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20551 No. 20551 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Colourize you're waifu

5 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 20559 [Edit]
It's basically this:
-Upload a black and white sketch
-Dot some colors in areas that should be that color
-When you're done press the button and the computer will fill in the colors for you.
>> No. 20560 [Edit]
Theres a more complicated editor in japanese.

I was trying to figure out how to use custom colours.
>> No. 20592 [Edit]
File 149938354593.jpg - (74.36KB , 512x704 , MQ6SYE3FBX241F2TUBIN7EMHHRLLPT7L_0.jpg )
Old one I colourized many months ago
>> No. 20593 [Edit]
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Not too bad I guess

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20337 No. 20337 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Are there any vloggers that discuss waifuism seriously? Why's it always text? I look around YouTube and see nothing but tumblr faggots who either aren't waifuists themselves and are just speculating and having a laugh, or have 6 "waifus" they collect and dump later like trading cards, or are loyal to one waifu but have a very shallow relationship with them and a 3D succubus as their main.
Aren't there any genuine waifuists who document their relationships at length via video? I'd really like to watch.

I started a channel myself because I wanted to be a pioneer and set an example for the tumblr faggots, but my relationship is much too bumpy, I typically have nothing positive to say, it's embarrassing, I cancelled it very quickly.
27 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 20564 [Edit]
That video is diluted cancer and everything about it production-wise is grating to be subjected to. Content-wise is mostly garbage, but the poster above me already covered that.

I recommend anyone to avoid this video. If you have a waifu it will annoy you for his point of view; if you don't, for the way it's made.
>> No. 20565 [Edit]
I don't give no fuck what some cretin on youtube says. They say stuff that normies will watch and that gives them money
>> No. 20569 [Edit]
The concept of "waifus" has actually been referenced in a couple different anime about otaku. However, they always use the term "yome", rather than "waifu", so I'd wager that "waifu" is Western in origin, even more, they will NEVER use "yome" for a western made character.

The waifu meme is derived from a joke in Azumanga Daioh, but makes no mention of the term coming from the Japanese anime/otaku community, in-universe he was talking about his "real" wife, but it was a play on the english classes they take.

The best we can hope is for someone in the Japanese Otaku community to confirm or unconfirm this.
>> No. 20572 [Edit]
i think you posted in the wrong thread

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20566 No. 20566 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Have you ever gotten into a verbal fight, or even cut ties with someone very close to you due to them insulting your waifu?

Tell your story here.

For those of you who aren't public enough about your waifu for anyone to insult you about it in the first place, why not describe to us theoretically how much offense towards her you would endure before doing something about it. Would there be a clear line drawn? What would that line be? A single ad-hominem? Years of build up?

If you just plain don't care if someone shits on your waifu, you can tell us your philosophy about that, too.

Post edited on 25th Jun 2017, 11:45am
>> No. 20567 [Edit]
I used to get mad. But then I realized how autistic it made me look. So I stopped caring, but it doesn't matter because everyone already thinks I'm a fucking faggot.
>> No. 20568 [Edit]
Here's a related thread that might be interesting to you: http://tohno-chan.com/mai/res/10182.html

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20349 No. 20349 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Hello, I am conducting a survey on waifu love. Feel free to only answer the questions you'd like to, but please do participate! This survey is mostly for my curiosity, although I may post common trends in the results.

Who is your waifu?
When was her last official appearance?
How old were you when you fell for your waifu?
How long have you loved her for?
What was your love/sex life like before her?
How happy/satisfied are you with your life right now?
Do you have any medical/mental conditions?
What do you think about reality, or her fictionality?
What do you think about the possibility of falling out of love?
What do you think about those who have?
What do you think about those who have cheated on their waifu?
What do you think about the idea of being committed to your waifu for the rest of your life?
What do you think about waifu"ism" in general?
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12 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 20460 [Edit]
I guess it is finished, but the questions are interesting and I liked reading the replies. Here are mine.

>Who is your waifu?
There is not much source material unfortunately. It would be difficult for others to know her by her official account. Her character is explored mainly trough fan art.

>When was her last official appearance?
Recently. Not like 10 years ago. Her better appearance is the unofficial appearance made by fans.

>How old were you when you fell for your waifu?

>How long have you loved her for?
About a year.

>What was your love/sex life like before her?
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>> No. 20464 [Edit]
File 149350314159.jpg - (424.79KB , 810x1080 , __hatsune_miku_the_beast_vocaloid_and_vocaloid__01.jpg )
Who is your waifu?
>Hatsune Miku

When was her last official appearance?
>like everyday?

How old were you when you fell for your waifu?

