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File 159238001016.png - (157.93KB , 860x1214 , fuck you tow.png )
21505 No. 21505 [Edit]
To those who have a waifu who is canonically dead, how do you feel about it? Is it necrophilia?
To everyone else, how would you feel?
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>> No. 21506 [Edit]
The question is, she was your waifu before or after she died? If it was before it had to be terribly depressing.
>> No. 21507 [Edit]
I think it's unsettling to the extent that you have to be exposed to such an idea, but it's not too bad since your waifu hasn't really left you...
I think it's akin to a bad dream.
>> No. 21508 [Edit]

The chances of my S/O dying were pretty much zero considering her source's nature; so I can't relate that much.
However, it'd be definitely pretty nightmarish.
>> No. 21513 [Edit]
I don't pay it much mind. She is alive to me as an idea.
>> No. 21540 [Edit]
My wife was mentioned having passed away during the ending of her series, where she was the main protagonist. The ending skips ahead to centuries later to the time of her descendants.

I read the manga adaptation of her series after it had already finished, so I pretty much fell in love with her at the same time that I learned about how her story ended. The idea of her passing away left a heavy feeling in my heart, but at the same time, it happened many years later after the main story so it just felt like a glimpse into her future rather than her actually being dead for real.

It helps that I imagine being with her in my own alternate timeline based on the actual series and the events mentioned in the ending have not yet occurred since I tend to imagine the "present day" version of her as being "about a year or two after the main story ended", so she's still very much alive to me.
>> No. 21598 [Edit]
File 161367141960.jpg - (1.43MB , 1744x2443 , __konpaku_youmu_saigyouji_yuyuko_and_konpaku_youmu.jpg )
May or may not apply... doesn't matter too much either way.
>> No. 21785 [Edit]
File 166430498460.png - (5.48KB , 200x200 , 1662235827417-0.png )
well...she does die but get reincarnated
>> No. 22152 [Edit]
File 173641817190.jpg - (268.57KB , 800x1080 , uX7DhhANMPA.jpg )
>Is it necrophilia?
Can't you just view her like an angel visiting you from the afterlife?
>> No. 22158 [Edit]
How is being in love with dead person necrophilia? You wouldn't bang their corpse?
>> No. 22159 [Edit]
Horribly worded but
Necrophilia means wanting to fuck someone's corpse
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