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File 128909242378.jpg - (108.28KB , 480x600 , hpi9_0.jpg )
5 No. 5 Stickied hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Some of us Thought it might be nice to have a thread to kind of list off who is who's waifu.
The concept is simple really, just say in this thread who your waifu is.

Just for starters, this is Minagi Tohno
888 posts and 635 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 21985 [Edit]
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I love Arcueid Brunestud!
>> No. 21990 [Edit]
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Manaka Komaki
>> No. 21991 [Edit]
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Kanbe Kotori is my waifu

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22007 No. 22007 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]

Obscure waifus are largely protected from degenerates, thus there isn't any porn and your relationship with them feels more intimate.


But there won't be much, if any, fan art. You can change this by becoming a commission artist or drawing expert.


Popular Waifus

You probably won't need to commission artists because there will be a ton of art, but

People will constantly make fun of her and draw dirty pictures of her.
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13 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 22022 [Edit]
i dont want a lukyon rip-off or lukyon 2 she obvious needs to be diffrent and something that appeals to me but it hard you really can never pick or find waifu it just... happens
>> No. 22023 [Edit]
Lamers why can't you separate your existence from media? I have a popular character as waifu and I don't interact with the community at all. Don't even save art these days. It's all entirely in my head. Depending on the community is inconceivable for me. Intimacy must be above this shitty reality.

Post edited on 19th Oct 2024, 4:33am
>> No. 22024 [Edit]
OP, please learn to condense whatever you want to say into a single post. This is not a chatroom.
>> No. 22025 [Edit]

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21808 No. 21808 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
If you were given the chance to meet with your waifu and she didn't know about your feelings for her, what would you say to her? how would you introduce yourself?
>> No. 21809 [Edit]
Striking up a conversation would probably be pretty awkward, I'd find something to break the ice and keep things going. I'd probably have to carry most of the conversation myself. Far as I know she might actually find it interesting to talk to a foreigner, so I might be able to use that to help things along until hopefully the ball gets rolling and things go more smoothly.
>> No. 21811 [Edit]
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Ideally, I think I'd be very forward about it. I could probably talk about gathering faith. It's something I can relate to in some way.
Realistically I wouldn't be able to muster words. No comprehensible ones anyhow.

Post edited on 12th Dec 2022, 7:56am
>> No. 21818 [Edit]
Try to talk about our mutual interests. Music and bands I guess. Not spilling spaghetti would be hard.
>> No. 22006 [Edit]
Perhaps, what I would do, would be something along the lines of saying "Hey, I've been really enjoying being around you lately. Would you like to come to my place and hang out with me, maybe?" I think it also depends whether we were to meet each other in this world or in her world, but it would be probably a similar procedure. I think being as straight up as possible, is something she would appreciate and probably something that works better in the long run.

I had this rather funny thought, that if we were to meet in this world and she would come around to visit me, she would see a room full of figs, pillows and other items with her on it.

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8705 No. 8705 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
ITT: Random /mai/-related posts... Share your daily waifu experience.

I'll start:

Since I've become so politically incorrect in every aspect, the other day I was watching fake-colored restored videos of the Third Reich days (the Zeppelin Field and old Hitler's discourses, actually interesting), and I got stuck around the subject of racial supremacy. I, to say it from the begining, by no means could consider myself belonging to a superior race, not physically, nor intellectually; but, if you allow me this time to consider the very best of germanic and japanese people (mostly from the north) as such, I arrived to the next conclusion: mai waifu is the perfect sample, as a combination, of such superior races.

She has red/auburn/strawberry-blond (germanic) but straight (japanese) hair. She has pure blue (germanic) but slightly and beautifuly slanted (japanese) eyes. She has pale and lively (germanic) skin, but wich is all the same fair, smooth-faced and with no freckles or spots at all (japanese). She has a straight pointy nose and a strong chin (germanic), signs of aristocracy and character, but over a likely childish and innocent (japanese) face. She displays some precocious feminine exuberance (germanic) alright, but her general built is overall ectomorph: thigh and compact, likely short but with very low fat rate and proportionally long limbs (japanese). She possess, no doubt about it, the straightforwardness of her scientific/rational/empirical occidental background (germanic), at wich she, as a prodigy child, excels (greek arete: excellence, virtue, daring, bravery, conquest; occidental->germanic); but, ultimately, she heavily grounds her ethics around values such as honor and shame (japanese)...

