No. 19571
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Replies: >>21755
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, ももいろね@お仕事募集中 - オイゲン.png
I kinda wished she was speaking in German most of the time, or at the very least, English with a slight German accent. Hearing a German girl magically speaking in Japanese feels weird for some reason although it can't be blamed since the game is in Japanese. Not that I mind it either, considering her voice is really soft and smoothing for the most part.
That said, I want to pick up learning German just for her. Maybe I could incorporate and imagine actual female German accents in my mind whenever she speaks to me.
I have been watching Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun and although she shares the same voice actor, Chiyo's voice feels slightly different to her. Chiyo doesn't remind me of her and in fact that she has a distinctive personality from her doesn't help either. In other words, I would feel completely indifferent if her voice actor voiced a different character, it doesn't feel like it's actually her in any way. That does show the voice actor being quite talented, in fact she voiced other girls in the same game she is in and they also sound quite different.