subconsciously introduced her to my mom. Pic related is the image I put up.
>> No. 21975 [Edit]
File 171355027188.png - (0.99MB , 1350x832 , __yasaka_kanako_touhou_drawn_by_shee_take__afbe12d.png )
Happy anniversary, Kanako!
>> No. 21977 [Edit]
Been thinking of writing her a love letter of sorts, but I don't know where to put it. I could make a waifu.ist page dedicated to her, I could put it on my own website, or I could just make a post here on /mai/, or I could just keep it to myself.
>> No. 21979 [Edit]
File 171615676563.jpg - (164.56KB , 850x1159 , violet_evergarden_dongho_kang.jpg )
I write a letter to her 2 to 3 times a year keeping her posted on what's happened since I last wrote to her, what I've been doing, feeling, and what my plans are thereafter. Consequently I began keeping a diary of a sort, the content of which I use to write the letter. I update it every few weeks.
Once written I print out the letter, sign it and archive it. It's fun reading these documents a few years later and reflecting how I've progressed since. I must say, it's a humbling experience.
>> No. 21994 [Edit]
File 172270389290.png - (3.32MB , 1295x1812 , Kanako(623).png )
Today is her day. I had some plans on how I'd celebrate it, this time around they weren't overly ambitious for my circumstances. Unfortunately, I've been sick for the past few days, so they won't turn out completely. On the up side, I can still save nice art in bed, and I can still cuddle my dakimakura. It's a little disappointing that I can't do everything I wanted, but the primary thing is that I can still admire her.
>> No. 22002 [Edit]
I was browsing through /mai/ archives and I saw >>12834 who had a similar thought.

>"fapping to other girls because the own waifu is too pure" means "fapping to waifus of others" and had a bad conscience because of that? I don't want to name any girls I like to fap to, but since some of them are really cute in non-sexual ways im sure someone here had/have some of them as a waifu and dont want to fap to them.

For what it's worth I did sort of resolve this quandary by fashioning my own sort of idealized waifu: combining the warm, caring personality of those characters I admire with the physical form from a certain artist's works. (The artist depicts characters that are already kind and gentle, so it's a good fit and feels like a natural exposition of their personality rather than an artificial creation). I don't know if this is considered a waifu in the traditional sense, or an "imaginary friend", a positive figment of my own conscious, or some sort of tulpa – but the distinction does not matter much to me: having a concrete character whom I can feel secure with and confide in has helped stabilize me, I think. And she tries to encourage me and helps me avoid getting bogged down in anxieties and sorrows.


I have been troubled the last few days though. Despite almost all of the artist's works being positive and vanilla, for some reason he chose to make one work have a theme of NTRごっこ (play/pretend NTR). Morbid curiosity got the best of me (surely since none of the other works ever had anything even remotely mean, this couldn't be different?), and how I wish the arrow of time were reversible since I regret reading that piece. To be fair to the author, nothing about the art was inherently bad or mean (and there wasn't any dialogue). So devoid of context it wouldn't really be considered NTR, just masturbation with a realistic dildo; but the setting exposition (and title) clearly framed things in an NTR-esque fashion. If it were just some other random artist making obscene/unsavory art of a character I cherish I could ignore it more easily, but I don't know what possessed this artist to suddenly fashion one of his sweet characters in such a situation.