So, quite indisputably for my own standards, and as far as the eyes of my homunculus being can see, I actually have as my beloved and companion the finest lady on Earth. And it's all mine... undeserving lucky bastard.
1036 posts and 330 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 21977 [Edit]
Been thinking of writing her a love letter of sorts, but I don't know where to put it. I could make a waifu.ist page dedicated to her, I could put it on my own website, or I could just make a post here on /mai/, or I could just keep it to myself.
>> No. 21979 [Edit]
File 171615676563.jpg - (164.56KB , 850x1159 , violet_evergarden_dongho_kang.jpg )
I write a letter to her 2 to 3 times a year keeping her posted on what's happened since I last wrote to her, what I've been doing, feeling, and what my plans are thereafter. Consequently I began keeping a diary of a sort, the content of which I use to write the letter. I update it every few weeks.
Once written I print out the letter, sign it and archive it. It's fun reading these documents a few years later and reflecting how I've progressed since. I must say, it's a humbling experience.
>> No. 21994 [Edit]
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Today is her day. I had some plans on how I'd celebrate it, this time around they weren't overly ambitious for my circumstances. Unfortunately, I've been sick for the past few days, so they won't turn out completely. On the up side, I can still save nice art in bed, and I can still cuddle my dakimakura. It's a little disappointing that I can't do everything I wanted, but the primary thing is that I can still admire her.
>> No. 22002 [Edit]
I was browsing through /mai/ archives and I saw >>12834 who had a similar thought.

>"fapping to other girls because the own waifu is too pure" means "fapping to waifus of others" and had a bad conscience because of that? I don't want to name any girls I like to fap to, but since some of them are really cute in non-sexual ways im sure someone here had/have some of them as a waifu and dont want to fap to them.

For what it's worth I did sort of resolve this quandary by fashioning my own sort of idealized waifu: combining the warm, caring personality of those characters I admire with the physical form from a certain artist's works. (The artist depicts characters that are already kind and gentle, so it's a good fit and feels like a natural exposition of their personality rather than an artificial creation). I don't know if this is considered a waifu in the traditional sense, or an "imaginary friend", a positive figment of my own conscious, or some sort of tulpa – but the distinction does not matter much to me: having a concrete character whom I can feel secure with and confide in has helped stabilize me, I think. And she tries to encourage me and helps me avoid getting bogged down in anxieties and sorrows.


I have been troubled the last few days though. Despite almost all of the artist's works being positive and vanilla, for some reason he chose to make one work have a theme of NTRごっこ (play/pretend NTR). Morbid curiosity got the best of me (surely since none of the other works ever had anything even remotely mean, this couldn't be different?), and how I wish the arrow of time were reversible since I regret reading that piece. To be fair to the author, nothing about the art was inherently bad or mean (and there wasn't any dialogue). So devoid of context it wouldn't really be considered NTR, just masturbation with a realistic dildo; but the setting exposition (and title) clearly framed things in
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21999 No. 21999 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
how do you feel about shipping?
>> No. 22000 [Edit]
I've had good experiences with UPS, not so much with FedEx.
>> No. 22001 [Edit]
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Prime shipping is super fast.

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21996 No. 21996 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Does anyone feel like that it is almost impossible to move from your former waifu no matter what, like there will never be a girl like that who gave you the same feeling as she did or how unique and special she was and how no one will ever come to her.......
>> No. 21997 [Edit]
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like i remember going to pixiv and just browsing it for like an hour and came a across a picture of her with 18 plus no it was not porn most of it was just fan art of the manga where she is from however there was porn most of it was in gay it was basically a album with some NSFW sprinkled i actually thought it was going and my heart got heavy or well skipped a beat i was having an internal debate with myself if i should check the album because i was having big intrusive thoughts that it going tons of rape porn of her i am glad i was wrong i am not sure why i even checked it was because i was imagitive far worse thing in that album that was actually in so i need to reasure myself no matter what thankufful there was no porn image of her but yeah if this ever happens again i do hope it repeat but there is chance that it wont and that make scared i really dont like how pixiv NSFW censor remove all the gorey images and tags as NSFW 

Even after deleting my entire folder of her with the obscure images I found from various Japanese sites that contained fan art of her as well as pixiv and obscure sides of Twitter, I still feel somehow attached to her even after all this.
>> No. 21998 [Edit]
The other thing is, does anyone feel depressed after one of the fanarts of your waifu gets deleted forever and you didn't save the image? Despite being in a mixed place between me and her, it makes me sad. I'm sure people will always make fan art, but it still hurts. It may be just fan art, but it means a lot to me.

