Food Fighter !!DmMQV4BGx4
No. 20806
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Not really.
But sort of related to your thread,
I used to be friends with this guy who was very obsessed with a character. He wasn't really knowledgeable about the whole waifu thing and wasn't very interested in learning when I'd bring up the philosophy. But I thought of him as an independent self-taught waifuist.
He was a walking encyclopedia of this character, whom had tons of content spanning across almost 50 years, it was a ton of information and he knew it all, he knew every single fucking episode title and everything. It was impressive. And it was all he was interested in talking about, this character, all day, it was all he did. He had a job for no reason other than he wanted to be able to buy drawings of her often.
And I grew quite fond of the character myself. It's only natural after spending so much time with her, all the clips of her show he sent me. I even own some merch of her now.
One day, due to my terrible personality that makes me become more hostile towards people the longer I converse with them, we mutually split apart and he blocked me.
I'd still check up on him semi-regularly, and noticed soon after that he had stopped commissioning drawings of her nearly entirely. I didn't think much of it, maybe he had lost his job or his parents had started making him pay rent or something.
One of his last commissions before they stopped completely was cuckold porn. I made a new account to block dodge and told him exactly how deplorable I thought he was.
Then he started updating his pages with what he was spending his money on instead. An Xbox One, bunch of normalfaggot games I don't even know the names of. PUBG was one. He used to be a cool guy...
A couple months later, I find out he has a fucking girlfriend.
He's abandoned his waifu entirely now naturally. Their relationship was like a fart in the wind to him.
And being that I have a personal connection to this character now too, it tears me up inside. I feel so sorry for her. She has nobody now.
I'd like to punch him in the face but he's not even worth it. Maybe they put him on autism pills or something. I don't know what happened to him but he's just a monkey now, and animals aren't worth punishing since they have no awareness.
I would gladly give her my hand if I wasn't already with a waifu of my own. The poor gal.