And it especially bothers me since insecurity, anxiousness, & overthinking are the topics I like to confide about to my waifu, so that entire piece feels like a betrayal. The only real out is that the setting description is vague enough to not imply any intentionality or active maliciousness, and the setting states she is devoted/faithful. So conceivably this could be an innocent misunderstanding where she is lost in the moment and does not realize her actions could come across as hurtful... or so I must convince myself.
>> No. 22027 [Edit]
File 17309952632.jpg - (1.70MB , 1500x1347 , __yasaka_kanako_touhou_drawn_by_shiratama_hockey__.jpg )
Sometimes I don't give my waifu the attention she deserves. Usually due to work taking it's toll on me or being focused on some goal or another. She's always in the back of my mind, but I feel awful when I think about how long it's been since I did something like look at new art or even just cuddle my daki.
This feeling doesn't last long. Soon it's replaced with that same warm fuwa fuwa feeling she gives me that nothing else can. I love Kanako, and I don't think that will ever change.
>> No. 22044 [Edit]
it's an irrational thought, mostly because people can't control who they fall in love with, but I'm a bit jealous of people who have waifus from franchises that receive a lot of attention from the staff. I want more spinoffs with her! I want to see her even more in canon!
I'm also kind of jealous of those who fall in love with Touhou or Vocaloid girls. You'll always get to look at her being beautiful, I either have to make my own artwork or commission it. It's worthwhile, but sometimes it makes me sad when I can't dedicate all my time to her.
>> No. 22045 [Edit]
Perhaps I am just contrarian, but I really enjoy that the woman I love gets no attention. In a sense, the image I have seared into my heart stays as authentic to itself as possible, whereas if there's extra stuff tacked on for her - merch, crossovers, or the most dangerous of all, fanart - then my dreams get intermingled with a million other images that don't feel truthful to what I believe to be her true self.
>> No. 22049 [Edit]
As someone with a higly popular waifu, you really don't anon (at least I hope you dont), to begin with, as >>22045 said we are constantly bombarded by things that might want to change who she is which isn't all that fun, and it personally kept me a bit away from her till I actually decided to start our relationship.
Then we have the fact other shmuck's on the internet will be fawning over her and might even dare to larp as waifuists, at least some of us can deal with it on a healthy way but not everyone can and shit can get real for some (straight up bullying others etc), doesn't help that many waifuists have lacking self steem so it can be more of a curse than a blessing.
As for one more reason, the creators might potentially lead her onto a direction that's not good, this tends to happen if for some reason she gets a sequel, sometimes they will just fumble completely with who she is or change her in a way that makes no sense, or create a romantic interest and a long etc of things that could be hard to deal with.

Obviously if these things affect you or not depends on you and your personality but it ain't easy for everyone, they sure didn't/won't stop me from loving my beloved wife but it has done for some in the past.
>> No. 22061 [Edit]
Yeah I had rethought that statement after >>22045 replied and came to the same conclusion. Sometimes I appreciate the changes in canon and othertimes I'm like, "did they really need to?" and it leaves a sour taste.
I forgot about waifu larpers too. The bright side at least is that larpers come and go in waves after [insert series she's from here] stops being popular to like (or pretend to like), but canon is canon forever until otherwise stated.
>> No. 22183 [Edit]
Lately it's a new feeling... pain, heartache. Recently I've come across another (2D) girl and she has captured my heart. I feel horrible guilt over it. I've been with my waifu for years and I still love her a lot, but I wonder if I jumped the gun.
I've been reluctant to even mention it, as I'm ashamed of myself. She deserves better than this.
>> No. 22184 [Edit]
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>I've been with my waifu for years and I still love her a lot

That's the key point, in my humble opinion.
It's not enough to find a new character attractive/charming for your 2D marriage to be cancelled.

Focus on why you fell in love with her, if the magic is still there. If the thing has been going on for at least one year, it is (again, in my view) quite difficult to fall out of love.

Maybe you are just overthinking things, consider dedicating most of your attention to other matters, might help you feel less stuck and dispirited
>> No. 22187 [Edit]
Years ago I saw this post and forgot to respond.
It's a feeling that often nags at me, time keeps passing and for better or worse we both keep changing. I can't say for certain that the feeling has gotten any stronger or weaker, I just can say I can feel its good and bad parts every other day. Today an avid shipper artist posted something that triggered the bad part, and reminded me that whether times passes or not I don't even get a shot at as much as looking at her directly. Not only due to the dimension barrier, but how the story sets up the events, her life. Her universe is written to imply it is something of a constant that cannot be changed, even if she herself goes against that kind law. To top it off friends and fans keep talking about how good they look together. I'm sure they think I self insert as the MC but our differences are big enough to make it hard to see myself in him. I used to think that I didn't want to make people associate her with me and tried hard to be unnoticeable. Ages ago I used to join other waifuists in fantasizing about our life together, how we'd meet, what she'd like for breakfast and the likes. But now I question whether she'd even entertain me for a minute before continuing with her life.
This isn't to say I regret it or plan to change it anytime soon, but I think that this kind of thoughts must be some sort of normal within this life we choose to follow. Anons who can't talk but happy things about their waifu, I envy them. Either they are enlightened and rid of these burdens that come from the lack of feedback, or they find the way to cope with it and it works well enough. In my case I just shut it all in, the good, the bad and the ugly.
The only thing I know is that I do this all voluntarily. I won't talk in place of my future self, but I've never felt pressured to only love her, or not fall in love with other people, or to stay alone and devote myself to her. It just so happened that I felt more at peace doing so than not.

