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File 17246238959.jpg - (163.70KB , 1280x853 , 64566565665556.jpg )
21999 No. 21999 [Edit]
how do you feel about shipping?
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>> No. 22000 [Edit]
I've had good experiences with UPS, not so much with FedEx.
>> No. 22001 [Edit]
File 172464167429.png - (17.12KB , 400x400 , c757b60d35e46e059aa853bd0a2f45f8.png )
Prime shipping is super fast.
>> No. 22075 [Edit]
File 173426027417.jpg - (37.73KB , 640x480 , o0640048011181456704.jpg )
Generally speaking, I like shipping-friendly stories, because they imply that multiple outcomes are possible and that characters aren't necessarily walking in a straight line with all plot elements bound to unravel in one way and one way only.

I have heard before that shipping is about imagining the character you self-insert as dating the character you have a crush on, and I guess this could be true, but I don't see it as disqualifying the whole idea
>> No. 22082 [Edit]
i dont like people who ship my waifu
i think shipping some character who have fun dymanics between them is fine thought

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