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21029 No. 21029 [Edit]
How long did it take you to find your waifu? Was it before or after you knew of the concept of a waifu, what a waifu is? And how long after you first knew of her, first met her, did it take for you to realise that she was your special one, your waifu?

I'm asking because it took me over a decade after I learned of the concept. While I somewhat knew what it entailed, being the indecisive type, and seeing that there were so many cute girls out there in the 2D world, I didn't think I would ever be able to find any one of them so much more attractive than the others that I would feel compelled to truly love her enough to declare in my mind that, yes, this girl is my waifu.

All that changed when I started playing her game last year, but even then it wasn't right away. She was intiially "merely" one of my top three girls from the game, at first impression, and even after much deliberation I didn't even pick her as my "starter" card (that went to another of my top three). However, as time passed, as I watched all the girls' in-game episodes, I was increasingly drawn to her in particular. Soon, she became my "best girl", but still not to the level of being my waifu yet. But after over a year of playing, including ranking for her during events, one day I had this epiphany that at some point earlier on, her status had transcended "best girl" and changed to "my waifu". Now I truly know and understand I love her, and I want to love her forever. I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I don't want this to end. I may have taken over a decade to find her, and another year or so to be attracted to her enough to be certain that she was indeed my waifu, but my journey has ended at last. Now a new chapter begins.

P.S. I apologise for my somewhat awkward and roundabout phrasing of words. I've gotten other people irritated by my poor choice of words too many times because I'm still unfamiliar with the many landmines I've unknowingly stepped on, so I'm just trying to cover my ass as best as I can. And probably failing anyway.
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>> No. 21038 [Edit]
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took me round e 5 months or so, while i did know the concept of wwaifu i was a faggot and had several "wafius". only after a few motnhs i realized all the other girls are trash, and is started to apriciate my waifu.
>> No. 21046 [Edit]
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I had known about the waifu concept for close to a decade before I fell in love with Prinz, which happened some years after I had seen her. Before I took special notice of her, she was just one of my favorite shipgirls to get off to, a fact which fills me with regret now. And then it took a few months after I started to see her in a special light for me to recognize that I was in love. I was deathly scared that I would fall out of love with her initially, but now that I'm a few months in and definitely past the honey moon phase, that possibility doesn't cause me anxiety like it used to. She continues to be the light in my life.
>> No. 21050 [Edit]
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>> No. 21186 [Edit]
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I'm still looking, FeelsFuckingBad.
For a while I thought it was Katarina because of how adorable she was. But be it because I re-read the manga's 15 or so chapters upwards of 5 times. Or because the author fucked the story up in the LN. I lost interest. Hell, before that I loved Lucy from Fairy Tail (was like 15), but S1 finished airing ages ago and S2 seems meh at best.

Currently going to try the Tohou games and see if I like them or not. Going off of the hardcore fans I know, there's a chance I'll find someone. Otherwise I'll just keep looking. Kinda annoying that I haven't found one yet though with over 120+ days of anime and manga consumed.
>> No. 21187 [Edit]
Have you tried idols?
>> No. 21189 [Edit]
People like you really puzzle me. Why do you want a waifu? What do you expect? There's nothing particularly great about it and I doubt actively looking for one will lead to finding your waifu. I've never heard of anyone meeting their waifu through actively seeking one nor anyone who intended to have a waifu before finding her.
>> No. 21190 [Edit]
Yes, generally, if you just want to find a girl to fawn over and get invested in, without minding some mild creepiness along the way, idol culture - 2D or 3D - is probably the way to go.
>> No. 21191 [Edit]
I have to agree that intentionally trying to find a 2D beloved isn't a good idea. All you'll likely find is a girl that you'll keep telling yourself you love only to one day get tired of trying to convince yourself. My experience has been that the feelings of pure romantic love are not such that they can be artificially induced.
>> No. 21201 [Edit]
I was probably aware of the concept for about four years before committing to mine. After I initially found her, it took me about six months to truly recognize that she was more to me than a character I particularly liked. It was a weight off my shoulders in many ways, and, several years later, I remain a happier and more confident person. I love her very much.
>> No. 21211 [Edit]
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I always just saw waifus as a joke thing until recently when i fell for Vince.

