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File 149104125652.png - (359.51KB , 500x482 , kawaii.png )
20398 No. 20398 [Edit]
I've been hesitant to say this for a while now, but I'm sad to say I've found myself being drawn to a new waifu lately. I've had a lot of mixed feelings about this and wasn't sure if it was just some passing crush or something. As of today however I'm sure about my feelings and can safely say that I've completely fallen for Lip. She's all I can ever think about lately. She's just so tiny and cute! and the way they're always trying hard to be the best fairy she can fills me with hope and determination! Minagi was cool and all but her anime is old and busted and stuff. Gotta keep with the times you know? So as of today April 1st 2017, Lip is my new waifu for life! or until the season ends and I find someone else that's kawaii, whichever comes first.
Wish us luck together!
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>> No. 20399 [Edit]
> There are currently 1,223 users online, out of 16,197 today.
Wow, you must have been doing some real extensive advertising! It must be where you put your thousands of dollars worth of user donations.
>> No. 20401 [Edit]
Didn't expect an April's Fools from you Tohno
>> No. 20404 [Edit]
File 149109764146.jpg - (51.57KB , 338x339 , 1490250856657.jpg )
You just got April Fooled Japanimation fanatic! tehe~
>> No. 20406 [Edit]
I think my heart stopped for a second when I saw the front page
>> No. 20408 [Edit]
You fucking disgust me, I'm leaving
>> No. 20410 [Edit]
I thought this was a serious post until the latter half of that paragraph.
>> No. 20411 [Edit]
You cheeky bastard.
>> No. 20412 [Edit]
File 149112012840.jpg - (88.23KB , 1280x720 , [Leopard-Raws] Rilu Rilu Fairilu - Yousei no Door .jpg )
You really think I'd spend nearly ten years with my waifu and just drop them like that?
>> No. 20417 [Edit]
April fools, heh
>> No. 20418 [Edit]
even if you obviously weren't serious about leaving Tohno, decade long relationships can fade. You never truly know.

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