How long have you loved her for?
>3 years

What was your love/sex life like before her?

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>> No. 20493 [Edit]
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>Who is your waifu?
Sena Kashiwazaki, from Haganai
>When was her last official appearance?
Vol. 14 of the manga, which was released first in July of 2016
>How old were you when you fell for your waifu?
19, maybe 18
>How long have you loved her for?
I've had an interest in her for quite some time, but I didn't really consider her "my waifu" until about a year, maybe a year and a half ago
>What was your love/sex life like before her?
>How happy/satisfied are you with your life right now?
I'm unsatisfied with my life, but I'm content with mediocrity
>Do you have any medical/mental conditions?
SAD and Dyspraxia, both officially diagnosed. Got a few other problems, but I don't think any are serious enough to be conditions.
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>> No. 20547 [Edit]
>Who is your waifu?

Sakura Setsumi from Narcissu.

>When was her last official appearance?

The series' 10th anniversary anthology which was just recently completed.

>How old were you when you fell for your waifu?

I had just turned 22.

>How long have you loved her for?

7.5 years. I first met her on October 30, 2009.
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19981 No. 19981 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How are you guys dealing with the fact that the concept of waifus is far beyond being mainstream by now? Or more, people know it and simply throw the word without really knowing there are people who take it somewhat serious. I frequent a few other imageboards and also are deep in "gaming culture", so I also frquent Steam and some other places. Heck, even in facebook I see this crap. And everywhere people are joking around, casually throwing the term "waifu" around and calling each and every female character, no matter if there is a personal interest in them or not, a "Waifu". Not only that, but by now its clear as day that devs put a lot of effort in appealing to this trend. Games get more and more "waifubaits" (all female casts, female mascots, female maincharacters) and its starting to be some kind of a trend to jump on the waifu bandwagon.

Due to all this I have a hard time taking the actual waifu "scene" serious despite being part of it myself for years. Do you guys just ignore all this? Do you partake in discussions and trying to make clear that this joke is getting tiring? Personally I try to ignore it, but its getting kinda hard not to lash out.

And as a sidenote, Im starting to distance myself from waifuism and Im not nearly as deep in it as I was a while ago (guess Im starting to get too old for this, I dont know) but I still feel kinda offended because I used to be quite deep in it, still have a waifu and also because I know there are tons of nice people who love their waifu and might get thrown together with people who just think of waifus as a meme.
34 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 20522 [Edit]
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>Also not too sure about "outgrowing" waifuism. OP, are you sure you're not just as guilty of participating in waifuism as a "scene"?
Definitely not, no. Its just that Im nearing 30, so Im most definitely older than most of this board. I found my Waifu almost 8 years ago and still think about her, its just that Im at a point in my life where Im questioning it. But then again, Im worrying about many of my decisions I made in the last 10 or so years, like, Im literally the same as I was 15 years ago. Playing videogames most of the time, never working for more than a year straight without getting kicked or quitting myself, never had a girlfriend. Im pretty much the definition of a loser Im afraid. So maybe its not that Im "outgrowing" waifuism, its just that Im questioning myself too much recently. I have a hard time putting this stuff into words, Its 5am here, english isnt my first language and I didnt plan to go offtopic so much, but I felt like talking about it somewhere. Or at least to put it into words somewhere.
>> No. 20524 [Edit]
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Shit like this is what we got, now where the concept of a waifu is a literal meme.
>> No. 20533 [Edit]
I've definitely seen husbando been more corrupted than waifu, so how about just accepting defeat and using a different term? Some examples:
> Eerie is my spousu.
> Eerie is my consortu.
> Eerie is my groomuu.
Since it seems you're a koreaboo, you can also just use its default word for it:
> Eerie is my nampyeon.
>> No. 20534 [Edit]
Hahaha, nampyeon, I actually like that a lot, I think I might do that. Thanks.
And as far as worship of cultures goes, I actually hate Japan and Korea both, Korea more than Japan. They're robot ant people that eat each other alive, they make American chads seem like angels. I'm doing a lot of things I don't like just for Eerie.

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14570 No. 14570 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Has your waifu got different designs to her, or different outfits?

With Kagura, there's some art of her, which pre-dates the Azumanga Daioh anime, where she has purple hair. It's a little out there, though a few of the other characters were drawn with unnatural hair colours as well, so it sort of fit. Personally I'm glad they went with natural hair colours in the end, as the characters are meant to be at least somewhat believable (I say somewhat because Chiyo-Father), so the natural colours help with that, I feel.

In some official art, and The Very Short Movie, her hair is less round and more spiky and stylised. It looks cool, but I prefer the slightly less crazy, rounder style.

