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20620 No. 20620 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Everywhere I go outside of TC and maybe 8chan it seems like people with waifus aren't exactly real. Whether they ignore the typical rules of having a waifu entirely or change them to suit their personal convenience, they all seem fake. I've even talked to some of them that say their love is true but their actions and choices say otherwise, even their words in some cases.

So this leads to my question, are honest people with waifus a dying breed? With the rise of the (awful) meme, do you think there can even be any more in the future?

Is the practice of having a waifu dead if not nearly?
24 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 20771 [Edit]
What you said really made me think about something: not too long ago, I tried to participate in communities where people talk about their respective waifu and relationships. Maybe I joined because I was a little jealous of her series gaining popularity.
The thing is that, after participating a little in those communities, I felt like I've done something horrible to her, like I've tainted what we had together until then, something private and fragile, but full of pureness and brightness. After that experience, the shadows started to leak in.
Now that I've noticed this, I'm trying to recover what she and I used to have, but the experience of participating in those communities was so morbid that it's hard to recover. I really regret all that. Maybe waifu communities are not meant to be. At least not for me and her. There are really things that cannot be talked about. I wish I had noticed earlier.
Well, assuming that I understood what you were trying to say.
>> No. 20772 [Edit]
I'm the same as you. I deleted all of my posts here because of the realization that I should have kept her private all along.
For me, 90% of my reasoning for doing this was porn and the general threat of others corrupting her, or even being introduced to her at all, really.
Every time I posted a picture of her, there comes with it the chance that someone will jack off to her, or worse even, become sexually obsessed. The 3D world is a terrible place filled with terrible people and I do everything I can now to get her as little exposure to this shithole as possible.
Someone with innocent intent could potentially tweet a picture of her or something for example that could get seen by less innocent individuals, do you see? A domino effect... The fewer people that see my waifu, the better.
>> No. 20773 [Edit]
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I do the same thing too. I actually talked about her once with a bunch of normalfags who act like they have waifus and I instantly regretted it. They gave me advice for our relationship but each time I talked about her it felt like I tainted her in some way and I get the idea she doesn't really like it at all so I don't ever mention her anymore, it just does more bad than good.
There's also the fact that our relationship is pretty controversial in a lot of ways so it's all the more reason to keep quiet about her.
Pic not related.

Post edited on 15th Dec 2017, 7:48pm
>> No. 20781 [Edit]
>Maybe waifu communities are not meant to be.
Generally they aren't, because "communities" should be focused on the concept, not the element. If you take a single peek to 3DPD relationships you'd notice the a considerable majority is degenerate, and that is partly due to how people treat them: open to feedback and input from people who rarely have the same set of interest, values, convictions, etc., to the point it loses the more it is shared. It was always confusing to me why waifuists were so open to talk about their waifus to each other, more than (or instead of) talking about waifuism and its inherent challenges. Ultimately a good relationship is one of devotion and intimacy, which is contradictory to having it publicized all over the place.
>There are really things that cannot be talked about.
There is rarely a need to even reveal who your waifu is, and imho it should be strongly discouraged until you have gauged personally that those who you might share with are people who have a similar outlook on relationships.
>The fewer people that see my waifu, the better.
Indeed. I'm very glad I'm still the only person who has my waifu as their waifu, afaik, and if it were up to me that would never change.

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20745 No. 20745 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Fuck 3d, get benefits.
>> No. 20747 [Edit]
A bit closer to Heaven.
>> No. 20750 [Edit]
It's just a meme marketing maneuver to get five minutes of fame and some new hires. The fact they even have to state that you can only send in one application with one character, and their only evidence of love they ask for being a single sentence proves they don't give a shit and are more than welcoming of normie posers.

Very sad that the very first legal acknowledgement of waifuism is just some normies having a laugh as fucking usual. I wish everyone would die except me and wizchan.
>> No. 20752 [Edit]
>The fact they even have to state that you can only send in one application with one character [...] proves they don't give a shit and are more than welcoming of normie posers.
Isn't it the opposite? Stuff like
>Gatebox would also like to know how you and your anime crush became acquainted, how you became a couple, where you proposed, your happiest memory together, and whether the bride will be keeping her maiden name or adopting her husband’s surname.
sounds like they do care somewhat.
Also they probably really have to, not because they think it's a joke but because of other people trying to and then complaining because it was nowhere mentioned that you can't have more than one. I agree with the other point and that it's a marketing maneuver considering it's limited.

