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File 148118336322.jpg - (2.09MB , 4032x3024 , IMG_20161207_222455.jpg )
20075 No. 20075 [Edit]
Celebrating my second anniversary today. Was actually on the 2nd but I had LSAT and final exams the past few days. Wine isn't that great and took me so long to awkwardly get the corkscrew out, but I'd like to think it was decent, heh. Oh well next Valentine's will likely improve.

Here's to another year, hope it's better than this one. Really wish I could progress faster with self-improvement in general, but she's fine with waiting for me, after all. Certainly stuck with me through the crappy slumps and stuff of this year.
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>> No. 20077 [Edit]
Happy anniversary!
>> No. 20081 [Edit]
Happy anniversary, anon. I'm hoping that you and everyone else on this board has a happy holidays with their waifu.
>> No. 20085 [Edit]
File 148167120547.jpg - (293.87KB , 1093x1498 , 56725826_p0.jpg )
You have a surprisingly cute side don't you. Happy anniversary kiddo.
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