In terms of outfits, I'm a big fan of her cheerleader outfit, even though there's next to no fan art of her wearing it...

What's your opinion on your waifu's different looks?
20 posts and 20 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 20231 [Edit]
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I like ZUN's design the best. alphes has certainly influenced Yuugi's popular image, and I'd say in a positive way, but his(?) work lacks the subtlety of ZUN's. Probably because alphes forgets the short hair growing at the back of Yuugi's head near her neck and replaces it with that one sexy strand hanging from her right temple to her shoulder. The idea is that since Yuugi is wild, her hair should be wild, and both capture that much. However, there's a difference in how Yuugi's hair is unkempt. alphes' Yuugi has "let her hair down" like an unmarried (free to be courted) woman. That's sexy, and Yuugi almost letting her kimono fall off while blushing a little makes it even more so.

ZUN's original is more like "doesn't dress". You see, hair, especially in 2d context, is supposed to work like clothing. The outer layer starts at the top of one's head and all hair that doesn't directly originate from there enters our vision from under that main hair-mass. A bit like a proper school uniform, with the shirt covering the beginning of the skirt, and the skirt covering the beginning of the stockings. Interrupting this flow is breaching a girl's defenses - a note to everyone who loves zettai ryouiki.

Where Yuugi's tuft of hair grows is invisible thanks to ZUN-art, but the design clearly violates the layers. Even more, it can be imagined visible just like her panties under that potentially transparent skirt. If alphes' Yuugi has let the viewer in, ZUN's Yuugi has never considered that division of proper and shameful existence. By letting her hair down and combing it back to order, alphes' Yuugi can switch between lewd and proper. ZUN'z Yuugi is in a mixed state of innocence and lewdness with no obvious entering or exiting. This goes well with the "gym outfit" idea: shameless physicality. Going even further, alphes' Yuugi is an unattainable ideal female (power, sex appeal, gentleness, you name it). ZUN's Yuugi is superhuman but not pure (like Reimu, youkai, and the Lunarians are), and as such is rightly punished. The chains, too, make sense.

It may not be correct, but I think the concept of Pandemonium, or the splitting of devas and asuras into good and evil, is central to ZUN's oni. Especially
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>> No. 20242 [Edit]
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The V4X version does look a bit different.
I prefer the original dress over the new one.
>> No. 20519 [Edit]
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Hey, that's a picture I made a few years ago.


In any case, that's mostly the anime changing the designs to keep up with Ume-sensei's evolving art style. For example, season 2 designs look quite close to how Ume-sensei's style looked like back in 2008. I think S4 looks odd, but some people like it because it has brown lines like Madoka. I don't think it really matches the style of the manga though.
>> No. 20529 [Edit]
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>Different outfits
Sure! I insist.
Be at her favourite fine-dining restaurant while listening to:

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19854 No. 19854 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Noob with no waifu here, testing the waters.

I was wondering how on earth do you manage to stay focused on one single girl.
With 3D is way easier, because you make a bond with a material living creature and therefore you get tangibile responsibilities.
If you betray her you get to face real life consequences; so it may happen that you look at other girls, but then you just forget it and go on.
However, with 2D (and "online-3D" too), I'm facing everyday a new girl that I would be potentially able to love and make a waifu from.
For example, I have some 3D girls (generally actresses) that I like but it's kind of impossible for me to just pick one and say «Ok I'll focus on her and she will be the only one».
19 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 19886 [Edit]
>With 3D is way easier, because you make a bond with a material living creature and therefore you get tangibile responsibilities.
>If you betray her you get to face real life consequences; so it may happen that you look at other girls, but then you just forget it and go on.
In my opinion, true love, regardless of whether it's 2D or 3D, is about putting her above yourself. You have legitimately come to love her more than your own life, your family members, everything. You stay with them, not because you're afraid of the social ramifications, but because all you want is their happiness and you pray to God you can help them be their happiest and more positive self. You want to shower her with respect and kindness, making sure her wants and needs are taken care of before your own. Yes, this may read as very idealistic, maybe even impossible to pursue, but I'm convinced it's worth pursuing.

If you're "facing a new girl" every day, then maybe you haven't found her yet, or maybe she's under your nose and you haven't realized how perfect she is. That's all fine, you'll just have to let nature take its course.

>but it's kind of impossible for me to just pick one and say «Ok I'll focus on her and she will be the only one».
It's a bit of a problem to talk about it like that, IMO. "Picking one" implicitly suggests waifus are replaceable, but I don't agree. When you find her, you'll realize you can't replace her with a 2D girl or a 3D one.