But I just looked it up on their site and there it says, they don't care if you're already married or not. So, yeah, they don't seem to value the genuineness that much or rather just don't treat it the same as a 3D relationship, which is unfortunate.
I really wouldn't call the posers normies though, going out of their way to do that and posing in general doesn't seem very normal to me.

It being free and them also sending that stuff overseas is nice though (and probably the reason why you can't submit more than one).

>Very sad that the very first legal acknowledgement of waifuism is just some normies having a laugh as fucking usual.
It doesn't really affect your marriage status and in general isn't really official, so I wouldn't call it a legal acknowledgement and I wonder where the article got the legally-binding from. You can only get those benefits if you're a Gatebox employee and we don't know the details on that in the contract.
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>> No. 20762 [Edit]
Gatebox is the same company that made this:
So I don't doubt that there's at least some level of authenticity to the intent behind this.

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20222 No. 20222 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I've given up all hope. I've run out of anything to believe in. My love for her has transformed into a desire to tell her I love her, no, to see her and talk to her, or at least to be on the same earth as her for a start, that consumes me more than anything else. Just to get a chance to talk with her, I would do absolutely anything, anything, just let me see the real her...I would even live in a fake world with her, because any world with her in it would feel way more real than the one I am in right now. After all, who are they to tell me what is real?

But no, I have no powers to bring her to me, the technology is not up to snuff to successfully live in fake worlds and removing memories of the "real" one, I am simply left to suffer here without her. I am left in a sea of emptiness and my soul is screaming all the time. I don't want to sound like "I have loved her all these years and got nothing in return for it", but my strength and devotion for her cannot overpower the cold relentless realities that don't move.

I want her. She is all my happiness. But I am without her in this world. She cannot say "I love you too", nor could she even reject my advances if she wanted to due to not possessing free will. Like my happiness, she does not exist, and I simply want to die. I cannot live with her in this world no matter how much I want it, and I cannot live without her. I simply want to die.
5 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 20444 [Edit]
Who was your waifu and why are you here?
>> No. 20459 [Edit]
I wake up every day with her at my side and it is fulfilling because to me she is there. I use imagination and it gets deeper the more I do. It has this effect even if I know it is imagination. Years ago before knowing about my waifu and imagination, I had similar pain because of the desire to experience a significant other with the 5 senses.

If technology could create an illusion, I would probably not use it much. Maybe use it like I watch art, but not live in a VR world.

As I see it, the mind has equal if not higher capacity for creating experiences of whatever you want. Unlike the nearest technology, imagination is deeply integrated with your whole being. For this reason I do not like to say "visualization" because it captures only the visual. Imagination is often not recognized for its powers, but in spiritual contexts it has always been known and many methods revolves around it.

Killing yourself makes you miss the opportunity to experience her this way. Maybe the pain can motivate you to explore this capacity of mind to experience your waifu.
>> No. 20743 [Edit]
I know your feel OP. I myself don't have a waifu "per-se" but I actually think 2D>3D
To me, 2D girls express their feelings in a way that seems more realistic that 3D girls do. Looking at it, I can't help but wish they were real, and you keep wishing, dreaming and begging to it to be real, but that's impossible, it's just fiction.

Then you start to think and believe: is something not real just because we can't see it or feel it? Or because we can't prove it?

Then you start to think in things like the Multiverse, parallel universes and finally the many worlds interpretetation, which suggest that all possible alternate histories and futures are real.

it may sound desperate to try to find a reason or clue which suggest that they are real, but hey, it's good enough to keep going.
>> No. 20744 [Edit]
To many, it is more about the ideal than the reality.

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20698 No. 20698 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I wondered today, where do people with waifus that normally post go?
They post up until a certain time and then disappear.

Do they find another community? There aren't too many that I have seen for people who are serious about this so where is there for them to go?
Do they break up with their waifu?
Do they get bored of posting and simply lurk from then on?
Do they kill themselves?
Do they live happily ever after with their waifu? (I hope this last one is the case.)

