No. 20522
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>Also not too sure about "outgrowing" waifuism. OP, are you sure you're not just as guilty of participating in waifuism as a "scene"?
Definitely not, no. Its just that Im nearing 30, so Im most definitely older than most of this board. I found my Waifu almost 8 years ago and still think about her, its just that Im at a point in my life where Im questioning it. But then again, Im worrying about many of my decisions I made in the last 10 or so years, like, Im literally the same as I was 15 years ago. Playing videogames most of the time, never working for more than a year straight without getting kicked or quitting myself, never had a girlfriend. Im pretty much the definition of a loser Im afraid. So maybe its not that Im "outgrowing" waifuism, its just that Im questioning myself too much recently. I have a hard time putting this stuff into words, Its 5am here, english isnt my first language and I didnt plan to go offtopic so much, but I felt like talking about it somewhere. Or at least to put it into words somewhere.