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File 135565969647.jpg - (578.35KB , 1263x1803 , SaHa_Crowded_Train_02.jpg )
2916 No. 2916 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Post what you last fapped to.

76 posts and 64 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 5054 [Edit]
Ah not sure why I speculated when I could have just searched his tweets (he's certainly a prolific twitter user)

Searched for Takagi (高木), guro (グロ), and ryona (リョナ). Some notable posts

Apparently he has a vow to never draw nipples of any character other than Takagi (but he does love favoriting lewds others draw!). I thought he was joking at first but he makes so many references to it that I think he's actually serious about being cursed if he draws any other characters' nipples.
>わしは乳首券は高木さんにしか発行しない 妄想は妄想で楽しむ 人それぞれだけどわしの場合はそうなのじゃよ

While the masochistic Takagi consenually participates in the fantasies and so is OK for anyone to use for any purpose, no other characters should be harmed. Also he personally avoids cruelty, which he considers distinct from guro.
>高木さんは存在そのものが”同意のあるR-18G”だからなにしてもへっちゃらです 悲しいよりみんなハッピーなのが好き
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>> No. 5075 [Edit]
> are there any other works which try convey a theme and try to leave a thoughtful impact beyond the plotline or lewd scenes?
Shiawase no Amayadori. Afterword
>Those who offer shallow consolation words such as "You are not the only one that's suffering" or "The day will come when you will laugh about this" are all wrong. All you need is a beautiful woman who will take care of your needs and will have endless lesbian sex with you until you die: that is the ultimate truth.
>> No. 5079 [Edit]
File 173494889855.jpg - (204.01KB , 500x715 , b4a99e5bda19c601cd395ccbb06bb1c3.jpg )
>> No. 5080 [Edit]
File 17355868486.jpg - (460.80KB , 1200x1720 , squid girl sex.jpg )
I don't know why, but I find this doujinshi insanely funny, not only what she says, but also how she looks.


File 140255521469.jpg - (185.30KB , 1548x1114 , 28fac34010388e42c2534d4c48d21e26.jpg )
3472 No. 3472 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
33 posts and 31 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 5027 [Edit]
Betock draws some very cute and passionate yuri. Not that high in terms of lewd explicitness (at most his drawings usually show them in bra/lingerie), but the passion is conveyed very well and they're just so cute it almost feels a bit wrong to masturbate to it (in the same way it feels wrong to me to masturbate to any kirara character). [Incidentally he has a series serialized in kiara forward.]

I am also a fan of Camonome's yuri drawings (although he's perhaps better known for his delicate drawings of public hair, if you are a fan of that). It tends to be a bit on the lewder side.
>> No. 5036 [Edit]
Also the artist benebolepwd was suggested by Pixiv, the style is similarly very passionate.
>> No. 5077 [Edit]
I don't want to create a new thread so posting here.
Can anyone recommend some doujin circles that do a lot of cute and non-nasty futa-on-female and/or futa-on-futa stuff? What I concretely mean is appealing to lolicon sensibilities (lolis or otherwise youthful girls, no hags), not having huge gross dicks, etc.
>> No. 5078 [Edit]
There's a futa thread here already

File 161562236535.png - (38.93KB , 370x320 , confused 1.png )
4814 No. 4814 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Hopefully someone who likes said fetish might explain what they like about it to you as well. Except ntr-fags. You're not allowed on this site.

Post edited on 13th Mar 2021, 1:04am
41 posts and 12 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 5071 [Edit]
>Lately I stopped caring about women as objects of desire
I've felt the same. I had some sudden realization that sexualizing 2D girls in a lustful way is just not what I want. I treasure them and respect them too much to "debase" them in that sense. It didn't help that I had some dark fetishes.

I of course appreciate their beauty and don't mind the occasional ecchi, but I don't explicitly _seek out_ ecchi content for the purposes of fapping.
>> No. 5072 [Edit]
File 173128479184.png - (4.59MB , 2160x1215 , c2325c123382988e6e040228830d882e.png )
Could anyone explain the giant girl fetish? I imagine with large size women, it's a simple case of having more of the thing you like, maybe even swimming in flesh if it's a really big girl like jumping into a large beanbag. but when they're twice the size of godzilla? what the hell is that all about?
>> No. 5073 [Edit]
Maybe it comes from having a death wish?
>> No. 5074 [Edit]
I think it's rooted in submissive dynamic.

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4580 No. 4580 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Post some funny and/or out of context lewds!
10 posts and 10 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 5052 [Edit]
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>> No. 5053 [Edit]
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>> No. 5055 [Edit]
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>> No. 5056 [Edit]
File 172966021154.jpg - (29.77KB , 480x399 , wait a minute this isnt super smash bros.jpg )

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567 No. 567 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
ITT, post your fetish.
170 posts and 122 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 5008 [Edit]
File 170469443787.jpg - (229.31KB , 1200x1495 , 0a3d0d1461e6b43b83252f1bd71c15af.jpg )
>> No. 5028 [Edit]
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>> No. 5044 [Edit]
File 172797296952.jpg - (273.39KB , 850x1202 , sample_daad6a6c711894350b67ac81578ca7ab.jpg )
Recently I developed a fetish for girls being stuck in wall.
>> No. 5045 [Edit]
File 172799669951.jpg - (277.82KB , 900x1280 , d5b813ad84bdef9e1f5aba89b95a696c.jpg )
There's some good doujins about that.

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5037 No. 5037 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Do you like toys?

What kind do you have?

What's your experience with them be like?