What becomes of them? I love reading their posts and seeing their dedication to their beloveds and it makes me sad to see them suddenly just disappear one day.

I doubt this thread will get any responses from waifu-friends that dropped off the planet so I suppose this would simply get ideas and proposals as responses.
9 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 20710 [Edit]
>I don't know how but I'm sure even this post is going to offend and piss someone off.
I highly doubt that.

>At least they managed to make their sites successful and keep them alive.
But your site is not dead yet.
I'm glad that it exists, I think the community here is pretty nice and I don't think you can't find anything like it anywhere else.
True, a lot of people don't post regularly but this thread should be proof that they still lurk.

I endorse the way you manage this site and am grateful that you're not like the site owners you mentioned. You can be proud, dude.
>> No. 20712 [Edit]
Pretty much this. Unless I feel there's a topic here that I feel like I feel like I can give good input on or contribute to the discussion, I prefer to just not post.
I'm sure there are many people who actually did end up getting breaking up, getting bored, etc., but lack of post speed doesn't mean necessarily that we've all moved on or anything. Some of us just don't have anything relevant to say.
>> No. 20715 [Edit]

>hostile and xenophobic

Are you talking about /mai/ itself? hostile, maybe but how is it "xenophobic" at all?
>> No. 20719 [Edit]
>how is it "xenophobic" at all?
Because of shown dislike or prejudice towards things not deemed the norm and people who claim to be from somewhere else. I agree with the sentiment though.

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20667 No. 20667 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Yes, the hot and reactive topic that makes everyone with a waifu angry.

I want to ask this question: Why is using a waifu as a coping mechanism considered wrong? Specifically, why do people with a waifu get angry when someone else uses that as a mechanism to cope? This applies to OC waifus and choosing a waifu.

I am not trying to say that getting mad about it is wrong but instead that maybe it isn't necessary.
If a person uses this to cope, is it even working? You can tell them that what they are doing is wrong but do they care when their attempt to cope does nothing good for them?

Some would call it "licking their own wounds". Is that truly so bad? Plenty of people have all kinds of pain, is there something so wrong with people trying to simply deal with whatever plagues them so they can simply live normally? Especially since they probably don't even tell anyone.

I do understand that it shouldn't be practiced, I just ask why people get mad about it.

Let's try and not de-rail this thread into mindless anger and fury, let's please keep some civil discussion that is on-topic.

Thank you for reading this and for your responses.
12 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 20691 [Edit]
I personally don't get angry at it as I believe love is subjective. But maybe you will understand with this question. Does someone who only likes 3D have a significant other just because they are lonely? Do people make friends to deal with loneliness, regardless if their friendship isn't true? Why have a waifu to deal with loneliness if you truly don't love her? If you are happy with who you are, who am I to tell you to change, stay who you are.
>> No. 20692 [Edit]

Those are not waifus they are platonic love, if they are real people or OCs they are certainly not waifus, and I dont think waifus are supposed to be personal godesses. Lastly the word itself was just invented thanks to Anime referring to Anime girls exclusively.

Basically the Japanese are pioneers with 2D, there is no records of it because it didn't happened, most people settled with someone even if they didn't really liked them.
>> No. 20693 [Edit]
Even if you don't regard them as waifus, they share the same concept. It's a one sided love toward something that doesn't really exist in our world, only difference being that one is a 2D qt and the other something else.

Looks like we both have different views on what a waifu is, however
>Waifuism exists thanks to Anime, if it hadn't been invented you may have struggled, but you will have settled for 3D in the end
this statement is just presumptuous. It may be true for you but don't assume the same for others.
Yes, a lot of people still end up with 3DPD despite claiming 2D is better in the past but I'd argue that that couldn't have been true love and they were either just lying to themselves or trying to fit in which is pretty ridiculous since "waifuists" don't seem like a prestigious group to me.
I'm not arguing that people would have fallen in love with something else non-existent but I also don't believe that they would have just settled for 3DPD, if they hadn't met their waifu.