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21970 No. 21970 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Is waifuing a girl that comes from a franchise that edgy as shit and full of things like mass murder and genocide and being a purityfag and having fear of people drawing porn of her hypocritical?
3 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 21974 [Edit]
*Cries in Katawa Shoujo*
>> No. 21976 [Edit]
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hard to say but it autism
>> No. 21984 [Edit]
I think sometimes it's a natural reaction to want to take a character who is subjected to horrible things and shield them from it. If your waifu suffers in canon then of course you'll want to provide her something happier, and seeing other people subject her to more perceived suffering would upset that sensibility.

Personally I used to be very sensitive to people making light of my waifu's trauma and using themes of abuse around her. When people lewded her they would always make her a victim, and I believe that's not just hurtful to her but wilfully ignoring who she is and her capacity to fend for herself and protect her dignity. It's not wrong to take issue with it if you think it goes against her interests. It is however unhealthy to live in fear of it and let it rile you up. As much as you don't want your wife to be unhappy, she would not want her partner to exhaust themselves with negative emotions, especially when something is almost inevitable. Be kind to yourself and her by limiting your exposure to it.

Also, it should be said that people who make porn of more obscure characters are sometimes just there to score points as the only/first one to do it. Porn is often made without affection for the character and can be just weird fetish material that doesn't care about personality. Generic happy slut is not most people's waifu, but is usually how porn goes because it's hard to fully characterise behaviours in one climax image. It's reductive and can easily miss the mark. Things that get your waifu wrong will always be frustrating in one way or another.
>> No. 21995 [Edit]
yeah this make sense

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21993 No. 21993 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
favorite waifu frm a dating sim? i feel like its easier to fall in love with a girl in a game like this, even if shes not really talking to "you",

i love tsukasa from amagami. her personality is so refreshing and lovely to me, and i love that shes mean and cant handle her own feelings, its so cute...

File 14601088035.jpg - (1.53MB , 2480x3507 , waifu chart.jpg )
19742 No. 19742 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Found a five year old .psd today containing a version of this I filled out. Disabling the layers reviled the unedited original so figured I might as well post it.
13 posts and 13 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 21343 [Edit]
File 157178074094.png - (282.49KB , 2480x3507 , waifuSurvey11.png )
that was good fun. we need more stuff like this.
thanks op!

future posters: please compress the image in .png, grayscale if applicable, 8 bit color depth. no need to post 2MB images full of artifacts.
>> No. 21771 [Edit]
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Handwriting sucks.
>> No. 21858 [Edit]
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tried editing a few times to update the survey with a few extra details but it doesn't seem to work. oh well, my answers are pretty satisfactory as is

Post edited on 29th May 2023, 10:05pm
>> No. 21992 [Edit]
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Kanbe Kotori

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21986 No. 21986 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
just pet my wife
>> No. 21989 [Edit]
is she a slut for headpats?

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21981 No. 21981 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I know this might be a bit off-topic, but do you have trouble looking the same way at your waifu after seeing a porn image of her?

I feel quite bad, solely because I feel like I am responsible for its existence.I remember being on some board and seeing that image. I was not able to feel good for the entire month, and still now, when I remember that image, I get

I feel like I deeply hurt her and don't deserve her. She was pure. before I found her. She literally had no NSFW images on Pixiv, except for one that was not porn because Pixiv does not like gore. It was her holding her dead mother's head.
>> No. 21982 [Edit]
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It was literally in the middle of me browsing a random 4chan board. It just hurts. I just feel like it was my fault. I just hope that image gets wiped from the archives, and I am happy no one found it and uploaded it to Rule 34. It just hurts knowing I made that image because of my stupidity.Knowing there is an image of her being raped makes me mad and makes it hard to look at her because it reminds me of that mistake.
>> No. 21983 [Edit]
I think it helps to remind yourself it's just doodles, fan art, scribbles made by random people. It's not Canon, it's not really her or something she did. Even with well done art it wouldn't be any different than a good photoshop. I know it's easy to say that and hard to get that mental image out, but I think it can help.

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