What kind would you like to try but haven't?
>> No. 5038 [Edit]
I've considered buying an onahole.
>> No. 5039 [Edit]
I don't have any strong feelings on them. Since I live with my mum, it's not really an option to get one. If I were to get one though, I'd get either one of those small, chip-looking vibrating things, that you put on your penis with a little strap or I'd get a normal onahole. I think I prefer the first one, simply because it's small, cheap and handy. Also you don't have to clean it and it looks pleasurable.
>> No. 5076 [Edit]
File 173334174366.jpg - (219.62KB , 908x730 , Absolutely_disgusting.jpg )
Who asked for a trap pic? OP is a literal fag.

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4739 No. 4739 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Do you ever wonder how much you like your fetishes because they're taboo, and how much you like them for their own sake? I've always liked shota, but I only got interested in loli after finding out more about how contentious it is. Even then, I only get off to it easily if they have some womanly proportions. So do I just like it for the thrill? I don't know. After reading a bunch of threads about how disgusting 3DPD is and repulsive all their imperfections are, suddenly i'll feel in the mood for 3D porn even though it bores me most of the time and really only a small minority of people feel that way about it. Other people think it's gross and that might be what's exciting.

I'm terrified of insects, but if I stare at some types for long enough, maybe they actually look kind of cool and a little mechanical. Or maybe they're just disgusting. All those disgusting little details on a person suddenly have some odd appeal to them. Maybe 2D is too perfect and dull. Or maybe 3D people and their flaws are off-putting and disappointing. Disgust and attraction shift around in my head. Some stuff does just disgust me all the time though.
5 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 4993 [Edit]
i have a hard time understanding why many things within the context of anime, manga, games, and stories are considered "taboo", it all feels arbitrary to me.
people who only like loli, or really anyone who likes anything because it's "controversial" and makes other people upset get on my nerves, it feels like they're faking their enjoyment of it and that always bothers me. it's like when people only like something because it's popular, or because someone told them to like it.
i don't get how people can't enjoy something just for their own sake. i just think lolis are cute and flat chests are hot.
>> No. 4994 [Edit]
Most people don't live in a vacuum and are influenced by others in a variety of ways. Enjoying things because of those influences isn't being "fake".
>> No. 4995 [Edit]
i didn't mean to imply that, i think it's nice when a person's enthusiasm about something rubs off on others and gets people into that thing, i meant specifically the scenario of "i don't actually like it, i just pretend i do because it filters people i don't like/because it's a funny meme on the internet".
OP even mentions that he can only get off to lolis if they have "womanly proportions"; at that point, i'm not sure if that counts as liking something if there has to be some condition for you to like it. it strikes me as fake, and i hate people like that.
>> No. 4996 [Edit]
I am OP, and I don't think my fetishes are fake. Arousal is a biological response. You can't fake it. And if a loli has a big ass, do you lose attraction to them? What if they're obese and covered in hair? If so, that means you also have conditions.

Post edited on 30th Sep 2023, 10:17am

File 171946281988.jpg - (111.32KB , 832x1216 , 204.jpg )
5011 No. 5011 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I'd like someone tell me the allowance of this image asap.

This girl facing to her master.
2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 5014 [Edit]
I think he's asking if this is allowed.
>> No. 5015 [Edit]
OP I'll assume in good faith that you aren't a native english speaker, and that you're the same person responsible for a few other posts today. The posts are near incomprehensible, perhaps you should try using machine translation software instead?

Post edited on 27th Jun 2024, 12:27am
>> No. 5016 [Edit]
No worries, I have learned 2 languages. When typing in english I still finding the words that popped from my mind though. It's hard to imagining since I don't have people want to talk in english. I don't use software translator, it sucks. I just need proper grammar and done.

I don't care my english bad, I just need to talk! Correction will be later.
>> No. 5017 [Edit]
> I don't use software translator, it sucks
They don't suck these days, especially not for english. At the very least please consider using something like GPT to correct your grammar.

It's not really possible to converse if no one understands what you're saying.

File 131283475574.jpg - (695.42KB , 1077x1600 , 03a.jpg )
2351 No. 2351 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
[Karma Tatsurou] Gags and Erotica Made Fresh Daily - Free Snack Sample [ENG]
57 posts and 54 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 4307 [Edit]
File 14670294034.jpg - (248.28KB , 693x1000 , g20160805.jpg )
Oh mama
>> No. 4354 [Edit]
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Ara ara
>> No. 4371 [Edit]
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>> No. 4450 [Edit]
File 148823899242.png - (387.58KB , 430x583 , A job for my Loofa.png )
goddamn this made me laugh

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1 No. 1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
14 posts and 10 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 4965 [Edit]
File 16869212098.jpg - (28.25KB , 525x293 , 20230620.jpg )
oh my
>> No. 4977 [Edit]
File 168985325156.jpg - (40.93KB , 792x533 , 20230724.jpg )
my reaction
>> No. 4990 [Edit]
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>> No. 5002 [Edit]
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oh my dear Celestine

File 132546434918.jpg - (314.52KB , 1000x1399 , zxxx.jpg )
2518 No. 2518 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Nice to see the end of 2011...

Happy new year 2012!
112 posts and 103 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 4902 [Edit]
File 164825324831.jpg - (87.93KB , 613x952 , 20220327.jpg )
tsuki no i-min <3 azure lane
>> No. 4919 [Edit]
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>> No. 5000 [Edit]
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>> No. 5001 [Edit]
File 169920605155.jpg - (181.21KB , 989x1400 , 1699063567462.jpg )

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