Also don't you think that there are people who'd rather stay alone than settle with 3D? Dying without having had a meaningful relationship is not common (most likely because it goes against our structure) but it happens.
>> No. 20695 [Edit]
>Those are not waifus they are platonic love
For the sake of discussion, what would you say makes waifuism not being platonic love towards an inanimate creation? Isn't a character in a story equal in footing or does it not count because it's not anime? I tend to keep my appreciation and relationship to myself, but every now and then I read about waifuism trying to get some inspiration to create fanart or such, and I often encounter people who seem devoted yet to creations that are not from anime, like cartoons, animated movies, toys with no animated background, comic books, manga, videogames and even obscure things like newspaper cartoon's characters or even mascots form commercials or products.

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20645 No. 20645 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
here is my waifu ive always thought she was amazing
>> No. 20646 [Edit]

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20640 No. 20640 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Happy Birthday Miku!
>> No. 20641 [Edit]
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>> No. 20642 [Edit]
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She isn't my waifu anymore, but I still celebrate her birthday every year. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't be alive today. Happy Birthday Miku!

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20625 No. 20625 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Is the sniperfag that made this http://red.waifu.pl/index.html still around? been looking for them but can't find anything.

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20609 No. 20609 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Do you think waifus are healthy? Do you think they can make a lifestyle unhealthy or stabilize it and make it a healthy one? Do you think having a waifu can get in the way of anything?
4 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 20614 [Edit]
Is that Naru from Love Hina in the OP pic?
>> No. 20615 [Edit]
It's Mashima Kagome from Ground Defense Force Mao-chan but she was made to look like Naru.
>> No. 20616 [Edit]
You really think they're better anywhere else? People are nasty donkey ball sucking pop tarts wherever you go, whatever the time may be. Nothing new with that.

If you're on this website why would you be interested in dating in the first place?

On a side note, second life is a fantastic showcase of people (most entertainingly 3DPD) that once they get old, also get desperate.
>> No. 20617 [Edit]
>If you're on this website why would you be interested in dating in the first place?

>most people don't last long with waifus and eventually the desire for companionship with a real person eats away at even the most serious of waifu devotees.

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20539 No. 20539 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
If you had the chance to meet the person who designed/created your waifu, what would you do? Would you have something you'd like to ask or say to them?
4 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 20594 [Edit]
First I would thank him from the bottom of my heart for writing her and then overwhelm him with questions, and oh boy, I do have a lot of them:
*When is her birthday?
*What kind of food does she like?/Does she have a sweet tooth?
How's her relationship with her parents?
*What do you envision her becoming in the future? would she take an academic path, teaching or another one?
Have you thought of writing about her shenanigans back in middle school?
How much does she actually know? Is there something that makes her play dumb or is she being considerate of everyone keeping secrets?
How much more will she grow, and in that vein how tall is she
Favorite music?
Are her parents as extravagant as her?
*How bad of a drunk is she?
Was her final appearance truly what you came up with? She was described a tad bit different in the very first chapter.
*Are there any alternate universes in the story?
If yes, could I take you daughter's hand in marriage?
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>> No. 20595 [Edit]
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Why are your characters so good but your stories so bad
>> No. 20608 [Edit]
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Since the day I came to terms with my love towards Nozomi, I've always disliked her creator. I disliked him for writing such a lovely, kind and cute character and then putting her into such a boring, mediocre, cliched show. I know that since she became my waifu, my Nozomi was no longer bound by the plot of her source material, and I could love her the way she is, disregading any kind of "character developments" that took place at the behest of her author. But when I learnt that in the later chapters of VN he had her cut her long, beautiful hair and I couldn't help but dislike him even more.

It's all in the past now, though. Her creator died last year, and she was pictured on his coffin, along with his other creations. Here she is, 2nd from the right, with her hair uncut. I guess that in death, he undid one of the wrongs he commited towards Nozomi, but I still dont think I'd wish to have met him or spoken to him.
>> No. 20635 [Edit]
Glad to see you're still around.

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20573 No. 20573 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What kind of food does your waifu like the most?
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>> No. 20588 [Edit]
yukine chris, senki zesshou symphogear
>> No. 20590 [Edit]
Ah, my mistake.
>> No. 20591 [Edit]
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Chocolate and other sweets, mostly.
>> No. 20596 [Edit]
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Her favorite foods are omurice and seafood noodles, but her favorite recipe to make for others is pancakes!! She loves having them with honey~

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