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File 146304425874.jpg - (97.58KB , 576x806 , c967489d.jpg )
19852 No. 19852 [Edit]
You know you got it bad for your waifu when...
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>> No. 19853 [Edit]
File 146304472259.jpg - (216.94KB , 422x595 , 47105201_p20_master1200.jpg )
You know you got it bad for your waifu when the date of her birth is a number that always stands out to you more than any other. (I have a habit of screen capping the number when I come across it or a number close to it.)
>> No. 19856 [Edit]
File 146321912929.png - (54.07KB , 1095x789 , SHflzAD.png )
When you save each and every image of her you find regardless of quality.
>> No. 19871 [Edit]
File 14632864018.jpg - (178.78KB , 1219x765 , aRUb6Vi.jpg )
When you can't sleep without your dakimakura
>> No. 19885 [Edit]
File 146346709960.jpg - (212.68KB , 542x800 , st_valentine_s_day_by_rinro_r_d4pp2nn.jpg )
...you think about her several times a day, every day, for years.
>> No. 19893 [Edit]
File 146365300774.jpg - (522.87KB , 1254x1645 , ルッチーフ - プリンツオイゲン…の.jpg )
You kiss your sweet lovely wife on the computer screen each time she gets MvP.
>> No. 19902 [Edit]
File 146463659747.jpg - (21.86KB , 452x254 , b2wz2Yh.jpg )
When you rewatch or reread the favorite scenes of your waifus source material almost on a daily basis, just so you can watch her rip and tear through some people again and again.
>> No. 19904 [Edit]
She looks quite happy in that picture
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