Hope that helps.
>> No. 19892 [Edit]
See, that's the thing; you're focusing on thought. Our lives as human beings are generally led through both thoughts and emotions-- just because you think you can't really focus on one girl doesn't mean the rest of your mind feels the same way.
When you fall in love with someone's concept, they become really special to you.

What you're facing everyday is a possibility. All things in life are possible, some with cosmically small odds, others with higher. Responsibilities have very little to do with forming a loving bond, I think you're thinking of interaction. There's ton of interaction to have with 2d concepts too, simply because they don't exist in our material realm doesn't mean they don't exist at all and that you can only love them from afar.

Yeah, but that's not how love works. You don't fall in love with a concept because it looks nice or feels nice, there's much more to it. You're mistaking potential love with potential infatuation. There are tons of potential mates out there, both 3d and 2d for everyone-- it's not entirely your conscious decision, though, and you can't really choose what you want to feel towards whom.

Last but not least, I feel like you need to reconsider your love priorities if you think you can just one day decide to dedicate yourself to one concept. It takes much more than simple thought to love.
>> No. 20456 [Edit]
I am late to the party.

>When I had a real girlfriend my mind was all about her, because I was supported by real life, by everyday situations; e.g. she knocks on my door: I cannot ignore she is knocking on my door and that she's there, a girl who loves me, that's waiting for me to open that door. With 2D, I can just say to myself "fuck it, I'm browsing another girl in the internet, forget the other imaginary one knocking on the door".

My experience is the opposite. I basically experience the same with 2D. My mind is all about her. She is "knocking the door" of my imagination or similar senses, telling me she is there. If I would say "fuck it", she will react in my imagination much like previous posts have described imagination to work. It would break my heart (and her heart) if I said "fuck it".

>Maybe I'm not capable of love in general, and I can only dream of it.

Maybe you have just not found your type of love.
>> No. 20492 [Edit]
I feel much of the same problem OP, I suppose I just am incapable of love. Too much self doubt to allow myself to love, because of the fear that if I did love it might not be the real thing. I feel like love, for me, would not merely be adoration for a person, but the interaction and back and forth between me and them that forges an unbreakable bond, for me love is active and a current, not just a one way output for myself towards an object of worship. I think it's too hard for me to have a waifu because if I loved someone, I would want them to be with me and interact with me every second of my life. Of course, I've never felt love before, so this is merely speculation. Sadly I cannot go to the 2D world, and there is no person in this world whom I could form a complete bond of trust, love, and compatibility with, so I must live a loveless life. I am happy for those of you who can love their waifu though, and I do envy you.

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20484 No. 20484 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
For those of us lucky enough to have this sort of information, do you ever go out of your way to do things your waifu likes doing?

I started eating rye bread because it's what she prefers, even though I don't particularly like it.
One one hand, not having to conform to another's lifestyle is one of the pros of a 2d relationship, so I can see why some people would think this is a silly thing to do. But I found I kind of enjoy eating it knowing it's something she likes. Maybe just because it's nice to think she is effecting my lifestyle, even in trivial ways.
I still can't handle Salmiakki though.
>> No. 20485 [Edit]
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I try to play eroge and VN but it's hard for me to get into. Also have been trying to watch more anime but also hard for me to do because I have a shit attention span.
>> No. 20486 [Edit]
Unfortunately I'm awful at the things he's good at, so I never get far. I have felt more connected to him when I've tried, though, so I don't think it's silly at all.

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20465 No. 20465 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
For those of you with waifus from old, finished series, how do you feel about the lack of new content? How do you deal with fans moving on and forgetting about her, for those of you who care about that sort of thing?
It's going to happen to me sometime, probably sooner than later, and I never really knew how to deal with any of this. How do you keep her alive, as it were?
>> No. 20466 [Edit]
Not exactly in the same situation, but in a similar. My waifu has limited content to begin with and more will likely not come. It is almost ridiculously limited. I fell in love with very well made fan-art/fanfiction. I thought the original would be similar to the fan art. The original is pure shit - I do not even want to look at it.

The material that made me fall in love gives not much detail, but a very good basic idea of her, and if I am careful, I can sense her essence and create new content myself like when writing fanfiction. It would be nice to have more finished material, but it is not my case. I have to keep it alive in other ways.

I believe when we fall in love, we project our subconscious desires outside ourselves, and that is the reason we fall in love with someone - they remind us of what we most desire. Her essence is outside me in the form of art, but my subconsciousness also have an idea of her essence, or I would not recognize the right art and deeply fall in love. By knowing her essence, I can start to uncover more of my deeper desires and I will realize how to write fanfiction that is faithful to the essence.