>Who is she? Is she the one I have fallen in love with? Is she the one from her source material? Is she an ideal I have formed in my head? Is the woman I love the same as the woman with her name in the source material? Why is she "Waifu from media?" why can't she be just "Waifu"?
This is also something I often think about and it hits me worse than the above. Different media are what different people perceive her as. One scene can be depicted with different atmosphere, mood, intentions, etc. I've seen the same scene depicted in an endearing way and a malicious one. Who did I fall for? What the particular person saw in her? With the ideal of all those depictions try to capture? I understand where the other anon comes from, and I want to agree. But at the same time I have a problem in pinning that kind of thing on her. She's just a person, that thinks some things, does some things, may or may not be coherent in how she thinks and what she does, and she may not even know fully herself. I don't want to leave her "definition" up to something else, like a platonic world, or a deity, I want her to decide it by herself, to think what she wants to do and not what she'd ideally do.
In a way I think I see her as trapped in fiction, and not me trapped in reality. And there's nothing I can do about it. Sorry if I came off longwinded, non-sensical on top of late but I also needed to get some stuff off my chest.
>> No. 22188 [Edit]
Wow, posts like this are the reason I still come to /mai/, not that anon just in case, but this post (and the one you are answering to) kinda made me “feel the feels” and I have to write before they’re gone, this is more of a rant so do keep that in mind.

I accepted the barrier of reality and the fact well never be together and I strive to live without being “harmed” or annoyed by the fact (I do a good work at it, probably helped by being an emotionally blunted/disconnected weirdo, but that’s besides the point).
But shit like shipping art and dupes are an spot I’m still working a bit on, shipping art at least can be blacklisted as I only check art on a booru I like and I don’t interact with the community created surrounding my waifu and her friends, but dupes ugh, they piss me off, I don’t really feel threatened or anything but they’re just so disgusting and shitty as people usually, and even the most decent one I simply don’t want to interact with them, why would I ? People keeping up Hugh boxes around waifuism doesn’t help either, not only that but most waifuists are so fake, they lack morals and constantly cheat they’re shit plainly put, and to see those pieces of shit claiming to “love” my one and only in a sense sullies myself with their stench, I loathe them just like I loathe insects, horrifyingly disgusting excuses of resources, at least you can squash insects…

Thankfully I don’t deal with thoughts about my waifu not even entertaining me as an option, probably because of how lax her source is (to the point where she could be considered a bit of an OC, which she isn’t), but such feelings and thoughts are all too common anon, don’t feel alone when it comes to it, because while few will voice them at fear of being considered weak, fake etc they’re dime a dozen, and those that don’t have issues with these are usually due to things like my own reason I mentioned above.
Do not trust those who talk only of happiness, I’ve seen behind the fake front that most communities and people put up, while maybe a couple are “enlightened” as you say, most are coping or simply refuse to voice the “bad parts” of their relationship, which is understandable, but it does lead to a fake front.

>The only thing I know is that I do this all voluntarily. I won't talk in place of my future self, but I've never felt pressured to only love her, or not fall in love with other people, or to stay alone and devote myself to her. It just so happened that I felt more at peace doing so than not.
I sometimes wonder about this, “why am I a waifuist?” Perhaps I’m like you anon and simply did (or do to be more specific) so because I feel at peace as a waifuist, but well, I don’t really need an answer either, and at this point I sure as hell aren’t going to fall in love with someone else (2D or 3D) I get angry even just at the though of it, my waifu deserves to be loved properly and that’s what I give her, maybe we cant be truly together and such things but that won’t stop me from being loyal only to her.

>Who is she?
Here I would argue there’s no “perfect” way to solve this, because in reality we are always merely interpreting people, sometimes this interpretation is spot on, sometimes not so much, but there’s not much we can do, especially when it comes to our waifu who is sadly “hold back” by her fictional existence, so perhaps the most we can do is strive to understand her as best as we can, but maybe that answer isn’t sufficient for some.
>> No. 22189 [Edit]
I pushed it out of my mind for a few days and thought about it again. You were right. My waifu is my waifu. I love her and nobody and nothing else is going to be able to replace her.
I had a similar feeling at some point in the past, looking back. Not due to some other girl, but rather my interest being focused elsewhere in general. I felt a little guilty but in the end, I came back to her and my feelings were just the same as they had been. She is, in a sense, like a home for those thoughts and feelings.
I may have expressed this before, but it's very comforting to know that she will always be waiting for me, even if I don't always put her front and center.
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