I dont remember how long ago it was that i first watched his source but ive rewatched it a few months ago and i cant stop thinking about him since.
>> No. 21224 [Edit]
When I started to have strong feelings and a desire for serious commitment to a fictional character I didn't realise it was a waifu thing, or that other people out there had the same experience. I just knew what was right in my heart and what I wanted. I didn't know it was a thing that other people out there took seriously, the only "waifu" I knew was the meme term to mean best girl. Someone I know had to point me towards the communities and the term.
>> No. 21231 [Edit]
It took me quite a few years. I had a couple of "waifus" when I was a kid before I even knew what the concept was. Then after learning the concept, I wanted to get on board. But finding her wasn't easy.
When I first saw her, I thought nothing of her. I liked her as a character but she didn't affect me until later on. I started noticing that I thought about her more than any other character in the show or any other show for that matter. Whenever I would daydream, I would think about spending time with her, and holding her. I would think about hugging anime characters before, but I would usually think about it because I thought they were cute, almost like hugging a kitten or puppy. But with her it was different.
Later on I began to notice we had similar character traits. We are both painfully shy and get easily flustered/irritated when faced with nonsense. That's when I finally came to terms with the fact that I love her and that I want to spend the rest of my life with her.

So I will say it her publicly and without shame. I love you Mio Akiyama! And I know this will last!
>> No. 21242 [Edit]
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I have a girl I like right now and I think about her a lot, but i am not sure if it is to the point of being a waifu yet. It would be nice but i dont want to jump the gun and then get sick of her, nor do i want to force it. Only time will tell, i guess
>> No. 21252 [Edit]
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I used the term 'waifu' in a more "serious manner" 3 times:

Initially when I was unaware of it, and just called 'waifu' to what I considered to be my best girl of all anime.

At some point years ago when I had a huge mountain in front of me to climb (not literally of course). I had some understanding of what a waifu was, but not of my own self. I never felt in love, but I did feel scared and /so/ , thus I "engaged with my first waifu", out of desperation. To no one's surprise, it didn't last more than a few months.

Lastly when I finally understood myself better, specifically what I was looking for in such a relationship. For me, this is my first and only waifu, for it is the one I wholly and responsibly assume.

I knew, even during high school, that nijikon was my destiny. I feel at peace when surrounded by fictional characters. However it took me years to understand what love really was, and how it thrives on one-sided relationships.
>> No. 21276 [Edit]
>And how long after you first knew of her, first met her, did it take for you to realise that she was your special one, your waifu?

Initially I just thought of her as an inconsequential midboss in an inconsequential entry. Then her game became one of my favorites and she started to stand out. I realized she was my favorite, and one month later I realized I was in love.
>> No. 21277 [Edit]
I still haven’t found one.
>> No. 21279 [Edit]
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Many years after I learned the concept of a waifu. She finally found me. It was solidified in 2011 when I had an elaborate,romantic dream about her. I've read many other testimonies saying that having a dream about her will seal the deal most of the time. It really does the trick in removing all possible doubts.
>> No. 21282 [Edit]
That's really sweet to hear! I've been wanting desperately to dream of Prinz just about every day of the year we've been together, but it has yet to happen. At this point I've all but given up hope and content myself with going to sleep while holding her dakimakura close to me.
>> No. 21310 [Edit]
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It was a very freak occurrence, I've only had a couple dreams about her since, and none as cinematic or romantic as that one. It was after I spent all night drinking, blithering and weeping about a fanart of her on irc to another person who also had her as a waifu. So doing that might bring on a dream, haha.
I'm much less sensitive about her fanart these days,as she has a lewd meme nickname and 10,000 doujins now. Such is the fates.
>> No. 21311 [Edit]
It's unfortunate you had to get used to that, but it's good for your sake that I did. I'm glad Prinz is a relatively obscure shipgirl, so it's pretty rare to come across gross porn of her, although the other day I had the misfortune of stumbling upon an extremely gross edit. It made me feel sick.

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