No. 20463
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The problem with general communities like Youtube is that you will have to deal with those who have no real interest in it. It becomes more of a battle ground. In a place like this, you do not because it is set up to be serious from the start (the rules, being a separate site, etc).
Also the popular channels in whatever category are the ones who are going to define what waifus are, and they are most often going to be wrong because they are into something else like collecting Turtles dolls, but decided to cover waifus to make another video.
Would it be good if someone represented it in a good way on youtube? I think the subject is too much rooted in alternative mentality to be embraced and remain serious on general networks. They will only succeed at giving the appearance of being serious, but will lose the deeper stuff in trying to conform to the wider context - the constant influx of normies trying to normalize everything. If it became embraced, what would it mean? I get the sense it becomes more lame. Like the popular idea of Yoga is very far from the real stuff.
The only good I see is if waifuism remains mostly a joke on general networks and with only some serious content to inspire those who have it in their heart to find other dedicated communities.
Also, personally I prefer text over other media. I do not want to get too close to people when the subject is such an intimate one.Post edited on 29th Apr 2017, 2:16pm