How do I know I am not just making things up by whimsy desires? The limited material gave me enough to get a sense of her. It is about building on what you have in a faithful way. My waifu will never turn into a promiscuous carnal woman for example. For this reason I can not invent heavy makeup, overly sexy clothes etc. and write such fiction of her. That would be to betray the essence I know of her. It would be like using her for whatever I desire, and then I do not regard it as a waifu relationship. Sexuality is a great test on this because it is a strong force. I am not allowed to look at other women in lustful ways and obviously not do anything else, because I know she does not want it - due to us being monogamous and due to the nature of our relationship that relates to the essence of her. I can not momentarily fantasize about her in just any way I desire, because I know it would betray her essence. Thus, I do not only shape my fan-fiction but also my life by the essence I know her to have - in this sense it is alive. (I think she will take the initiative when I get it right about her.)

I guess it is headcanon. I have limited material. This is different from when you have ric
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>> No. 20467 [Edit]
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Sometimes I go looking for new fanart or doujins, something which inevitably disappoints me because for some reason people love to put her into weird fetishistic situations. This picture isn't even the worst of it, you haven't seen the 5 doujin series of her being raped by some sort of furry tentacle slug monster while under bondage.

Post edited on 30th Apr 2017, 3:27am

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20065 No. 20065 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Alright, so this is my first time admitting it, but my husbando is Speedwagon. I thought I was straight until I found myself hopelessly in love with him. It took me a while to realize it, but there isn't a single character or person I could think of who is so trustworthy and...good. When I look at him I see a person who is accepting, open minded, and best of all, loyal. I know that there are so many other people and characters that are similar, but for some reason he just sticks out to me. And although it's embarrassing to admit, his unique look started to stick out of mind, and I think it's a large reason why I trust him so much. Yes, I know this post sounds cheezy, but I just wanted to say it to some people who understand. There is no one I could ever love more than him, and I hate how when I write it down like this, it doesn't do my feelings justice. Does anyone else have that same relationship and feeling with their husbando/waifu? That feeling of overwhelming trust you can't get from anyone else. Was it also a big part of why you fell in love with them?
>> No. 20461 [Edit]
I have the same in the sense of loyalty and trust. It is as if I can see straight into her heart and she is all pure in her commitment. Even tough I have strayed in the beginning and still does some, she has remained always the same. I have never trusted anyone like I trust her. It makes me embarrassed to know I am not at the same level as her, but she is fine because she sees my intention to get it right, and probably she sees I have potential.

This very day, I reached a new level. I have a lot of coworkers of the gender I am naturally attracted to, and today I remembered to actively take a stance to not get carried away by them. It is not because she is 2d I am prone to forget. It has happened with 3d earlier in life and I am not very proud. Now I told myself "no, I am with [my waifu]" and actively directed my thoughts to her. It felt wonderful having this discipline and I will improve it further. I want it as pure as she is. I guess I am mature enough to have a serious relationship now, and that I in fact found my true love, only that it is in 2d. (Even though, as you know, most people would claim I am even more immature now for my 2d love, but I do not count them.)

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20452 No. 20452 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
One day, you'll die. We'll all die.

And those of us with not so popular waifus ... our waifus will die with us. Big stuff like NGE characters will live on forever, but mine I know the only trace of them, at best, will be on some torrent database with 0 seeders and 0 leechers someday.

I will have been the only one who ever loved her. The only one who worshiped her. Does a Goddess lose their holiness if they have no followers? Does this fact make you sad like it does me? If nobody knows it exists, then what does it matter if it actually does?
I have death anxiety all day every day because of thoughts like this. I don't want to leave my waifu alone.

Picture unrelated.
>> No. 20453 [Edit]
Everyone's waifu is unique to that person either in interpretation or just plain old personal character development. When someone dies, their waifu will die with them. It can be seen as sad, but it's also quite beautiful. One will never have to mourn the other as you will go into whatever comes next clasping hands, never more to part. Even if that is oblivion, then you go into it with her as your companion, it's quite romantic.
>> No. 20454 [Edit]
The beauty of life itself lies in the transience of things; we all appreciate the things we do because we live by that moment. You and me both should know that we are but gone in a flash in the grand scale of time. At least this is what makes me glad I've lived to meet my waifu.

If we want to take things even further everything will inevitably end anyway, but that paves way for a new and humble beginning.
>> No. 20455 [Edit]
You can do a lot to not let her be forgotten. Learn to write or draw. Live a life that will be remembered and tell everyone it was because of her.

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